VS 2008 Wait Until A Process' Main Window Is Displayed

Apr 10, 2011

I am working on a game launcher, and I need to display a "Splash screen" until the main game has started. For this, I need to know whether or not the Process has a Main window that is fully loaded and displayed.Now I noticed the main window handle is 0 when there is none, so I tried to use that:[code]But the handle never becomes nonzero. I tried to use the title but to no avail.I do not want to go into "Thread.wait()" since then the splash would remain even if the game is already launched.

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Get/Set Properties Of Another Process Main Window?

Mar 18, 2012

I have 3 questions: How to get the process which the main window is active How to change the WindowState of that process main window How to resize the process main window[URl]..

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Interface And Graphics :: Get A Process (wmplayer) Started With A Maximised Main Window?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm trying to get a process (wmplayer) started with a maximised main window. I've tried:

Dim VidPROC As System.Diagnostics.Process
Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("wmplayer", "C:MyVideo.mpg")
startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized
VidPROC = Process.Start(startInfo)

but the process starts with a standard, small empty mplayer window, NOT maximised. (If I change .Maximised to .Hidden it starts hidden, but seems to ignore it when set to .Maximised).

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VB 2008 - Main Window From Child Hwnd

Jan 6, 2011

Hwnd = WindowFromPoint(Cursor.Position) I can get the Hwnd of every control of an external window is under the cursor. Question: I need only and always the MAIN WINDOW hwnd, everywhere should be the cursor. what API I need?

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Process.start() Freezes Main Program Until Process Finishes?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a program that starts another program after setting the regkeys basically the program continually syncs the calandar of outlook and another application.I set the regkeys than launch the c:sync.exe app. I have tried a simple process.start and launching the process as a thread and they both do the same thing: The other process starts and works as it should but my main program goes "White screen" or "not responding" until the process.start has exited.

I want the process.start to run in the background so if users click in my main app it responds and truly that they can access the context menu of my main app from the taskbar while the process.start is running.

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VS 2008 - Link Main Window Form With Menu Strip To Set Parameter

Apr 15, 2010

I an trying to create a GUI and I have added a menu strip, under the tools section of the menu strip, I have added a settings option. I want to click settings and have it open another windows form linked to the main windows form with the menustrip in order to set certain parameters. How do I link these two boxes using the settings menu strip?

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VS 2008 : Making 'main Window' Form Acting As A Container For The Other Forms?

Mar 17, 2009

Am devloping an application with multiple forms, which reside on top of a main form. i.e the main application window. The 'child' forms do not need to be linked in any way as they do not pass information to the parent form, as all the parent form does is act as main window.Now I would like to know what is the correct way for the 'main window' form acting as a container for the other forms? So that all the smaller secondary forms stay focused on top of the main application form, that when the main window is minimized, so these forms should do also etc..

I have read other posts and they mention, leaving all the forms standard i.e. IsMdiContainer = False and then using form.showDialog() to call the secondary forms. This did not work for me as what happens is that as soon as I give focus to the main app form, the secondary form disappears underneath.I tired making the main app form IsMdiContainer = True and when it loads calling:

frmMemberForm.MdiParent = Me

Now this works, because I can click off the form and minimize the app etc and the frmMemberForm doesn't disappear. However if i close the MemberForm and reopen it, it looses this property and once again when it looses focus, it will disappear.

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Buttons On Main Form Displayed Above The Childform?

Aug 11, 2009

Even i have use the "BringToFront" keyword for the childform but its not working. The buttons on the main form are still displayed above the childform. But when i open another form from the childform, it is displayed properly

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Wait The Process Until The Process Completed?

May 11, 2009

I would like to ZIP a file with VB.NET. The following code from Code [URL]

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Capturing Audio Stops When Main Window Is Minimized Or Obstructed By Another Window?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a VB.NET application that uses Managed DirectSound to capture audio.Everything works just fine until (a) the application is minimized or (b) the application is completey obstructed (covered) by another window.

The thing is that the CaptureBufferDescription structure does not include a GlobalFocus property so I don't know what to do to let my application continue capturing when the main window is hidden.

Here's the basic initialization code I'm using:

' Create a buffer description object
bufCapDesc = New CaptureBufferDescription()
With bufCapDesc


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VS 2008 / Process.Start - Hide All My Forms And Only Show One That Says "please Wait"?

Apr 24, 2009

I am using Process.Start in my application, which is working great.My only problem is, the program it "starts", is an installer, which takes about 5 minutes to install. I woud really like to hide all my forms and only show one that says "please wait", but i cant seem to get it to stay there till the process has finished.

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Child Window Open Inside Of The Main Window Form?

Oct 12, 2010

I have create a project with one main form window and also i have to use a number of other forms as well. now i want to open these other forms inside the main window and not outside. I'm using Visual Studio .NET 2010 as developing environment.

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Wait/suspend Execution For A Certain Amout Of Time Without Hanging The Main UI Thread?

Dec 31, 2010

Is it possible to wait/suspend execution for a certain amout of time without hanging the main UI thread?

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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window

Apr 14, 2009

how to retrieve microsoft access filenames from a particular folder on my computer? Within my project the user can create a database, and i want to be able to display all of these databases in a combo box?

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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window?

Jan 23, 2012

I have application with 2 forms (Form1, Form2), when i click in a button in form1, form2 open.when form2 opened & I switch to other window and try to switch back to my application (By clicking in its icon in taskbar), it switch to form1.I need when form2 open & click in taskbar, it switch to form2 & also when form2 open I can't edit or type anything in form1.Exactly the same as the below scenario in windows:when I open any new window from "Windows Properties" (Right click my computer), and switch back to windows properties, it will switch to the new window not to the main Windows properties window

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VS 2008 - Get The Process Name Of The Window?

Oct 31, 2009

For Each MyProc As Process In Process.GetProcesses If MyProc.MainWindowTitle <> "" Then ListBox1.Items.Add(MyProc.MainWindowTitle) Next How can I get the Process name of the Window?

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VS 2008 Allow Window Resizing, External Process?

Jun 6, 2010

how can i allow resizing of window that doesnt allow resizing,.

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How To Start A Process And Wait

Mar 10, 2009

I know how to launch a file or executable in VB .NET 2005. The file will launch and execution in the code continues immediately.


But what if I need to start the program, wait until it finishes executing, read the exit code that it sends back, and take some action based upon the action code? How do I do that?

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Process Won't Wait For Exit?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm having a problem with using the system.diagnostic.process. Basically, I can't get the myProcess.WaitForExit to work. I keep getting an error saying that "No process is associated with this object.". I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


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Wait For A Process And Then Kill It?

Sep 12, 2009

How would I make a VB program that can "wait" for a process to start and then kill it?

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Wait For Process To Start?

Apr 9, 2010

I'd like to have a function in my program that waits for a process to start, and once it does, it executes the code. Id like to have a form of 'buttonless messages box' or 'splash screen' waiting saying "waiting for process to start..." and once the process starts, a message box will pop up saying "Process has started!".

I was thinking of having a timer with a low delay constantly looping to see if the process exists, but that would be a little rough on the processor, no? Also, how would I accomplish the 'buttonless messagebox' that automatically closes once the process is found?

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Wait For Process To Finish Before Starting Another

Jan 19, 2011

I been trying to do loop until and while and even waitforexit nothing works as far as I did not really good with loops.[code]

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Wait Uninstall Process To Finished?

Feb 14, 2011

I want to excute the uninstall command with VB.NET, but want to wait until the uninstall process finished like Control Panel, the Shell command seem not realize it.[code]...

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Wait For Window Exists

Nov 7, 2010

What i'm trying to find out, is, is there a way to recreate the Autoit feature "WinWait", whereby:

"WinWait": Stops script execution until the specified window exists.

The window does not need be active.

e.g. Wait forever for the notepad window.

WinWait, Untitled - Notepad

Does any body know if this is possible with Visual Basic?

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.net - Create Remote Process Via WMI And Wait For It To Exit?

Jan 18, 2012

I'm using System.Management to start a process on a remote target via WMI like this:

InputParameters("CommandLine") = "executable here"
OutputParameters = ManagementClass.InvokeMethod("Create", InputParameters, Nothing)

This kicks off the process and my code continues to run, but I need a way of monitoring that process and not doing anything else until it finishes. Is there a simple solution? I'm hoping there's something similar to Process.WaitForExit like there is when creating a local process.

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How To Make A Pop-up Window (messagebox) Saying That 'Please Wait'

Apr 25, 2010

When my App open, it will download data from server.How to make a pop-up window (messagebox) saying that "Please wait..." and then auto close when download finished?

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Truncation Of Document Name In Main Window Title When Opening A Word Document Under Server 2008?

Sep 22, 2011

We are opening a Word document from our Visual Basic 2010 application using the Word object. When we run our application under Windows Server 2008 the document name is truncated in the main window title for the document. This is not the case when we run our application under Windows XP. Is there a way to prevent this truncation under Windows Server 2008?Mary Leathem

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Running Macros - Start Process And Wait For It To Complete

Jun 11, 2012

I am running macros from a button click in my application. I want the macros to run sucessfully before it start another process. I want the StartMacrosI to start and complete first before it starts DeleteFilesI. I need to wait for it to complete before I do the next function/sub.

Below is my code.
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Process Or A Checkbox Which When Checked The Animation Is Displayed?

May 14, 2009

below i attached the sub i did using application.DoEvents and Thread.sleep so that letters(characters i'm generating in a richtextbox go into the same richtextbox with slow motion.Now i want that i do a button named (PAUSE)by which i can pause this process or a checkbox which when checked the animation is displayed.i guesses something like while checkbox.checked = true


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How To Get Current User To Be Displayed On Window

Feb 15, 2012

How can I display the logged in user after the user enters the login credentials?

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