VS 2008 - How To Check For Condition Constantly

Jan 19, 2010

In my program, I have a condition I need to constantly check for. When my program gives an error, I change a label to a different text, lets say "fail" for now. I'm trying to make a condition where the program constantly checks for the label change to "fail" from the start of the program. I am having trouble trying to get this to work.

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Once Parse Array How To Constantly Check Without Reopening Txt File

Feb 26, 2012

dim reader as new streamreader("txt.txt")
dim placeholder as integer = 0
dim line as string


this checks my file for any position with latdif < 30, I want this to be on a timer but I want it not to open the text file everytime is this possible?

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Check A Check Box Based On A Condition At Run Time?

Jun 4, 2011

How to check a check box based on a condition at run time?

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Check For A Condition To Display Different Msgbox?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a button and i want it to check for a condition to display different msgbox.

Below is my code:
Dim a As String = "";
Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


But i got the following error when i clicked on the button.

"Input string was not in a correct format. "

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VS 2010 Integer Condition Check?

Dec 1, 2011

i'm starting to learn VB, i've wrote a few little programs following the books and internet resources, so far so good until now, i have to check a range of double integers(e.g. 170-50) if the left integer is == 170 and the right integer is == to 50 then you profit.i have to do this about 200 times but i just need a litow to get started, i've searched for about 4 hrs and read for about 5 and still nothing.

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Using A Loop Condition To Check If There Is Null Value In The Columns?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm using a loop condition to check if there is null value in the columns, then remove it.

-Original author
For i As Integer = counter To dt1.Columns.Count - 1
For x As Integer = 0 To dt1.Rows.Count - 1
if some condition then
something = true


Sometimes it runs correctly and sometimes even though when i becomes greater than (dt.columns.count - 1), it still executes the for loop and throws an error that there is no column with that index. I must be missing something here but I'm not able to debug the issue.

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Check The Connection Condition Every Few Milliseconds And Reconnect Again To The Real Gateway ?

Jun 21, 2009

I share my internet connection with other users through LAN. There's some one who keeps cutting me off from time to time to increase his download speed.I know that there is some orders that can be written in the command line to reconnect to the internet after every cut but I don't know them.I started teaching myself programming under VB 2008 Express as a hobby few weeks ago. I was wondering if there is a way to write a program in VB to check the connection condition every few milliseconds and reconnect again to the real gateway till the attacker get bored.

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VS 2008 Client / Server - Constantly Download The New Data And Make The Application Freeze

Nov 13, 2011

Ive been working recently on a chat. Ive been using FTP to comunicate through both forms but it need to constantly download the new data and make the application freeze. Even with a Backgroundworker. So my question is : is there a way to keep a constant connection between the form and the host? And not LAN ,I mean that doesnt need to be on the same router.

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VS 2008 Applying A Condition?

Oct 20, 2009

I have add,update,delete buttons on my form.A message box should appear on the screen "should have values to Add/delete/update/" if user clicks on Add/delete/update buttons without having any values in the textfiled,i have around 20 text fields on my form.

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VS 2008 Button Click As Condition?

Nov 9, 2009

Is it possible to use a button click event as a condition? Maybe set a bool flag to true if someone clicks it?

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VS 2008 How To Convert A String To If Condition

Sep 11, 2010

i want to know how to convert a string to if condition exmample

dim myExpression as string
myExpression = "if a>b then" & _
" MessageBox.Show("beware from dog !")" & _
"end if "

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Add .net Framework On Vs 2008 Or Remove The Launch Condition?

Aug 8, 2011

how to add other version of .net framework. like 1.0 or 1.1 .net framework here is my problem i deploy my application, when i install, it always say to download or install the .net framework. i want to run my application under windows xp cause our client does not update their machine.

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VS 2008 : Rearrange The DtatGridView Rows By Condition?

Nov 15, 2011

Vb.net I tried to rearrange the DGV Rwos but I don't know how to complete it. as it show in the code ( my request in green line)

Public Sub rearrange()
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In Form1.DataGridView1.Rows
If Not row.Cells(1).Value Is Nothing Then


View 11 Replies

VS 2008 : Display A Value From Data Table To A Listbox According To A Condition?

Jul 28, 2010

My aim is to choose a value from Listbox1 and on Listbox2 I would like to display the corresponding value from a table in my database. I mean, when I select Product A from Listbox1 (which is getting its values from row "Model" in my database table), I should see its price on Listbox2 which is available in the "Price" row of the same table (and also manipulate this price in different places for calculation etc.) . I am not sure if the best way is using "databinding.filter".

Here is the code I have but I cannot making it work:

Dim dtCOP As New AmetailorDataSet.COPDataTable
Dim adapterCOP As New AmetailorDataSetTableAdapters.COPTableAdapter


A small note: my aim was using a Richtextbox instead of Listbox but I am told that Richtextbox is not suitable for using with datasources.

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VS 2008 Accessing Condition Of Checkboxes Within A Backgroundworker Thread

Sep 8, 2009

I have a form with Check Boxes on it and a second form that holds functions and a Backgroundworker.When a button is pressed on the first form, the second form loads and then runs the functions that relate to the appropriate Check Boxes.Doing it this way causes the second form to become inaccessible. I decided to run my code in the Backgroundworker's DoWork event and then call the RunWorkerAsync method in my form's Activated event. Before using the Backgroundworker, everything worked fine and now it doesn't.I assume the issue is with the Backgroundworker not being able to access controls on another thread.In debug mode,it automatically throws an exception, but doesn't error out when using the Release version, making me assume it's a legal call. But, if it's a legal call, then why can't I access the controls?

View 10 Replies

C# - Deploy A DLL That Is Constantly Changing?

Dec 19, 2011

I have created several small applications that use my own DLL. The problem is, this DLL is constantly changing. My current solution to this problem is that I have a Setup project in the class library solution that creates and registers the DLL. In all my applications I then have to open the solution and re-reference the newly created/registered DLL. Then I have to re-compile their setup projects, uninstall the old applications, and then re-install the new application.

There has to be a better way and I'm just not sure because I'm fairly new to all this. I have looked into ClickOnce but I don't think that will solve my issue as I cannot publish a class library. I have looked into checking version numbers but I must be doing something wrong because it doesn't work either.I understand that once a DLL is created and being used in an application it should essentially not be touched. I do not have that option in this situation. It is constantly updated. Done.

Edit: The DLL is not constantly changing during runtime but it is constantly evolving to allow more functionality and detail within the other applications. Also, one big thing I guess I should have mentioned is the Public interface is constantly chaning - usually adding new methods.

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Constantly Returning A Value From A Funtion

May 12, 2009

How would one receive a value from a function while it is running?

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RS-232 Only Able To Read In Data That Changes Constantly?

May 5, 2011

I am working on a project that reads in data from a device. I am able to read in the constantly changing data only, i need to be able to read in the saved data that is in the device as well.

My question is if the data that is saved in a certain type and i only read try to read it in as text for example, will the saved data I am looking for not be displayed?

ex: im trying to read in text but my device has the data saved in hex, do i see anything or nothing?

idk if this helps or matters but the rs-232 connection is a null modem and im working with VB 2010

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VS 2008 IP To Country: Probable I/O Race Condition Detected While Copying Memory?

Jun 7, 2012

im having problems with IP To country code, it checks country on .dat file, and it gives this error.Probable I/O race condition detected while copying memory. The I/O package is not thread safe by default. In multithreaded applications, a stream must be accessed in a thread-safe way, such as a thread-safe wrapper returned by TextReader's or TextWriter's Synchronized methods. This also applies to classes like StreamWriter and StreamReader.


Dim country As String = Me.geo.lookupCountryName(DataGridView1.Item(1, count).Value)
DataGridView1.Item(4, count).Value = country.ToString

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Javascript Code Constantly Changes And The Url Itself Will Change ?

Sep 13, 2010

I have built a web browser and my new window function is working great, it allows me to open popups that use normal https links without a hassle. But I am having some problems when the links contain java code (like the one below:


The reason why this operation fails because the string that is being passed to the Navigate method is not an actual URL.It is apiece of Javascript code which needs Javascript engine to process it firstly. Apparently, Webbrowser.Navigate() does not have this functionality,so it fails. If you simply put the string in IE�s address bar and press enter, IE will also not able to open it. The reason why it does work if you access the HTML page in IE and click the hype link is because this will make IE to use Javascript engine to process the code.

Since the API(Webbrowser.Navigate) does not have the functionality to process Javascript code,build up my own code to process the string which you get by using the GetAttribute method. The code reads the string and finds the actual URL and passes it to the Navigate method.

The only problem is that the javascript code constantly changes (varies upon what link is opening) and the url itself will change depending on what the link is linking to! Below is the code that I use at the moment to get the full link .finding the actual URL in the javascript even with the javascript differing from link to link).

Dim myElement As HtmlElement = CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Document.ActiveElement
Dim address As String = myElement.GetAttribute("href")

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Checking Internet Connection Constantly?

Nov 22, 2009

I've project where i wanna check if user is connected to internet if he isn't then form must close and another form should show up ! Problem i'm getting is i can't use check it constantly, even if i use while loop

keep looping the following code until condition is wrong or until connection is made
While IsConnectionAvailable() = False
' code goes here for when connection to hotflask can't be made[code].....

but here form 2 keep showing up and it crashes system, is there any simple way to do it .

View 8 Replies

Constantly Refresh Text Set By Net.Webclient?

Sep 5, 2010

Is there any way to get this code to constantly refresh in the background to post the latest text located in the "OppScore.text file in the textbox?

Dim OppScore As New Net.WebClient
Label4.Text = OppScore.DownloadString("(source URL)/OppScore.txt")

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Get Parts Of A String That Constantly Changes Size And Value?

May 2, 2012

I have a stream reader that reads a website text and places it in a txt file synonyms.txt
then I can read to a specific line in the textfile that the results always end up on and place that line in a richtextbox in my project.the line looks something like this:

\tab\tab\tab\tab <br /><div class="ResultsSubTitle">Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of <span class="Accent I">verb</span> house</div><br /><div class="Accent Sense">Sense 1:</div>house<br /><span class="equals">accommodate, hold, admit</span><br


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Make An Object Move Up And Down Constantly?

Mar 27, 2012

So I have been trying to make this game in visual basic, it is basically like the worlds hardest game but in viusal basic but I am having problems programming the enemy, it doesn't seem to move up and down or left and right at all.


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Program 2010 Constantly Crashing

Jan 12, 2012

This is an annoying issue that started less than a week ago and couldn't come at a worse time, as I have a major project deadline to meet. At least once every TEN minutes, the program crashes with the error "Microsoft Visual Studio has stopped working" -- it only occurs when I am writing/editing code while execution is paused (Edit and Continue), which I do all the time since I am stepping through rather complex subroutines line-by-line. I literally have trained myself to save after each line of code I write, delete, or change, so thankfully I never lose much, if anything, when I restart, but it is irritating and time-consuming having to set up everything in the program and get to the place in the code that I was before. I have installed VS 2010 SP1, tried deleting the .suo file, and a few other supposed fixes that I came across online, to no avail.[code]...

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Constantly Firing Form Paint Event?

Sep 3, 2009

I have the following code for a gradient form below. When I step through my code it seems to fire constantly. Does this mean that it fires constantly at run-time? If so, is there a way to stop it from firing constantly

Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
Dim Mybrush As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(Me.ClientRectangle, Color.LightSkyBlue, _
Color.Snow, Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Mybrush, Me.ClientRectangle)
End Sub

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DB/Reporting :: Constantly Loops - While Not EOF Keeps Going Even After It Reaches The End Of The File

May 3, 2008

i am having the hardest time trying to figure out why this While Not EOF keeps going even after it reaches the end of the file! What am i missing????


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Running A TCP Server Script Constantly But With Low Cpu Usage?

Sep 13, 2009

I am using creating a server/client style program, and it uses tcp connections.Now, the server is like this, but it will only listen until it has received its one request. My issue lies in the fact that it only listens till it receives the one message, then closes. The bigger issue, though, is the lag, it will not let me interact with the form in any way until it closes the connection. Is there a way to make it "passively" listen, for lack of a better word? I do not want it to take up tons of cpu.

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Webpage Is Constantly Refreshing After Clicking Button?

May 13, 2011

I am navigating to a web page and when I programicly click a button to go to the next page that next page is constantly refreshing over and over.Is there anyway to stop the page from refreshing constantly?

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Working With Mouse Wheel Not Moving Constantly

Feb 15, 2011

I was getting some slightly unusual behavior when using the mouse wheel for some zooming/scaling work (only vaguely related to the earlier thread, for those who remember it). Frankly, it is likely that I have a bug in some code, but that wasn't quite enough to explain what I was seeing. Therefore, I used a error logging feature in my app to note the delta being passed in each Mouse Wheel event. I then ran the app and gave the wheel one good spin, which was about the maximum that I would normally ever spin the wheel in one steady, continuous motion. I wasn't going slow, I wasn't going fast, and I rotated it about as much as my finger comfortably could in a single roll.[code]I then rolled it back the other way using the same motion, and got 8 events, mostly under 200, but one of them was -331 and the other was -7940.

After a handful of tests, it appears that the wheel event is raised often, which is no surprise, but that the values fluctuate all over the place. With a continuous rotation, or as nearly continuous as I can make it, I can see a series of events with one of them easily being ten times the rest.The problem this presents is that the scaling I am using is not smooth (nor is it standard mathematical scaling, but that's a different story). Each zoom level doubles the size of the objects relative to the previous level, though the distance between them stays the same. I would like to do this by dividing the delta by some factor, and if that is above a threshold, increase the zoom level. That won't work smoothly, in this case. If I make the factor something small enough that I pick up a small rotation, then any larger rotation is likely to include a delta that takes the screen through all zoom levels in a single step. Alternatively, if I make the factor large, then all smaller rotations are simply ignored.One option would be to filter out rotation values below 200 and above 800, or so. I am looking for other alternatives.

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