VS 2008 How To Add Image To Sql Server File By End User

Dec 16, 2010

I am wanting to be able to have a feild in sql server database that the user can open a file dialog and select an image to insert then save. can this be done, and how?

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Uploading An Image File In Sql Server 2008 From .net Code?

Jan 27, 2010

this is the code i used from this site. everything works fine, but i need a little different code to upload image-here's the code -

Private Sub btnAttach_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAttach.Click
Dim iLength As Integer = CType(File1.PostedFile.InputStream.Length, Integer)


i dont have these parameters. i only have 1 field in sql server table that says Img and has image datatype. how do i use this code to get my image in db using this insert statement?insert into table1 (img) values (???)

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Server And Then The Server Converts That Word File To A .TIF And Sends The Image Back?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a client/server application set up that the client sends a word file to the server and then the server converts that word file to a .TIF and sends the image back.The stuff I have now works.Say if I sent the size of the file and the actual file byte() to the server back to back, would the NetworkStream contain both back to back? This what I though would happen. So I implemented a kind of 'turn' based interaction during the duration of the conversion process.


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C# - Server To Server File Transfer Without Any User Interaction?

Feb 16, 2011

In my scenario, users are able to upload zip files to a.[url]....I would love to create a "daemon" which in specified time intervals will move-transfer any zip files uploaded by the users from a[url].....From the info i gathered so far,

The daemon will be an .ashx generic handler.

The daemon will be triggered at the specified time intervals via a plesk cron job

The daemon (thanks to SLaks) will consist of two FtpWebRequest's (One for reading and one for writing).

how could i implement step 3?

Do i have to read into to a memory() array the whole file and try to write that in b.example.com ?

How could i write the info i read to b[url].....?

Could i perform reading and writing of the file at the same time? No i am not asking for the full code, i just can figure out, how could i perform reading and writing on the fly, without user interaction.I mean i could download the file locally from a.example.com and upload it at b.example.com but that is not the point.

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VS 2008 Multi-User Chat Program (Server & Client) With Main Server?

Aug 10, 2009

Multi-User Chat Program (Server & Client) with Main Server?

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How To Save Image File To Sql Server

Jun 8, 2011

I'm a beginner vb.net programmer..I have a difficult that is how can I save image file from vb.net to sql server

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Save Image On To A File Server?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a form , in a website which has [code]...

Now, if any user enters the year, and uses the browse button to select any photo, and then clicks submit, i want that particular photo to be uploaded and saved on the my file system ( where the code is present).

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VS 2008 TCP Server / Client - Client To Send The Server 4 Numbers - Depending On The User's Choice

May 9, 2009

how to create a client/server... But I couldn't... I don't want anything fancy. Just want the client to send the server 4 numbers, depending on the user's choice; after that, the server would turn off the pc, restart it, etc. It all depends on the number received. Is there a rather "simple" way to do it? If it's not to much trouble you could use Atheist's example. (Btw I don't understand the code and, yes, I've checked on [URL])

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Insert Image Into Sql From File That Exists On Server?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm not sure what to use to insert a file that's located on the server into the sql database. I've read a bunch of articles but none of them show how to just grab a file without using fileupload.


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Send A Image File From Server To Client?

Apr 30, 2010

I want to send a image file from server to client?i am using this code for sending but i can't send the image....... and i also need some receiving code.

1.Public Sub SendImage(ByVal sndImg As String)
3.Dim ns As System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream
4.Dim client As System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient


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SQL Server Open File From Image Field?

Apr 25, 2012

I have a field in a SQL Server 2005 DB of type 'image' that contains documents, mostly pdfs. When I view the field in the database, it looks as though the data is stored as a hex string. I have extensively googled and came up with the VB.net function below to convert the field to an actual file, but it only outputs a file containing the string of hex characters rather than the file that the field is supposed to represent.

This is a sample of the fields' data (I have truncated it for privacy purposes):


And is it possible to open the file straight from a query in SQL server?

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Stuck While Uploading Image File In SQL Server

Jan 27, 2010

Here is the code I used. everything works fine, but i need a little different code to upload image.

Private Sub btnAttach_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAttach.Click
Dim iLength As Integer = CType(File1.PostedFile.InputStream.Length, Integer)
If iLength = 0 Then Exit Sub 'not a valid file
Dim sContentType As String = File1.PostedFile.ContentType
[Code] .....

I am not using with cmdinsertattachment. I am using Html - Input(File) from the HTML toolbox. the ID of the input file is ID="upldimg". So how do I insert this into my table which is -
Column1 ID identity
Column2 Img image
Column 3 Description varchar(200).

The insert statement like -
INSERT into table1 (Img, Description) values (???, txtdescription.text)
Do I do upldimg.text in the insert statement?

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Have A User Save A File From A Server

Nov 9, 2010

I create an xml file from a csv file that a user uploads. What I want to do is display a link that says click here to download and have it pop up a box where they can save the specific file I just created. I can't seem to find any examples on this.

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Upload Image To Server And File Details To Database?

Jun 7, 2011

I am building a site for our company to share files between all users but administrators will be the only users who can add new files to the site.I need the administrator to be able to upload a file to a folder on the server and at the same time create a new record for that file and include a title, description, url of file, and other details in the database. In one click.

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VS 2010 Allow User To Find An Image File And Put Into A Form

Dec 31, 2010

Finished with my overlay program. Now I want to give users the ability to show their own images. [URL] That is an example of the program. Currently on the right I just have a drop down box with that image tied to a form. I want to have a blank form that allows people to select from files on their own computer to be displayed. Edit: Just realized the print screen didn't work (well, obviously it worked) but it didn't capture my overlay. Will try to take another. Let me know if you have any questions,

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Save A SQL Server Image Data Type To The File System?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm having issues with the way I've been reading my image datatype blobs from my SQL database (code below). This code works fine when I access this page directly. The PDF will open and works just fine. However, when I try to use this page to download a file and save it to the file-system programmatically, it fails (500 server error) and I've verified that it's the same URL either way.So, my question is what is the best way to download a file from a database image datatype and save it to disk?PDF.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>
<script runat="server">


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Zipping File Stored On SQL Server As Blob Image Field

Jul 14, 2010

I'm trying to zip a file that is stored on SQL Server as a blob image field and when downloading the zip file it says the file is corrupted.. or the file will open but contains some crazy characters. I've tried WinRAR and 7zip and no luck. I checked out [URL] and tried to kind of combine the browser attachment code and the memorystream/byte array code and no luck.

Here is my code snippet:
BinData = DirectCast(dt.Rows(0)("ImageField"), Byte())
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim blen As Integer = BinData.Length
[Code] .....

View 12 Replies

Storing Image In SQL Server 2008 R2 Database

Feb 28, 2012

I am trying to store a .png image inside a database using SQL Server 2008. I have done this just fine using mySQL but for some reason it looks like this when placing it into ms SQL Server:


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VS 2008 - How To Get Image From HTTP Server Via Raw Socket

Apr 7, 2010

I am using Async socket class to handle HTTP data. The OnRecieve event handler looks like this:
Private Sub sck_onDataArrival(ByVal sData() As Byte, ByVal BytesTotal As Integer) Handles sck.onDataArrival
Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream(sData)
Dim returnImage As Image = Image.FromStream(ms)
Picturebox1.Image = returnImage
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

I realize this will not work because the byte array still contains the header information from the response from the server. How to strip this data without converting the byte array to a string. I need to strip the header response information and just be left with the image data and from there convert that data into a stream so the stream can be loaded into an image and displayed in my picturebox.

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Switch Network SQL Server 2008 R2 Database To A Mobile SQL Server CE *.sdf File

Nov 2, 2011

I have developed a VB.NET program using a strongly typed dataset. This dataset has its connection to a SQL Server 2008 R2. The software should now be additionally used offline. The database should be exported to a *.sdf database. If no connection to the SQL server is produced, the software have to try to connect to the *.sdf database.I would like to achieve:

1. Export the data in the SQL Server 2008 R2 database to a local *.sdf file.

2. This *.sdf file has to work as an alternate connection string in the strongly typed dataset.

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Insert Image Data From XML File To Database Table Using .net, Sql Server CE And Writexml?

Jan 5, 2012

How to correctly insert image data from XML file to database table using sql server CE and openxml,XML file is written by vb.net DataSet.WriteXml method?image data is stored in database table is :

0x89504E47.my XML file Content after written by WriteXml method is :
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

but after inserting with openrowset and openxml using stored procedure to another database table its value changes to this :0x2F0039006A002F00340041004100510.and is not the first value and raises an error in vb.net for opening image from database.

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Create A Page That Allows A User To Upload A File Directly To Ftp Server?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to create a page that allows a user to upload a file directly to my ftp server. For some reason when I run the code and try to upload a file I get:

ERROR: Could not find file 'C:Documents and SettingsuserMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsASP.NETuploadASP.NETuploadfile.txt This is not where the file is located. I am fairly new to .NET programming so I may have done some things incorrectly.

Here is my code:

If FileUpload1.HasFile Then
Dim fileExt As String
fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName)
fileExt = fileExt.ToLower


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Creating A Web Application Which Is Going To Allow The User To Upload A Video File To The Server

Jun 7, 2010

I'm working on creating a web application which is going to allow the user to upload a video file to the server. Once the file is uploaded to the server, it's going to be converted to .flv and copied to another folder in the same directory. Since I'm doing this from a web app, I don't want to tie up the app with the conversion process. That is when I figured this might be a good time to try threading the conversion process... what do you think?

Currently, my process logic is this:

1) User presses the upload button.

2) A dummy record is created in the database for the file being uploaded.

3) Folders are created on the server to house the original video file and the converted video file.

4) The original is copied to the server.

5) Once the original is finished being copied, the app converts the original to .flv and saves it in another folder.

6) Information about the conversion process is stored in a .xml file

7) The dummy record is updated with real data

8) There is a redirect to a page that lets the user view the .flv file on the web

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Creating Link To File On Web Server And Offer User To Download

Sep 6, 2011

I ran across some legacy code which creates a link to a file on the web server and offers the user a link to download the file.

Machine name:

Full url path to the directory containing the file to download: [URL]

Target file name:

The code does the following to create a link to 'downloadable.txt'
server.machinename.tostring & ".. argetdownloadable.txt"

Which results in:
"MYSERVER.. argetdownloadable.txt"

That link appears on the page as:
<a href="MYSERVER.. arget.downloadable.txt">download this file</a>

In IE 7, mousing over the link shows the full URL "[URL]" in the status bar. And it works fine for downloading the file in IE 7 (left or right-click). Firefox shows "[URL]" in the status bar and downloading the file isn't as straight forward. FF actually tries to change the file name to include the server name and target directory in the file name.

I've tried other methods like WebClient.DownloadFile() and had no success. This works, but I'm unfamiliar with the ".." and curious about how it works. I understand that ".." typically means go up one directory. My question was really more in the line of "how does that get interpreted in the browser to sort out the path?"

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VS 2008 - Read A 16bit Binary File (tif Image) And Pixel Values Of The Image Ranges From 1200 To 4500 - EndOfStreamException Unhandled Error

Mar 18, 2012

I am trying to read a 16bit binary file (tif image) and pixel values of the image ranges from 1200 to 4500. I tried to use BinaryReader using ReadUInt16 but I get EndOfStreamException Unhandled error. ReadByte method works fine with an 8bit tif file. I do not know how to read a 16bit image file using binaryReader. Shouldn't I use ReadUInt16 since values of pixels range from 1200 to 4500?


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Update A Data User Using 2008 And Sql Server?

Apr 27, 2011

I'm trying to update a data user using vb.net2008 and sql server management studio express for my backend. the error says "must declare the scalar variable "@username" here's the code .[code]...

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.net Connect To Sql Server 2008 - Login Failed For User'

Jul 23, 2011

I'm currently upgrading my sql server from 2005 to 2008 enterprise server. I used VB to connect to the database. It worked fine in the previous version of sql, but when upgrading it seems doesn't recognize my connection string.

Below is my connection string:

myConnection = New SqlConnection("server=RAVY-PCRAVY;uid=;pwd=;database=CIEDC");

Where Ravy-PCRAVY is my server name at the sql server login dialogue box. And I used the windows authentication mode.

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.net[2008] Graphics - User Control - Picture Box Image Not Being Displayed?

Oct 1, 2009

I dipped my toe in the world of user controls as needed to double buffer a panel control and now want to create a picturebox control with a thicker border. Writing a dice based game, the dice represented by pictureboxes when clicked are highlighted and their border style changes FROM BorderStyle.none TO BorderStyle.FixedSingle, which is where I want to increase the thickness of the border. My user control code increases the border thickness using the code below:-


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Winforms Saving Images To SQL Server Without Creating A File On The User's Hard Drive?

Jun 22, 2011

This is my first attempt at creating a Winforms application, and I have been developing in the .Net Framework (Silverlight, ASP.Net, WPF) for about 6 months. So, my appologies if this is a newbie question.

Basically what I am doing right now is taking the drawings of a stylus-based input, and storing them into an image field in a SQL Server database. Then, in another form, I go and get that image out of the database, and load it into a picture box. It works, but it is rather "sloppy" how it got there.When the user clicks save, it stores that image into a temporary folder, then converts it to a byte array and throws it into the database that way. Then, it deletes the file from the temporary folder. When retrieving it, it pulls it out of the database in a byte array, then converts it to an image in a temporary folder, thus displaying it on the form.

Is there a way that I can just bypass the storing of the file onto the user's harddrive both times, and go from byte array to picturebox?

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VS 2008 - SQL Server Express - Program To Run No Matter If The User Is Logged In To The PC Or Not

Jan 22, 2010

I am starting design of a program that needs to run no matter if the user is logged in to the PC or not. So I will be writing it as a VB.Net Service.

As I am not overly familiar with SQL Server Express, is it possible to connect to a local SQL Server Express Instance and access the database from a VB.Net Service while the user is not logged in to the PC?

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