VS 2008 Add A Message Box Or Alert To A MaskTextbox If The User Enters No Numbers?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a MaskedTextbox which takes Us Phone numbers. Using The MaskedTextBox ensures the user can enter only numbers and the number gets formatted right.

Here is the problem I am having: How do I add an error message if the box is left empty? I am not trying to validate the number, just need a way to add: "You forgot to enter a number." Can I add this to a MaskedTextBox?

How do I add a message box or alert to a MaskTextbox if the user hit submit without entering numbers?

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Box - Conversion Error - User Enters 6 Numbers In 6 Different Text Boxes - Displays The Larger Of Those 6 Numbers

Oct 4, 2011

I am making a program, where the user enters 6 numbers in 6 different text boxes, and it displays the larger of those 6 numbers. But I also want to make it where if the user enters a string value (like S for instance) in the text boxes, it gives an message and says "please enter the numbers again" and the user gets to enter the 6 numbers again. But when I do try to do that, it gives an error message saying conversion from "w/e the user entered" to Double is not valid. If the user just enters the numbers, it works fine. However, I am trying to make it if the user does enter non numeric value, it gives a message window and the user can reenter the numbers again.

Here is my code Example


This is where I am trying to use IsNumeric to show a message if a user does not enter a string so the user can renter the numbers again, but when the user does enter a string value (say in textbox 1) it gives me an error message saying conversion from "S" to 'double' is not valid.


Then right here this is where I have my series of ifs statements, this part works fine, it displays the largest numbers of the 6 textboxes every time. Error free.


And do this with variable number 2, 3, 4, 5.

I know there are easier ways to do these with arrays and stuff. But I am not there yet. I am still learning about ifs and stuff.

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Invalid Data Alert - Writing A Program That Has To Print An Alert Message In A Textbox?

Oct 3, 2010

I am writing a program that has to print an alert message in a textbox if the user inputs invalid data. Invalid data would be a negative number. The textbox is the same textbox as the result would be in provided they input valid data. Here is what I have but it will not print the alert.


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VS 2010 User Enters Number And Adds That Many Numbers And Totals

Apr 29, 2012

I am wanting to allow a user to enter a number and depending on what number is entered, it will allow that many entries. For example, if 5 is entered, the user has to enter 5 numbers. Those 5 numbers will then be added together.I 6 is entered, 6 total numbers will be added.I was trying to do this with a for next loop but I wasn't getting anywhere.

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Create A Program To Detect When A Message Is Received In Windows Live Messenger And Alert The User?

Sep 11, 2010

I was just wondering if there was a way with, using VB.net, be able to create a program to detect when a message is received in Windows Live Messenger, and alert the user?Essentially, MSN is minimized in background and our program, Program A, is also running in backgroung.Friend X sends us a message, the MSN icon blinks as usualy, but also a window pops up and shows the name of the user and the message.I was just wondering if there was a way to connect to MSN in some fom to be able to do this?

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User Enters A Username In Textbox1 And Then Enters A Password In Textbox2?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a login form that I made. The user enters a username in textbox1 and then enters a password in textbox2. The user then hits the submit button (button2) and from there it works beautifully. The problem is, I would also like the user to be able to hit the "enter" key after they fill out the password textbox (textbox2) and have it be like they pressed the submit button. When the user hits enter right now, the form hides.

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Vb 2008 - Converting A Character That The User Enters In A Textbox To Binary

May 11, 2009

I want help emergency for a project i have, I have to make a program to do hamming codes, since now i have done the part for converting a character that the user enters in a textbox to binary.This binary now is displayed in a textbox. So now i want to save this binary to an array

e.g i have this binary 10101110


and so on .. how can i do it?

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[2008] Error Validation - Series Of Nested If/then/else Statements To Make Sure A User Enters Information

Feb 15, 2009

I'm using a series of nested if/then/else statements to make sure a user enters information into each text box or chooses a radio button. What would i use to say if no text is entered in textbox1, then ... also what would i use to make a sure the user choose one or the other radio button? for example i also have a combo box, i used "If SubjectComboBox.SelectedIndex <> -1" for the if statement.

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How To Display An Alert Message In A Web Page

Jun 8, 2011

i am designing sites in sharepoint 2010 and i need to use the javascript in vb.net and how to display an alert message in a web page using vb.net!?!

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Deny Unauthorized Users With An Alert Message?

Oct 16, 2010

net ,vb. I want to deny users who have not logged in with a message" you have to login to access this page".

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VB 2008 Console - 2D Array - Infinite Loop - Program - User Enters The Number Of Enrollments For 5 Different Campuses During Two Semesters

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to create a program that the user enters the number of enrollments for 5 different campuses during two semesters. I just got started and here is what I have so far but when I run the program it is stuck in an infinite loop and will not go to the next function. I am not sure how to end the loop.

Here is what I have so far:
Module Module1
Dim SIZE As Integer = 5
Dim campus() As String = {"Decatur Day", "Decatur Evening", "Huntsville Day", "Huntsville


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Send An Instant Alert (or Message) To Users Who Are Using That Application

Apr 15, 2009

I have a vb.net (VS 2005) application which downloads files from my webserver and shows its contents to user. And I make files at my end and upload files to webserver so that the application and download & process it. This happens at fixed intervals. Now I intent to send an instant alert (or message) to users who are using that application. For example: If I type a message and send "Hello everyone" then all those people who are currently using that product should get a popup with this message. My webserver is a hosted on a unix based system. It enables me to show html content and post files & stuff online.


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Save Button Which Firstly Validates What The User Enters The Form - If The User Skips The Text Fields

Jun 11, 2011

I was developing my own project in the university so what i am stack is to have save button which firstly validates what the user enters the form. for instance if the user skips the text fields, i wanted to restrict the user to fill all the form and when he completes, the save must be accomplished.

Here's the code i was trying to put but i was having problem saying the windows.forms.etc is unable to convert the save as Boolean and something like that.

Dim success As Boolean
Private Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click


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.net - Show Alert Message Box From The Global.asax (on Application_Error Event)

Apr 12, 2010

Normally I just redirect to a custom error page in on the Application_Error event, but I have a specific error for which I'd like to display an alert message while the user is still on the page which triggers the error. How can I make this happen?

I'm open to a modalpopup or any other type of error message, I just want to ensure the user stays on the page where they encounter the error.

This is in reference to this thread: [URL]

Here is the code I'm currently using:

Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
'Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs


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Auto-close Webbrowser Popup Alert Message In Vb2008?

Mar 8, 2010

How to auto close webbrowser popup alert message in vb2008?

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VS 2008 - IndexOf - User Enters A Letter Into A Text Box, And The Output Must Make The Letter Uppercase

Jun 28, 2010

I am a vb newbie having some trouble with an assignment. A user enters a letter into a text box, and the output must make the letter uppercase and tell what position the letter is at in the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."

Here is my

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click


This is what comes out: "A first occurs in position -1". Everything comes out except the position is always displayed as -1.

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VS 2008 - Code Error On Tax Calculating Program - User Enters The Item Name And Amount Of The Item Purchased

Feb 9, 2010

So i've to write this program whose purpose it this:

Purpose: The user enters the item name and amount of the item purchased. The program calculates the tax for the item and the final total, and then displays these values. Tax on all items will be 7.75%.

And so far i've this code but it's not working:

' Program: Cash Register
' Author: Nidhi Shah
' Date: February 2, 2010
' Purpose: The Cash Register Window application will
' computer the tax and the final cost of a
' purchased item.

Option Strict On

Public Class frmCashRegister
' Tax per item - used in multiple procedures
Const _cdecTaxPerItem As Decimal = 0.0775D


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VS 2008 DataRepeater / MaskTextbox?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a problem where I have maskedtextbox's for Time only that do not show correctly in the datarepeater. Outside the repeater they are fine. In the datarepeater it shows the date instead of the time but in the masked format.

For Example:

11/23/2010 07:00:00AM Shows as 11:23 instead of 07:00

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Take The Value That A User Enters Into A Textbox?

Oct 6, 2009

how to take the value that a user enters into a textbox and add it to values entered into other forms by the same user. I want the values to all add together onto a new form in a label. Code for textbox:


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What User Enters Into Certain Textboxes

Jul 28, 2011

I've been using KeyPress to help limit what the user enters into certain textboxes. e.g. here's my code for a Phone number. It only allows for numbers and dashes: [code]It's all working fine; however, the thing I hate about using it is that when ever have to do debugging of the screen, for each keypress into this textbox, it goes into debug.I'm wondering if it's possible to do something similar when the user clicks the save button. Has anyone done any type of validation like this?

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Alert The User For New Messages?

Aug 21, 2011

I am implementing a chat client in an application. Conversation windows are tabbed and I have to alert the user for new messages. My temporary solution was like this:

There is a timer with 500ms interval ( always running ).

For Each t In SuperTabControl3.Tabs
If TypeOf t Is SuperTabItem Then
If t.Tag = "1" Then


Will this cause performance issues? I have no possibility to try on an older computer but they will use this application on slow pc's.

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Confirm What User Enters In The Program?

May 2, 2012

Well, I have a form called customers. Login form and mainform.

So my clients want to have an option that explains this: If a user enters information in the customer form, then that information has to be confirmed by admins panel.

Get me well. When application program loads with a limited user, I set some buttons hidden so that only admin can see it when they log in. so in that case, users are not capable of inserting anything in the customer form.

But this time they want users to insert information then the information goes to administrators to confirm the information...if admins accepts the information, then information is then goes to customers table in database. If they don't confirm it, then that information will be ignored.

am using vb.net 2008 with sql server database.

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Alert User A Month Before Due Date?

Jun 25, 2010

i'm currently using VB.net 2005 with an Oracle 10g db.1. Alert the Admin by displaying on the main page a list of users who are due for re-certification if there are any. - I've managed to do this except my date calculation for the alert is wrong. When a user is certified say on 25-06-2010, they will be up for re-certification in 25-06-2011. I need my program to start alerting the Admin a MONTH before the user is due for re-certification. So basically start the alert on 25-05-2011.Currently this is my logic in VB.

Reason = Get value in Reason field (If this field is not empty, then don't raise alert for this record)
Renewal = Get the re-certification date
Sysdate = Get current system date


Alert the Admin via email - I've managed to create an email (stored procedure in Oracle) that contains the skeleton. I say skeleton because althought the mail executes fine, I've not managed yet to include the list of users due from the db. I created a Curser and dumped my results in there, but not sure what to do after that.

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Display PartialView When User Enters Text?

Sep 6, 2011

I've watch the videos on asp.net and I've looked online and have found nothing.

I have a search box on a site, that searches for recipes. Each recipe has a what you're making image, a title, and type(dessert, lunch, dinner).

All of these items are in a DataService, which I can query against and get a list of the items they are searching for.

Now I'm using VB's ASP.NET MVC3 w/ Razors for the site and I'm trying to get some auto completeness going on when the user enters text.

What should happen is when the user enter text, it will call an ActionResult in the Search Controller. Which queries the DataService and puts all the search results in a model. With that model I return a PartialView, results, with the Model included.[code]...

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Get The LIKE Statement To Work If The User Enters A Number?

Sep 22, 2010

how I can get the LIKE statement to work if the user enters a number like 403* ? The sql works if I do not enter an *

strWildCardFound = InStr(TNSearchTextBox.Text,
TNSearchTextBox.Text = Replace(TNSearchTextBox.Text,


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How To Check If The User Enters The Default Datetime

Jun 22, 2011

I have two textboxes on the screen. They are used for startdate and enddate. If the user does not enter anything in the textboxes I pass nothing (VB.NET) to the webservice. When the webservice receive it on the other end it shows the value "#12:00:00 AM" which I think is the default for the datetime field. Anyway, now I do not want to pass this value to Stored procedure since it will not work. How can I check before sending values to sproc that the value is not the default datetime.

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Use A DTP And Have Nothing But The Slashes Show Until The User Enters A Date?

Jan 15, 2009

Is there any way to use a DTP and have nothing but the slashes show until the user enters a date?

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Validate User Only Enters String No Symbols?

Apr 20, 2011

codes one that validates that user will enter only uppercase letters in a textbox and no numbers and symbols. The second one should validate user only enters string no symbols and the third should only accept string and symbol

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Alert Allow User To Select Access Database?

Apr 4, 2011

i want to allow user to select or find access database file when the software is executed/opened for the first time. after user selects the file and as he clicks open the software shows the full path of the file and then stores it with the provider and datasource in a txt file for future use.

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Count The Number Of Times When A User Enters A Character?

May 20, 2009

count the number of times when a user enters a character followed by , and I want to count , number of times. So far here is what I have if you also know a little about the split function can you check to see if what I have is right?

Private Sub Strat0_LostFocus()
Dim q1 As New rdoQuery
Dim LO As Integer


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