VS 2008 ToolStripTextBox Closes Menu?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a ToolStripTextBox on a ContextMenu that opens upon right-clicking a NotifyIcon in the systray that I'm using to 'filter' what is shown in the menu. My trouble is that as soon as the text box loses focus, the menu closes. Is there a way to force the menu to stay open?

I tried changing "AutoClose" to false, but then my menu wouldn't open at all when the NotifyIcon was clicked.

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VS 2008 ToolStripTextBox And ToolStripMenuItem

May 15, 2010

I have in a menu a ToolStripTextBox where the user can enter a CASE NUMBER to FIND. And I have a ToolStripMenuItem below that says QUICK FIND - clicking this will find the case you put in the textbox. Tabbing out of the textbox puts you at this TOOLSTRIPMENUITEM so that ENTER on the keyboard will trigger the FIND. I want to make it so that pressing ENTER while still in the textbox will trigger that same TOOLSTRIPMENUITEM action. Do I have to trap keypresses or is there a more natural way to accomplish this?

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VS 2008 Selecting Text In ToolStripTextBox?

Nov 2, 2009

I am placing 2 of these on my form and want to do the following:

1. When the control is not Focused and the user clicks inside the control, I want to highlight all text within the control. I expect to use SelectAll() to accomplish this.

2. When the control IS Focused and the user clicks inside the control, I want standard actions to occur; i.e., the user can click-and-drag to highlight, double-click to highlight,

3. When the user leaves the control (clicks on something elsle), if the control is empty, I want to populate it with pre-defined text. If it's not empty, leave text as-is.

I'm having problems, though, with figuring out #1 and #3. I have tried Enter/Leave, GotFocus/LostFocus to no avail. With Enter/Leave, the text will highlight the first time a user enters the control, but I can't seem to get the program to think the user has "left" the control. That is, the "Enter" code will not fire again.

I also thought about using the Click event, but I don't want the SelectAll() code to fire for EVERY click in the TextBox controls.

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VS 2010 When The Client Closes Sockets The Server Closes As Well

Apr 9, 2012

I have a small problem with sockets (I'm new to sockets). Below is the code I'm using. The problem is that when the client closes, the server closes aswell. How do I stop it from doing that?


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ToolStripTextBox Cut Method Doesn't Remove Text?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a toolstriptextbox and a custom context menu strip with a "Cut" menu item. When you select text in the textbox, display the context menu and select the menu item, the cut method of the textbox is being executed, the text is pushed to the clipboard, but the text is not being removed from the textbox. The code is as simple as follows.

Sub menuItemCut_Click (byval sender as object, e as eventargs) handles menuItemCut.Click
End Sub

I have verified the event is fired, and the selected text in textbox gets sent to the clipboard. For some reason the selected text is not removed from the textbox. Has anyone ran into this issue before when working with a toolstriptextbox?

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VS 2008 : Database Connection Closes The Form Automatically?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a piece of code connecting to my database retrieving data. I was just testing the form on another computer and everytime it loads this specific form it closes the form.You can see the lines I had to comment out in order for the form to NOT close on load. Is there something possibly that needs to be installed on this other computer? running XP pro 32 bit.

Dim conn As OleDbConnection
Dim comm As OleDbCommand
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim connectionString As String


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VS 2008 Form With An Object Bound To A Datasource Closes?

Aug 17, 2010

My form closes whenever I insert an object that has a data bound in it. The object I'm trying to insert is a textbox from the data source window (drag n drop). I've checked on the database and that the table has records in it.

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VS 2008 - Splash Screen Closes After 5 Seconds And Opens Form1.vb?

Aug 12, 2009

How do I make it so that when the program starts it shows splash, then the splash screen closes after 5 seconds and opens Form1.vb?

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VS 2008 : Make A Program For School That Closes The Active Window?

May 30, 2010

I need to make a program for school that closes the active window. My application does now SendKeys.Send("%{F4}"). It works but, it also does it when there are no active windows. I want it to close only the active windows.

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Visual Studio 2008 Window Form Closes Immediately After Opening?

Mar 29, 2011

Within my Visual Studio 2008 VB.Net project I am opening multiple forms after setting the form (that is opening) to be an mdichild of the main form. This works in really well in most of my forms except one. I am doing the exact same thing for all of them.

Basically I declare the new form:

Using frm As New frmName() With {.variableName = currentVariable}
frm.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent
End Using

Within the openForm subroutine in the form code I have:

Public Sub openForm()
... ...
End Sub

I know this works because if I remove frm.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent in the main form and change Me.Show() to Me.ShowDialog() in the child form then it works perfectly. Right now (for only one form) it shows the form for only a second (looks like a flicker when staring at the program) and then closes it.

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VS 2008 Make Main Form Inaccessible Until User Closes Dialog Box?

Apr 11, 2010

A program I'm developing launches dialog boxes to get information from the user. Right now, the user can still click on and manipulate the main form while the dialog box is open. How can I make the main form inaccessible until the user closes the dialog box?

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VS 2008 - Change The Hover Color Of Menu Items And Dropdown Menu Items?

Feb 18, 2011

I have currently changed the color of background Menustrip using this code


How do i change the Hover color of menu items and dropdown menu items to orange including the background color which holds icons in menustrip dropdown.....

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VS 2008 MENU Bar - Don't Have The "Step Into Option" From My DEBUG Menu

Aug 7, 2009

Two(2) Things. I don't have the "Clickonce Option" when I select BUILD for the menu bar. I also don't have the "Step Into Option" from my DEBUG menu. Do I have a problem? Or do I need to turn something on?

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When The User Presses "Enter" In A ToolStripTextBox?

Feb 22, 2009

I have a ToolStripTextBox (the name of it is SearchBox) and I would like it when after the user types something and presses enter it takes them to a URL. I've got the URL part sorted out, but I need to know what goes afterI don't see any event in the intellisense popup for something when the user presses "enter."So, in other words, how do I perform an action after the user presses enter?

Private Sub ToolStripComboBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchBox.**?????**
Dim SearchString As String


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Make Toolstriptextbox Size With Form Size?

Aug 4, 2010

i want to make it so my toolstriptextbox will smoothly size with the form as i resize it. I tried using a timer and just say txtbox1.width = me.size.width - 100 or whatever space for the buttons and handling it for when it reaches negative numbers (with autosize off on the textbox) but its not at all smooth.

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VS 2008 Closing All Forms When Program Closes Vs. Closing All But Main Form

Jun 4, 2010

Dim frm As Form
For Each frm In Forms
Set frm = Nothing
Next frm

The above code is what I used in VB6 to close all forms associated with my programs before my program closed. I have been searching for information on how to make sure all forms are closed when closing a VB2008 program.

I have seen info on using the Project Property Shutdown mode When startup form closes and I currently have this set.

Is this all that is really necessary? Will the garbage disposal close everything else to free up RAM?

Also, if I have several forms open and want to close all from the main form without closing each one individually, what is the best approach? Is there a collection like in VB6, go through the collection, compare it to the name of the main form and close it if it is not the main form?

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VS 2008 Chat Server/client - After The Client Clicks Disconnect Or Closes By Task Manager, Looses Connection

Aug 18, 2009

Im using the code from [URL] as a starter, most of the code is the same. the chat system works fine but on the client a added a disconnect button "clientSocket.Close()" and as soon as i click that i get errors, on the client, this is the code...

Private Sub getMessage()
For infiniteCounter = 1 To 2


And this line...

serverStream.Read(inStream, 0, buffSize)
gives me "Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall."

Now im talking the server, after the client clicks disconnect or closes by task manager, looses connection, etc the server crashes and gives me.

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[2008] Menu Strip - When A User Clicks On "Print" In The Menu Strip On The Keyboard Should Automatically Press "Ctrl+P"

Oct 25, 2008

I am totally new to VB and I'd like to know, for example, when a user clicks on "Print" in the menu strip on the keyboard should automatically press "Ctrl+P", because the original print dialog, and the WebBorwser print dialog is toootaly different.

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VS 2008 Working In VB 2008 Designer View - Add Another Item In The Menu

Aug 5, 2009

I have been working on an app that was basically a vb6 app but had to be changed and I did it all using VB 2008. works well, great. One of the problems that I had was to work on different groupboxes or frames. Since they are layered on top of each other, working on one frame would mess up the others. Eventually it all went okay. but now if i want to add another item in the menu and hence add another groupbox (or frame) in the same app - it would definitely be a nightmare.


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[2005] Attaching Controls (combo, Label And Textbox) To The Menu Like The Office Menu?

Mar 1, 2009

Attached is the image from an Office application, how can we emulate such?

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Get Context Menu Appear In Tasktray While The Tray Appears The Menu Doesn't Right Click

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to get my context menu appear in my tasktray, while the tray appears the menu doesnt when i right click. Here is all my code associated with my task tray:


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Make A Menu Item On A Menu Strip Link To Another Windows Form?

Jul 25, 2009

How do I make a menu item on a menu strip link to another windows form (like a menu item that links to an about page already created in the project). I know that every coder knows how to do this, but i've read most of the instructions in the world for Visual Basic coding, but can't find ANYTHING I know coding fairly well, so I can modify it, but I can't create it my self.

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Menu Strip Has Disappeared But The Menu Items Are Still Showing In Properties List?

Oct 6, 2011

I have combed these forums and the 'net and can't find an answer to my specific problem. My menu strip disappeared (after deleting a small secondary form within my project). I therefore created a new strip and while recreating the menu items realized that the original menu items are still present, showing in my properties list. I have checked my design file as well and the original menu strip is definitely gone but the original menu items are there. I don't have many items so I would have no problem just deleting the original ones but I can't see them to delete them! I have checked and they are all set to visible. I have also moved everything on my form to see if it is behind anything else.

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Open A Form From A Menu, Closing It, And Reopening It From The Menu Doesnt Work?

Jun 22, 2010

This is going to be hard to explain but oh well.I have a form with a menu. When I hit option one, it opens another form (form2) inside that same form (mdiparent). When I hit X on form2, then try to open it again from the original form with a menu thru the menu, It says it cant access a disposed object. Here is the code: Form1:


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VS 2005 Menu To Auto-scroll Like Internet Explorer Does In The Favourites Menu When The Mouse Is Over The Arrow

Oct 11, 2009

I have a list of all the fonts on a users system under a Font menu item. I would like to be able to use the scroll wheel to be able to scroll through these items like you can with a combo box.


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Clone The Menu Items And Then Bound It To Form Context Menu?

Nov 26, 2009

Suppose I have ToolStripMenuItem mnuOrderOptions that contains the three drop down items. I want to copy all the items are their respective event handlers to Contextmenu on button click & then bound that context menu with the form.

Private Sub AToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub[code]....

how to clone the menu items and then bound it to form context menu.

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Context Menu Affects Main Menu Drop Down Location

Jul 13, 2010

I open a context menu by right clicking it.

It stays open when the cursor leaves it.

I click a main menu item.

The drop down opens at the top left of the screen.

Not under the main menu item I clicked.

I want to search the Internet but can't guess what key words to use.

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Dynamic Sql Menu - Create A Menu Based On Items In My MS SQL Database

Aug 23, 2011

I am wanting to create a menu based on items in my MS SQL database i have 3 tables


FormID - Int Eg (1)

FormName - nvarchar(50) Eg (Form1)


I can get the form names to be populated in to the menu and can open it my question is how do i set where the menu items will be placed. Eg File with FormHierarch 0 will be the very first one. Exit with FormHierarch 0.1 will be the very first one under File

Private Sub Main_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim menu As New MenuStrip()
Dim dst As DataTable = User.MenuItems(Me.ToolStripStatusLabel1.Text)


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Get A Context Menu With Any Number Of Names In The Menu Created At Runtime

Jan 18, 2010

I have a blank form and when the use right clicks on the form, they get a context menu with any number of names in the menu. This changes depending on the situation. I can get the context menu to add/remove the list of names but when I click on one of the choices and it goes to my routine (from addhandler) I can't find the property that tells me what they clicked on...


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Show Context Menu On Drop Down Menu Item Right Click?

Jun 22, 2009

i want to show context menu on drop down menu item right click...As an example,Suppose we add bookmark in mozilla & when we right click on that item..context menu is showing

Private Sub MenuAddToFavorites_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MenuAddToFavorites.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then


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