VS 2008 Recognizing The Pixel Angles?

Aug 20, 2010

Im making a little game. All it does is make a bunch of Random Letters. Move around the screen. Im drawing to the form with paint. But i wanted to make it. So you have to click the letter that my program ask's you to click. I know there is easy ways of doing this. Like just getting the x,y and the mouse x,y on the click event. But i was wondering. If i could accomplish this task. Just by Scanning about 10x10 pixels from where the mouse down event is triggerd. to see if a letter is there. And how i could make it see if it is an A or B etc. The font is white. And about this size. I was thinking about it counting all the white pixel's but that wouldn't work?

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VS 2008 Recognizing Formats?

Jul 20, 2009

I have this database with different kinds of Date formats. I can have:

01 Jan 2009
Jan 2009
Q1 2009

How can i Recognize witch date format it is? And if i have found it out, How can i split it on the space?

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Program 2008 Isn't Recognizing DevExpress

Jun 3, 2010

I have been working in Visual Studio which has DevExpress. My project now doesn't recognize DevExpress so I now have 102 errors on lines like:[code]...

In addition to this when I try to go to the designer for my DevExpress report it can't load the designer :

"The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed. The designer inspected the following classes in the file: rptAll --- The base class 'Object' could not be loaded. Ensure the assembly has been referenced and that all projects have been built."

Yet when I look in my toolbox the DevExpress tools (XRLine, XRLabel...) are still shown and DevExpress is still located in my reference folder.

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VS 2008 Recognizing URL Change In WebBrowser?

Jul 30, 2009

I have this app, and I want to make it so that people can access a site to send a message via a PHP script. I want to do this by loading the web content in a new form, which automatically closes when it recognizes a change in the URL of the WebBrowser. How can I go about doing this? Nothing I have tried has worked right.

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VS 2008 - Restarting WebBrowser / Recognizing Deleted Cookies

Jun 28, 2009

My problem is I have code delete a cookie it deletes it perfectly but my webbrowser1 doesnt recognize that its gone unless I restart the app. I'm wondering how I could get the webbrowser to restart (not refresh) or any way to get it to recognize the cookies no longer there?

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Load A GIF File, And Start With The First Pixel And Check To See If That Pixel Color Is Closer To Black, Red, Green Or Yellow?

Jan 30, 2009

I would like to load a GIF file, and start with the first pixel and check to see if that pixel color is closer to Black, Red, Green or Yellow, then take what ever color it closest matched to and output that color as a number, 0, 1, 2 or 3. So just for a small example a 5x4 GIF would be converted to something like this: 0112223322220111332?

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Determine The Pixel Width And Pixel Height Of The Largest Image?

Jul 4, 2010

How do i determine the pixel width and pixel height of the largest image i can paint onto the graphics object of a printer while inside a printpage event?



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Interface And Graphics :: Get Pixel Color Of A Pixel On Screen

Sep 13, 2007

Is there a quick way to check the color of a pixel on the screen?

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Changing The Position Of A Form, Pixel By Pixel?

Jul 20, 2009

during the development of my project, i've fall in the need to change the position of some forms, pixel by pixel using a timer.Now, i've checked that the movement is very fluid when form is not very heavy, when it contains few elements, but when it has a lot of elements inside, the movement becames nervous and not fluid, the movement becomes jerky.

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Way To Do Collisions From All Angles

Aug 19, 2009

Well I attempted collision detection and it was only ok. First of all only the out of bounds place would work because I just made the right side of the screen make you go left etc.My moving button also goes outside of the area for a brief second before it teleports back to the bounds + 3 or w/e.Never mind all of that I guess.Could someone give me some source code for the simplest way to do collisions from all angles (like a zelda game or something...) or just up/down or left/right (like in pong).

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Calculate Angles Of A Triangle?

Nov 9, 2009

How can i calculate the angles of a triangle, where i have the lengths in cm of all 3 sides?

heres an example where i already know the angles. i know its a sin, cos or tan formula, but nothing i've tried works.

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VS 2010 Lines From Angles

Jan 19, 2012

I have got the code to draw the line at the angle. the issue is that I need 0 degrees to be the right hand side and not the top.[code]

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Working With IntersectsWith And Angles?

Mar 9, 2011

I followed this tutorial [URL] in creating a pong game in VB NET, everything worked well as followed but believe there is still more development that needs to be done to it, for example if the ball is moving horizontally in a straight line, it will just re-bound of the paddles in the same angle everytime which means there is no point to the game. When the game starts moving the ball at a random angle and the ball re-bounds of either paddles, it will re-bound in the same angle it started with each time.

Pointed out what code this is:

Dim random As New Random() ' Random instance
Dim xVel As Single = Math.Cos(random.Next(6, 8)) * speed ' Move ball from randomized angle in X-axis
Dim yVel As Single = Math.Sin(random.Next(6, 8)) * speed ' Move ball from randomized angle in Y-axis


If the ball hits the top of the paddle object, it should re-bound at a different angle How it should be is when the ball hits the paddle object, it should re-bound at a different angle, if it intersects at the top of the paddle, it should re-bound up or bottom of paddler should re-bound down.

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Get RGB Pixel Color Of A Pixel On The Screen?

Jul 29, 2010

How can I find out the pixel colour of a certain point on a web browser. For instance,WebBrowser1.getPixelColor(0,0) would get the rgb colour value of pixel 0, 0.It doesn't have to be rgb it might be hsl or whatever.The web browser is showing a local web page that is hosted on a network. If there is an error then the screen goes all grey. What I want to do is, if this does happen, display an alert message like - "An error has occurred

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Get The Pixel Colour Of A Pixel On The Screen?

Apr 16, 2011

I have an empty picture box with the background colour set to the transparancy colour. How can i get the colour of the pixels within the transparant picture box so that i can create a bitmap of the transparant section of the form?

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C# - Bug In The Matrix.RotateAt Method For Certain Angles?

May 24, 2010

Here's the code i'm using to rotate:

Dim m As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix
Dim size = image.Size
m.RotateAt(degreeAngle, New PointF(CSng(size.Width / 2), CSng(size.Height / 2)))
Dim temp As New Bitmap(600, 600, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(temp)
g.Transform = m
g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0)

(1) Disposals removed for brevity.

(2) I test the code with a 200 x 200 rectangle.

(3) Size 600,600 it just an arbitrary large value that I know will fit the right and bottom sides of the rotated image for testing purposes.

(4) I know, with this code, the top and left edges will be clipped because I'm not transforming the orgin after the rotate.

The problem only occurs at certain angles:

(1) At 90, the right hand edge disappears completely.
(2) At 180, the right and bottom edges are there, but very faded.
(3) At 270, the bottom edge disappears completely.

Is this a known bug?If I manually rotate the corners an draw the image by specifying an output rectangle, I don't get the same problem - though it is slightly slower than using RotateAt.

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How To Calculate Angles Of Right Triangle Given Lengths

Apr 5, 2011

I'm working on a Pythagorean Theorem program that calculates the sides and angles of a right triangle. I have the side measurements and all that down, but I can't find the Visual Basic function that will allow me to calculate the angles from the side measurements. I've tried asin and sinh, but both give me the wrong measure.

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How To Find Angles Of LineShape Controls

May 9, 2012

I need a Function or section of code that finds the angle of a lineShape. Alternitively, a code to find the angle between two set coordinates would also work. I need to know the angle in order for my program to work properly. I'm using VB Express 2010.

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VS 2008 VB 2008 Find Colour Pixel On Specific Coordinates?

Jul 6, 2011

I am running a program that is connected through the internet and i gets disconnected at times.wanted to know how this would be to examine a color of a pixel , If the colour turns changes, my mouse will move to reconnect

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Change Pictureboxes X2 Y2 To Tilt Some Degrees Other Than 90 Degree Angles?

Jan 15, 2011

I dont even know if you can do this in vb.net but, how do you change the pictureboxes x2 y2 to tilt some degrees other than 90 degree angles?

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VB 2008 Move Mouse To Pixel?

Jun 24, 2009

okay i have a simple form like this How can i Move my mouse to the Red part in the Middle of the form i know it's something to do with Pixels but i don't know how to do that if anyone could answer my question i would be so happy so please if you know Please

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VS 2008 : Locating Coordinates Of Specific Pixel?

Apr 12, 2009

i want to locate specific coloured pixel on whole screen (if i set it to red then it should point cursor on the first red pixel that was found on screen)i managed to get cursor coordinates and pixel color of place where cursor is pointing, but i cant figure this out.

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VS 2008 Find Pixel Color In Picture?

Oct 4, 2009

I have a JPEG picture from my digital camera and I want to find the color of a given pixel, say x=10, y=10. How would I go about doing that? I have searched around on the form but nothing is working. I have loaded the picture into a picture box but dont know where to go from there. Also is it possable for it to give me a number corrosponding to each color instead of 3 numbers, one for red, one for green, and one for blue. I am eventually going to be using this to scan through many

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VS 2008 : Get The Color Of A Pixel At Current Mouse Location?

Jul 29, 2009

I would like to get the color of a pixel at my current mouse location, when the mouse is clicked. The location is anything on the screen, not just a jpg, gif, png, etc..

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VS 2008 - Display The Color Of The Current Pixel Under The Mouse Pointer

Aug 6, 2009

I want to make a small application for my web designing needs that will display the color of the current pixel under the mouse pointer. I need this to work on the entire screen (no matter what form/application is in focus) and it needs to update in real time.

I'm not worried about the math or working with coordinates, but I don't know (and can't find) anything that might get the color of the pixel under the cursor on any form. I've found a small number of VB6 examples, but I'm with .NET 2008. Does anyone know of a method or anything (DLL even >.<)

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VS 2008 Filling Array With Pixel Data And Turning It Into A Bitmap?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a small 10px by 10px image, and I want to use VB.NET to find out if that image is (an exact) part of a larger image.I thought a method of doing this would be to lock the bits of the larger image into memory and then loop through each pixel in the image and for each pixel, I could take the 10px by 10px section which is down and to the right of that pixel.. and then compare it to my smaller image.

This is the code I have so far:

'Lockbits of larger image to memory
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(Image.FromFile(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() & "picture.bmp"))
Dim pxF As PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb


when I'm looping through the 10 by 10 section and I find the R G B bytes for each pixel, how do I store this in my rawImage array so I can convert it to a back bitmap and compare it with my original small 10by10 image?

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[VS 2008] Get The Pixel Color Of An Hwnd Using GetDIBits And Print The Result As A RGB Value?

Apr 3, 2009

Does anyone have any code snippet on how to get the pixel color of an hwnd using GetDIBits and print the result as a RGB value? I used copyfromscreen method and getpixel but it cannot processes it in 1ms timer interval.

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Intellisense Not Recognizing New Controls?

Jun 10, 2011

I've added two labels to my form, named them appropriately, and then went to the code to do my thing.Intellisense is not picking up the 2 newly-added controls! I opened the .Designer.vb file for the form and I can see they are in there. I tried "cleaning" the project as well with no luck.

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Program 2005 Is Not Recognizing Changes

Jan 19, 2010

I would like to know the vReasons why vb.net 2005 is not recognizing changes when there are no errors. It does not capitalze and tab a new entry. When I try to debug it just goes to the previous debug not the current one.

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Recognizing New Or Already Known Document With VSTO?

May 11, 2011

I've never worked with VSTO and I've recently read all kinds of stuff about it. So I ask a theoretical question. I'm trying to make an addin which should (using buttons in it's own ribbon tab) upload the document to my website (it's like slideshare). The problem is that this file may be already uploaded and the user may be just trying to update it.

So I need a way to tell if this file has already been uploaded. I know the prediction can't be 100% accurate, that's why I'm going to ask the user with a dialog, but I need it to be fairly clever to alert the user if the file MAY BE is already uploaded.

This assumption can be client-side only, with a database of some sort (in the addin itself).I thought of recording the file's name and based on this I can decide if the file is new or it's already uploaded.

PS. Working on Office 2010 with the latest version of VSTO in VS 2010. My main .net language is VB but samples in C# are more than welcome (if you have ones).

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