VS 2008 Reference Form Controls With Variables?

Nov 14, 2009

This code passes a button name ("Button2") and a value (4) to be displayed on it. Can the "UpdateButtonName" procedure be streamlined by replacing the "For Next" and "If Endif" code with something else since the button name is already known? It shouldn't have to check control on the form to see if it is the one I want.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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NumericUpDown Controls - Update Some Variables Each Time One Of These NumUD Controls Changes Value

Nov 20, 2011

I've got a couple of these NumericUpDown controls I put on a form. Without describing too much about the form I basically want to update some variables each time one of these NumUD controls changes value. So for each NumUD I have a call to a Recalculate subroutine within their "changedValue" event.

There are actually two problems. First, if I initialize the "Value" property to something other than zero in VB2010 at DESIGN TIME it won't even open the form when I hit RUN. It gives me a "No Source Available. No symbols loaded for any call stack frame" error. The error box says "InvalidOperationException" was not handled. So if I try to set the initial value of the Value property to anything but zero of either I get this error.


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Using The Reference Variables?

Jul 13, 2010

I am wondering how storing reference variables works. These may not be the correct words to use, and some of the following won't be either, but bare with it.A few months back I realised (or was told) the difference between a Class and a Structure, classes are for reference types and structures are for value types. This happens as a consequence:

Class C
Property Value As String
End Class
Structure S


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[2008] Updating Form Variables During Thread?

Sep 1, 2009

I'm not sure exactly how to describe this. In VB6, there was a Timer command. I could create a variable of type Timer and loop until the current value for Timer exceeded the initial plus a given amount of time. This allowed me to update form variables while the timing loop was executing. How can I do something similar in .NET?

Here is a sample of the VB6 code:

Dim StartTimer As Double
StartTimer = Timer


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Using Variables In Controls?

Aug 31, 2009

I am trying to program a Yahtzee game. I would like to use a random number (out of a six sided die) and show the appropriate dice image based on the number generated. I have six predefined pictureboxes that each have a side of the dice image. I want to mimic the picturebox based on the number received.

For example:

x = Int(1+Rnd()*6)
die1.Image = diex.Image

Where x would be the random number and would pull from the appropriate picturebox.

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Enumerating Controls With Variables?

Jun 22, 2010

If I had 5 text boxes on a form, TextBox1...TextBox5, is there a method to do something like this?

Dim strFld As String
For intFor = 1 to 5
strFld = "TextBox" & intFor
Me(strFld).Text = intFor

It doesn't like the line of Me(strFld) but I figure there must be a way to reference a field via a variable instead of hardcoding the field name.

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VS 2008 - Take A String Of Variables With A Common Delimiter And Break It All Back Out Into Separate Variables

Dec 11, 2011

Last year (2010) I came across a FANTASTIC command that allowed me to take a string of variables with a common delimiter and break it all back out into separate variables (possibly an array) with one statement.


As long as the delimiter was a unique specifiable character, this one-statement command could break it out into elements. my memory and point me in the right direction.

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Correctly Naming Variables/controls?

Sep 1, 2010

Can some one please be kind enough to link me m$ naming guide lines.

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Maximum Number Of Controls And Variables?

Jan 13, 2009

how many variables and controls (i.e. text box, listview, buttons, etc) can a VB program has without slowing down its performance?

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VS 2008 - How To Put Controls On Top In Form

Dec 20, 2010

I have a form with MenuStrip, ToolStrip & StatusStrip. Placed a panel with a 5000 x 7000px image and scroll bars are on form and scroll the image fine. Problem is that all controls appear to have changed size to size of image and also scroll with it horizontally. When scrolling vertically, the image covers up the menu and tool strips. How I can keep the controls on top so they don't attach to the image in the panel?

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VS 2008 Of Form With Many Controls?

Oct 8, 2010

I have Winforms application that holds dozens of controls.Now I'm planning another functionality where I have to move some of the controls and put others instead of them.I have to let the users to choose during runtime whether they prefer ver A or Ver B (means the other controls).

I have doubts what's the best practice to replace the controls.Should I hide the controls and replace them by others in runtime? (then the form may look messy during design time)Should I place them in a panel/group box and then replace the panels? (could be problem since I have some controls that should be displayed on both situations)

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VS 2008 Accessibg The Controls Of A Form?

Jan 24, 2011

Lately I am having a problem accessing the controls of a form . I was used to use the following code back in VB6 :

For Each GenericControl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf GenericControl Is System.Windows.Forms.Button And Mid(GenericControl.Name, 14,


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VS 2008 Looping Through Controls On Win Form?

Feb 11, 2012

i have a winform and i have about 30 labels and 30 picture boxes on it. What i would like to do is fill each label and picturebox with a value and image from a backend database. I could have easily done this in vb6 using control struture , for eg.

for x = 1 to 30
picturebox(x).image = value from database
label(x).caption = value from database


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VS 2008 Resizing Form And Controls?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a form that sits on the user's desktop. It's only purpose is to display specific information about the computer. The layout is basically setup like this:


I want to be able to give the user the option to display whatever data they choose. In doing so, I'd like the form to resize itself based on the how many labels are in the form and for the labels to align vertically.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? For the form, I was thinking I could get the location of the last label and offset it's size by the location, or something similar.

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2008 : Transparent Form But Visible Controls?

May 1, 2012

if I set the property Opacity = 0, a form becomes transparent... but become transparent all it controls, too!how to make transparent ONLY the form and let the controls, labels, buttons etc. visible??

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VS 2008 - Controls Put Inside Form But Don't Appear When Debug

Jul 8, 2009

I have a problem. Controls is put inside form but don't appear when debug? I don't know what happened but. I put a Checkbox control and a button control named Button 3 on the my existing form. But when I debug the application. The Checkbox and Button 3 controls did not appear in the form? I try to put a message box which will be activate when Button 3 is clicked. I put a breakpoint there and I got this message. Breakpoint cannot be hit?

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VS 2008 - Creating Instances Of Controls On Form?

Sep 14, 2010

Is it possible to create instances of controls on a form ? Of course I mean visually , not just by code. After all, these languages define themselves as "Visual" so they should provide that possibility. It is important for the instances to be visible during design time because otherwise we could only guess where those controls might "land". Nevertheless , I have the feeling this is not possible in VB .NET but still I thought I should ask first ...

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VS 2008 Accessing The Controls On A Form Which Is Not Created?

Jan 30, 2011

When I try to access the controls of a form which is not yet created (i.e. to modify the contents of a text box , to press a button etc) , I fail , usually without even an error message . I found out that the only way to make my program go right is to take care that the form is first created before I try to access anything on that form . However this means I must use the Show method to create it and then to Hide it , which leads to an instant awful optical effect . I remember back in VB6 there wasn't such a problem ; it seems that in VB6 each time I accessed a control on a not-created form led to the form being created silently . Is there any way I could do that in .NET too in order to access my precious controls ?

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VS 2008 Calling Form Controls From Module?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a Sub Routine in a module to iterate controls on a form. I get an error about an instance of the object not created.I have declared the object and set it to the form (ModelsBox = Me). I have done this between two forms previously. Is there something fundamental that I am missing. Is this where the "Friend Shared" comes into play?


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[2008] How To Resize Form Controls Programmitically

Sep 21, 2008

how do i make the height of listview automatically resize, when the form is maximized? The anchor property does not work well with this listview because it is a custom control. Does anyone knows how to programmatically resize the height of a listview whenever the user maximizes the parent form like this picture:

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Asp.net - Iteratively Reference Controls By Name Pattern (.NET)?

Sep 26, 2011

Is there a way to iteratively reference an ASP.NET control based on it's name pattern? Perhaps by a "pointer" or something?What I have are a large set of comboboxes (each with an associated DropDownList and TextBox control). The DropDownList always has an item selected by default, but the use may wish to submit a NULL value. I come up with the following code to handle three cases: NULL, Existing Item, New Item.

'TextBoxControl & DropDownListControl should iteratively reference their
' respective TextBox & DropDownList controls by the actual control name


The problem is, with so many comboboxes, I could easily end up with hundreds of lines of code. I wish to handle this in a more dynamic way, but I do not know if it is possible to reference controls in this way. Say I wanted to reference all the TextBox Controls and DropDownList Controls, respectively.

I can do string formatting with a given naming pattern to generate a name ID for any of the controls because they are all named with the same pattern. For example by attaching a specific suffix, say "_tb" for TextBox Controls and "_ddl" for DropDownList Controls:

Left(item.SelectedItem.ToString, item.SelectedItem.ToString.Length - 3) + "_tb"

Can this sort of thing be done in VB? Ultimately, my goal is to take the value entered/selected by the user, if any, and send it to a stored procedure on SQL Server for insertion into the database.

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Reference ContextMenuStrip From Controls Collection?

Jan 6, 2010

I am writing a simple control translation function that reads an XML file containing control names and their localized text. Within the application, each time a form is loaded, it iterates through every control and tests to see if that control is defined in the XML file. If it is, it then sets the control text to whatever localized text is defined in the XML file.

There are some tests and additional requirements (i.e. nested loops) for TabControl and MenuStrip etc., but the control that is giving me the most trouble is the ContextMenuStrip.[code]...

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What Is The Best Reference Material On WPF Custom Controls

Aug 24, 2009

I currently do all development work in VB.NET 2008, winforms; but within 18 months will be switching to WPF (for better or worse). I have had great success using Matthew MacDonald's "Pro NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in VB 2005" book. This is an excellent reference focused entirely on the development of custom controls in windows forms. ( Many of the controls that I use have to have a very specific UI look and feel, so they end up being custom.

I'm looking for pretty much the exact same thing, except focused on WPF. MacDonald has a new book coming out on WPF in general ,but not on custom controls. Books are my preferred reference material, but any good web references.

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Controlling The Order Of Controls Being Populated On A Form In VB 2008?

Jul 29, 2011

My form contains a datagrid and a checked listbox. The listbox is populated on the form_load event. There's a function called when the datagrid's SelectionChanged event is triggered that modifies the checkmarks in the listbox. It all works fine when I manually click on any item in the datagrid.

However, the very first time the form runs, the checkmarks are not affected, even though the first item in the datagrid appears selected. I discovered that this is because the actual listbox is not yet populated on the form at the time the very first SelectionChanged event is triggered. So when the function tries setting the checkboxes, it doesn't get anywhere, since it doesn't see any items in the listbox.

Somehow the datagrid is getting populated, even before the form_load event is triggered. I need the listbox to be populated before the datagrid is populated, but I have no idea how to control this.

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Forms :: Auto-scaling Of Controls In A Form (.Net 2008)

Mar 30, 2010

In my home form I have a splitcontainer and few buttons. When the buttons are clicked respective forms are opened in the splitcontainer. The splitcontainer is anchored- top, left, right, bottom so that when the home form is resized the splitcontainer resizes itself automatically. The controls within the other forms are also anchored properly to resize themselves accordingly. But the problem is when i open a form in the splitcontainer, even if I resize the home form, the controls in the form within the splitcontainer aren't resizing. The reason is when the home form is resized the splitcontainer is resizing itself accordingly but the form inside the splitcontainer isn't (as forms don't have anchor or dock properties so I couldn't set them). As a result though the controls in the sub form are anchored to resize themselves yet they aren't.

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Resize Form & Controls To Screen Size VB 2008

Jun 10, 2011

Anyone knows how to change the Forms and controls of the project as the Screen resolution of the computer changes?

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VS 2008 - MDI Child - Controls Move Up The Form At Runtime

Jul 29, 2009

I have an MDI application which uses fixed sized forms. I've started to change the forms to sizeable and anchored the controls so they move when the form is resized. If the child form has a menu this jumps onto the parent menu (as it always has done) but all the controls move up the form at runtime and leave a space at the bottom of the child. If I change the form in design mode to cut through the bottom controls i.e. so the form doesn't appear tall enough, it corrects itself at runtime. Is there another workaround as it looks misleading in the designer.

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VS 2008 .NET Child Form Controls Method Calls?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a MDI Form that has a child form containing a text box. I want to be able to make a call to the TextBox's cut() method on the currentlly active child form. Here's what I have so far, but it is complaining about using ctrl.cut()


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VS 2008 Adding Multiple User Controls To A Form?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a form that I will be using to keep track of data for computers I build and will eventually link into a database for configuration management, but for right now I'm just trying to get the basic form layout done and functional. I need this for to be customized for each job I do, that means I can have multiple computers, PC card, peripheral equipment, etc. So with that said basically what I have done is created a user control for each separate item that I want to add (i.e. computer, PC card, etc) that has all the fields and functions I require. When I want to add another computer I just add a tab and place my "computer" user control on it, no big deal...

My issue is when I want to add my "PC card" user control to that "computer" user control. What I am trying to do is to add the first user control(PC Card Info) I created under a button called "Add New PC Card" (which is part of the "computer" user control.)and that part works! What I want to do is keep added as many "pc card"user controls as I need and basically keep appending them under the last control on the bottom of the page (which is the "pc card" user control, that is a groupbox with a few drop down boxes and text boxes in it.)with a little spacing between them. The biggest problem I am having is when I add the first "PC Card" user control, it works.. but when I try to add another one and search the current page for all user controls under a certain point or with a specific name, I don't get any results.

I think I'm on the right track with the following code but I am running into 2 things I can't do that are critical to my needs. 1: I need to define the text of the user control I just added so I can uniquely identify it, so If I need to remove it I can and will also play a role later( I thought if there was some way in code to make my control # a variable that may work) 2: I need to know what to look for since I have a count that represents how many of that particular control exist on my form, that way I can name them properly, this will also allow me a method to delete the user control if desired.

Dim pccard As New PC_Card
Dim x As Integer
Dim name As String


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VS 2008 Controls Enabled And Disabled On Windows Form?

Jun 7, 2009

I am making a configuration screen so that an administrator can easily determine what controls on a form are enabled according to a combo selection.

I have created a table (SQL2008 DB) to store the settings and need ideas how I can best implement.

The session form will start up normal with only a few controls enabled to start, but then when the user selects a "session type" from a drop down combo then the form will be configured for that type. Because there may be several different combinations, and I do want to offer the user the ability to add and configure more types as needed I feel like this may be the best method instead of hard coding.

Table Structure

SessionType varchar(25) not null PK
ControlSwitch varchar(50) Not Null

(Edit: I may add an additional DB field so that I can specify the default value of a control also)

Now what I thought I would do on the config form is have a series of combo boxes and the label represent each control with a value of True or False, then when saved it builds a string like example 1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1 or True, True, False etc.

The string would represent
ctrl1=on, ctrl2=on,ctrl3=off,ctrl4=on,ctrl5=off,ctrl6=on,ctrl7=on,ctrl8=on and so on.

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