VS 2008 Form Close Vs Dispose

May 6, 2009

I am using VB.NET (Visual Studio 2008) and thus .Net framework 3.5. I have developed an application which has a MDI form and then has several other forms, most of which are shown using form.showdialog and some set of forms are shown using form.show. Whenenver a form (shown using form.showdialog) was closed (usually by clicking on a button (OK or Cancel)) I wrote code Me.dispose. After careful testing and R&D I figured this caused flickering on the screen. There use to be a flicker on the screen and it looked weird.


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Form Close Or Dispose

May 6, 2009

I am using VB.NET (Visual Studio 2008) and thus .Net framework 3.5. I have developed an application which has a MDI form and then has several other forms, most of which are shown using form.showdialog and some set of forms are shown using form.show.Whenenver a form (shown using form.showdialog) was closed (usually by clicking on a button (OK or Cancel)) I wrote code Me.dispose. After careful testing and R&D I figured this caused flickering on the screen. There use to be a flicker on the screen and it looked weird.In some rare circumstances if I clicked on button and form closed using me.dispose the focus of application was lost and some other program that was running came on focus. (This has happened but was rare.)Now the reason I used disposed was that after a form was shown using .showdialog I didnt want its contents to be in memory so I used the .dispose thing. But I noticed that If I use form.close then there is no flicker and form closes fine. But I think that would not dispose the form from the memory.

What should I do so that form closes and is disposes as well without any flicker.?I read on net that for forms shown using .show it gets disposed off automatically the moment it is closed (by using me.close) or user clicking on cross. Is this true? I also think that If I call a form using showdialog then I can write formx.dispose from where I am calling and not in the form itself.

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VS 2008 Close And Dispose Forms?

Jun 2, 2010

In VB.NET when I am closing a form and no longer need to use it, do I do a me.Close() and me.Dispose()? Does the dispose erase the form from memory?

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Interface And Graphics :: Hide / Show - Doesn't Dispose When Close Form

Oct 23, 2008

Is there a way to have a form within a program that doesn't dispose when you close it? I have a form in my project and a menu item to show it. When I declare the form globally and show in menuItem.click, then the click event breaks because the form no longer exists. When I declare the form within menuItem.click, then this creates a new form every time I click and that's not what I want.

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VS 2008 : Modal Form Hide Instead Of Close - Main Form Does Not Close

Mar 20, 2009

I have a main form that has a button with which a smaller form is shown. Think of the smaller form as the Find/Replace dialog in many applications, such as Notepad. It's important that the form is (what I believe is called) modal. What I mean is that it always stays on top of the main form. I ensure that by calling the Show method with "Me" as the owner argument. Whenever the small form loses focus it will not disappear into the background but stay visible (albeit out of focus). If you don't understand open up Notepad and have a look at the behavior of the Find/Replace dialog.

Here's my problem: instead of actually closing the form when the X is pressed, I want it to simply Hide itself, so its position and the state of any controls (checkboxes etc) is preserved automatically.To achieve this I simply cancel the FormClosing event and Hide it:

Private Sub Form2_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing


To show the form, I use the following (note the (Me) to make the main form the owner of the form; this ensures that it remains visible even when it is out of focus):

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Now. When I run my project, and open the Form2 (small form), then hide it again (by 'closing' it), I can no longer close the main form (Form1)! It seems the main form cannot close when the small form still exists (albeit invisible)...?? When I don't use the Me argument in the Show method, I don't get the behavior I want. I know I can set the TopMost property to True but that will also cause it to become visible on top of all the other forms, even windows not part of my application.

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Difference Between Dispose() And Close()

Apr 21, 2011

I used to always do the following:

set con = nothing

Does con.Dispose() do both of the above 2 lines of code or do I do con.close() and then con.dispose()?

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Difference Between Me.Close And Me.Dispose?

Mar 20, 2011

whats the difference of Me.Close and Me.Dispose...What code does releases memory resources that was used by ".show" command?Im currently creating a program and i just used both of them... is that ok?if it is ok... i know some commands have issues on what should i type first.. so what will i type first?

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File Still In Use After Close / Dispose Everything

May 12, 2009

I have created a CMS-system and I am using it on different homepages. To manage updates quick and easy I made a administration-system for uploading the updates on all homepages on the same time. As long as I only have to overwrite the old files everything is going fine, but there are some few files on every homepage containing some different constants.

For that purpose I made this code:
Open the new file to be copied from my default cms-system:
Dim fs as new FileStream("D:WEBLOCALUSERmysite.dkskabelondefault.aspx",FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
Dim objReader as new StreamReader(fs)
Dim strFile as string = objReader.ReadToEnd
[Code] .....

Sometimes first file is updated successfully, but for the next file I got this error:'D:WEBLOCALUSERmysite.dkskabelonempdefault.aspx' because it is being used by another process. I tried to close and dispose everything possible, but still the file is in use for minutes.

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Use Dispose Prior To Close?

Mar 25, 2011

Is it always a good idea to use dispose prior to close? Or only under certain circumstances?

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[2008] Notify Icon When The User Clicks The Close Button That It Doesn't Close The Form?

Jan 17, 2009

I have set up a notify icon for my form. I want to make it so that when the user clicks the close button that it doesn't close the form it just takes it to shows the notify icon. They can exit the program from the notify icon. Can someone tell me how to keep it running?

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VS 2008 When Close The Main Form All The Forms Close?

Aug 30, 2009

my web browser is my main form and it has a number of sub forms , how can i set it that when i close the main form my sub forms dont close ?

At the moment when i close the main form all the forms close

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How To Close One Form In A Project And Note The Entire Project When Using Me.close() In Visual Studio 2008

Mar 22, 2010

I am really new to Visual Studio and VB and I am having trouble closing a single form:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

End Sub

When I use Me.close() associated with this button it closes the entire project and not just the single form can anyone.

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VS 2008 Inherit ListView - Dispose Of Two Objects When The Form's Disposing Of It's Objects

Feb 7, 2010

I have a user control that inherits the FW ListView and I need to dispose of two objects when the form's disposing of it's objects. Here's what I've concluded already, am I on the right track?


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VS 2008 Close Current Form And Show Different Form?

Sep 4, 2009

When I use

It closes the whole app.

How would I change it so that it only closes the current form while opening a new one? EDIT: I put [Not Resolved] Because I accidently pressed the resolved thing

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C# - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Dispose - Protected Override Void Dispose(bool Disposing)

Jun 25, 2012

I looked at the Dispose() method in System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction (using a decompiler):


Why does everyone say in forums that it is Rolling back in the dispose? Where does it rollback?

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Difference Between Form1.Close & Form1.Dispose?

Oct 21, 2010

Which different abount Form1.Close and Form1.Dispose?

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VS 2008 A Form Don't Close?

Jun 12, 2011

well, I have a Main form that lauches sometimes a secondary form with the

code... (FrmAlert.TopMost = True)
some seconds after, from the Main form I launch the


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VS 2010 Does Form.showDialog() Require A Form.dispose

Jan 5, 2012


Originally Posted by kaliman79912

Quick note: Close does not dispose of the form if it was displayed using .ShowDialog, but I guess this is not the case.

I did not want to hijack the other thread [URL] but would like to have this clarified for me.

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VS 2008 A Form Doesn't Close?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a Main form that lauches sometimes a secondary form with the

code... (FrmAlert.TopMost = True)
some seconds after, from the Main form I launch the
but the form don't closes itself!


to activate the form, but it don't closes itself, both with .Close or .Dispose or .Hide code even if it is activated by frmAlert.Select()... the FrmAlert.Visible property remains = False

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VS 2008 Open One Form And Then Close Another?

Dec 21, 2010

i've tried

On Form1


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VS 2008 Close Multiple Instances Of Form?

Aug 30, 2011

I have 30 instances of the same form running. Video array with different video on each. Each form is named "oneForm". I'm looking for a way to close all forms with one click. I have found that I can hide the forms no problem like this.

for each killfrm as form in my.application.openforms
if killfrm.name = "oneForm" then


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.NET End Vs Form.Close() Vs Application.Exit Cleaner Way To Close One's App?

Feb 12, 2011

sometimes, when I use Form.close() when debugging my program, although the form is closed, the application is still running. I noticed this behaviour when using the msgbox function.

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Vb2010 Close Of The First Form Close The Application Even If A Second Form?

Feb 14, 2011

I try to transfer a vb6 application to vb2010. In the vb6 I start with a login panel that the user enter uid and password autenticate with the DBServer if ok show application main menu and close the login form. the order of the me.close() after the mainform.show() does not change, The application ends.

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Dispose Form From Sub?

Sep 21, 2009

I attempting to dispose / close a startup form from a sub. Basically, I using the filesystemwatcher to watch for file creation, if the file is created, run some code and close the form.how to pass in some reference form. Using and new to vs2008. A bit of leap from VB 6.0.

Imports System.IO
Public watchfolder As System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Close The Current Form Without Clicking Any Button In VB 2008

Jun 25, 2011

I have multiple forms, I need to close the current form -without clicking any button- and directly open another form in this project.. i am using show and close methods but either the 2 forms are appearing together or the current form is not appearing at all.

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Forms :: When Me.close() Doesn't Close Form

Mar 2, 2009

I have a situation where me.close() doesn't close the form. I have a form with a button with the code seen below. What happens when the button is clicked is the new form shows, but the original form(calling form) is still there. When I go into debug mode, I can see the me.close() execute, but nothing happens (calling form stays open). When I close the second form both forms close. If I comment out the call for the second form to open the first form closes without problem.

Private Sub cmdNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdNext.Click
Dim f As New frmOrder3


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Dispose Form Opened In MainForm Tab?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a MainForm which has tab Control and several independent form. I open each Individual From in the tab of the main form. A "Close Tab" button on the MainFrom closes the current tab, its implementation is below.

This closes the current tab but what I also need is to dispose the From whose tab is closed but I am not sure how to get the instance of the form.'[code]...

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Dispose Of A Form In Order That Recall It Later?

Feb 25, 2010

I am trying to dispose of a form in order that I may recall it later. But for some reason it is not being disposed.

Dim anything As Boolean = False


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VS 2008 - Form Close Events To Call Exit With User Confirmation

Sep 3, 2009

I am trying to close my application and I have coded on the form closing, form closed events to call an exit form which asks the user for confirmation to exit or not. All works fine. When I press the X button on the winform things act different. On the main form where I press the X btn I store some user ID data that I use throughout the app. If I press cancel on the exit form that data is lost from the main form and cannot be used afterwards. So if the user pressed by mistake the X btn and then presses cancel on the exit form the application loses some stored data and many functions stop working.

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VS 2008 Handle Saving User Control Settings On Form Close?

Dec 27, 2009

What is the correct way to handle saving user control settings on form close. I have a tabcontrol that a user can add tabpages during runtime. The user control has a few controls (listbox,combobox,textbox) How can I save the created tabpages and the data in each control in the usercontrol? Below is how I am calling my usercontrol

Public Class TabPageEx
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TabPage


I seem to be a little lost as most documentation seems to suggest that I can not save usercontrol settings in the app.config. I have played around with the solution expl. settings tab without much success. But, then again I may be going about it all wrong. So, I am looking for a little direction on the best way to handle this on form close.

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