VS 2008 Getting Detail Of All Applications Running In Windows?

Jun 10, 2009

I want to get the detail of all the applications running in windows like

Application name : Status : User : Resources Usage : etc....

also I want to get the detail of all the users logged in at a time

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Get A List Of Running Applications On A Computer Similar To What Task Mangager Does In Windows?

Jul 22, 2011

I know this code will give a list of processes
Dim ProcessList As System.Diagnostics.Process()


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VS 2008 - Running Applications Besides *.exe?

Feb 22, 2011

i am having trouble executing applications that havent got the prefix .exe here is the code tat i mostly found in the internet can someone help so it will be able to play with all applications tried to make it play with msi but it wont play.


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VS 2008 One Array, Two Running Applications?

Nov 19, 2009

he lack of VB terminology in the following question - this is all fairly new to me. Anyway, on to my question.I have 2 seperate applications running and they both need to access the same array. Is it possible? If so, how?

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VS 2008 Interacting With Other Windows Applications?

Jan 9, 2010

I didn't know where to post this question so I hope I put it in the right forum...I am not new to Visual Basic, however I am definitely not an advanced user. I would like to build an application that would allow me to interact with other programs on my computer. For example, if I were to build an application that could control iTunes, how would I go about this?

Or, I am looking to make an application that would allow me to do little things on my computer like disable my track pad if I have a mouse plugged in. How would I build something that could interact with windows (or iTunes) like that?

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[2008] Send Windows Messages To Applications

Feb 24, 2009

we know that vb using windows messages for raising events etc.. so if we move mouse cursor windows sends mousemove message to our application (WM...) or something like that. my question is: can we send windows messages to an application? i know usage of sendmessage api but its not working. im simply wanna send wmkeydown message to notepad and notepad should get message and write it to the text area right? am i wrong? i tried several ways but didnt worked.

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(Vs 2010) Applications Stop Using Windows Server 2008

Jul 22, 2010

I migrated some applications from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2010. I develope using VB.NET in VISUAL STUDIO 2010 on a Windows 7 PC (32 bit). The applications writed in VB.NET - VS2005 run correctly in PC having XP, VISTA, WINDOWS 7 and Windows Server 2008. After the migration, the exe of these applications work correctly in PC having XP, Vista, Windows 7 but work stop immediatly on Windows Server 2008. The error returned is 'System.InvalidOperationException'. Seems that the application stop when attempt to evaluate the first global variable that meets. If i change the framework from 2.0 to 3.5, things don't change.


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Running Applications Within Applications?

Jul 24, 2009

Is there a way to, when a parent application is opened up, that at the click of a button, or anything of designated event, that this parent application can open a secondary one?

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Get All Of The Running Applications?

Oct 20, 2009

How can I get all of the running applications? If I have to use Process.GetProcesses, then how can I determine which are applications (appear in the task bar)?

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Cannot Insert / Update Data On Detail Table Via Master-detail Form

Nov 12, 2011

I use a simple master-detail form using Visual basic 2005 express edition and ms sql server 2005 express edition, as well.

The master table is dept (deptno int, dname nvarchar(50)) .

The deail table is emp (empno int, deptno int, ename nvarchar(50)).

The primary key for the dept table is deptno and for the emp table is empno.

There is also a foreign key (deptno on emp table).

I created a new project, connected to a db (called test.mdf) and created a data source consisting the two of the above reffered tables.

I dragged and dropped these tables on the form and i noticed the following:

1)When the form opens... the system queries the database and displays the data on each block on the form.

2)I insert and/or update a record on the master table (dept) and everything goes well...

3)I try to insert and/or update a record on the detail table (emp) and nothing is changed on the detail table - without any error.

4)When i try to insert and/or update a record on the detail table (emp) which violates the primary key constraint or foreign key the system complaints...(as expected).

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DB/Reporting :: Master - Detail Data - Overwrite The Primary Field Value In The First Grid And The Detail Records

Jul 13, 2010

I have made several posts on here lately regarding master/detail or parent/child data setups but no one has been able to help. It seems like a subject people don't like to tackle BUT I really need help.

I'm having a real hard with the DataView.RowFilter functionality and it is driving me insane.

For the most part, I have the basic master/detail functionality working. When you select a record in the first grid, it shows the correct data in the second grid. When you enter a record in the first grid, you can enter related data in the second grid. I accomplish this by using a dataview and row filter bound to the 2nd grid. When you change the record in the first grid, the rowfilter for the 2nd grid is restated and reapplied.

The problem arises when I overwrite the primary field value in the first grid and the detail records become orphaned. You would think all I have to do is change the ID in the 2nd grid to match the new ID in the 1st grid but this is where I am having problems. I wrote a loop to change the ID of each record currently loaded in the 2nd grid to match the newly changed ID in the first grid. The code is here:

Dim I As Integer

For I = AuthorizationGroupsDGV.Rows.Count - 2 To 0 Step -1
AuthorizationGroupsDGV.Rows(I).Cells(0).Value = StrEmployeeID

I have used this code before and it works great. It has to step backwards through the grid because when the ID's are changed, they no longer match the RowFilter criteria and they disappear from the grid. They still exist in the dataset. The problem is, while the code "works" the intended effect does not. Some of the records completely disappear from the dataset and do not reload when I restate the row filter against the new ID number.

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Different Detail Line In Windows Report Per Group?

Sep 13, 2011

How can I make a report that contains for every record key 3 different layouts for the detail lines

e.g. title activity
Local organization
Loc. Budget Overhead
Accepted Date
Date req.
Date act.


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Master Detail Using Listbox In Windows Forms?

May 17, 2012

I have an inventory system I am making for my business. I have a form that has a listbox control that lists all the orders that have been submitted. I also have a datagrid that lists the items in the order based on what is clicked in the listbox.

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C# :: Long Time Running Applications?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm going to design an Application (C# or VB.NET) which use .NET Framework to run for very long time. It may be restarted every year or even more...Is there anything (using special design patterns or so) which I must care about in designing "Long time running applications in .NET"?

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List Running Applications(not Process) Using VB

Mar 14, 2010

Anybody have an idea to list running programs ; not all running background process. I tried following code, but which list all process names. eg: notepad.exe, vb6.exe, svhost.exe etc. but what i need is the running window based programs( with windows.)

1st method
Dim process As Object
For Each process In GetObject("winmgmts:").execquery("Select * from Win32_Process")
Debug.Print process.Caption


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Running .NET Applications Under EXCLUSIVE DOS Mode?

Sep 10, 2009

I developed an application I need to run exclusivly under DOS mode (no Windows), when I wrote the app I created it as a CONSOLE application, when I run this EXE under the DOS mode it says it can't RUN in DOS mode? Is there ANYWAY I can make this work?

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Running Net Applications On Protected Network

Sep 7, 2009

I have seen that unsigned .net applications will not run on most college networks and as part of a school applications i am trying to let these applications run on a protected network. The app is written in VB 2008 and is signed strongly.

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Running Other Applications From Within Main Application?

Mar 16, 2012

I have created an application that will run several other Engineering applications from within it.

I have my main form which will have a button on it for each application that has to be run. All the other projects are complete and have their respective '.EXE' files, which I have added to the main project.

I have coded one of the buttons to start an application, this is as follows;

Private Sub btnCoordsCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCoordsCalc.Click
Process.Start(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "Hole_Coordinates_Calculator.exe")
End Sub

This method works OK and does start the application. So my question is; Is this the correct way to do it, or should I import the whole project into my main project?

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Starting Up Vb Express And Running Any Vb Applications?

Nov 19, 2009

i am a casual user of visual basic express 2008 and use Vista Home Edition Ive been using it for a while now, with no problems at all. Recently i started to take a look a WPF in my apps, again no problems.(visual basic express ran fine, debugging ran fine & finished apps ran fine)

However for some reason (and all of a sudden) i keep getting errors and none of my apps will start up.
The errors are:vshost.exe has stopped working (I get this when visual basic express starts)PresentationFontCache.exe has stopped working (I get this when visual basic express starts a wpf app)
(Application Name) has stopped working (I get this when running finnished apps)I've tried all the usual methods (Reninstalled VBE & .Net3.5)I cant see why it has stopped working all of a sudden?

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VS2010 Running 2-3 Applications At The Same Time?

Mar 21, 2012

I have created a main application form that has buttons that start up various other applications.

Following advice on here from a previous post, I have imported all the files of each separate application into the main application.

There will be times when the user wants to run more than one of these applications at the same time. I know you can just import the '.EXE' file of each app, and you can then run several at a time. But because I have all the files without the .EXE, you can only run one at a time, you have to close one app to start another.

My question is simply; Do I have to import the .EXE file of each app, or is there some code I could put in my main form that will allow me to run more than one app at a time? (the reason for having all the files of each app is so you can make any alterations without having to open each app separately).

The code below is a typical code for one of the applications start buttons, all the buttons codes are the same, apart from the app name, the buttons are imported, so not standard buttons.

Private Sub btnCoordsCalc_ClickButtonArea(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles btnCoordsCalc.ClickButtonArea
Dim frm As New frmHoleCoordinateCalculator


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Master Detail Databinding Winform With Detail In NEW Window

Aug 2, 2009

There are a lot of master/detail databinding examples with detail form on the same window than the master, I can't find any example where detail is in a new window.

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VS 2008 - Process.waitforexit Is Hang Up When Running On Windows 2008

Sep 21, 2009

I use the 'Process' object to run EXE from my application. It works fine when it run on Windows XP and 2003. When it run on Windows server 2008, it hangs up: the process is stayed in background but never returns. It never goes ahead for the next commands. What could be the reason? [Code]

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VS 2008 Process.waitforexit Is Hang Up When Running On Windows 2008?

Feb 4, 2012

I use the 'Process' object to run EXE from my application. It works fine when it run on Windows XP and 2003. When it run on Windows server 2008, it hangs up: the process is stayed in background but never returns. It never goes ahead for the next commands

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Windows Forms, Master-Detail Insert Error?

Nov 23, 2009

I have one SQL Server database with two tables:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Invoice]
[IdInvoice] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,


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Bug In 2008 Programs Running Under 64 Bit Windows 7?

May 27, 2010

I know there are compatibility problems with 32 bit code running on 64 bit machines, but this doesnt seem like it should happen.

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Running VB 2008 Programs On Windows 7?

May 16, 2010

I've coded this program in Windows XP 64 Bit. I also compiled it in Windows Vista 64 Bit. I've ran this program on 32 bit machines before and never had any problems. I purchased a new laptop with Windows 7 on it and i'm getting a "Not a valid Win32 Application" Error.

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Filter Out Certain Applications Running And Output To Listbox?

Jan 29, 2009

I'd like to ask assistance for the following scenarios below:

1. I want to check whether certain applications are already running or not.
2. The applications i need to check are the ff:
a. MS Word
b. MS Excel
c. Notepad
d. MS Project
e. MS Powerpoint

3. If any of these are running, the window title of that application will be filled-in in a listbox.

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Reflection Instances To Get A List Of Applications Running

Jun 18, 2009

I have created a simple windows forms application. I would like to be able to connect to that running application and view certain properties from a seperate windows form application. In VB6 I would have run the first application and then called GetObject to connect to the instance. Does anybody know how I could do this in .Net. I'm guessing I'd have to use reflection to get a list of applications running and then somehow connect to them but I'm not sure how to do this?

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Running VB Dotnet Applications With User Privileges?

May 17, 2009

I am running a client-server application and am having problems with privileges (I assume). The application is developed using 2005 Express. The Client is running Win XP Home whilst the server is running Win 2003. When the user on the client has Admin rights on the local machine, everything is OK; however when the user has only User rights, an error occurs: VB will not run.

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VS 2010 Running Applications Using Local Admin?

May 12, 2012

I am wondering if it is possible to run an application from a domain account that has restrictions on running .exe files by coding in the local administrator details (username / password).

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