VS 2008 Open Additional Forms In Center Of Form1 Position?

Jun 10, 2009

I would like all additional forms opened by some command the user performs on the Form1 to open in the center of Form1, no matter where the user has physically moved Form1 on their desktop screen. The application itself (Form1) is a small box with dimensions of 442x306 that will open even smaller forms on top of itself. Right now, I have everything positioned to open in the center of the screen so, in theory, everything works/looks fine as long as the user doesn't move Form1 anywhere.

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Forms :: Find The Position Of Form1?

Jun 11, 2009

I'm literally just started learning VB today and need to find the location of Form1 on the screen.

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Forms :: Stop The Sound In Form1 From Playing When Form2 Open?

May 30, 2009

im trying to open another form2/app that have music but i wanna stop the sound in form1 from playing when form2 open?

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Forms :: Form Variable Value Blank / Null When Move From Form1 To Form2 And Back To Form1

Oct 27, 2009

In my window application, Form1 variable eg. Public str as string. value blank/null when move to Form2 and Back to Form1. How to maintain Form1 varable's value when back to Form1 In vb.net if any one know, reply me soon

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Forms :: Navigate From Form1 To Form2. And Then Close Form1?

Feb 16, 2009

I have got 2 forms ----- form1 and form2

i wanted to navigate from form1 to form2. and then close form1

i did the following code.

-sub form1 _ page load
dim form as new form2
-end sub

i also tried -- form1.close() and form1.dispose() but all in vain

Problem is that my form1 is not getting closed

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Center Picturebox To Cursor Position?

Apr 12, 2012

I want to add a picture box to the form every time the mouse is clicked. But i want the cursor position to be the center of the picture box location.

Private Sub Form1_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Click
Dim PB As New PictureBox
With PB


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Position A Messagebox In The Center Of MainForm ?

Nov 12, 2009

Is it possible to position a messagebox in the center of your MainForm instead of the center of the computer screen? This is really confusing for beginner computer users, if your mainform will be in the top left corner and the message box in the middle of the screen, it won't be very clear that the messagebox belongs to your application. (well to us it is, but not to old people).

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Unable To Position Form To Center

Mar 3, 2011

I have a form called Form1. Its set to startup-Position = Center but when executed it opens up somewhere else (At a random position evrytime).I am working under Windows XP SP3 , using IDE Visual Studio - 2010. Please provide a workaround to this problem. url...

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Window Sizing & Position To Center

May 30, 2012

i'm playing around with fore & background colors, putting text in different places so i thought i'd try to size and position the console window but Console.SetWindowSize(640, 480) gives me an error saying that it has to be less than 170? [Code]. Positioning the window to the center of my screen isn't working either?

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Position A MsgBox To Be In The Center Of The Parent Form?

Jun 16, 2009

How can I position a MsgBox to be in the center of the parent form? I am currently using this code to position other forms in the center of the parent form (no matter what the parent forms current position on the screen):

In Form2.vb

Public Class Copying
Public Sub Copying_Load(ByVal Parent As Form)
Dim LeftPos As Integer


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VS 2008 Multi Forms - Form1 Not Reloading?

Apr 27, 2009

I am using two forms.

Form 1 organizes student information from a textfile

Form 2 appends a new student

I load the second form with:

Dim secondForm As New Form2

It loads, cool..When I close form 2 with me.close, form 1 does not have the updated information. (Most things load with the form_load event)This is form my intro to VB course.

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How To Position A Picturebox Or A Textbox Or A Button On The Center Of Form

Jan 29, 2012

Does anyone know how to position a picturebox or a textbox or a button on the center of the form? i tried anchoring it "Top, Bottom, Left, Right" but when i do that the buttons,pictureboxes and textboxes increasing in size and fills out the screen without appearing in the center.(My form is in maximized state and i need all components to appear at the exact center when the program is run)

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Display The Objects And Position Them But They Arent Showing On The Form1?

Feb 7, 2011

i have this portion of code to display the objects and position them but they arent showing on the form1 load how do i fix this?

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[2005] Position Form2 Directly Under A Control On Form1?

Jan 23, 2009

What I'd like to do is position Form2 underneath the Label on Form1 when the "down arrow" button is clicked. (Basically Form2 should have the same "Left" as the Label on Form1, and its "Top" should be the Top of Label1 plus the Height of Label1.) Please see attached images for further clarification. (I did something like this in VB6 with the SetCursorPos API and the Screen.TwipsPerPixelX and Screen.TwipsPerPixelY properties, but I'm sure there is a better way to do this in .NET.)

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Forms :: Exception On Calling Form1 From LoginForm And LoginForm From Form1

Mar 11, 2010

I have login form as start up form and i call Form1 after successful validation and in Form1, i have close button on click of Close i would like to reset username and password fields on loginform to null. If i add code in form1 below i get exception Dim fmLogin As New LogInForm

An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll

Make sure you do not have an infinite loop or infinite recursion

I get above on LoginForm below statement Dim fmMain As New Form1

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Open Form Center Screen?

Oct 25, 2011

I just converted from Visual Basic 2008 to Visual Basic 2010.The application that I'm working on has several forms that change size depending on the situation and I want them to appear in the center of the screen.

This code:

Me.Height = 161
Me.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen

worked perfectly in VB 2008 and doesn't in VB 2010

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Form1 To Open Form2?

Mar 27, 2009

I have been converting my VB6 programmes to VB 2008, and I am beginning to regret it.According to the books that I am reading on the subject, I can call a second form from the first one. That is, when the first form code has completed, and the final line reads:


the second form should open and wait for input.This does not happen, the form flashes and then disappears without allowing any input, or button click.I must admit that I preferred being able to start from a module, with a Main() sub, which then read the forms, a la VB6. everything seemed to work fine then.

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Can't Open Form1.vb File Into Pictures

Jul 6, 2009

On visual studio 2005 how do i come back to work on the for want of a better way of describing it "the picture way of coding" i have spent before lunch "drawing" my windows application and now i want to link the boxes and the buttons etc but i can't open the form1.vb file into the pictures.

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Manually Set Form Position To Center On Another Form?

Mar 4, 2012

i have my main form and other forms. the other forms startposition is set to manual.is there a way i can set the start position of the other forms to center at the main form

Me.Location = New Point(150, 248)

the above code will position according to the monitor not the mainform.

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Controls On Form1 Not Updated If Form2 Is Open

Feb 4, 2012

When I hit the submit button I want the entered data to appear in textboxes on groupForm, but this isn't happening. I have to restart the form or hit the Refresh button for the data to appear.[code]...

I added groupForm.populate() at the end of the latter function for testing purposes, but I know that shouldn't be necessary ("populate" just loops over all items in the ProfitObjects array and calls NewProfitObjectsItem for each one).

Anyway; when I submit the data from the second form, the groupForm doesn't automatically show the new data. I either have to hit the refresh button or restart the form (it calls populate() on form load).

I simply want the new item to appear immediately after Submitting it. And it should, because that's what groupForm.NewProfitObjectsItem() does. And to top it off I added groupForm.populate(). I'm assuming it's not working because it's called from an external form, or because the other form is open/has the focus.

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Get Url Located In Column Two To Open A Webbrowser1 In Form1

Mar 7, 2012

I have the listview1 saving writing good.List view is two columns First column name Second Column being URL. [code] What I can not figure out is how to get the url located in column two to open a the webbrowser1 in form1.

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Open Selected Data From Form1 To Form 2?

Aug 2, 2011

i have my database table in textbox i want to add a comment button when they click on that it should open a new form with another textbox from the same table.my problem is i cannot get it to load the selected rows comment colum.

My table is containing for example, username, password, name, surname and comment

on form1 i have username, password, name and surname with a button that should open form2 with comment with multilines.so if i have selected a username for example test and i click on comment i want to add data to the username test.

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When Click A Link It Will Open It In Tab In Form1 In A Web-browser

Mar 28, 2009

ok when i click a link in webbrowser1 it opens up IE is there anyway when i click a link it will open it in a tab in my form1 in a webbrowser ?

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Forms :: How To Center The Caption Of A GroupBox

May 22, 2011

I'm using VB with VSPRO2010 I have a groupbox with its caption on the top right I would like to place the caption on the top center.

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Button Click On Form2, Run Private Sub On Form1 That Is Also Open?

Apr 25, 2010

I have two forms. Form 1 you click a button, and it opens Form 2. Form 1 is still open.

When you click a button on Form 2, I want to run a Private Sub that is on Form 1, whilst Form 1 is still open.

The idea is that the data i've entered on Form 2, once I close this form, I can continue working with Form 1 with the updated data without having to close and re-open it.

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Forms :: Center The Component If Maximized Form?

Mar 6, 2009

Commonly if I maximized my form. It'll look like this And now, i just want to ask a simple question.. How to centered all those components if i maximized it??

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VS 2008 BindingSource.Position - Event To Fire Only Once After The Position Command

Dec 5, 2010

I am using the following code to populate data in Textbox1:


I have few functions assigned in TextBox1_TextChanged event. The problem i am facing is this event is fired twice, once after the Fill command and another after the Position command whereas i want the event to fire only once after the Position command. What should i do?

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Center The Messagebox On The Parent Form Rather Than Centering It On The Center Of The Screen?

Jan 3, 2012

When I call this Messagebox, is it possible to center the Messagebox on the parent form rather than centering it on the center of the screen?

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Display Same Button(button1) In Two Different Forms(form1 And Form2)?

Dec 22, 2011

Suppose, i have a button(button1)in form1.

Now i have opened a new form.

I want to display the same button(button1) from form1 to form2.

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Forms - Reffer To An Object In Form1 With Code In Form2

Mar 5, 2009

If I create a new form, say Form2, in order to use it in a program I must create an instance of it: Dim frmTwo and new Form2, If Form2 has a text box on it I can put this code in Form1: [Code] But what happens if I want to refer to an object (a text box)in Form1 with code in frmTwo? This doesn't work: [Code] How is the instance of Form1 created? And How do I refer to it?

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