VS 2008 Game Command Test Server (TCP)

Apr 12, 2009

if I could make a tcp server and client so he can restart a game server from a LAN connection. The game server is a test server for online playing games it allows users to test there created maps but after so many errors the program is told to close out the running server cause of errors. The problems are fixed just by restarting the server. I have the client working as far as i know (cant do a full test without a server). During the creation of the TCP client built within the server (to receive commands and send reply) ive used


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VS 2008 - Central Game Server / Clients

Jun 25, 2010

I've got a game I would like to build, it will require a central game server where peoples data (game data :-)) will be sent to and shared with other players - how is the done. Is it remoting? TCP? something else - I need to study up on it but want to make sure I'm learning the right thing.

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VS 2008 : Check A Game Server Is Running?

Aug 18, 2009

How would i check a game server is running?

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Updating Game Server Query Protocols - VB 2008

Apr 18, 2009

I have a working game server browser project in VB.NET 2008 and I'm trying to fix the CS 1.6 and CS-Source query protocols. Where can I go to learn how to query a game server? The code worked in 2004 and now I want to update it [Code]

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IDE :: Setting Up A Server Test If Server Is Online Or Offline?

Feb 19, 2009

I am trying to make a little app that will tell me if my servers are online or offline, currently I am using my LAN to test my servers when this app is working then I will be adding IP Address from other hosts that are not on my LAN First of all I have got this working fine if I use a button for every server test but I don't really want that I want them all working from one click


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Use Insert Command For Varchar(Max) Sql Server 2008?

Dec 4, 2010

Iam using sql server 2008. While saving time Iam getting trouble to show the size for varchar(max) field...

From the below Item_Description is Varchar(Max)


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Recommended Application(s) To Test SQL Server 2008 Queries For Application?

Apr 11, 2012

I am new to working with SQL databases (and databases in general) so I do not have a lot of experience with how queries work and how I can practice them. When I was first learning xml and XPath, I found XPath Visualizer incredibly helpful after someone on stack overflow mentioned it to me.Due to this, I am wondering if a similar tool exists for SQL databases?Basically a tool that will allow me to connect to a database,enter queries and see somehow what the results would be like.

I have looked online a bit, however I have found relatively few options in terms of any utility that would do what I want, and that looks reliable.I will ultimately be writing an application to interact with an SQL 2008 server in vb.net, however for now I am just experimenting so I will know what I am doing when I actually want to create my application.So far I have managed to connect to the database using an OLE DB connection, but I am now looking for a way to experiement with queries without just querying and figuring out a way to interpret the results in my program. Basically I want to be able to remove the programming aspect of things so I can experiment with queries without needing to question anything in my code that is unrelated to the specific query.

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Game Programming :: Command Execution

Jul 25, 2009

im wanting to make a game that will teach users about server security systems. By programing a game that will act like you are in the real field or in real life right now how malicious users would go about hacking a server that way you can secure your server in the future.

But what im having trouble with is getting the whole setup its basically going to be a text based game. on startup i have a warning message pop saying this software is not meant for illegal use and upon hitting ok the other software pops up with a logo and to the left is options

Shell, Hack Tools, Shop, E-Mail, CPU Now what i want to do is when the user clicks Shell a somewhat shell like system would pop up giving you base line stories to do. But how would i go about making the user commands for example if user typed in


So the main question here is how would i get the commands to work? And then lets say your first objective is to find a random .txt file somewhere in the server . User would have to type


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ASP.NET MVC (VB) Error When Publishing To Test Server

Apr 15, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC project that works fine on my local machine (no build errors, server errors or anything). However, when I publish the project to a test server, I get an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error on a For Each I have in my view.


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Communications :: Test Availability Of Server?

Jul 26, 2010

This is in reference to my previous thread :


Is there any way to detect if the DNS server is not responding for sure. That is because if I ping the server while my torrent downloads are in progress, I get a "Request timed out".

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Sql Server - Test Function In MVC Project?

Jul 27, 2010

So I want to test one of my Functions in my Web Project, but it's not actually connected to anything in the project yet (someone else is working on that part). The Function takes in an "ID" field, goes off and does some queries and gets some data, performs some calculations on it, and then writes a bunch of lines to a FileStream and returns that stream. I pretty much just want to test it by having it write the file to my own computer locally, and working with that file directory after the Function completes.

So my question is mainly:

1) How do I call this Function just for testing purposes so I can test all the queries/calculations/File writes, etc without it being connected to another part of the application just yet.

2) How can I change the 'Return fs' for the FileStream to write to my own computer locally to view the file that has been written.

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Test / Debug App With A Proxy Server?

Nov 6, 2009

I have a small desktop Twitter client written in VB.NET (2.0). Works great. Some of my users have emailed me and said that the application isn't working for them because they are trying to use it on networks where a proxy server is part of the network connectivity equation.


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Get A Test 'developer Use' Authenticode Certificate Working On Server?

Oct 26, 2009

I have been trying to get a test 'developer use' authenticode certificate working on our server. We dont really want to pay for one until we have tested internally so we are using a test cert generated by tech-pro. So far i have:

- Installed certificate services sucessfully.

- Created a test certificate using tech-pro codesign.

- used signtool.exe wizard to sign the application.

- imported the test certifcate as a server root certificate.

All appears to have gone ok and without error but when i run the exe on a virtual VISTA machine logged onto the domain the program still prompts for the administrator to logon to elevate its priviliges. Is there another step im missing that requires me to specifically register the certificate directly on the virtual machine too? Or something else i need to do on the server to make that certificate valid for our domain?

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Simple Snippet That Will Allow The User To Test The Connection For The FTP Server ?

Jan 12, 2009

I need a simple snippet that will allow the user to test the connection for the FTP server entered in a textbox and the username and password from 2 other textboxes. (Server = TextBox1.Text, U/N TextBox2.Text, PW TextBox3.Text) I forgot to note something obvious - there's a "Test FTP" button

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Specified Cast Is Not Valid Error On Development But Not On Test Server?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a .Net 2 solution with some asp classic pages.I get a specified cast is not valid error when I access the page on my local. Below is the vb function where I get the Error:

Public Function Retrieve(ByVal vntSeqId As String, ByRef vntPart As String, ByRef vntPartKey As String, ByRef vntEntDate As String _
, ByRef vntStatus As String, ByRef vntOrigGblId As String, ByRef vntOrigNetId As String,


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Using TRY/CATCH To Test For Valid Mysql Server Connection?

Feb 19, 2012

MVC3, VB.NET, using EF. I am working on coding up a simple function to handle checking for a valid MySQL connection. If the connection fails the test it will use the secondary server connection. This is required because our hosting provider does not provide failover or redundant MySQL servers. The problem is I tried to use a simple try catch method in the HomeController. This fails early because the Entity Framework is looking the connection that was set up when I set it up... Is there anyway to control that connection dynamically?

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VS 2008 - Fetch List Of Directoies From 1 Special Ftp Server Wich Does Not Support LIST Command

Jan 27, 2011

I have a small problem i'm trying to fetch list of directoies from 1 special ftp server wich does not support LIST command i was try this code and it works for all ftp server i have try exept this special one :

'' Get the object used to communicate with the server.
'Dim request As FtpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("ftp://" & txtFTPhost.Text), FtpWebRequest)


I'm getting error 502 which means command is not supported and app crashed. I would just simple said leave it but i have try normal ftp clients like FlashFXp and it works just fine (i can see error in the log but it just pass it and show direcoties)

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DB/Reporting :: Test A Number Of Stored Procedures Through SQL Server Query Analyzer?

Mar 17, 2008

I am trying to test a number of stored procedures through SQL Server Query Analyzer. But am stuck when I try to test stored procedures that contain Output parameters.

DECLARE @Counterbigint
DECLARE @GUIDuniqueidentifier
exec usp_tbl_User_Add @Counter, @GUID, 'UserName', 'First Name','Surname',


When I put the Select statement though in the 'usp_tbl_User_Add' stored procedure in works fine and gives me the correct values.

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.net - Out Of Process COM Server Works Fine In The Unit Test Harness But Not In The Real Service?

Jun 1, 2011

We have a WCF service hosted in IIS that currently calls a VB6 DLL to do part of its job. This works fine, but we can't deploy the service to a 64-bit target environment without configuring IIS to run it in a 32-bit worker process.I am currently investigating ways around that restriction. Porting the VB6 DLL to .NET is not possible for various reasons, so I created an ActiveX EXE wrapper around the DLL in VB6, so that the service can run in 64-bit and the VB6 parts in 32-bit.

When I tested the service I got this error:

Type: System.UnauthorizedAccessException
Message: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {9AE7303B-D159-43F6-B1A5-52D297581820} failed due to the following error: 80070005.

After some Googling I found that this is due to either:

Calling an MS Office component
DCOM permissions not being configured
NTFS file permissions not allowing read/exec access to the IIS worker process identity (ASPNET in my environment)

Of these:

Definitely not applicable Also not applicable; I am not hosting the EXE in DCOM or COM+, just a simple COM out-of-process activation
This looks likely; however, I checked the permissions, and NTFS reports that the Users group (which ASPNET is a member of) does indeed have read/exec access to the file I tried calling the EXE from a unit test fixture, which is executed in my admin-level account rather than the IIS worker process account, and it worked fine, so the error is definitely something to do with permissions. I'm not sure what to do next.

UPDATE:The IIS virtual directory is configured for Anonymous+Windows access; the WCF service uses only Anonymous authentication, the Windows authentication is for the VS debugger. Task Manager reports that the aspnet_wp.exe process is definitely running in the ASPNET account.I explicitly granted Read and Execute access to the ASPNET and IUSR_<machine> accounts on all the COM exes and dlls involved. This made no difference.

I explicitly granted Local Launch and Local Activation access to the ASPNET and IUSR_<machine> accounts on the relevant interfaces in the DCOM configuration. This made no difference either.Keep trying to get this working somehow.Go the whole hog and host the EXE in COM+.Give up. Tell users that the WCF service must be configured to run in a 32-bit app pool on 64-bit Windows.

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Php - Connecting To A Source Game Server In .NET?

Nov 10, 2009

I'm developing an application that detects Source-based games running on the LAN. Following up on the specifications provided by Valve, I have it narrowed down to exactly what I want: making a UDP connection on port 27015, sending an A2S_INFO query (0xFFFFFFFF followed by "TSource Engine Query") and parsing the binary reply.

This is the code I'm working with:

Dim sIP As String = ""
Dim nPort As Integer = 27015
Dim connectionMessage As String = "ÿÿÿÿTSource Engine Query" & Chr(0)


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Game Launcher For A Runescape Private Server?

Mar 11, 2012

im making a game launcher for a runescape private server. and well when i run the .jar file plain without the launcher it works, but when i run with the launcher, it give me an error on the game.Here is all the

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

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Contact Game Server RCon Console

Jun 5, 2011

im wondering how I could contact my Call of Duty: Black Ops game server's console, through RCon, through an application I have created in VB.net.All I want to beable to do is have the ingame console in a textbox or something, it doesnt even have to be live, just so I can execute commands remotely.

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Query A Game Server And Parse The Results?

Apr 10, 2009

Has anyone ever done this? Is there a tutorial somewhere?

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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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Communications :: [VB2008] Find The IP Address Of A Game Server

Mar 17, 2009

I whould like to find the IP address of a game server that sends UDP packets to my PC. Of this server I know the fixed Port number, but not the IP address

I can read the netstat -anp udp data and store them in a text file... but this command don't displais the IP Address and the Port number of the external servers, only lots of asterisks

the question is: how to retrieve this IP address?

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Making A Game That Reads Text Files Off Of An Ftp Server?

Jul 1, 2010

im makign a game that reads text files off of an ftp server. everything is working great. except for the fact that i cant read more then the first line of the players text file. how would i use substring to, for example, look for 'inventory' and get all the info under 'inventory' and above the next title?

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VS 2010 : Send RCon Commands To Game Server?

Dec 20, 2010

im trying to send RCon commands to a Call of duty: Black Ops game server.I read a thread from a few years back about sending RCon commands to a CoD 4 server, and all look promising until the application kept crashing when I pressed connect.


all I want is to be able to send a few commands to the server through an application.

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Send A Command To A Server?

Jul 28, 2009

how to creat a client and a server and pass text between them (like a messenger), and it works just fine

so my question is : how do I send a command to the server, for example, open a program (like notpad) or do tasks or search the remote pc or even shutt it down??

note that am not trying to make a trojan or anything like that, I have two pcs and I was just wondering how to do it ?

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Communications :: Execute Command Remotely On Server

Mar 16, 2010

I have been searching for a good code example that will place a small server program on my server and then allow me to use a client on my pc that will tell the server program to run a batch file on the server.

I thought this would be simple... I am finding it not that easy.

We have a server that users need to execute a command on however we do not want them to have login rights to the server so this will allow them to execute the batch file without having to log in.

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Connect As A Client To The Server Using The Command Line?

Jun 25, 2010

I am trying to open a socket server, I have the code below but my problem is that when I try to connect as a client to the server using the command line (telnet ip port), i only get to type 1 letter and that's it, i can't do anything else, how can I make it so that the client can send anything until they hit or type EXIT?

Here is my code:

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading


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