Running VB 2008 Programs On Windows 7?

May 16, 2010

I've coded this program in Windows XP 64 Bit. I also compiled it in Windows Vista 64 Bit. I've ran this program on 32 bit machines before and never had any problems. I purchased a new laptop with Windows 7 on it and i'm getting a "Not a valid Win32 Application" Error.

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Bug In 2008 Programs Running Under 64 Bit Windows 7?

May 27, 2010

I know there are compatibility problems with 32 bit code running on 64 bit machines, but this doesnt seem like it should happen.

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All VB Programs Running Very Slow?

Jul 12, 2009

All of a sudden all vb programs running very slow in XP...... nothing has changed.I took the vb2008 complete out, and reinstalled...... and no difference. other programs like excel run as before, just all my vb2008 programs are really slow.....

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Running Programs Without Full VB?

Dec 28, 2009

I am fairly new to VB Net and getting quite familiar with the coding. What I am trying to do is find a program that lets other users simply load a VB form that I have coded and run/debug the program (like f5 in VB net) without installing the full VB download on their own computer. As VB presumably can not be coded to run from the operating system like C++, I need something easily downloadable to run VB programs (eg games, quizzes). Is there anything out there that could do this, without the full VB package?

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Running Two Programs For The Price Of One?

Jun 16, 2009

I want to make a program(Program A) that allows you to use another program(Program B ) for an amount of time, then shuts it down. I already know how to shut down ProgramB down during runtime, now all I need is the part where Program A automaticly starts when Program B is opened.

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VS 2010 Running Programs?

Jul 9, 2011

Yesterday I was using VS 2010 just fine, I was doing my code and hitting F5 and if all was right it ran.Today I start up my computer again and load up VS though and...F5 does nothing and the little play button at the top is greyed out. This is the same on any of the programs I open up.How do I let myself test programs again?

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Debug Programs That Run On VBNet2008 Still Running?

Jul 21, 2009

I have a small program on the menu written in VB6 retrieve data from Acess run very fast and now want to switch to VBNet2008. VBNet2008 conversion is still normal, but when running the menu does not appear that waiting in line, then click on the menu bar of this menu appears, but not the font is in Unicode data is available. Expect you to help debug programs that run on VBNet2008 still running good access Menu fast as running on VB6. Also supported is Unicode font on VBNet2008 does not function for unicode font. Attach program with VB6 and VB2008.


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Errors At Running VB Programs On Other Computers?

Jun 24, 2010

When I made a program and tested it on the machine I have compiled it , all works well. I tested them even on my other computer works fine. Every time though when I passed the program to my friends computer or such , I got that common error message "A problem has encountered . tell Microsoft about this problem [Send Error Report] [Don't Send]. I checked my computer here is on XP SP3 with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed , same thing on my other computer. My friends computer is on an XP SP2 with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (no SP1).

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.net 2.0 Multiple Programs Each Running Threads On Xp, Will .net 2010 Be Better?

Oct 2, 2010

In the past few weeks, to speed up our database freshening process, I've created a couple of extra programs, basically copies of the exe file. The program itself, accesses web pages, images etc and uses threads to do so. The second program uses LIMIT 300,100 and the third LIMIT 600,100, to make sure they don't work on the same records.

Before the last few weeks, one occurrence of the program used to run without problem, from the task scheduler all through the day. Only one occurrence of each exe can run at a time.Since theres now three programs running, .net 2.0, on xp, the program often seems to get stuck and never ends. I have to kill it from task manager.

It runs fine in the IDE I just wonder if there would be any benefit from upgrading to 2010 ?

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VS 2008 - Process.waitforexit Is Hang Up When Running On Windows 2008

Sep 21, 2009

I use the 'Process' object to run EXE from my application. It works fine when it run on Windows XP and 2003. When it run on Windows server 2008, it hangs up: the process is stayed in background but never returns. It never goes ahead for the next commands. What could be the reason? [Code]

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VS 2008 Process.waitforexit Is Hang Up When Running On Windows 2008?

Feb 4, 2012

I use the 'Process' object to run EXE from my application. It works fine when it run on Windows XP and 2003. When it run on Windows server 2008, it hangs up: the process is stayed in background but never returns. It never goes ahead for the next commands

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.net 2.0 Windows Service Not Running On Server 2008?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a windows service written in .net framework 2.0. This service installs and runs perfectly fine on both XP and windows server 2003.We have a new 2008 box that we are migrating over to, so need to get this windows service up and running.When i try to 'start' the windows service on the 2008 machine, i get "Windows could not start the <service> service on local computer. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."I have searched everywhere looking for an answer, and all I could find was a fix attributed to .net framework 1.1 for this same error. That; however, is not applicable here, as the service was written in 2.0.

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Registering Threed32.ocx In VS 2008 (Running Windows 7)?

Sep 27, 2011

I am having a problem registering Threed32.ocx in Visual Studio 2008. I tried running regsvr32.ocx c:inhreed32.ocx" and it says "Succeeded". Buit when I open the project, it gives a message:"Type AxThreed.AxSSCommand not defined"

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VS 2008 Getting Detail Of All Applications Running In Windows?

Jun 10, 2009

I want to get the detail of all the applications running in windows like

Application name : Status : User : Resources Usage : etc....

also I want to get the detail of all the users logged in at a time

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VS 2008 : Windows Is Running In XP Style Or In Windows Classic Style?

Feb 5, 2010

how to get the current Style of the Windows Xp programmatically. At the program startup I need to get if Windows is running in XP Style or in Windows Classic Style, so I will set my buttons Flatstyle property to flat or standard.

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Programs Can't Run On All Windows Computers

Mar 15, 2006

Run time error '339" Component 'COMDLG32.OCX ' or one of it's dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

There is no HINT of how to fix this problem anywhere. I've searched the Visual Studio help, these forums and the Microsoft site.

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Programs Work Under Windows XP?

Mar 5, 2009

how can i make my programs work i am using in my programs framework 3.5 and i make to my programs build publish so is effect on any thing

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Whether VB6 Programs Can Be Run On Future Windows OS / How Long It Is Supported

Jan 7, 2011

Whether VB6 programs can be run on future Windows OS.How long it is supported.Any meaning in purchasing an ERP with VB framework.

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Windows Service To Monitor Programs Starting

Jan 14, 2009

I am trying to create a windows service that sits in the background waiting for programs to be started. When the programs start I want to be able to check a unique bit of information for each program (I believe GUIDs may provide this) to see what the program is. If the program is not allowed, I aim to provide a warning to the user and possibly close the program. The aim of the application is to identify when users are attempting to install additional software on to the computer so simply monitoring for a certain executable wouldn't work as msiexec is called for all MSI's and as I only want to stop blacklisted programs...this wouldn't work.

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Make A Programs Startup Automatically When Windows Starts?

Dec 20, 2011

i just want a program that start automatically.

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Make Programs Like A Sreen Logon Changer For Windows 7?

Oct 7, 2011

i want to do is start to make programs like a sreen logon changer for windows 7 i know already been done but i want to start to learn or a branding logo changer witch has been done also branding logo= windows 7 text at bottom of logon screen just want to edit some system files like that instead of doing it in resource hacker if you know wot i mean so wot i want is a bit of codeing to get me to system 32 folder and little bit of guidance on how to change a picture in a dll file via vb instead of using a resorce hacker..

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Put Shortcut On Programs Menu On Windows Mobile In Installer Cab?

Jul 27, 2009

Where do I put the shortcut icon for my mobile application in the Installer project for a Windows Mobile project so that when the cab is installed the icon will show on the Programs Menu?

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Form Controls Changes From The Windows 7 Format To Older Formats On Runtime While Running .net Windows Application

May 15, 2012

I have seen this happen before but am not sure how I resolved it in the past. On runtime the controls of my form change from the windows 7/vista format to an older version format as shown in the attached image.

How to display the controls in the format on the left (new windows format)

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When Transfer System To A Machine Running Windows Xp Or Windows 2003 Server It Builds Successfully

Sep 25, 2011

I am building a Setup project for a Web system using Visual Studio 2008. I upgraded my development machine from Windows Xp to Windows 7. The problem started with Windows 7. Whenever I try to build I get the above error. I ve tried several solutions given online but I ve failed to get a solution. When I transfer the system to a machine running Windows Xp or Windows 2003 Server it builds successfuly.

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Using WSF (Windows Scripting File) To Retrieve Component Services Running Process ID's Using Running Process Name

May 7, 2009

I am trying to write a Windows Script that will allow me to monitor the following: That 2 x seperate but specific processes within Component Services "Running Processes" list are currently running and have not reset within the past hour. If I already know the PID, then I can retrieve the CreationDate (I assume which I can use to check for restarts? or is this the actual process creation/installation date) for each specific process, however if a restart occurs the PID will change and my script needs to know what the new PID is without me telling it!


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Windows Service Running Under A Network Account Is Calling An EXE And Running It Under System Account?

Aug 27, 2010

We have a windows service running under a network account that calls and runs an ActiveX exe. The exe is running under the local system account, not the network account of the service.

View 1 Replies In Windows App Running On Windows 7?

Jan 25, 2010

Just placed out first Windows 7 PC in to a production environment and noticed that gives errors about file not existing when using mapped drives to a network server. I can access the file through Explorer on the PC. When I chnaged the path to UNC using the IP and drive name instead of the mapped drive letter all works fine. Strange thing is for a few days during the testing period the application ran on Win 7 using the mapped drives in the path. Not sure why it stopped working or how it worked in the first place. Question is on Windows 7 it seems like it doesn't like mapped drives in system.file namespace. Is tis true or are there more steps I need to do in addition to this This works as is, but when I change \172....vol1 to r: it bails, hence the thinking Win 7 is stopping the access to mapped drives.


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Build A Class Or A Part Of A Program That Can Be Add Into Other Programs To Be Used In That Programs?

May 27, 2011

I am sure this can be done, as Visual Studio is basically built this way. What I want to do is simply make a class that my other workmates can use. But rather than have it in a code form, I want to build it (partially), and then my workmate can add it into their programs (sort of, like the add reference for the .NET stuff).

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C# .Net Windows Application Not Running In Windows 7

May 9, 2012

I developed a c# .net windows application and create Set-up for it on windows XP Professional OS .

And Try to Run This Set-up on to Windows 7 OS(32 and 64 bit Both) for installing this application onto Windows 7 OS Machine But Installation Failed and Throw Code Error: 2869.

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Coding Programs That Interacted With Other Programs?

Feb 2, 2010

I started with VB 6.0 back when i was 14, I was mostly into coding programs that interacted with other programs. Recently I installed 2005 pro i got from school, and i grabbed few source codes that teach show interaction, I feel so dumb, i dont remember anything lol. It be great if you guys can share some source codes and other stuff in this field. also other day i was in dream spark and i am able to get copy of 2010 ultimate edition, are there a lot of major changes, cause i got 2 thick book for 2005..

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