VS 2008 Retrieving Rows From Datatable To Send To .csv File

Nov 17, 2010

I'm just new to the forums, so I hope you's don't mind me jumping in and asking a question Currently I am pulling out rows from my Datagridview and sending all rows to a .csv file. I now need to retrieve information from two different datatables and put them into the same .csv file I am using. Below is how I am currently retrieving the first part of my .csv file. The second part will below the rows supplied from the datagrid. Hope somebody could advise me on how i could go about or, or have support links.


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Serialize Datatable To A Binary File Then Add New Rows To File

Apr 29, 2012

I need to save a datatable to a binary file , in binary format , in order to make the process fast because the datatable may contain up ten millions rows. So , XML is not favorable because it makes the file large sized , and the process will be slow.

I managed to save the datatable to a binary file , and it works fine , but the problem when I try to add new rows to the existing binary file (using a datatable with the same schema , but different rows data) , it copies the schema of the datatable to the binary file, making it very large.


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Write DataTable Rows To A Text File?

Aug 24, 2011

write each row of a datatable to textfile? I do not need to select any specific columns.

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VS 2008 Adding Values From Array To DataTable Rows?

May 21, 2011

I am trying to add the returned values from an array to the rows in a data table: Here is my current code the values load properly into the list box but not the table, each row ends up with the same value.

current code not working correctly
Dim dtrow As DataRow
Dim lat As Double = CDbl(34.213209)


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VS 2008 Create A List(of Point) From 2 DataTable Rows?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a table with 2 rows named timeStamp and value. I know I can iterate through the rows and create points and add them to a list (new point(timeStamp,value), but is there a way to do it without iteration?

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VS 2010 : Combine Similar Rows In A Datatable (the Rows Only Differ By One Column)?

May 8, 2012

I have three sub tables that I want to process. For each I want to combine the rows, as they are only different by contents in the second column(I want to do the same to the fourth column, later):

'Sub table 1
xx|C201 |02300877 |Samsung |....
xx|C201 |02300877 |Toshiba |....
xx|C213 |02300877 |Samsung


p.s. For the fourth column, Manufacturer information , I want to do the same and I'd probably get something like this for the final table:

xx| C201,C213,C606,C619 |02300877 | Samsung
xx| C201,C213,C606,C619 |02300877 | Toshiba
xx| C303, C305,C712 |02301163
xx| C207, C209, C708 |02301165

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Add Rows To A DataTable Without Losing The Previous Rows?

Apr 14, 2012

Dim _tableBackLogs As System.Data.DataTable
Do While i - 2 > 0
_tableBackLogs = Global.DataAccess.GetDataTable("SELECT SubjectID,SubjectName,Grade FROM SubjectPI WHERE RegNo='" & CInt(HttpContext.Current.Session("userName")) & "' AND Status='Fail' AND Semester='" & i - 2 & "'")
i = i - 2

Doing this replaces the previous data in the DataTable. I want to retain the previous data i.e i want the new rows to be added to the DataTable w/o replacing the previous rows.

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Retrieving Table Rows From A Dataset?

Sep 10, 2009

I am trying to retrieve row data from a table in a dataset (dataset name is PatientsDataSet and table name is tblfacilitiesnames).

I am using VB 2008 but the code I entered is from a VB2005 sample so something must have changed in the format.

I am already connected to the database since it opens the connection when the program is run.

Here is the code:

Dim Counter As Integer
Dim Str1 As String
Dim FacRow As PatientsDataSet.tblFacilitiesNamesRow


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Retrieving Data From A Datatable?

Aug 3, 2011

I'm using two textbox's to enter text and retrieve the data and then show that data in a datagridview.Here is my

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String


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Retrieving Rows From A MS Access Database View

Jul 11, 2011

I've managed to get the following code...


To retrieve a list of Views in my Access database, but now I want to retrieve the results based on a selected View. Is there a correct method in doing this, or do I take the SQL Statement from the DataTable returned for each row?

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Retrieving Single Element From Datatable

Sep 11, 2009

I have a string array (values) whose elements look like this
and so on....

and a datatable that contains all the valid ids (the 1xxx numbers) and their corresponding names. I need to check whether or not the table contains the id and if it does i need to get its name.

This is my current code

Dim tbl as DataTable = GetTable("Select ......")
tbl.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {tbl.Columns("sensor_id")
For each value as string in values


but it seems like it is a round about way since I already know the element exists in the table and the select statement returns an array which i dont need because I know there will only be one datarow associated with this id. I feel like there should be an easier or actually more efficient way of doing this. If not oh well but I had to check anyway.

but this returns an array of datarows when i know I am only going to get one datarow from this query

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C# - Retrieving The Underlying Dataitems Of Selected Gridview Rows?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a button on the page and a gridview with checkboxes on the first column. The gridview is bound to a List. On buttonClick, I need to retrieve the underlying bound data item (MyEntity) for each selected row. How can I do this? I can't simply recreate MyEntity based on the gridview columns, because I am not displaying all the fields of MyEntity. I need a way to get a hold of MyEntity based on the key (MyEntityId).

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VS 2008 Retrieving Values From A File?

Mar 6, 2011

Dim swQuotation As StreamWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter(QCHome.QCQuotationsFile, True)
' Otherwise, write the data to the file
swQuotation.WriteLine(QuoationsCustIDTextBox.Text + ":" + QuotationIDtextbox.Text + ":" + ETC.... ETC...

I want to be able to retreive the Value of QUOTATIONID saved in the file, in another form, but i can't seem to get anywhere with it, and its bugging me.The following code Doesn't work, when it should :

'For Multiple Quotations.
Dim Quotationlines() = File.ReadAllLines(QCHome.QCQuotationsFile)
For i = 0 To Quotationlines.Count() - 1


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VS 2008 - Retrieving More Than One Line Out Of Text File?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm trying to retrieve line 5 - 8 from a text file, but I can't figure out how. I can retrieve a single line and I can retrieve all lines, but I can't figure out how to get those specific ones. I tried using substring but it didn't work.

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Open A CSV File Update Some Rows, Columns, Delete Some Rows And Save It As Another CSV File?

Aug 25, 2011

I have a csv file. I need to open it, delete whole row on basis of a column value, Update few of the column values and save the file as .dat file. I am using VB.net 2010

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DGV Rows To Datatable?

May 29, 2009

I have a DGV that has a datasource to load the rows I need for display.

Now, I need to save the selected rows to a DataTable.

binding the DGV. I created the DataTable in my DataSet dsProfiles1 and created a BindingSource - bsDataTableDGV


ClientID Int32 not null PK
ClientName String not null
ProgramNo Int32 Not Null


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How To Add New Rows Into DataTable

Feb 15, 2012

I have a form with a textbox and a add button. User can write a name down on the textbox and click add button. it will save in a datatable with auto ID. After that, the textbox is cleared and the user can write another name on the text box and click the button. This should add to the existing datatable on memory with existing ID + 1. Show on the gridview. (this is just for display purpose to confirm it works)

I have a datatable like this.
Button1.click() event
Dim name = txtname.Text
Dim dt As New DataTable
dt.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Integer))
[Code] .....

At the moment I have sometime like the code above. in the real program, it is not just name and it is not just one datatable so i just mock up some code. And this code for aspx.
<asp:TextBox ID="txtname" runat="server">
</asp:TextBox><asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">

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.net - Flip Two Rows Of A Datatable?

Jan 14, 2011

I Have a datatable in .net. I need to flip the location of two of them. For example, a datatable that the select statement had an order by priority clause. The user wants to up the priority of a single row by selecting it and clicking increase priority, how do i move a row up (AKA flip two rows)

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Add Rows To A Datatable With Parallel.for?

Jul 13, 2010

I have this sub :

Private Sub error_out(ByVal line As Integer, ByVal err_col As Integer, ByVal err_msg As String)
Dim ln = t_erori.Rows.Add


I suspect this is because it's trying to add the same row twice.
How can i make this work ? Or what else method could I use to do this ?

I need this datatable because my app is writing some results in there, but any other method to store the results that works with parallel.for would be ok.

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Asp.net - Merge Rows In Datatable Which Had Same Value (VB)?

May 13, 2012

I have one datatable tempDT with value :


The problem is I want merge duplicate serial_no into one row which the value of testong adding to new column. I have tried many ways, but I can't find the solution. Here is my code behind :


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Datatable Compare Rows?

Apr 17, 2009

I have a datatable object, which is populated from a webservice.Apparently, the web service just throws everything (data) back to me. The data which gets in my datatable looks like this:

Dept Code Value
Science ABC 5
Science ABC 6


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Delete All Rows In Datatable?

Apr 8, 2010

At the moment I use this code but I have 591 rows to delete and it takes forever to loop and delete each row on an individual basis


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Delete Rows From Datatable?

Feb 10, 2012

i need to delete some rows from datatable

i don't know the indexes i have 2 columns to idendify the rows to delete

how to achive this in easy way

i don't want to delete inside loop wat will happen if i have 2 million rows? tats why i don't want to delete indendify the rows and delete in loop

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How To Delete Rows From DataTable

Mar 20, 2009

I have a Datatable in my code in vb.net. I need to delete rows from the datatable. The name of my Datatable is "temptable".in my row deleting event of a Gridview control. I wrote code as follows:

In the Row_Deleting event of Gridview:

But,it shows an error as follows:
"Cannot cast System.Int32 to System.Data.Datarow".

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Loop Through The Rows Of A Particular DataTable?

Jan 9, 2009

IDE : VS 2008,Platform : .NET 3.5,Here is my DataTable columns :ID Note DetailI want to write sth like this :

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Remove All Rows In Datatable?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a simple application that uses a database to store usernames and passwords.I have a hidden control that, when activated,should clear all usernames and passwords from the datatable.Then, one admin account is added. I have tried the datatable.clear method BUT while it throws no errors, it doesn't clear the datatable.I have also tried the datatable.reset method, with the same problem. I am now trying this method:

Dim row As DataRow
For Each row In Authenticate.Logins

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Set Value For All Rows In DataTable Without For Loop

Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to set the same value for all rows for a single column in a datatable without using for loop. Any faster methods to achieve the same.

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Way Of Accessing Datatable Rows?

Feb 22, 2010

am just curious to know...which is the better or more efficient way of these two?

Note: tblOD is a DataTable
For dtrows As Long = 0 To tblOD.Rows.Count - 1
dgv1.Rows.Add(tblOD(dtrows)(0), tblOD(dtrows)(1), _


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Way To Access Datatable Rows

Jun 13, 2011

Way to access datatable rows


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Asp.net - Datatable To String With Unique Rows

May 2, 2012

I have a datatable and I want to create a text file using this datatable. I want that each row of the newly created text file is unique. If there is a duplicate row, then it should add * to both rows ( duplicate rows)

I am using following code:

Dim str As String
For Each row As DataRow In dataTable.Rows
str += row(1) ' This is text data


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