C# - Excel Range Usage (cell Error Checking)

Mar 4, 2010

I have the following error for every cell: "the number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe" To duplicate the error: I have to store this results that come from a Web services as strings array: Sample: (3 by 3 array)


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Office Automation :: Loop Through Excel Range Cell By Cell?

Oct 4, 2009

I have user form that copies data form on excel sheet to anther after the paste takes place.I need to perform a cleanup process. If the cell Value = N/A or the Cell formating is Strike thruIt need to1) Cut the Entire row 2) Shift the Row up3) Then paste the cut row into an anther sheet in the workbook

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Loop Thur Excel Range Cell By Cell?

Sep 30, 2009

I have and form that Copies form on excel sheet to anther after the Paste takes place I need to perform a cleanup process. I need to cut the entire row, Shift Rows up, and paste it in anther sheet in the workbook if the value is N/A or the formatting is strike Thur. I am having trouble figuring out the code here is where I got to.

'Declared Stuff
Dim wbTemplateSAS As Excel.Workbook
Dim rangevalue As String = LastRowtx.Text - FirstRowtx.Text + 9


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How To Merge Cell In Excel Without Using Range

May 13, 2010

How to merge cells using Cell and not Range in vb.net. I'll try this code but it doesn't work
excelSheet.Cells(1, 10).Merge()

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.net - Get Cell Reference From Range Object In Excel?

Aug 1, 2011

I have : Dim cell As Excel.Range = sheet.Range("A2") Console.WriteLine("Cell references to = " + ????? ) What should I replace ????? with to get A2 printed in its place?

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Efficiently Assign Cell Properties From An Excel Range To An Array

Jul 26, 2010

In VBA / VB.NET you can assign Excel range values to an array for faster access / manipulation. Is there a way to efficiently assign other cell properties (e.g., top, left, width, height) to an array? I.e., I'd like to do something like: Dim cellTops As Variant : cellTops = Application.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Top..The code is part of a routine to programmatically check whether an image overlaps cells that are used in a workbook. My current method of iterating over the cells in the UsedRange is slow since it requires repeatedly polling for the top / left / width / height of the cells.I'm going to go ahead an accept Doug's answer as it does indeed work faster than naive iteration. In the end, I found that a non-naive iteration works faster for my purposes of detecting controls that overlap content-filled cells. The steps are basically:

(1) Find the interesting set of rows in the used range by looking at the tops and heights of the first cell in each row (my understanding is that all the cells in the row must have the same top and height, but not left and width)

(2) Iterate over the cells in the interesting rows and perform overlap detection using only the left and right positions of the cells.[code]

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Error Using Excel Range Find Method?

Mar 21, 2012

This is driving me crazy. I keep getting an exception with the below code trying to usethe Find method. he error is "Unable to cast COM object of type Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application'. This operation failed because theQueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{000208D5-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))".I have confirmed LastRow = 845

Imports System.IO
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
' open a read-only version of the data file


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C# - Getting Error While Reading Cell Value Of Excel

Aug 25, 2011

i am importing data from Excel workbook having around 30 sheets in each book. Application works fine but after uploading few books it gives error continuously Exception from HRESULT: 0x800AC472 i used thread.sleep(1000) for each workbook into folder remove that? if these due to hyperlinks in some sheet, is any way to disable hyperlinks through code in vb.net

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Office Auto-mation :: Writing A Line To Excel Cell Error?

Aug 5, 2009

I dont know why its giving me an error when i run this code...

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook


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Checking Values Within A Range

Oct 18, 2011

I have 14 values, that change constantly. I need to know how to check each value against each other to see if they are within 250 of each other. [code] I want these two values in the listbox to blink red in the list box. but i always want each value to check every value in the list box. i dont even know where to start short of programming each possibilty with a if than statement and that would take forever

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SSN Checking Entered Based On Reversed Range

Jan 13, 2009

I have a need to verify SSN's that are entered based on a reserved range (these are used for advertising and will never become valid). The input is from a masked text box formatted as 000-00-0000. I may be wrong, but I figured the most logical method would be to remove the hyphens and convert the string to an integer, then compare the starting point and end point of the range.

'Valid SSNs
'Currently, a valid SSN cannot have an area number between 734 and 749, or above 772, the highest area number which the Social Security Administration has allocated. This should not be confused with Tax Identification Numbers which include additional area numbers.
[Code] .....

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C# - -copy A Formatted Cell In Excel To A Table Cell In Word Using .NET?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm attempting to copy cells, one at a time, from an Excel 2003 (or 2007) spreadsheet to a Word 2003 (or 2007) table. I'd like the code to be version-agnostic, and so am using late binding. The formatting of the contents of the Excel cell, such as color, underline, strike-through, needs to be preserved. My approach is to use a Word doc as a template. It has a table at the top which I can copy to the end of the doc, add rows as needed, and fill in the word table cells with the data from the excel spreadsheet. Unfortunately, all the formatting disappears. All I get is the text itself.

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Get Cell Value When Checking On Datagridview

Feb 9, 2011

get cell value when checking on datagridview vb.net.

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Update An Excel Cell By Using The Cell Name - Not The Row And Column?

Jun 7, 2010

I would like to update an Excel cell using the cell name, such as "A1", instead of using the row and column, such as (3,2). I haven't been able to do it. Here is the code I used to update the cell by row and column. How would this code be updated so that it updates the cell by cell name instead?


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Windows - CPU Usage Goes To 100% While Reading From Excel File?

Apr 5, 2012

I created a VB.Net application that will read from excel file and put the data into a table.I used an excel sheet which has 3 columns and 65000 rows.Before starts reading the excel my machine's CPU Usage is around 15%, but during reading the CPU Usage jumps upto 95%.

Private Sub readFromExcel(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal sheetName As String)
Dim connString As String = "data source=XE; user=test; password=test"
Dim con As New OracleConnection(connString)[code].....

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VS 2008 Error: Range Variable 'sender' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block Or A Range Variable Previously Defined In The Query Expression

Mar 25, 2010

I am getting the error:"Range variable 'sender' hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression."for this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Linq
Public Class Form1


I can select any other item from the table without the error. "sender" has the same properties as "receiver" in the SQL table.

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Select A Range Of Non-Contiguous Cells In A Column, Then Return The Address Of The Last Active Cell

Jan 4, 2011

With an excel file opened, i'm trying to:

Select a Range of Non-Contiguous Cells within a Column, then return the address of the last active cell.

Below, is what I have so far: Note the section maked:

' I can't get the next bit to work: '

To make it work, so far :(

1. Create a new Project using VS-2010.

2. By default, the form should be displayed as "Form1.vb".

3. Add a Label (No need to name or set anything).

4. Add two buttons (Again, No need to name or set anything).

5. Double click on the Form...

6. With the form code displayed, Select all, then paste the following.

'Option Strict Off
'Option Explicit On
Imports System.IO


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Datagrid New Row Cell Validation - Validate Empty Text And Indicate Error On Cell?

Jun 1, 2010

The problem is that if you never enter anything into a cell for a new row then that cell is never validated. This is a problem because I have columns that should not be null. I am doing the check in the row level validation and storing the information about which cells are empty that should not be empty. The row level validation works fine and the row level validation error indicator goes on,(red exclamation mark at the beginning of the row) but I also need a visual indicator on the individual cells that are in error.

I am thinking that setting the HasError property for the cells that are in error should cause them to display n error style (the default red border). Is there a way to this this either from XAML (perferably) or from code?Alternatively I could cause those cells to re-validate when the row editing is finished. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Excel To Powerpoint Macro - Copying Excel Range And Pasting As HTML Or Default In Powerpoint?

May 11, 2011

I'm trying to copy a Range from Excel and Paste the information in powerpoint in either the HTML or the default format, however, I am having some difficulties. I am able to get the code to work for pasting the Range as an OLE Object but nothing else. The problem with doing this is that having the embedded excel documents in the powerpoint makes the file extremely large and unstable. I just need to be able to paste the information without the embedded information where it is editable (so, not as a bitmap or picture).

With ppt2Slide
Range("CP12:CT" & RangeIndex2).Copy


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Checking For Date Overlap Across Multiple Date Range Objects?

Nov 7, 2011

I have several records in a database that have Start and End Dates

09/15/2011 - 09/30/2011
10/15/2011 - 10/22/2011
11/01/2011 - 11/15/2011

When user stores a record, I need to make sure dates don't overlap.My simple code checks date ranges within a specific record (e.g. user enters 9/16/2011 or 10/21/2011, I throw an exception.)But, on the slim chance a user gets creative (e.g. 10/14/2011 - 10/23/2011 or even 10/14/2011 to 11/16/2011), now they have circumvented my check.BTW, the user could enter 10/14/2011 to 10/23/2011 if they were editing the record that contained values 10/15/2011 - 10/22/2011.So, I'm trying to solve this riddle with a linq query. However, what I have isn't working exactly right.

UPDATE Nevermind about code not working. While trying to provide an example to expand on Miika's repsonse, I found my answer. So, giving credit to Miika for pointing me in the right direction and posting my working code below:

Here's my code:

Private Sub CheckForOverlap(myMonth As Messages.MyMonth)
Dim am As New MyMonth()
Dim amCollection As Messages.MyMonthCollection


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MS Excel - Appealing, Structured And Neat Appearance For Ease Of Usage By People With Limited IT Abilities?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm currently working on my (business) master's thesis... the topic is capital budgeting tools to manage major investments for a European energy supplier.So far the company has used MS Excel for calculating relevant data to make decisions on whether to invest money in new projects or abandon them. There usually is a host of input data, lots of basic calculations and just two or three outputs (such as Net Present Value, Return on Investment etc) .It is my task to develop a new excel template or decide on buying a completely new software license, if excel proves unable to provide the functionality the company needs.

So far I have only very limited programming knowledge, stretching to Java basics, some HTML code and SQL Databases.However, a colleague hinted at the fact that the VB.net programming language can be easily learned and used to improve excel considerably. Ideally I would need excel to be able to:

- make sure people putting data into our template don't mess with it

- be able to communicate with a database

- have an appealing, structured and neat appearance for ease of usage by people with limited IT abilities

- provide all output, including sensitivity analysis charts, in a structured, printable overview

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Usage Of My.Settings Error?

Aug 12, 2006

I am trying to use the settings page to save user changeable options and when I try to read in anything from the settings I get the following error.

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.

Example: Me.textbox.text = My.Settings.Servername

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Array In From A Range In Excel?

May 31, 2010

OK I have been gooding for over 8 hours trying to figure this out. Bare with me I do not work with arrays much.I have brought an array in from a range in excel. This works fine. Through debugging i can see the values are brought in correctly.

Issue is I want to see if a string exists within that array (or cells).I have tried lots of things and pretty much mutilated my code but here it is:


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Get Range Address In Excel Using .net?

Jan 19, 2010

dynamically get the range of cells in Excel using VS 2005 vb.net. This works oRange = oSheet.Range(oSheet.Cells("A1"), ("U281")).Select, but "U281" will not always be the last cell in the range. So how would I dynamically get the last cell with data in it with the same format as U281.

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Pulling A Range From Excel?

Aug 18, 2011

I want to pull selected data from an Excel spreadsheet.I can populate a datagrid, but want to narrow the data down.

Dim MyConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim DtSet As System.Data.DataSet


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Excel VBA Moving Matrix In Fix Range?

Feb 16, 2012

My objective is to select specific positions in a moving matrix of a fix range with VBA for Excel 2003. The fix range is about 5 or so columns wide and has a few thousand rows. I select a matrix of 5 to 7 rows and same number of columns. I choose a specific position number in this matrix, write that number in another sheet and move on the next matrix just below where I do the same, and this until the last line of the range.

I've tried to write a loop function but this seems to take a lot of execution time.

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Exporting Excel Range As Image?

May 23, 2012

I have a working excel vba macro that does what I want from here and I am trying to convert it to VB.NET.

The code from VBA:

Sub bah()
''' Set Range you want to export to file
Dim rgExp As Range: Set rgExp = Range("B2:C6")
''' Copy range as picture onto Clipboard


I am running into trouble converting the ActiveChart.Paste method. I can't get it to work in VB.NET. It either throws an error or It just leaves an empty box when I do it in VB.NET (if I add .chart before the paste it runs, but doesn't paste any values), but in VBA it fills in the values of interest. I have tried creating a chart object, but that did not seem to work either.

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Importing A Data Range From Excel?

Jan 21, 2011

I need to import data from Excel worksheet into the VB.Net program. First, I need to get the data to some array or arraylist and secondly to show the data to user through datagridview or similar.So far, I have this

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myDataset As New DataSet()
Dim strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=C:TempTest.xls ;" & "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"[code].....

How can I adjust the code to manage that? And how can I import the same range to variables (the range contains approx. 200 rows and 30 columns of data points) and I need the flexibility to add or delete items (rows) from the data in memory later.

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.net - Exception When Trying Iterate Excel Range.value Like Array?

Nov 25, 2011

I tried the following : (VB.Net code)


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.net - Remove Borders From Cells In A Range In Excel?

Aug 7, 2011

Aim to Achieve: To get rid of borders if any in the cells of range. I have :


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