VS 2008 WebClient How To Set Order Headers Are Sent

Aug 12, 2009

i'm using WebClient in VB.NET to make requests. I add the headers using WebClient.Headers.Add() in the order I want the headers sent. However when I packet sniff the requests it makes I can see that the headers are sent in totally the wrong order. Does anyone know if there's a way of setting the order the headers are sent?

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Custom ComBobox With Headers - Prevent Selection Of Headers?

Dec 15, 2009

I am working on a windows application using VB.net 2.0 and want to create a custom ComboboxControl which displays multiple groups. I was able to display the items in Custom combobox with headers. Below is the sample.

Header 1
Item 1_1
Item 1_2


I want to prevent users from selecting the header items. I managed to revert back to the previously selected item if user selects the header item. Problem with this approach is drop down collapses and then reverts back to previously selected item. Is there a way to check, if the item being selected is a header item and if it is a header item, do not collapse the dropdown. Basically I want to implement behavior of HTML select list with optgroup.

1_1 1_2 1_3 2_1 2_2 2_3

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VS 2008 ORDER BY That Does Not Order Correctly?

Jan 14, 2010

I have to order a table following a logical order but I cannot find the appropriate ORDER BY clause.To simplify I have 2 fields field1 and field2

1 record : field1 contains �2� and field2 contains �1�
2 record : field1 contains �1� and field2 contains �2�
3 record : field1 contains �2� and field2 contains �2�


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VS 2008 Tabcontrol Headers Text Is Gone?

Dec 24, 2009

It's quite strange... The text headers of the tabcontrol's tabpages are gone... Even when I set them again, they are not disappear, design-time nor run-time.

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VS 2008 Angle The Text Headers In A Datagrid?

Apr 29, 2010

how to angle the text headers in a datagrid? I'm trying to duplicate the feature in excel to create a header at a 45 degree angle because the text is long. I'm using VB 2008 express.

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Getting Labels And Grid Headers From A Sql Server 2008 Database?

Jun 22, 2010

getting labels and grid headers from a sql server 2008 database -- other than creating a table with all the column names and headers/captions and translating them. SQL Server 2008 tables don't have a caption column property which would be useful ..

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VS 2008 - Sequence And Acknowledgement Numbers In TCP Packet Headers Are Made Of?

Jun 17, 2010

im trying to decypher their structures and substructures and right now im wondering if anybody knows what exactly sequence and acnowledgment numbers in TCP packet headers are made of?

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VS 2008 Writing Text Boxes To Files / Formatting And Headers?

May 29, 2011

I'm working on my very first VB 2008 Express program, having a little bit of experience with VB 6.For my first VB 2008 program, I'm starting out simple. I have two text boxes, named Title and Director.You input text into each text box.I also have a button named GENERATE, which generates a text file named c.est.txt and stores the text box material.[cod]I know how to do this with VB 6, but not with VB 2008, and my research hasn't come up with an explanation of how to format this correctly.So how do I revise this code so that there is a line for each text box string, how do I get rid of the System.Windows.Forms.TextBox stuff and replace it with my own headers, and how do I double-space between lines?

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VS 2008 : Proxy In A WebClient?

Jun 4, 2009

I am making a little program witch get information from the web. Now i got some complains from people who are behind proxys. So my question is: Is there a way to get the proxy settings from IE, and let the WebClient use them?

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VS 2008 WebClient And Loop?

May 8, 2009

I need help to optimize this

For x As Integer = 1 To Me.dtsCustomers.Tables(0).Rows.Count Try
Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient<br/>
client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)")
client.QueryString.Add("customer", Me.dtsCustomers.Tables(0).Rows (x).item("customer"))
client.QueryString.Add("amount", Me.dtsCustomers.Tables(0).Rows(x).item("amount"))


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VS 2008 - WebClient DownloadCompleted Exception

Oct 10, 2010

I have not much experience with the WebClient.. How can I catch this exception of e.Result DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs; "The remote name could not be resolved", which occurs after some time when internet connection is not working..? [URL]

The calling method:
Private Sub DoDownload()
Dim wc As New WebClient
wc.DownloadDataAsync(New System.Uri(Me.webImageLink))
AddHandler wc.DownloadDataCompleted, AddressOf OnDownloadCompleted
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

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VS 2008 Difference Between HttpWebRequest And WebClient?

Apr 29, 2010

What is the difference between those 2 classes in System.Net?How can I login to website using one of these classes, and how can I post to a forum?

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VS 2008 WebClient Download With Progress Bar?

Dec 3, 2009

How would I make the Progress Bars Value = The Percentage of a file being downloaded using a Webclient?

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VS 2008 WebClient.DownloadString 403 Error?

Mar 8, 2010

I've been testing using WebClient.DownloadString and sometimes I encounter an error: "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden". It is based upon which url I use. For instance, this works:

Dim wc As New Net.WebClientDim strResult As String = String.Empty
strResult = wc.DownloadString("http:/ Obama pages always fails.


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Visual Basic 2008 Webclient Character?

Jan 6, 2009

i am using the Webclient and Streamreader in Visual basic 2008 to retrieve data from the web. I access Yahoo and download stock information this all works well except for one area. All the indices symbols on Yahoo start with a circumflex character ^ so for example, the Dow Jones Index code is ^FTSE. When I include the ^ in the URI string sent via the Webclient it does not send the ^ it sends the code for ^ instead which Yahoo sees as %5E. Having made some tests is seems that certain characters do not get converted to their hex code and some do. A * gets sent just fine but a % also gets sent as its code 25.If I manually enter this from my browser it works just fine.

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VS 2008 - Downloads Data As Bytes To Use A WebClient

Apr 9, 2009

I've just switched my code over that downloads data as bytes to use a WebClient. I add a header saying I will accept GZip and the site I'm downloading from sends me the data compressed. The problem is, how can I check to make sure it is compressed data before attempting to decompress it? It was much simpler when I was using a Web Request to check the response headers, but I'm having a little trouble checking the reponse headers with a WebClient. Does anybody out there accept compression with a WebClient?

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VS 2008 - Setting Proxy On HTTPWebRequest / WebClient

Nov 30, 2009

I'm using the following code to set the proxy on an HTTPWebRequest:
Dim proxy As New WebProxy("HOST:PORT")
' Goto the final URL
request = CType(WebRequest.Create("[URL]"), HttpWebRequest)
request.Proxy = curProxy
[Code] .....
Now I put in a valid Proxy, don't run into any problems applying it, but IPChicken will always return my IP address, not that of the proxy.

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VS 2008 HttpWebRequest/WebClient To Fill Forms?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm looking for a way to fill in various website details using a HttpWebRequest/WebClient. I can manage it quite easily using an invisible WebBrowser control, by manipulating the HtmlDocument, but for some reason I just can't quite grasp the way I would do it with a HttpWebRequest/WebClient. I've heard both of these can potentially submit info using the UploadData functionality etc, but I'm missing specificsI've done a lot of searching on google just for a basic example to get me started, but the only one that LOOKED informative was written entirely in German.Take, for example, this website. Let's just say I wanted to automate filling in my username and password into their respective boxes and then pressing the "submit" button. How would I start going about this, and how do I get the resulting page? (I'm assuming cookies that the page creates will keep your next webrequest going)

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VS 2008 Submit Form With System.Net.WebClient()?

Apr 30, 2010

I've been using an invisible WebBrowser control to submit a form on my server, but I'd like to use System.Net.WebClient() to accomplish this so I don't have the control hanging around on my form.I need to get the page, fill out the username and password fields, and click the submit button. This was done easily enough with the WebBrowser control, but I can't find any examples using System.Net.WebClient().

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VS 2008 System.Net.WebClient + Downloadstring...timeout?

Mar 3, 2010

I use a downloadstring (instance.downloadstring) with instance as the'System.Net.WebClient'.

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VS 2008 Webclient Check Folders On Server?

Apr 21, 2009

I can download the files I want. However, the client has insisted on creating different folders which will contain the version number. So the name of the folders would be something like this: 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3, etc.So the files will be contained in the latest version in this case folder 1.0.3. However, how can my web client detect which is the latest one?

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VS 2008 WebClient Illegal Characters In Path?

May 16, 2011

I'm having trouble using the webclient to download a file. This same code works in another app that I'm using, but when downloading the second file, I get an exception saying that there are illegal characters in the path.The second item that it is having troubledownloading's filename is "Filename.exe.manifest". The RemoteUri is the download link, item is the name of the file. When I print out the path that it is downloading from and the path that it is downloading to, both are correct. I can type the address in the browser and it downloads fine. (The problem file is not exename)

For Each item As String In files
If item = exename Then
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Forms.Application.StartupPath & "" & item & ".new")


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VS 2008 WebClient Slow Image Download?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a weird bug with webclient. I made an app a while ago which uses webclient to download a small thumbnail image.. and I rememeber when I first made it, the first time webclient was used to download the image it always took 15 sec+ to download it, but after the first it always downloaded quickly (in like 1 sec) .. but then the problem went away for me and it always downloaded fine.but now someone else who uses my app is having the slow image download problem apparently around 50% of the time it downloads the thumbnail images. so does anyone know what might be causing this? As I said, I don't have the problem any more on my comp - but I don't know why :s

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VS 2008 Downloading A File From Website Using WebClient.DownloadFile()?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm downloading a file from my website using WebClient.DownloadFile(),I'm wanting to do it asynchronously, so my UI stays responsive, that would require me creating an array of web clients, is that bad practice? Or is it acceptable?I have looked into FileWebRequest, but thought WebClient looked easier to implement.

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VS 2008 - Webclient Object And POST Data - Sign In Error

Oct 7, 2011

I've managed to narrow down my issue to a simple annoyance. I had a Webbrowser control mostly coded to navigate around an Oracle CRM On Demand site to generate metric reports, but then realized when I tried to build in the auto-download part, that the Webbrowser object wasn't going to give me the behind-the-scenes control I wanted. Searching online, it seems the Webclient control might be a better route. However I'm stuck trying to get by the login page so I can use the Download-File method to get my generated xls report. [Code] But every reply from the server has "Sign In Error: Both a user sign in ID and a password must be given." which tells me the form/post data isn't getting where it needs to go (It thinks the form is blank at [Code].

The above username and password are bogus of course, but once I can get a different reply then 'the fields are blank' I can worry about correct logon information. I'm just not sure what I'm not doing correctly or if I need to include something else. Since it's a publicly accessible site and I'm stuck getting something in the form to be 'seen', it should be easy for others to try and test.

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Need To Change One Combo Box (of Many) To Order Items In Descending Order

Nov 1, 2009

I have a combo box bound to a datasource. I need to change one combo box (of many) to order the items in descending order.I'm guessing I could order the collection in the dataset, but that will mean all my combo boxes will be reordered?

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Re Order Column Order In A Data Bound DataGridView?

Apr 17, 2010

I have a databound Datagridview. The DGV is bound to a datatable of a strongly typed DataSet created using the wizard. Is there any way to re order the columns before displaying them eg: the Columns are displayed in the DGV in this other Col4, Col6, Col3, Col1,Col5, Col2

But I want to it to show as Col1, Col2, col3, Col4, Col5, Col6?

I realise that the display order followed the Column order in the database table and by extension, the datatable. I have re-arranged the columns in the Database but the Datatable still retains the old order.

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VS 2010 : Access ORDER BY To Get DESCENDING Order

Oct 8, 2011

This might not be so 'VB' as it is 'SQL using VB' I have an application with a built in MS Access DB. I have a table that has a column full of integers, I shoot the DB a SQL "order by 'column name' " string and it returns the table ordered by my column of integers.BUT it returns them like this, and I want them like this

0 6
1 5
2 4


How do I get the OrderBY to do a descending list starting with the highest number?

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VS 2010 Tab Index Order And Control Order

Aug 18, 2011

I'm working on the exercise page 73 (VB 2010 in 24 hours). It's basically a form with 2 text boxes, 2 text labels and a command button. It's really simple and uses this loop to cycle through the items, and tell me the name of them in a Messagebox


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Reset The Tab Order In VB 2008?

Dec 11, 2009

When I view the Tab Order in VB 2008, everthing has a tab order number and it is in decimal form. If I click on each item, it appears that I can set the Tab Index but it is hard to see a correlation between the Tab Index and the Tab Order on the form. Most of the items on the form are not going to be tabbed to by the user.

1. Is there a way to clear the tab order and only tab to the items that the user would use and in the order that they would do it?

2. What number should the tab order start with and do you start over with the numbering on each form?

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