VS 2008 Search Form In .Net?

Dec 30, 2011

I am creating a small application using vb.net 2008 and sql server having 10 forms.I want to create a common search form .When i click in the SearchToolStripButton in all forms the 'Search' form shoudld be loaded with the data from the header table into a grid.I complete upto that.How to write code for the following

1)When i double click in one row in the grid of search window i want to return those data to the corresponding forms and i want to edit there.AND After i select one row in grid in the search form and click OK button i want to return those data to the corresponding forms and display there.

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VS 2008 : Search For All Buttons Within A Form?

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to create a piece of code that will recursively get all the buttons on a form.The problem that can occur with this is having a panel as then you have to go through all the controls in the panel as well.The code I have at the moment is

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim btns As List(Of Button)
btns = getAllButtons(Me)


The problem I am having is that while this works for forms and SplitContainer, it doesn't work on panels or TabControl.

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VS 2008 Simple Search Form?

May 5, 2009

First (and definitely not last) post here. I need help with creating a search page for an application. All that needs to be done is create a search that gets the results from a database that was created. Can someone point me in the right direction of a good tutorial? I can't seem to find one.

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VS 2008 - How To Add Search By Surname Option To Form

Sep 21, 2009

I've built a contact book in vb08. I've created the database in ms access 2007. I connect in and show the data and drag it to my form it works 100%. I can add and delete entries everything but how do i add a search by surname option to the form?

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Search - ID Number - Highlight The Listview Item Found In Search From My First Form?

Jun 11, 2011

How can I search, for example ID Number, and want to highlight the listview item found in search from my first form? I'm using combobox from my second form to search.

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Code That Can Allow The Login Form To Search For Pin Numbers Stored In Another Form?

Aug 15, 2011

I need a code that can allow the login form to search for pin number stored in another form example when a customer enters the pin number and clicks ok button the login form searches if the pin number exists in the bank details form

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During Search Process My Form "Stop Respond" Like "Hang" Until Finish Search Process?

Mar 11, 2010

During search Process My Form "Stop Respond" Like "Hang" Until Finish Search Process.I want to add Images apiece - ly or One by one (like progressbar)

My text code is :


and how can i ignore System Protected Folders Like "System Volume Information" During Search Process.

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Create A Search Form?

Jan 26, 2011

I have an application and I want to add a search screen to it. This search screen goes through a dataset and shows available rooms for certain dates (if the dates are available)

I have designed the form so that user enters a start date, start time, end time and end date, with datetimepicker controls and a search button.

I need the available rooms to be shown so I have added a datagrid control.

I have two datasets which I have to use for this, roomsdb which has information about the various meeting rooms (id, capacity, and so on) also I have bookingsdb which shows all the current bookings made for each room.

I dont know how to start writing the code so that the information in the datetimepicker controls checks against the information stored in the datasets.

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How To Search & Update Form

Nov 3, 2010

I am relatively new to VBA, so please bare with me. I need to create a Form that can Search, Add, and Update Records in a single Table.What I have so far is:

Table: tblMembers
Fields: First, Last, City, State, Bar
Form: frmMembers


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Using A Search Button On A Form In .net?

Apr 25, 2009

i have got a table called table2 in access which i have coloums(id,papertype,width,grammage)what i want to do is creat a search button on a form so when the person enters the paper type and clicks search the database is searched by paper type depending on what entered?

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Create A Search Field At The Top Of Form?

Mar 11, 2010

I have create a database program in vb, with 3 forms, on the second form, I have populated it with fields from 'databaseDataSet'.

Basically my question to you is that I want to create a search field at the top of this form that when the user inputs a query, it searches through the last name field and goes to the matching record.


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Display Search Result On A Form?

Sep 2, 2009

I've created a form which correctly displays all my fields in a recordset. I can scroll through them, add new records, delete records, etc. etc. and everything is fine. I now want to add a Search field to the form so that when the user enters a search string, it automatically searches through the dataset and refreshes the display to display the appropriate search result (i.e. populates the currently open form with the appropriate record).I have a simple database, and I have created a form (not a datagrid) for displaying the records (and to make it easy to add new records and browse through with the next and precious record buttons). BUT, to put a simple textbox on the toolstrip and enable the user to write something in it and then click a button to display the entire record containing that "something" seems imposible.

I have eleven columns in my table, and I want to search the one with the Primary Key, so there will be no confusing wich record to display.

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Display Search Results In A New Form?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm using visual studio 2010 and sql server 2005 to store my data. I'm creating a system that will allow me to find/search for records that are stored within the database. Thing is, i have 2 separate forms for this - one is the find/search page which allows you to enter in as many fields as you want (the more you enter, the more efficient the search is) and the second one is the find/search results page which will show the results from the search.

I'm not using a datagrid as i've already created these forms myself. I'm on a tight schedule because i've spent so much time already trying to get this to work. Do i need to create another dataset and tableadapter and bind the text boxes? how will i code the find/search button so the search will be carried out and the results will appear in the other form?

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Displaying Search Results In A New Form?

Jun 6, 2011

i'm working with a sql (2005) database and using visual studio 2010. I've created a system where one of the forms is a find/search form. A user can enter in for example, a customerID and once they click on "find/search" the customerID will be searched in the database and if found, all relevant information about the customer will be retrieved and displayed in another form (find/search results page). I realise that this can be done using an SQL statement like follows

searchStr = "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID LIKE CIDTextBox.Text%"

What i'm unsure about is how to execute this SQL statement once the "find/search" button has been clicked and how to display the founded results in another form.

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Form Hang On Search Operation

Sep 11, 2009

I m make search file project. In This Project I Search All File From Drive. ( *.* )When i Press Button For Search, Its Still Hand For Few Seconds Or Minutes When Search Completed its Normal. 1. How to Resolve its Hanging. 2. Can I Add Progress-bar For This Action. [Code]

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Get Search Coding Form Database?

Jun 22, 2010

search button coding in vb.net

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Create A Search Form To Link To A Database

Apr 2, 2011

have a simple access database

customer id
first name
last name

i want to make a simple search form in vb 2008 to search for the customer ID and have the relevant field fill up but i want to make it so what ever ID number i type in it wil give the relevant details so far i am only find how to make it load
an jus keep clicking next to go to the nex record

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Multiple Search Criteria In An Access Form

Mar 21, 2012

[code]the main piece deals with the binding source filter. I've tried or/and. i tried to include that both codes in the string. i don't know what to do again i know you would recommend SQL but i don't know how to use that yet, so could you please recommend some bindingsourcefilter code to assist please. Its for a School project the search window looks like the attached picture

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Perform A Search Starting From The Completion Of A Form ?

Nov 19, 2009

I want to link sql server and vb.net (ADO.NET) . I'm using visual basic 2008 express edition and sql server management studio.

My problem is how to perform a search starting from the completion of a form (in vb.net ). On pressing the button search it verifies if the records are in the table (in my case FoaieParcursMasina).

SQL Server:
Step1: Create the table and insert into them the values (full DDL):
-- creating the table FoaieParcursMasina
CREATE TABLE FoaieParcursMasina


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Query Builder To Make A Search Form

Dec 19, 2011

I have been trying to create a filter search as instructed by many Youtube tutorials but I am unable to get my code to work:This is what I have. I created a query in the Query Builder like so:[code]So I went back to basics and re-created the Query in Query Builder, this time I executed the query in the QB, but all of my columns are displayed as NULL when I know I have data in the tables.

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Search Form - Data Retrieval In Textboxes

Dec 15, 2011

I am using vb.net and sql server 2005 as backend. I have a search form in which a field called billno is searched and all details are displayed in datagridview but the problem is I have to restart the project every now and then. Whenever any entry is done in database the immediate form opens is the search form so it must display the data which was inserted immediately without restarting the project.

For inserting data I am using the following code:
if TextBox1.Text = "" Or TextBox2.Text = "" Or TextBox3.Text = "" Or TextBox7.Text = "" Or TextBox11.Text = "" Or TextBox12.Text = "" Or TextBox13.Text = "" Or DateTimePicker1.Text = "" Then ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox1, "Enter Proper Details")
ErrorProvider2.SetError(TextBox2, "Enter Proper Details")
[Code] .....

Second problem is have a print form in a particular format but the data retrieval in textboxes is not happening actally i dont know what to do. What would be the code for data retrieval from database into their respective textboxes?

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Search Form Store Result In DataGridView?

Nov 24, 2009

I experience some difficulties with property Item of DataGridView component.

The application is made in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition and I'm using Sql Server Management Studio as DBMS.

I have made a query starting from my tables and I want to add the result of query in a datagridview in reference with what the user selects: (I have 3 textboxes and 2 datetimepickers).

Here's the code in button search:

(don't know how to add the 5 components in the dategridview and integrate the query in datagridview).

My form is this:

Here's the full code of search button:(where I have problems) (I made a reader to read my query and I need to store the result of query in a datagridview related with what user types in the 3 textboxes and selects from the 2 datetimepickers.)

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim conexiune As SqlConnection 'for connection with sql server


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Search Form With Different Fields To Access Database

Jan 21, 2012

I have finished my database using Dreamweaver ASP VBScript and Access, the only thing left is to create the searching system. My search form works fine when posting just one filed. The results page Recordset goes as follows.


I need 7 different fields on my search form, this what I did but it doesn't work.


Name: MMColParam
Type: Text
Value: Request.Form("Ref")
Default value: 1

Name: MMColParam
Type: Text
Value: Request.Form("New_resale")
Default value: 1

"Price" is a special one because this is a list menu with different amounts, like 50.000, 70.000, 90.000, and so one. The idea is to make this list menu post to the result page, only to display records under or equal to the given value. less or equal > than 50.000 or 70.000, etc.

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Filter/search A Numeric Number From Your Form Feilds?

May 10, 2012

how do you filter/search a numeric number from your form feilds in vb.net. i have filtered a feild with textbox containing names(first name) but this time i would like to search/find what is containing in a numeric textfiled which is phone number textfield.A phone number is numeric and it might contain both characters and numbers. for example, one can write +44 7961400000. In textfield for fname, i have the following:

Me.EmployeesBindingSource.Filter = ("Fname Like'%" & TextBox3.Text & "%'")

how could i do that in phone number textfield.

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How To Have A Search Form Toolstrip Inside A Tabcontrol Page

Mar 19, 2009

I am using a tabcontrol to put all my database tables as I don't want to have too many forms. I tried to set up the search form function by watching a video by Beth Messi called "Creating a search form" under form over data video series. After I finished setting up everthing accordingly, the tool strip appeared bellow the window form title bar. May I know how can I move it into the tabpage?

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VS 2005 How To Show Search Icon Before Form Loading

Dec 18, 2009

i'm doing Advance search in my applications(vb.net,MS-Access) ,the results display form is quite heavy so i thought before loding the form i want to show some search icon

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DB/Reporting :: Make A Search Form And Store Results In A Datagridview?

Nov 25, 2009

I performed a search by completing this information in my form:

TextBox1: the user types DB-20-RTS
DateTimePicker1: selects 7 april 2004
DateTimePicker2: selects 7 april 2004


I don't have errors of syntax in my code the only problem is when I press the search button (it doesn't store me in the columns of datagridview the 5 things I want).

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Tcp Listening - Form To Search Open Ports And Put Them In The Right Lisview/Column

Jun 27, 2009

Lets say i got a listview and that listview contains ip and open port, i wan't the form to search open ports and put them in the Right lisview/Column example : messagebox("Ip Found")

Here is what i have a.t.m


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Visual Basic Program To Search And Upload To A Form A Picture?

Oct 28, 2010

I need a Visual Basic Program to search and upload to a form a picture(of any format) saved in access database using a unique field(Verification Number). The access database(2003 version) has the following fields; 1. Picture 2. Verification Number 3. ID

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When Select Fruit Form The Combo Box It Will Search The Price But Can't Seem To Multiply It

Jun 13, 2011

My problem is, the data that I pull from the database, when try to multiply it, it didn't multiply.

The database has Fruit and FruitPrice column. When select fruit form the combo box, it will search the price. But I can't seem to multiply it. The price is display at PriceTextBox but when multiply it, it shows 0 in the TotalTextBox. It is a simple problem but I've tried everything I know but it still didn't multiply.

This is my search coding:


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