VS 2008 - New Row / Cell Value Being Deleted In DGV On Error Trap

Oct 4, 2009

How do I stop the new data row/cell value from being deleted if an error occurs. I am using the DATAERROR event to trap the error as shown below:

Private Sub RoomPricingDGV_DataError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs) Handles RoomPricingDGV.DataError
e.Cancel = False
If e.ColumnIndex = 1 Or e.ColumnIndex = 2 Then
MsgBox("Invalid Date. Please Re-enter! ", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Room Pricing")
RoomPricingDGV.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Selected = True
End If
e.ThrowException = False
End Sub

What I want to happen is to go to the cell automatically where the error has occurred and get the user to change it, not have to retype the whole data row or move back to the previous cell. When using the MSHFLEXGRID in VB6, it was fairly staightforward to do.

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VS 2008 How To Error Trap White Space

Nov 18, 2009

So I have no idea...ive looked around and can't find anything on error traping when a person doens't enter anything. Here is my code as is now...I trap for if the number goes above 36. now I just need to trap the whitespace


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Trap An Error Response And Timer

Jul 1, 2009

In my Timer codes[code]...

How can I add this statement or condition?

If the Response is > 1, my timer will tick and go to next item in listbox (means successful).[code]...

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VS 2010 Unable To Trap Error

Feb 4, 2012

review the following code; it is not able to trap the error and the code errors out (OleDbException was unhandled) on the code marked with *

Private sub SaveEmployee()
gConn = New OleDbConnection(sConn)


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Trap Error For Incorrect Data Type

Feb 10, 2009

i want to enter date in the format of dd/mm/yyyy (30/03/2009) in a textbox. when a click on the button, if nothing or wrong format is enter, will pop up msgbox saying wrong format.

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VS 2008 Error "Update Requires A Valid DeleteCommand When Passed DataRow Collection With Deleted Rows" In Deleting Data

Apr 12, 2011

I have a basic Table and I can add and save data, but when I try to delete, I het this error:


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Aggregating Error Trap - Textbox That Is Used To Add Directories To A System Folder

Dec 16, 2009

I have a textbox that is used to add directories to a system folder, each name seperated by a line. If the textbox has text value "Test " that is "Test" & controlchars.newline & "" (not like this is coded, it's typed in), then if i use loop for each part as string in textbox1.text.split(controlchars.newline), the first part will be "Test", the second part will say " " when i run step by step debugger, but if i try and block the addition of a folder by "if part = " "" it does not catch it. I've tried comparing part to "", " ", nothing (which is illogical anyways), and i even tried creating a boolean variable equal to the statment to try and catch it but the program insists that part is not " " even though the debugger tells me that is the value of part.

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Datagrid New Row Cell Validation - Validate Empty Text And Indicate Error On Cell?

Jun 1, 2010

The problem is that if you never enter anything into a cell for a new row then that cell is never validated. This is a problem because I have columns that should not be null. I am doing the check in the row level validation and storing the information about which cells are empty that should not be empty. The row level validation works fine and the row level validation error indicator goes on,(red exclamation mark at the beginning of the row) but I also need a visual indicator on the individual cells that are in error.

I am thinking that setting the HasError property for the cells that are in error should cause them to display n error style (the default red border). Is there a way to this this either from XAML (perferably) or from code?Alternatively I could cause those cells to re-validate when the row editing is finished. Does anyone know how to do this?

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VS 2008 - Cell Error Icon / Tooltip Not Showing

Apr 1, 2009

I am working on implementing cell level error indication in my app and I have it set up to where it shows the error icon correctly and I tried using the datagridview FAQ sample code to show an errortooltip as well. I can watch as I set the errortooltip to have the proper data and display control (in mousemove event), yet the second I finish my mousemove event it fires the mouseleave event and resets my tooltip before the user ever has a chance to see it.

Here's my:
' show and hide the tooltip for error
Private Sub ChuteSinglesDataGridView_CellMouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles ChuteSinglesDataGridView.CellMouseMove
If cellInError.X = e.ColumnIndex AndAlso cellInError.Y = e.RowIndex Then
Dim cell As DataGridViewCell = ChuteSinglesDataGridView(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex)
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Application Wide Event Trap

Mar 26, 2009

How can I set up an application wide event trap that is triggered when my database connection status changes?i.e. no matter what form the user may be on if the connection is terminated for whatever reason a message box is displayed to the client requesting whether the program should try and reconnect with the database or not.

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.net - Custom Code In Reporting Services 2008 Makes Cell Show #Error?

Dec 6, 2011

I have the following code in "Custom Code" in SSRS 2008. It works fine in VS2008 but it won't run on the server:

Public Shared Function Ns(ByVal num as Object, ByVal def as Object) as Object
if IsNothing(num) OrElse Not IsNumeric(num) OrElse System.Double.IsNaN(num) then
return def


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VS 2008 Execute Task After Directories Have Been Deleted?

Jan 21, 2011

I need to figure out a method to execute a task once my method to delete specific directories has completed.

Does anyone know of an event or property that I can tie to event to in order to do this?

I've been looking through MSDN, but I can't seem to find anything at the moment.

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Deleted Records Not Deleted?

Feb 8, 2012

I really am stuck. I can add records to a table ok . when i close and restart my code the new records are still there but deleteing does not work. I delete the records, they disappear. I close and restart the code agian but the deleted records return. this is my code.


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VS 2008 - Restarting WebBrowser / Recognizing Deleted Cookies

Jun 28, 2009

My problem is I have code delete a cookie it deletes it perfectly but my webbrowser1 doesnt recognize that its gone unless I restart the app. I'm wondering how I could get the webbrowser to restart (not refresh) or any way to get it to recognize the cookies no longer there?

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VS 2008 Set Focus (new Currrent Cell) Setting Focus On Specific Cell In My Datagridview1

Nov 7, 2009

I am having problem setting focus on specific cell in my Datagridview1 . On Form1 when clicking on cell 3 in any row, I am callig a Dialog1. However, when done working with it, and closing the Dialog1, the focus returns to cell 3 in my Datagridview1 . I like to set the focus on the next cell(4) making it the current cell.

I have tryed :

DataGridView1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.Item(4, e.RowIndex)

DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells(4)

And few other things, I am always getting this exception: Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the SetCurrentCellAddressCore function.

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Copy The Value Of Cell A6 Into Cell A5 Based On A Change In Cell A4?

May 16, 2009

I am attempting to copy the value of the TimeStamp in cell A6 which has the NOW() formula into cell A5 Based on a change in Cell A4. The catch is I don't want it to update every time the sheet is recalculated due to updating links in other cells on the sheet. ONLY when Cell A4 Changes. What do I do?

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C# - Getting Error While Reading Cell Value Of Excel

Aug 25, 2011

i am importing data from Excel workbook having around 30 sheets in each book. Application works fine but after uploading few books it gives error continuously Exception from HRESULT: 0x800AC472 i used thread.sleep(1000) for each workbook into folder remove that? if these due to hyperlinks in some sheet, is any way to disable hyperlinks through code in vb.net

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Error Provider On A DatagridView Cell

Feb 11, 2011

I created a DataGridView called grid_LivingBenefits.Each time a cell is going to be edited, the program will validate that cell.Now, I have two subroutines that take care of that validation.these are: ValidateDataType() and ValidatePrimaryKey()

at the DataGridView CellBeginEdit, the program checks for which cell the user is editing.at the DatagridView CellEndEdit, the program calls the subroutines for validation. If an input is invalid, I want the program to show an errorProvider on that cell.I used MessageBoxes first to check whether the validations are working and I got no problem there. but when I tried to use errorprovider instead of a messagebox, there's a blue zigzag line under the grid_LivingBenefits.CurrentCell


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Error When Set Focus To A Particular Cell In Datagridview?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a custom datagridview. I have to set focus to the cell(0,0) of that datagridview when it got focus.I have tryed the following code:

Me.CustomDataGridView1.CurrentCell = Me.CustomDataGridView1(0,0)

in the GotFocus event of that datagridview.But when i run and try to enter some text in a cell, then press the DOWN button to go to the next cell but there is a NullReferenceException.

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How To Trap 'F1' Key Pressed Or Not

Jan 27, 2010

'pressing F1 key on main form. I dont know how to trap whether user pressed F1 key or not

Private Sub frmMain_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
Dim KeyAscii As Long = Asc(e.KeyChar)


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Trap Tab Key In Combobox?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm using Vs2008 and I have a combox in a Windows form.I woud like to know how I can capture the tab key after the user has select an item in the combobox.

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C# - Excel Range Usage (cell Error Checking)

Mar 4, 2010

I have the following error for every cell: "the number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe" To duplicate the error: I have to store this results that come from a Web services as strings array: Sample: (3 by 3 array)


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Creating Columns In DataGridView Error - No Cell Template?

Dec 7, 2009

I have a DataGridView on my windows form. I am adding columns to the datagridview at runtime. In doing so, I create the columns by this code:


At least one of the DataGridView control's columns has no cell template.

I have looked and looked and I appear to be doing everything correct

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Show The Error Icon When The User Is Editing The Cell?

Nov 24, 2009

How do I show the error icon when the user is editing the cell?

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Sql Server - Get An Error When Leave Datagrid Cell Value As Null?

Nov 25, 2011

I get a 'Conversion from type DBNull to String is not valid' error when I proceed to insert the row with a null cell value from my program to MS Sql Server even if the column is already set to accept null values in the database. How do I solve this? FYI I'm using an unbound datagrid, and I get all the screen values during runtime.

Property SerialNo()
Return strSerialNo [code]...

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FileUpload - How To Trap Maxfilesize

Aug 26, 2006

The fileupload control works well for files < 4MB (maxrequestlength), but if the file is larger than this the program fails with: - Server error in '/xxxxx' application Maximum request length exceededHow do I trap this so that I can return a better error message? The failure occurs before the Page Load from any callback, so I can't see any way of trapping the error, and I haven't seen any event or property of the Fileupload control that I can set to say "Do this when Max Request Length is exceeded"

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How To Trap DataGridViewComboBox Events

Dec 8, 2009

Does anyone know how to trap f.i. the SelectedIndexChanged event in order to read the SelectedValue from the ComboBoxColumn?

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Trap CTRL-Z With Keypressevent?

Dec 7, 2009

With the component I am using, I only have a keypress event. So I cannot seem to figure out how to trap the control key. The lower case z is reported as keyascii 90 and the upper Z is 122 but can't get the control to show me when debugging. This is where I'm at (trying different ways, none working) Can someone tell me how to trap a ctrl-z correctly with this keypressevent?


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Trap Event Of New Control

Apr 22, 2010

I have the problem in VBA for Access, but I assume that it is related to Visual Basic as a whole as well.


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Trap Event Of New Control?

May 16, 2012

I have the problem in VBA for Access, but I assume that it is related to Visual Basic as a whole as well.I have the following code:

public sub NavigateIE
dim ieobj as shdocvw.internetexplorer
ieob.navigate ("Some URL")
end sub


How can I link the DocumentComplete event of ieobj to the subroutine named customeventforieobj?

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