VS 2008 Inheriting Web Client To Add A Timeout Property?

May 18, 2009

VS 2008

I am not sure how much work there is to inheriting from the web client class.

Currently I am using it in my project. And I can't change to anything else. The customer would like to have a timeout after a certain period of time. The web client doesn't have this.

So rather than re-invent the wheel, I am thinking of inheriting from the web client and adding this property.

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Inheriting Class Or Control - ListView, TreeView - Distinguish Between Built-in Methods/property/events

May 15, 2012

When inheriting class or control e.g. ListView, TreeView, etc..., what is the best way to distinguish between built-in methods/property/events and mine?

Currently, i start my methods/property/events with "aa" in order to make them at the top of auto complete list.

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Error - Timeout Expired - The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding

May 3, 2011

I'm not sure if this is a VB.NET error or SQL Server. But I get the above error with following stack trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout
expired. The timeout period elapsed
prior to completion of the operation
or the server is not responding.]


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VS 2008 Chat Server/client - After The Client Clicks Disconnect Or Closes By Task Manager, Looses Connection

Aug 18, 2009

Im using the code from [URL] as a starter, most of the code is the same. the chat system works fine but on the client a added a disconnect button "clientSocket.Close()" and as soon as i click that i get errors, on the client, this is the code...

Private Sub getMessage()
For infiniteCounter = 1 To 2


And this line...

serverStream.Read(inStream, 0, buffSize)
gives me "Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall."

Now im talking the server, after the client clicks disconnect or closes by task manager, looses connection, etc the server crashes and gives me.

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VS 2008 Add A Timeout To Code?

Jun 15, 2012

I found the following code on another site that works great for what I need. Is there any way I can add a timeout in this code? I can't figure how to do it.


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Setting The Default Button Property Of The Panel To The Buttons Client Id?

Mar 2, 2010

I have a page that is based on a Master Page. The page has AJAX contolled tabs and on one tab I have 2 panels, each with 1 button. Only 1 panel is visible at a time. I am trying to get the button on the visible panel to be the DefaultButton so that when Enter is pressed the click event is fired off. The issue that I am having is that I get this error no matter what I try: The DefaultButton of 'form1' must be the ID of a control of type IButtonControl.I have tried setting the Default Button property of the panel to the buttons client id and to its unique id.


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VS 2008 Adding Timeout To Call?

May 11, 2010

I have a routine that will connect to a tcp server and then disconnect which works perfect. It checks the connection to another program on another pc which is what I need. But if the computer is not on or the ip address is not valid, it takes a bit for it to time out and continue on.

how to add a timeout of 2 seconds to the following code?

Private Function CheckServer(ByVal IP2 As String, ByVal Port2 As Integer) As Boolean
CheckServer = False


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VS 2008 Windows Service Timeout

Jan 13, 2010

I have a Windows Service that is behaving strangely on Windows 2003 systems (works fine on XP, Win7). If the service is started manually within the OS, then everything is fine. However, if the system is rebooted (with the service set to Automatic startup), then an "At least one service or driver failed during system startup" dialog is generated once the boot completes. If I check the event log, there is an event 7022 with the following text:


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VS 2008 Does It Exists Something Like Command Timeout Block

Nov 1, 2009

Sometimes my MySQL-commands hangs forever without throwing any exception. I've tried setting both command- and connection timeout for my connector, but it still hangs sometimes.Does it exist some kind of timeout block? Like, if the command hasn't been executed within X seconds, then continue.

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VS 2008 System.Net.WebClient + Downloadstring...timeout?

Mar 3, 2010

I use a downloadstring (instance.downloadstring) with instance as the'System.Net.WebClient'.

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VS 2008 Cannot Get Commandtimeout Or Connecttimeout To Fire Timeout Exception

Jun 10, 2009

Both of these properties have a default value of 30 seconds but I am setting them to something much shorter (8) and my application does not seem to recognize the timeout. Even if I allow the default value of 30 seconds to elapse I still am waiting on the timeout. I am trying to use the connecttimeout to notify my client application that the remote sql server is not available before I try and execute a sql transaction.

I am not sure why this is not working though, the sqlexception for timing out has worked for me before and all I did was set a non-default property. The only change here is that this is a MDI type of project, which shouldn't matter.


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VS 2008 - IDE Bug - Make Certain Forms Automatically Close After A Timeout Period

Sep 14, 2010

I caused the VB.NET2008 IDE to do something extremely odd and unintentional with some code I was writing. As some of you know, I mostly write programs for industrial equipment. On one of our products, I needed to make certain forms automatically close after a timeout period. To do this, I began programming a usercontrol with a Timer on it (interval = 1000) and a ProgressBar. Timer.Enabled was set to the Enabled event so I could toggle it. When the control counted to it's timeout period, it would call Me.ParentForm.Close

So I build my project, and drop it on a form in the IDE and I see it begins counting! Huh... I had no idea timers were active in the IDE. I wonder what happens when it hit's it's trigger? I figure probably nothing since Me.ParentForm was actually the designer. When it triggered, the whole IDE crashes without save. I tried it twice now. Here's my


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VS 2008 Client-to-Client Messenging?

Jun 28, 2009

this is probably easier than I think it is.I would like a client-to-client messenging system without using Winsock if possible. At the moment an IP based connection system would be okay.

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 TCP Server / Client - Client To Send The Server 4 Numbers - Depending On The User's Choice

May 9, 2009

how to create a client/server... But I couldn't... I don't want anything fancy. Just want the client to send the server 4 numbers, depending on the user's choice; after that, the server would turn off the pc, restart it, etc. It all depends on the number received. Is there a rather "simple" way to do it? If it's not to much trouble you could use Atheist's example. (Btw I don't understand the code and, yes, I've checked on [URL])

View 9 Replies

Client-Server-Client Multithreading - Instant Message Another Client

Jun 21, 2010

We are creating a Who wants to be a millionaire style game in VB. Our server is pulling information such as questions and answers from a Access Database and sending them to the contestants (Clients). All transfer of information is directly from the server to each client. One of the "Life Lines" we want to use is "Ask a friend", where one client is able to Instant message another client for a short time to get help on the question.


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VS 2008 : TCP Server/Client "send Hashtable To Client App"?

Jul 15, 2009

i have been working on a chat program Server side and client side i have most of the features i was asked to put in but then once i got most of the bugs out i noticed something the server admin could send whispers and alerts to single users but then when you try do do it on the client side it wont work so i looked through it all and found my issue the user list on the client is only a list of the names in server hash table so i was wondering how do i send the hashtable and all of its data E.G. user connection information to the client so that it can send commands to individual users like the server side can

Public clients As New Hashtable()
' This subroutine checks to see if username already exists in the clients
' Hashtable. If it does, send a REFUSE message, otherwise confirm with a JOIN.


i tried to send the hashtable over the same method used to send the user names to the client but it cannot convert the hashtable to a string so that wont work so my question is How do i send the hash table to the user from the server then display the username on the client ??

View 39 Replies

VS 2008 - Property Grid - Click On Item Show Its Property

Mar 18, 2009

I have a listbox with several list items added. I want that as user click on an item, I should be able to show its property. This should change for different items. For example (hypothetical) : Listbox has numbers 1 - 10. Now when I select 1 I should be able to set property - Name, Lastname, Colour, Age.

When I select 2 I should be able to set - Age, Hair Colour (clr shows), Weight, Date. When I select 3 then - City (combo box drop down), Country, Age only. This way value changes for diff items. One way is to put them in property grid and show them. Though this looks nice but adding/removing items in that is not easy. You need to have a class that refer that to prop grid. Do I have to code for each classes for all values in listbox or is there an easier way to manage items in property grid. If you think prop grid is not the right tool for such an activity then can you suggest something else.

View 13 Replies

Get Name Of Inheriting Class?

Apr 17, 2009

In the below mockup, how do I find out, if I am an instance of FooDAL or WeeDAL from within the method DoMagix()?

Public MustInherit Class DataAccessClass
Public Sub DoMagix()
'** LOOK AT ME!!! **


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.net - Inheriting From List(of T) Class

Apr 27, 2009

I want to implement a priority queue class. When an item is added at a higher priority it is pushed to the front of the queue instead adding to the end of queue. Simple few lines of code


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C# - Inheriting From System.ValueType?

Jan 30, 2012

Am I correct in believing that any object that doesn't inherit from System.ValueType must therefore by definition be a reference type?

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Forms Inheriting From A Class?

Jul 3, 2010

I've created a class called connector. By clicking on project and adding a class.And I want to inherit from that class in the forms But I get this error.

Base class '<baseclassname1>' specified for class '<partialclassname>' cannot be different from the base class '<baseclassname2>' of one of its other partial types`

what do I do?Here's the class named connect.vb:Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient


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Inheriting Classes + Its Constructors?

Nov 2, 2009

i've got a class called prob that inherits system.exception however it seems not to have inherited the constructor

Public Class prob
Inherits System.Exception
public sub stuff


throw new exception("test") 'works Throw New prob("test") 'doesn't work is it possible to inherit the constructor into my class prob as well?

View 11 Replies

VS 2005 - Inheriting Forms Within An .exe ?

Apr 1, 2010

I have an .exe project with a form in it that I want to use as a base class for other forms in the project. So I try to add a new inherited form to the project, but it says "Warning: No build assemblies contain components to inherit from. Build the current application, or click Browse and select a previously built assembly from another application". My base class is declared public and my exe has been built. I don't understand. Can you only do form inheritance in a dll?

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VS 2010 Inheriting From ListBox?

Apr 6, 2012

I have a custom control type that inherits from ListBox. It is a list box where you can assign a ContextMenuStrip to each individual item, stored in a Dictionary object. To do this I also had to create a helper class that inherits from ObjectCollection to make sure the owning ListBox gets notified whenever an item is added or removed from the collection, so the corresponding entry in the dictionary can be removed.Now I have a problem that baffles me: Whenever I right click an entry in my EnhancedListBox, I get the following error on the line that has been marked red in the "InvalidArgument=Value of '1' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'."(Of course, the value can be 0 or 2 as well, depending on which item in the list I click.)

I have checked, and there are 3 objects in the collection, in fact the current value of SelectedIndex was 1. The quotes are also misleading, the value I am trying to assign if of type integer, as is the current value of SelectedIndex.


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VS 2010 Inheriting XML Comments

Apr 20, 2010

I have a MustInherit class, let's call it BaseClass, with a bunch of MustOverride ReadOnly properties. The user is supposed to inherit this class and override the properties, returning appropriate values.To help the user decide which property does what, I have included XML comments for each property, so the BaseClass looks like this [code]I now want to enable the user to inherit this class (DerivedClass1) instead, so that he can, for example, override only the Name property, and leave the other properties untouched. This way, he can create a slight modification to one of the default classes, instead of having to rewrite it completely (in reality, there are loads more properties). There are no XML comments, because they are in the BaseClass, and not in the DerivedClass1, which is the class I'm inheriting. In other words: the XML comments are not 'inherited'.Do I really have to copy/paste all the XML comments from the BaseClass and put them in the DerivedClass1 too? Or can I somehow tell the DerivedClass1 to use the XML comments from its base class?

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IIS 7.5 Web Application Inheriting From Parent Web.config

Sep 27, 2010

Well the title says it all im using a asp.net 4.0 project.My file structure looks like this [code]Now the WebService seems to get some parts of the web.config from the RootSite, the problem here is <configuration><system.webServer>..So i tryed to place this around that section <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> but that had the result of making a httpHandler only to function in the root directory.So is there any solution to this? i don't understand why my webservice's web.config is inheriting from the root's web.config..

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Asp.net - Inheriting From DataSourceControl Does Not Produce An IDataSource

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to create a custom datasource control.

I have been following this article to the letter (I think...).

I have a skeleton / basic implementation of my datasource, however when I declare it in the markup and try to statically bind it to a gridview, I receive the following error:

The DataSourceID of 'grdVw' must be the ID of a control of type IDataSource

This seems extremely strange to me, since my datasource inherits from DataSourceControl, which in turn implements IDataSource. Even if I explicitly implement IDataSource in my custom datasource, it makes no difference.

My Markup is:

<DataBrokerDataSource ID="objSrcDBroker" runat="server" />
<asp:GridView ID="grdVw" DataSourceID="objSrcDBroker" DataMember="Table0" runat="server">


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Inheriting From A Custom User Control

Oct 28, 2011

I have a component class that inherits a user control class and i'm trying to inherit from that same class in a new class.public class B inherits class Unfortunately, I get an error pointing to the .g.vb file saying:Base class 'System.Windows.Controls.UserControl' specified for class '...' cannot be different from the base class '...' of one of its other partial types When I swap the "Inherits System.Windows.Controls.UserControl" with inherits from the base class in .vb files the program compiles but when I try to access any of the components I get an error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."Why is it doing this? it's as if the my sub class isn't inheritingUserControl method at all.

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Inheriting From Controls That Use Embedded Resources

Apr 30, 2009

I'm having some trouble trying to inherit a control that uses an embedded resource. The trouble is - this control uses me.GetType() instead of GetType(ControlName). Now when I try to use the derived control, it looks for the resources in the derived control's assembly, instead of the base control assembly, and obviously - doesn't find them.

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Inheriting Shared Variables/properties?

Nov 29, 2009

basically i was wondering if we could inherit shared variables but restrict its scope to only that of the class itself.

Class A
Public Shared shared_variable as Boolean = true
End Class


when i do this A.shared_variable = False, B's shared_variable also becomes false. how do i stop this?i cannot remove the Shared keyword because shared_variable should be able to be accessed without an instance of the class?

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