VS 2008 Security Exception When Writing To Event Log

Nov 24, 2009

I get the following error when I run my program on Windows 7 (x64) : The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security This is thrown on the following line:


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VS 2008 Unauthorized Access Exception When Writing To App Program Files Directory?

Jul 12, 2009

My application creates a file by writing to System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() & "data/" & filename...Now this works fine usually, but I just added a setup utility to the app, so now it installs to the program files directory. It installs correctly and creates the data folder, however when it tries to write the file it gets an exception "unauthorized access".

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Security Exception Trying To Create A Directory

Dec 17, 2011

I'm writing an installation program that needs to create a new Folder in the "Program Files (x86)" folder. I'm getting the following security exception:

System.Security.SecurityException was unhandled

Message=Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A0046 (CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED)

What do I need to do to get around this issue and create the desired Folder?

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1 Out Of 700 Custom Controls Produces A Security Exception?

Jul 27, 2009

For some reason one of my controls produces the following excecption error when adding to the VS ToolBox:Request for the permission of type System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissions, mscorlib, Verion=, Culture=neutral etcWe have identified it is this class within the Custom Control but we not sure whyit is erroring

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Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles Security Exception?

May 30, 2012

My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.ProgramFiles, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "MSAccess.exe")


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VS 2008 - Array - Error Report Shows An Event Type Of Clr203r And An Index Out Of Range Exception

Aug 12, 2011

I have one user that is having a problem with my application, the error report shows an event type of clr203r and an index out of range exception. From what I've read this seems to have "something" to do with arrays or lists. (What that something is, so far, is beyond me or anything I've researched). I do have one array in my program -- myarray(13) as byte and I do have the syntax right as far as noting 20 elements in it. in my other bits of code.

I'm reading those bytes in the serial port, deciphering them and performing some actions. (to be vague). But just with what I've said, can anyone point me to a possible problem? Is the index out of range exception ALWAYS concerned with just arrays or lists? Or could it be something else?

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Exception - Vista + .NET - Access Denied While Writing To HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE?

Mar 30, 2009

I want my program to be able to edit a values within a registry key that resides in 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'

My.Computer.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREXYZ", "MyValue", "MyData")

The above works fine in Windows XP, but throws an UnauthorizedAccessException in Vista.

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Writing A Click Event For A Custom Map?

Feb 13, 2010

I have an image of the political map of the USA. I want to write separate click events for each of the 50 states in Visual Studio. How would I do that?

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Writing To Event Log With My.Application.Log.WriteException

Aug 4, 2009

I'm handling the Application.UnhandledException event in a WinForms app and need to log exceptions caught there. My app.config is set up to log exceptions to a FileLog and an EventLog.The problem is that when running as a non-admin user, the EventLog cannot be written to because of a SecurityException - I get the message "The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched."I understand why - the user does not have permission to create the EventLog source, but the question is how should this source be created? As I see it, I could either:

1) Create the EventLog source with my installer, as this is running as admin. How to do this?

2) Create from within my app, by somehow elevating permissions? But this would give the UAC prompt on Vista.

What's the best practice for creating a Windows Application EventLog source on a client machine?

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Writing Code For Both Keypress And Click Event In Visual Basic?

Oct 12, 2009

I am learning visual basic. I have created a form for a calculator. I have placed buttons for plus, minus, division, multiply etc. The programme is working for clicing on buttons i.e. when I want to add two nos. I accept 1st no. from text box then I click on "PLUS" button then I accept 2nd no. When I click on "Equal" button the result is displaying on textbox. But I want to write code insted of clicking on "PLUS" button if press " + " key on keyboard and for "Equal" button, if I press " Enter " key on keyboard, The result for adding two number should display on textbox. I want code for both click event and keypress event.

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Appdomain.unhandled Exception Event Is Not Always Executed

Jan 5, 2011

I have a service application that randomly stops without any errors in my log or in the event application log. I believe that there could be an unhandled exception somewhere in the code so I set up the AppDomain.Unhandled event to catch any exceptions. While trying to induce unhandled exceptions I have found that this event is not always fired. I added the following code to my service's Shared Sub Main method (but I orginally had it in the OnStart method and was seeing mostly the same thing)

Dim currentDomain as AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
Add Handler currentDomain.UnhandledException, Address of MyHandler

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Catch An Exception Thrown By A Control Event?

Jan 21, 2011

How can I catch an exception thrown by a control event?I have a control that throws an exception in one of its events and I need to catch it but I don't know how.Consider for example that the text box control throws an exception in its click event. How can I catch such exception?

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Event Causing Error - Cannot Catch Exception

Apr 22, 2010

A developer has created a custom control in ASP.NET using VB.NET. The custom control uses a repeater. In certain scenarios, the rpt_ItemDataBound event is encountering a data error. My goal is rather than having the user see the yellow screen of death, give the user a friendlier error explaining exactly what the data error is. I figured I would be able to use a Try/Catch block as shown below throw the exception, however, it appears that the event has nowhere to be thrown to and stops executing at the "End Try" line.

Protected Sub rpt_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles rpt1.ItemDataBound, rpt2.ItemDataBound
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub

In VB.NET, I can find where the repeater's DataSource is being set, however, I can not find a DataBind event. How I can capture the exception in this ASCX control so I can report it to the user. The stack trace looks like this. There is another repeater within the repeater that is actually causing the error (rptOther) and I'm able to catch the error, but I can only throw it to the rpt_ItemDataBound. How rpt_ItemDataBound is getting called without a DataBind event.

at Company.WebForms.Control.rptOther_ItemDataBound(Object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.OnItemDataBound(RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.CreateItem(Int32 itemIndex, ListItemType itemType, Boolean dataBind, Object dataItem)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.CreateControlHierarchy(Boolean useDataSource)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.OnDataBinding(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.DataBind()
at Company.WebForms.Control.rpt_ItemDataBound(Object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)

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VB 2008 Security Precaution?

Mar 3, 2011

I am building this tool for my 2 home computers. Its a client/server program, which is pretty easy to program. However, as with almost all program, you encounter an error now and then. However with this error I am completely clueless to what the problem is. Basically, when I connect from my client to the server, it connects and all. I can send command lines which the server then adds to the log. I have also made a command called /screenshot which basically just takes a screenshot and send it over the connection (so I wont have to run to my 2 computers constantly xD). Anyways, the thing is, that is working fine but This other code I'm making to make it list all the Drives and the first sub-folders inside the drives, disconnects me >_> I can send the screenshot line, that works fine, but when I send the 'listfolders' command, it just disconnects me. When I go back to my other computer it just says disconnected. And it doesn't even execute the given strings. I tested it to make it send a msg box when DCing, that worked fine, but listing those drives and stuff inside a TXT or List box didn't seem to work :<Also. this code works when I make it execute it on startup, but it wont execute it when its sent by my client. So my only guess is that Microsoft has made some sort of security precaution that made you unable to make programs that could have anything to do with the folders, over a TCP connection or something :s Thats my only guess, but perhaps you see whats wrong?


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Vb.2008 Security Application?

Feb 8, 2012

im finish my application and im finish ex�cutable the my application. and my question he's, if posible somebady want open my executable the my application with vb.2008.is that posible

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Unhandled Exception Has Occurred. Event Code: 3005?

Jun 29, 2011

I am facing a problem where i couldnt able to fix it. Could anyone help me on this issue.


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VS 2008 Network & User Security?

Oct 18, 2011

i need advise regarding user security on the network i am unable explain my need , because it won't visualize much hence i attached the graphical representation here kindly find it

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VS 2008 Use Code On Security Installation?

Aug 30, 2010

How to use this code on security installation?

Public Function GetHDSerial() As String
Dim disk As New ManagementObject(_


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Catch An Exception And Throw A New Exception Which Wraps The First Exception As An Inner Exception

May 8, 2009

It is possible to catch an exception and throw a new exception which wraps the first exception as an inner exception: [URL] Also, if I call a function and it throws a certain error, but I catch it, will the calling code's catch handler execute? If so, and it is of a higher exception type, is this not wrapping the exception? eg I can throw exception ex of type IndexOutOfRange, log it but rethrow, catch a higher up exception and do something, or I can throw a new exception and wrap an inner exception like:

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Asp.Net Null Reference Exception On Event Handler For Dynamic Controls

Jul 29, 2011

I've created some dynamic controls on page load and added an event handler to handle the click event of a dynamic link button. Within the sub of the click event handler, I need to reference some other (non-dynamic) controls on the page and change their value. However, I get a null reference exception - object not set to an instance of an object - each time I try to reference a control on the page (in this case label1). What am I doing wrong in creating these dynamic controls or with my event handler?

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Get the data to populate the controls


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[2008] User Security Permission On File?

Feb 27, 2009

how do I clear the permission for a certain user and also add a new user with some security permission?

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System.Security.SecurityException: System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission?

Jul 27, 2010

I am getting the following error message when I try to call this program from a shared drive on our network;

System.Security.SecurityException: System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission
at EMAILVB.EmialVB.EmailVB_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)


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"Security Warning For {app Name} - Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 6, 2009

Hi All,Out of the blue VS 2008 has started showing a security warning dialog every time I create a new project or open an existing one as follows:"The {application name} project file has been customized and could present a security risk by executing custom build steps when opened in Microsoft Visual Studio. If this project came from an untrustworthy source, it could cause damage to your computer or compromise your private information."Two options given are:1) Load Project for Browsing2) Load Project NormallyA 'More Details' button opens a message box with:"An item referring to the file "" was found in the project file "C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalTemporary ProjectsWindowsApplication1WindowsApplication1.vbproj". Since this file is located in a system directory, root directory or network share it could be harmful to write to this file."1) I havent changed any settings since before getting this error and have kept all directories the same2) file locations are in "C:UsersAdministratorDocumentsVisual Studio 2008" - with full permissions3) Vista UAC is turned off4) I am using the Administrator login5) I tried Tools>Options>Projects and Solutions>General - and un-checked "Warn user when the project location is not trusted" -

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Security Update For Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (KB971092)?

Jul 28, 2009

A security update has been released for Visual Studio 2008. It's a large one! (365.2MB) The update addresses vulnerabilities in Microsoft Active Template Library that is included in Visual Studio. This security update can be downloaded and installed through Windows Update or by going to the following link and manually downloading it.[URL]..

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VS 2008 Creating Own Security For App / How To Get Unique Computer Id Number

Apr 16, 2010

I've seen threads on this topic posted before but they didn't come up in the search that I did. What's the best way to get a computer id code of some kind that is unique for each computer so I could use that to create a unique software activation code?Does Visual Basic have any staements that can give you this kind of information.

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IDE :: System.Timers.Timer Working When Exception Occurs In Elapsed Event Handler

Mar 24, 2011

I am using timers in a windows service and facing problem that anytime some exception happens ( say i unplug LAN wire from my computer ) service stops running, What i am expecting is that service should keep on running as i am catching generic exception which should catch the exception on one tick event and again work (next tick)when i plug in LAN wire (i am plugging/un plugging ) LAN wire as this service is reading database from LAN so i want to replicate a failover scneario)

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Make The Custom Exception Thrown In BackGroundWorker DoWork Event The Error In RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs?

Oct 6, 2010

Let's say a custom exception is thrown in the DoWork event for a backgroundworker. How do I pass the custom exception to the backgroundworker so that it ends up being the e.Error in the RunWorkedCompletedEventArgs?

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Track The Routine Which Caused Unhandled Exception Event (Application Events) To Occur?

Apr 12, 2012

In my windows application, I want to check which part of code (or routine) has caused un-handled exception event to occur from application events in its running mode (not debugging).

If this is possible then please guide me how to do this.

If any clarification regarding this is required,

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Check IE Enhanced Security Configuration Installed / Not On Server 2008 R2?

Aug 24, 2011

The code below checks whether IE enhanced security configuration installed or not on a server. this works for server 2003 but doesnt work on 2008 r2. it returns IE enhanced security configuration installed response when i know and have checked that its not.[code]...

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IDE :: Open A Program Written VS 2008 In VB2010 And Get Security Error

Sep 6, 2009

After upgrading code to VS2010, the error "MSB3134: The permission set requested by the application exceeded the permissions allowed by the Internet or Intranet zones. Select Full Trust or to continue using partial trust, define your custom permission set in the Security Page of the Project Designer. Bentley Software Loader". The same code ran fine in VS 2008

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