Trap Error For Incorrect Data Type

Feb 10, 2009

i want to enter date in the format of dd/mm/yyyy (30/03/2009) in a textbox. when a click on the button, if nothing or wrong format is enter, will pop up msgbox saying wrong format.

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SQL Insert Statement Error - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect Syntax Near '1'

Jan 6, 2009

Private Sub btnRegister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRegister.Click
Dim msg As String = ""
Dim result1 As Integer


It stated that "incorrect syntax near 1"...

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"incorrect Raster Data Received" Error Displayed

Oct 4, 2010

I am connecting imaje ink jet printer to a PC to print variable data. During the data transfer "incorrect raster data received" error displayed on screen of Imjae.

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Trap An Error Response And Timer

Jul 1, 2009

In my Timer codes[code]...

How can I add this statement or condition?

If the Response is > 1, my timer will tick and go to next item in listbox (means successful).[code]...

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VS 2010 Unable To Trap Error

Feb 4, 2012

review the following code; it is not able to trap the error and the code errors out (OleDbException was unhandled) on the code marked with *

Private sub SaveEmployee()
gConn = New OleDbConnection(sConn)


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VS 2008 - New Row / Cell Value Being Deleted In DGV On Error Trap

Oct 4, 2009

How do I stop the new data row/cell value from being deleted if an error occurs. I am using the DATAERROR event to trap the error as shown below:

Private Sub RoomPricingDGV_DataError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs) Handles RoomPricingDGV.DataError
e.Cancel = False
If e.ColumnIndex = 1 Or e.ColumnIndex = 2 Then
MsgBox("Invalid Date. Please Re-enter! ", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Room Pricing")
RoomPricingDGV.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Selected = True
End If
e.ThrowException = False
End Sub

What I want to happen is to go to the cell automatically where the error has occurred and get the user to change it, not have to retype the whole data row or move back to the previous cell. When using the MSHFLEXGRID in VB6, it was fairly staightforward to do.

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VS 2008 How To Error Trap White Space

Nov 18, 2009

So I have no idea...ive looked around and can't find anything on error traping when a person doens't enter anything. Here is my code as is now...I trap for if the number goes above 36. now I just need to trap the whitespace


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Aggregating Error Trap - Textbox That Is Used To Add Directories To A System Folder

Dec 16, 2009

I have a textbox that is used to add directories to a system folder, each name seperated by a line. If the textbox has text value "Test " that is "Test" & controlchars.newline & "" (not like this is coded, it's typed in), then if i use loop for each part as string in textbox1.text.split(controlchars.newline), the first part will be "Test", the second part will say " " when i run step by step debugger, but if i try and block the addition of a folder by "if part = " "" it does not catch it. I've tried comparing part to "", " ", nothing (which is illogical anyways), and i even tried creating a boolean variable equal to the statment to try and catch it but the program insists that part is not " " even though the debugger tells me that is the value of part.

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Trap The Data From The Scales And Then Update The DB?

May 9, 2012

I am trying to build a socket program and I need your help.The program is to be used for Scales.I need to trap the data from the scales and then update the DB.

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Forms :: Error Occurred Creating The Form Error The Parameter Is Incorrect

Nov 23, 2009

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled.

An Error occurred creating the Form. The error is: The Parameter is incorrect

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Error Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal' To Type 'System.IConvertible'

Jun 6, 2011

I have an InvalidCastException Error in my program. The program is that i try to insert an employee record into a database table after getting the details from a form. I've used Money data type is SQL Server for salary and SqlTypes.SqlDecimal data type in employee template class. i've used a stored procedure to pass the values and i add the basic value by passing a parameter by the method

Dim prm8 As SqlParameter = com.Parameters.Add("@basic", SqlDbType.Money)
prm8.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
prm8.Value = emp.Bsc

I've used the money datatype itself even in the stored procedure variable.I get the following error.

failed to convert parameter value from sql decimal to decimal
Even if i use
prm8.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(emp.Bsc)

I get an error Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal' to type 'System.IConvertible'.

View 3 Replies Error (Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.String' To Type 'System.Data.IDataReader'.)?

Jan 29, 2012

I am getting this error when I am tring to load string type to data table)

Using connection As New SqlConnection("connectionstring;")
Using Command As New SqlCommand("SELECT ClientId,forename,surname from t_clientdetails


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ASP.Net Error - Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.String' To Type 'System.Data.DataTable'

Oct 4, 2009

I get the below error Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Data.DataTable'.This is the code I'm using

Dim str As String = String.Empty
If (Session("Brief") IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim dt As DataTable = Session("Brief")
If (dt.Rows.Count > 0) Then


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Trap The Deletion Message Appears Whenever Delete One Item In May Data Entry?

May 26, 2009

i just want to ask how can i trap the deletion message appears whenever i delete one item in may data entry? im using vb2008 and sql as my database.i know the code in access. does anyone know its counterpart in vb2008? here's the code in Access 2003acDataErrContinue

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Data Type Error?

Mar 31, 2009

I have the following piece of Code in my application shown below,

Dim Oracle_num As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(("SELECT Oracle_no FROM gprdsql.TblOracleNos WHERE Prac_no='" & _


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C# - Error Convert Data Type?

May 22, 2012

i am getting id from the url and pass it to sqldatasource - selectcommand i get thefollowing error : Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '<%=MyIdVal%> to data type int.

code behind :
Public Partial Class Edit
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


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Password Loop Textbox - Code Works To Read The Entry Data And To Recognise The Correct Data, And The Incorrect

Apr 16, 2012


That code works to read the entry data and to recognise the correct data, and the incorrect. However, even if entry is correct, the error msgbox will appear (x times of how many records there are in file), despite being navigated to the menu. Anyway that the Else isn't triggered when data is correct. Also for it to appear just one instead of (x times of how many records there are in file.)

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Error Saying: Incorrect Syntax Near?

Jul 8, 2009

I have a problem with this visual basic statement every time it runs it gives me an error saying: incorrect syntax near? ive checked i a lot of times and i still cant find the problem.. heres the statement:

Sub InsertNewRecord()
Me.Text = "Inserting New Record"
Dim cmdInsert As New SqlCommand


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Error Prompted "Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Numeric"?

May 4, 2010

I have this code which populated my form;

Private Sub populateprojdetails()
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim conn As SqlConnection = GetDbConnection()[code]....

The Error I receive is "Error converting data type varchar to numeric".

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Data Type Mismatch Criteria Error

Jun 21, 2010

data type mismatch criteria error .. please help im getting this error .. and i don't know where's the error ..

Private Sub frmUpdateChapter_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = D:dbCAI.mdb"


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Error Date / Time Data Type

Aug 25, 2011

I have a problem regarding to the date and using combobox for the date and i make of variables..this is my code.[code]i dont know what is my error..but my syntax to insert data its correct..

View 3 Replies - Error - Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword 'IS'

Feb 10, 2012

I've got a GridView. My SelectCommand in the code works if I copy and paste it into SQL Server Management Studio. It executes fine.If I run the page and click Edit for any row I get the error:

"Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IS'."

I've tried to see what's going on using SQL Server Profiler. Here's what the SelectCommand looks like and what SQL is receiving...

SelectCommand from supplies.ascx
SELECT some stuff FROM here WHERE (this IS NULL) and (that=1) ORDER BY this DESC
SQL Server Profiler reports
SELECT some stuff FROM here (this IS NULL) and (that=1) ORDER BY this DESC

I didn't put any code here because I'm not really sure what would be relevant and didn't want to load up the post with unnecessary lines of code.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="fldSupReqID"
EmptyDataText="There are no data records to display." AllowSorting="True"


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Error Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword 'Where'

Aug 1, 2010

I am trying to create INSERT SQL using WHERE syntaxing in order to ensure no duplication with the SQLCMD.PARAMETER but the WHERE clause generate this error message:Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Where'.

Here are the coding:

Dim strSql As String
strSql = "Insert into tblCustomers "
strSql &= "(CustomerID, ContactName,Address,City,PostalCode,Country)"


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Incorrect Syntax Error In Sql Query?

Aug 1, 2011

i am having an sql query in catch block. the code is:

Dim str_exception
String = ex.Message
Dim sql5


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Incorrect Syntax Near ','. - Getting The Error In The Last Line

Jun 20, 2011

cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("select(pname,MRP,rate,dis) from stock_table where pid = '" & Val(ComboBox1.Text) & "'", con)
adapter.SelectCommand = cmd

I am getting the error in the last line ..

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Parameters Data Type - Add Parameter With Same Data Type As Column Data Type

Feb 26, 2012

For each column in data table i want to add parameter with same data type as column data type. But looks it's not that simple.

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim dType As New System.Data.SqlDbType

For Each cl As DataColumn In DataTable1.Columns


How can I do this?

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VS 2010 : Error - A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' Occurred In System.Data.dll

Sep 2, 2011

I've spent a substantial amount of time trying to figure this out, but I keep getting the same error

A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in project1.exe

This happens when I try to use the code is

Public Function Identification() As List(Of Integer)
Dim returnIndex As New List(Of Integer)
Dim dbCount As String = "SELECT Bookingid FROM bookdetail WHERE Date =" & getCurrentTimeString() & " 12:00:00 a.m."
Dim count As Integer = 0


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Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Datetime?

Feb 26, 2009

Error converting data type varchar to datetime.rtfI am trying to learn ASP.NET using ASP.NET 1.1 with SQL Server 2000 for the database. I have created a Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2000 and the procedure to execute the Stored Procedure is in ASP.NET 1.1. The problem is that when I try to save a record, the date field returns the above error. I have ried to use the several solutions on the web without getting one to solve the problem.I am attaching the Stored Procedure as well as the ASP.NET code for some advice. I am also attached a word document containing the two procedures.

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Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Numeric

Apr 29, 2010

When I try to close my form it gives me the following error; Error converting data type varchar to numeric. I have only one field which is numeric - ProjectID, and when I close this form sometimes this txtProjectID is empty and this calls the error. But if there is a number in the txtProjectID it closes fine.

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Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Numeric?

Aug 12, 2010

I am getting the error Error converting data type varchar to numeri when trying to save some of the information that is entered in a textbox to my sql server 2005 database. HEre is the code for my insert statement.

'declare your variables
Dim FirstName, LastName, Comments, MRN
Dim sConnString, connection, sSQL [code]......

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