VS 2008 IsDate Always Returns False

Jan 30, 2010

Was wondering why the IsDate function always returns false.

dim myYear as string
myYear = trim(txtYear.text)
If isYear(myYear) = false then


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Get IsDate(Date) To Come Back As False?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm reviewing some code in VB.net, and in a validation object they have written the following

If Not IsDate(Entity.SelectedDate) Then
ErrorList.Add(New CValidationError("MainReport", "Please select a weekend date"))

SelectedDate is of type Date. It seems to me it would be impossible to ever hit this condition. Is this true?

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IsDate Function Giving Back True Value When Expecting False?

Jun 22, 2010

I am using MS Visual Studio 2205 Version 8.0.50727.42 and MS.Net Framework Version 2.0.50727 SP2 I created a form that requires the user to enter a date into the textbox.I then use the IsDate function to check if the entry is a valid date. IF Not IsDate(fieldname) then send message back to user on form, otherwise continue.If something like this is enterred - 06/090/10 - It passes the IsDate question and of course fails at the database level when inserting to a datetime field. Although there is a three character day, it still passes.

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VS 2005 Isdate Evaluates False For A Good Datetime String

Apr 6, 2009

I am writing a program to analyze error logs from an existing application, and I want to consider only lines that have a Date/time stamp at the beginning of each line.( in the format "03/13/08 08:03:58") I am extracting this as a string and want to evaluate it to make sure it is a valid date so I am using "IsDate(Mid$(TextArray(i), 1, 18))". The problem is that IsDate evaluates False even when the string I am passing should be valid (eg. 03/13/08 08:36:59).


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VS 2008 Program Requests A Password If Its False It Returns Noturous 'failed To Login'

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to compare something the user sends to a listview(first column) to see if it can find a match using [code] and if it equals true the program requests a password if its false it returns the noturous "failed to login"

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Returns Value As True And False?

Sep 18, 2010

I am writing the code in the class to create the strings. I want the value to returns as true if the strings in the class are matched with two numbers or more, but if the if the strings in the class are not matched with first two numbers or not then returns the value as false.[code]....

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DataSet.HasChanges Always Returns False?

Aug 13, 2010

I tied a text box to dataset using the following code

tbAddr.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsCust, "SYS_CUSTOMER.Address");
gridview to same dataset using
dgvNames.DataSource = customerBindingSource - this is in property box.
customerBindingSource.DataSource = dsCust.Tables["SYS_CUSTOMER"];

i make changes in text box tbAddr update_click () in this method i use the following code


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List.Contains Returns False, Even Though It Seems It Should Return True?

Feb 17, 2010

Sub pageload() Handles Me.Load
Dim bom As New List(Of Car)
Dim car1 As New Car With {.Name = "Pea", .Year = 2}[cod

WHY??? I mean the object has the exactly same data, so why does itee]..... say it is not contained?

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Directory.exists(UNCSpec) Always Returns False?

Jun 23, 2010

I am developing a Windows Service (Yes, windows service) using VB2008 and am having trouble determining whether a remote folder exists.The IF in question goes something like this:

If NOT system.io.directory.exists(strFolder) then
End if

The problem is that the above test (excluding the NOT) always returns False, regardless of whether the folder exists or not. So, even if the folder exists, the next statement tries to create an already existing folder which does not go well.

The weird part(s) - after some tests

The system.io.directory.exists() works well when I type it in the immediate window for both local and network resources
It also works well when it is within a normal app (that is, not a service) regardless of whether it is local or network resource
The exists() method when in the service works well if the folder being tested is on the local machine, but fails when it is remote network resource, regardless of whether it is a true UNC or a mapped drive.It is not user's rights, as I have tested with both my own user and the localsystem user and have tested with network resources where I do have access rights.When I try to debug, the PC starts playing the Twilight Zone Theme (Ok, I am kidding about this one )Doing some searching I found that others are complaining about the same behavior, but no suitable answer has been found.

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Function Returns True But Then It Becomes False Upon Assignment

Dec 7, 2010

I call a function (SaveChanges) to access my business / data layer and save any changes to fields that are marked as an Add or Update and are marked to be processed. This function used to work fine up until 60+ minutes ago. What is happening is that suddenly the function is returning false. After debugging through the code, when it hits Return the local boolean is set as True but when it gets back to the calling method (and uses the return value) it is now False. As I said I went through line by line and debugged it, then I added a watch to it. The funny part is that there is one spot that sets the Boolean to false, and when I put a breakpoint on that spot it is never reached.

Here is the function:
Private Function SaveChanges() As Boolean
Dim blnSaved As Boolean = True
Dim saveableRows As List(Of DataRow) = (From d As DataRow In _listData.Tables(0).Rows _
Where Not d("Marking") = "Duplicate" _
And d("Process") = True _
[Code] ....

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Game Programming :: Function Always Returns False?

Oct 3, 2009

[VB.Net 2008 Express Edition]I have a 2D array of Integers called Map(0 to 79, 0 to 79)In this array I store IDs for tiles to be loaded later.I'm trying to write a module to generate a random dungeon every time it starts by making a room 10x10 tiles in the middle, picking a wall, making a hallway from that wall, and adding a room to the end of that hallway.From there it picks a random wall anywhere in the map, adds a hallway and a room, and repeats until the number of floor tiles is high enough [400 atm] The problem is that when the rooms and hallways are made, it first runs a function to return whether or not that space is empty. The problem is that even when I know for a fact the space is empty, it returns false. I don't understand why. Here's the Clear function.

Public Function Clear(ByVal Top As Integer, ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer, ByVal Width As Integer) As Boolean
'Returns whether a rectangle is empty
'used to loop through a rectangle of the map array
Dim introw As Integer


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Public Function Returns Boolean True Or False

Jul 28, 2011

I have a math program that I am working on. One of the exercises has a random word and 6 radiobuttons. The user has to select the radiobutton that displays the exact number of letters in the random word. What I am having trouble with is creating a Public Function to check if the answer selected is the correct one. The radio buttons are within a groupbox. The Public Function returns a boolean True or False.

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InvokeRequired Returns False When UpdateLabel Function Is Called From A Different Class?

May 10, 2012

I am working with tasks, so I've got the following code to update a label on my form:

Private Delegate Sub UpdateLabelDelegate(ByVal s As String)
Public Sub UpdateLabel(ByVal s As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then

Me.BeginInvoke(New UpdateLabelDelegate(AddressOf UpdateLabel), New Object() {s})

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.net - HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.IsAuthenticated Returns False Even Though The User Has Successfully Logged In?

Apr 10, 2011

2003I've implemented Forms Authentication on one particular subfolder on one of my sites. My code works perfectly on my development machine, but there is a slight problem on the live server.If you browse to the admin subfolder, if you are not authenticated, you will be redirected to the login page. The Master Page footer also contains a link to the login page; when the user logs in, that link is supposed to change to a link to the admin page:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim link As HtmlAnchor = FindControlIterative(Me, "Login")
If HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.IsAuthenticated Then


This works fine on my dev PC, but on the live server, IsAuthenticated() returns False, and thus the Login link is not replaced by the Admin link. However, if browse to the admin subfolder, I can access the content fine; there is no redirection to the login page.

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Getting A IsDate() Control On A Date Like 16/01/2008?

Nov 24, 2009

How can i do a isDate() control on a date like 16/01/2008 in vb.net?

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Can't Find The Equivalent Of IsNumeric Or IsDate Functions In .NET

Nov 5, 2010

Following a recomendation from an expert, I removed the Microsoft.VisualBasic Reference from my project in order to "clean" the code and use only .NET. Almost anything I have been able to fix except I cant find the equivalent of IsNumeric or IsDate functions.

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VS 2005 - IsDate Function - Check A String For Convert Able To Valid Date Format

Aug 15, 2010

with a system of regional date configuration as dd/MM/yy

isdate("13/08/10 10:00") ' returns true, but with a system of regional date configuration as MM/dd/yy

isdate("13/08/10 10:00") ' returns false

how to handle this situation, all i need is i want to check a string for convert able to valid date format & then convert the same.

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VS 2008 Best Way To Prevent Three False Buttons From Having Same Value?

Jul 31, 2009

I have 4 radio buttons in a group box that I populate with answers from a database.

1.) The way the program works is I first populate one of the buttons randomly with the correct answer.

2.) I then proceed to populate the remaining buttons with False answers, by starting at the first button to see if it has a value or not. If not, it is then populated, if so then its skipped and I move on to the next button. This continues until I populate the remaining three buttons with false answers.what is the best way to prevent the three false buttons from having the same value? And where can I find an example.

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VS 2008 - 10 Textboxes - Set Them Visiable False But Not One By One Through A For Loop

Dec 23, 2011

I have 10 textboxes in my formthey all name the following


What i want is to set them visiable false but not one by one through a for loop how would i do that because how would concatinate numarical value with alphabates (i.e txtLtr and 0, 1,2 and so on)...i.e For t as integer = 0 to 9 txtLtr&t.visiable = false' what shoud i type here, i need this line of code

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VS 2008 Case Is False But Code Enters It Anyway?

Oct 16, 2010

I'm writing a little program for class that determines what your Chinese Animal Sign is based on the birth year you input. My test expression for the structure is a boolean. If it is true, the case is entered.

The value entered must be at >= 1924. If not, the first case should display an error message. If it IS >= 1924, it passes to the next case to see if you were born under the first animal sign and so on.

I set a breakpoint to find out why it was displaying the error even though I input 1924. The boolean for "< 1924 = True" comes up false, so that case should be skipped, I thought. But the code enters that case anyway and displays the error.I'm new to case structure, but I understand if statements very well. What am I missing?


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VS 2008 Check How Many Booleans Are False And True

May 17, 2010

Nice simple one (I Hope) to start of the day. I have got a load of calculations going on and then a set of rules being checked after the calculations. I then have 9 booleans which check against the varibles. Basically I would like an easy way to check how many Booleans are False and how many are True.


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VS 2008 Datetimepicker Won't Work If Cheched = False?

Oct 19, 2009

I just been working with datetimepicker and I can't get it working if it is unchecked. When it is unchecked looks like it is not taking anything in. I can't load the value in it if it is unchecked which I need to have unchecked until the user ticks it by selecting the date.even if I am trying to trick it by doing this:

dtpCallback.Checked = True
If (Convert.IsDBNull(dsOrders.Tables(0).Rows(0)("callbackDate"))) Then


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VS 2008 Textbox's Value Is Null When Visible Is False?

Dec 16, 2009

I have a couple of textboxes whose databinding's text is set and also readonly is true and visible is false. but when I try to read their values they are all null unless I turn their visibilty to true. The same method is also needed to add a new row to the table (when using bindingsource1.addnew()).

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VS 2008 The Validation Keeps On Running Even Though The Property Is Set To False?

Aug 11, 2009

I have a control which validates the data entered and it is working. I created a Close Button and set the Cause Validation property to False. The validation keeps on running even though the property is set to false. As a matter of fact, it happens to all the controls as if there is a bug in VB.Net.

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VS 2008 Visible = False Before The Form Shows Up?

Feb 21, 2011

I got a couple of issues with my windows application VB.Net. I seem to cannot set the form to be invisible before it shows up for a second, there is no option in the properties of a form and also if I set the form to visible = false before the form is loaded it doesn't work.

So this does not work:

Browser.Visible = False

and this does work but the form shows up for a second which I am still not very happy with

Browser.Visible = False

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VS 2008 - Setting Value To Either True Or False In Text File

Jun 15, 2010

I want to have a text file perhaps a ini file where I want to set a value to either True or False so a boolean. How can I do something like this. I want it to be a in text file so I can change. If it's in settings I'll need to change each users settings I want each user's application to read this text file.

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VS 2008 Return False If Move Specific Column?

Apr 13, 2010

Im putting in an image in a specific column.

[Column1] [More Columns]
Image |

Im trying to make it so if the user moves column1 it will not work. But still allow the user to change the order of the other columns.

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VS 2008 ExecuteNonQuery Returns -1

Oct 15, 2009

Everything I read says calling an SQL Server stored procedure (SP) via ExecuteNonQuery .ExecuteNonQuery(cmd) should return the number of rows affected. When I run my code it successfully inserts a new record but it returns -1. The SP itself is coded to return (0) if successful else return (-99). It is these values that I want to test after execution. I have tried to add a return value parameter to the DBCommand but this causes an error on that parameter: Quote:


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VS 2008 Button Set To Visible = False Causes Form To Not Open Properly

Jan 1, 2010

I have a form which won't open properly under certain circumstances if a particular Button is set to visible = false. Under the same circumstances if the Button is set to visiblbe = true the form does open properly or if the line of code at a certain place where it is set to either visible = true or visible = false is commented out or not there then the form opens properly. If any one of the 5 phases on my form are turned on then the problem doesn't ever occur but if none of the phases are on then the problem does occur. I just found a fix for the situation but I still am not clear about what exactly is going on.


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VS 2008 : Function Returns A 2D Array?

Mar 18, 2011

i am trying to write a function which should return a 2D array , please advise what is wrong with.

Public Function Cursor(ByVal SQL As String, Optional ByVal PARA1 As String = "", _
Optional ByVal PARA2 As String = "") As String(,)
Dim Cols, roWES, I, J As Integer


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