VS 2008 The Validation Keeps On Running Even Though The Property Is Set To False?

Aug 11, 2009

I have a control which validates the data entered and it is working. I created a Close Button and set the Cause Validation property to False. The validation keeps on running even though the property is set to false. As a matter of fact, it happens to all the controls as if there is a bug in VB.Net.

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Validation For Textbox - True / False?

Sep 12, 2011

Can I validate a texbox to have only True or false? You should enter True or false in the textbox.

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Property <Localizable(False)> Still In Resource File?

Apr 18, 2012

got a property with Localizable set to false however it still appears in the resource file,If I look at his msdn link it says :.. "By default, members that have no localizable attribute or are marked with the LocalizableAttribute se

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Property Set To False But App Still Show Up In Task Manager

Jun 27, 2009

I've set the property for my form to Me.ShowInTaskbar = False, and the app still shows up in the taskmanager.

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VS 2010 Setting A Property Visible To False?

Sep 17, 2011

Can someone clarify if there is ever a need for the below?

When setting a textbox "Visible" property to False is there any reason why I should also set the "Enabled" property to false.

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Panel's Visible Property Won't Change From 'False' To 'True'

Mar 25, 2012

I am stumped on this one. I have a panel (pnlKeyPad) that won't change the visible property when I try to set it to True. But when I try to set the Dock Property to DockStyle.Fill it succeeds. I have tried them in different orders, setting the parent property to the splitpanel and nothing seems to fix it. The panel is on a splitpanel that is visible. The panel is set to visible = false by default.

Any ideas of why this panel won't switch to visible when I specifically set it to visible?[code]...

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Set The Default Property Of A Command Button To True / False?

Mar 10, 2009

In VB6, you can set the Default property of a command button to True / False, and when you push the enter key, it will click the button for you.

What property is this in VBNet / C#?

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Turn A Control's Visible Property To True Or False?

Aug 11, 2011

I know how to turn a control's visible property to true or false, the only thing I don't know is: If I have, for instance, 40 group boxes in which only one is visible, when I click on a button, the first group box visible = false and the second group box visible = true, and when I click on it again, the second group box visible = false and the third group box visible = true, and so on I don't want to write the codes for every controls, since it will be quite time consuming, I want to use fewer codes to achieve this objective,

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VS 2010 Datagridview - Set The Visible Property Of The ID Column To False

Mar 21, 2011

Having an issue with my data gridview. I've set the visible property of the ID column to false, and in the designer the column is hidden, yet it still shows up when i run it. Now if i set it to True it shows the column twice.

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Retrieve The Selected Row Cell Value If It Is Visible Property Is False In Gridview?

Jan 6, 2011

how to retrieve the selected row cell value if it is visible property is false in gridview ?

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Bindingsource.addrow Produces A Row In Datagridview Whose "IsNewRow" Property Is False?

Jan 16, 2010

vb.net 2005 sql 2005 developer.I've done at least 30-40 grids for my clients so i am not exactly new to this.i have an empty bound grid. bound via the drag and drop ide.I click on a button that does an addnew to the bindingsource of the grid.The new row appears filled with empty cells.I want to know how to determine what is the state of the row.

Immeadiately after the addnew, the rows.count is now 1. the value for dgv.rows(0).IsNewRow is false?At this point if i do a bindingsource.canceledit the row dissapears and all is well.If i enter a valid value for some of the rows but not for all of the rows,i hit the uparrow, something happens and the dataerror event is fired. again if i execute a bindingsource.canceledit then the row dissappears and the integrity is ok.If instead of using the up arrow, i click away to lets say cancel button, some strange things begins to happen.The dataerror routine files before the cancel button click event fires.If the row contains valid data then the dataerror event is not fired and the cancel button click event fires.So i am trying to have one button called "delete row".I want it to be able to remove the current row regardless of what state it is in.

If it is still in its add mode then a cancel edit will do. If it has been updated from the grid down to the datatable, then the same is true, a bindingsource.canceledit will work If the row has been pushed out to the sql server, then i have to remove the row in a different way.One such way is to use the datagridview's rows.removeat method.I need to distinguish between a row that is brand new and has not been edited at all from one that is new but has data in it and then the one who has been updated all the way to the server. Bindingsource.CancelEdit and DataGridView.Rows.RemoveAt([currentrow]) are my tools IsNewRow doesnt seem to work.after the bindingsource.addnew, where is the row in the binding source? the Item collection does not have it. The currencymanager.count is still zero?

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VB GridView Control Does Not Allow Code To Access Column When Column Has Visible Property Set To False

Apr 1, 2010

VB GridView control will not allow code in the vb code file to access a data column that has its visible property set to false. When it is set to true, the data column can be accessed with no problem. Any suggestions as to how to correct this? I have looked through the documentation, text books, and I have not found anything that gave me any clue as to what the problem could be. I thought that the property was just applied to the column, not that it would remove the column from being accessible.


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Textbox Text Property Won't Update Programmatically After First Time Running Through A Method (but Will Thereafter)?

Jul 28, 2009

This is my first post on this forum, so please excuse me if I'm posting wrong. Anyway, I've been having an issue that I've never seen before and is driving me nut, I have a windows form on which I have placed many textboxes that display information from a MS SQL database. The user can then change these values and hit a "save" button which writes the changes to the database. I also have certain textboxes that with the "on leave" event (after a user enters a possible new value) trigger a method that recalculates some of the other fields based on the new information. Hopefully that all makes sense.

So the problem is, when I run through this "recalc" method the first time around, it doesn't update those textboxes that it's supposed to. However, when I put a breakpoint in and debug through it, the debugger shows it putting in the correct values into the textboxes. It's just as soon as the method is done, it puts them back to blank, or whatever they were before

'Rebind stuff here
lblCabinets.Text = curMfg.ToString("c")
txtCabinets.Text = curMfg.ToString("c")


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VS 2008 Best Way To Prevent Three False Buttons From Having Same Value?

Jul 31, 2009

I have 4 radio buttons in a group box that I populate with answers from a database.

1.) The way the program works is I first populate one of the buttons randomly with the correct answer.

2.) I then proceed to populate the remaining buttons with False answers, by starting at the first button to see if it has a value or not. If not, it is then populated, if so then its skipped and I move on to the next button. This continues until I populate the remaining three buttons with false answers.what is the best way to prevent the three false buttons from having the same value? And where can I find an example.

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VS 2008 IsDate Always Returns False

Jan 30, 2010

Was wondering why the IsDate function always returns false.

dim myYear as string
myYear = trim(txtYear.text)
If isYear(myYear) = false then


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VS 2008 - Property Grid - Click On Item Show Its Property

Mar 18, 2009

I have a listbox with several list items added. I want that as user click on an item, I should be able to show its property. This should change for different items. For example (hypothetical) : Listbox has numbers 1 - 10. Now when I select 1 I should be able to set property - Name, Lastname, Colour, Age.

When I select 2 I should be able to set - Age, Hair Colour (clr shows), Weight, Date. When I select 3 then - City (combo box drop down), Country, Age only. This way value changes for diff items. One way is to put them in property grid and show them. Though this looks nice but adding/removing items in that is not easy. You need to have a class that refer that to prop grid. Do I have to code for each classes for all values in listbox or is there an easier way to manage items in property grid. If you think prop grid is not the right tool for such an activity then can you suggest something else.

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VS 2008 - 10 Textboxes - Set Them Visiable False But Not One By One Through A For Loop

Dec 23, 2011

I have 10 textboxes in my formthey all name the following


What i want is to set them visiable false but not one by one through a for loop how would i do that because how would concatinate numarical value with alphabates (i.e txtLtr and 0, 1,2 and so on)...i.e For t as integer = 0 to 9 txtLtr&t.visiable = false' what shoud i type here, i need this line of code

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VS 2008 Case Is False But Code Enters It Anyway?

Oct 16, 2010

I'm writing a little program for class that determines what your Chinese Animal Sign is based on the birth year you input. My test expression for the structure is a boolean. If it is true, the case is entered.

The value entered must be at >= 1924. If not, the first case should display an error message. If it IS >= 1924, it passes to the next case to see if you were born under the first animal sign and so on.

I set a breakpoint to find out why it was displaying the error even though I input 1924. The boolean for "< 1924 = True" comes up false, so that case should be skipped, I thought. But the code enters that case anyway and displays the error.I'm new to case structure, but I understand if statements very well. What am I missing?


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VS 2008 Check How Many Booleans Are False And True

May 17, 2010

Nice simple one (I Hope) to start of the day. I have got a load of calculations going on and then a set of rules being checked after the calculations. I then have 9 booleans which check against the varibles. Basically I would like an easy way to check how many Booleans are False and how many are True.


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VS 2008 Datetimepicker Won't Work If Cheched = False?

Oct 19, 2009

I just been working with datetimepicker and I can't get it working if it is unchecked. When it is unchecked looks like it is not taking anything in. I can't load the value in it if it is unchecked which I need to have unchecked until the user ticks it by selecting the date.even if I am trying to trick it by doing this:

dtpCallback.Checked = True
If (Convert.IsDBNull(dsOrders.Tables(0).Rows(0)("callbackDate"))) Then


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VS 2008 Textbox's Value Is Null When Visible Is False?

Dec 16, 2009

I have a couple of textboxes whose databinding's text is set and also readonly is true and visible is false. but when I try to read their values they are all null unless I turn their visibilty to true. The same method is also needed to add a new row to the table (when using bindingsource1.addnew()).

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VS 2008 Visible = False Before The Form Shows Up?

Feb 21, 2011

I got a couple of issues with my windows application VB.Net. I seem to cannot set the form to be invisible before it shows up for a second, there is no option in the properties of a form and also if I set the form to visible = false before the form is loaded it doesn't work.

So this does not work:

Browser.Visible = False

and this does work but the form shows up for a second which I am still not very happy with

Browser.Visible = False

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VS 2008 - Setting Value To Either True Or False In Text File

Jun 15, 2010

I want to have a text file perhaps a ini file where I want to set a value to either True or False so a boolean. How can I do something like this. I want it to be a in text file so I can change. If it's in settings I'll need to change each users settings I want each user's application to read this text file.

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VS 2008 Return False If Move Specific Column?

Apr 13, 2010

Im putting in an image in a specific column.

[Column1] [More Columns]
Image |

Im trying to make it so if the user moves column1 it will not work. But still allow the user to change the order of the other columns.

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VS 2008 Button Set To Visible = False Causes Form To Not Open Properly

Jan 1, 2010

I have a form which won't open properly under certain circumstances if a particular Button is set to visible = false. Under the same circumstances if the Button is set to visiblbe = true the form does open properly or if the line of code at a certain place where it is set to either visible = true or visible = false is commented out or not there then the form opens properly. If any one of the 5 phases on my form are turned on then the problem doesn't ever occur but if none of the phases are on then the problem does occur. I just found a fix for the situation but I still am not clear about what exactly is going on.


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VS 2008 Validation Of XML Against XSD, And ValidationEventHandler

Mar 1, 2012

So the below code validates test.xml against validate.xsd (found the sample code in these forums).

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim myDocument As New XmlDocument


Inside the ValidationEventHandler, how can I get access to that <Date> XMLElement (or whatever element that was invalid)?

I want to access <Date>'s parent node, so I can access <ID> and figure out where this error occurred.

2) Is there a way to pass parameters into ValidationEventHandler from Form1_Load? (Like say I want to pass it an Array to store all the validation errors it finds).

3) Currently exception.linenumber does not work (it returns 0). Is there a way to get the line number the error was found?

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VS 2008 : Stray Graphics Path Image Generated When Label Is Set To Visible = False?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a graphics application that uses graphics paths. Code seen below. You can use keyboard characters to display information. When a label is set to visible = false after being turned on for a number of seconds a stray image is generated. The stray images are also sometimes generated when the label is first made visible.

' points p10b, p2b etc are defined elsewhere
Dim GrpPoints As PointF() = {p10b, p2b, p3b, p11b, p5b, p6b, p12b}
GrPath = New GraphicsPath ' 7 path points


I tried stopping the code from running when the label is set to visible = false but the stray image is still generated but just later. If you want more information let me know.The white arrows points to the stray image that is created just after a label that displayed information was set to visible = false

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VS 2008 Program Requests A Password If Its False It Returns Noturous 'failed To Login'

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to compare something the user sends to a listview(first column) to see if it can find a match using [code] and if it equals true the program requests a password if its false it returns the noturous "failed to login"

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VS 2008 End Program During Input Validation

Nov 11, 2009

You have failed to give me "Staring Point".If you don't give me "Staring Point" the program will terminate.I'd like to terminate the entire program based on dialogresult. Do I just kill my main form or is there a line I can put in there to exit program?

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VS 2008 How To Make Textbox Validation

Jan 7, 2011

is there any way of making a textbox only accept intergers and treat them as such when doing calculations.

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