VS 2008 Change Dynamically The Table In SelectCommand?

Jul 3, 2009

I have some Tables in an Access DataBase with the same structure and different names. I wish to use one only form (Page) to view data. I must change the name of the Table contained in the SelectCommand but Im not able to do so.

<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessQuadent" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/QuaAdmin.mdb">
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [QuaGen] ORDER BY [FileDate]desc">


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VS 2008 - How To Dynamically Change String To Handle Connections

Apr 8, 2009

I have a need for an application with a SQL database back-end. The application will run on a laptop and will therefore be used both on and off the network. I can write the app and I can link it to SQL over the network. I also know how to dynamically change the connection string so I can handle online/offline data source connections. Where the data can be stored on the local client? I'd like the data to be held in the central SQL DB and to automatically copy to the laptop upon connection to the network. The client data source is read-only and will not upload back to SQL. I've seen XML mentioned but that looks overly complex.

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VS 2008 Dynamically Change Label Text From Textbox Input?

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way that a label's text is updated each time the input of a textbox changes? The textbox and the label are on the same form. I looked everywhere but didn't find a solution that worked.

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RowSpan On A Table Created Dynamically Located Inside Another Table?

Apr 24, 2009

I'm writing a scheduling program that queries a MySQL database for today's appointments and uses a Table Layout Panel with employees on the top and times on the left to display the schedule. I am trying to add another table ontop of that table for each appointment and set the rowspan of that dynamic table to occupy the time slot of that appointment from start to finish.ll the appointments appear in the dynamic table and each dynamic table appears in the appropriate starting positions in the main table. When you are designing GUI's and put a Table within a table, you get a RowSpan and ColumnSpan option for that inner table. The problem I'm having is the dynamic tables are not giving me a RowSpan option, which I believe is because it was created using code and doesn't know that it's inside another table.Here is part of the code... This code is inside loops for each appointment of each employee

sqlCustomer = MyReader.GetValue(0).ToString()
sqlCompany = MyReader.GetValue(1).ToString()
sqlProblem = MyReader.GetValue(2).ToString()


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VS 2008 Error - The DataAdapter.SelectCommand Property Needs To Be Initialized

Jan 3, 2011

As part of the application I'm writing in Visual Basic, I have written code to display records in text boxes and cycle through each of them one record at a time. I'm having trouble getting the code I've written to update records to work however.

Public Class frmRecords
Dim moverow As Integer


At the present time I get an error that says "The DataAdapter.SelectCommand property needs to be initialized"

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Add Row Dynamically To Table?

Dec 23, 2009

I'm trying to add rows dynamically to a System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table control in ASP.NET. I found some sample code that does what I'm seeking, but it only adds a single row. It seems like the table row count does not carry from one page load to the next. The user should be able to add as many rows as desired, and I need to capture the data from each row.

What am I missing? Code below.

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<script runat="server">
Sub btnAddEmail_Click(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim tr As New TableRow
Dim tcLabel As New TableCell


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Dynamically Creating An Asp Table

Jan 23, 2009

I currently have this code to create an asp table [code]where PH is my placeholder for the table to appear in.This code creates a 1 celled table how do i get it to create multiple rows and cells?

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How To Dynamically Create Table Name

Nov 15, 2011

Is it possible to dynaically create table name in MS Access:
Below is my CODE:
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE" + Me.Text + "( ID Counter," & _
"Name TEXT(50) NOT NULL," & _
But, I am getting a run time error that syntax is wrong.

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Way To Create Table Dynamically

Mar 11, 2010

[code] .i am using oracle as database. i want to create table at run time that will remains in database to store info permanatly later.

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Dynamic - Dynamically Add Div Table Rows

May 29, 2009

Im a VB.NET beginnger, how I can dynamically add a div table row or how I can loop a section of html?

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How To Insert Data Dynamically Into Table

Jan 19, 2011

I have a unit-test for my entire solution(over all 300 methods) and this unit-test will run daily. Here is what my unit-test does,Suppose we have Insert method which inserts a data through Store procedure into Sql server 2005 table. The unit-test for this insert method is,first i will run a query(dynamically) which gets all required data for insert method(in other words it will get data from same table and does inserts, this is purely to test the method) and my problem here is if the table does not have data at all then my unit-test fails.

Since I'm doing select dynamically and then inserts, this happens when I run my unit-test in different environmental like Quality Assurance and performance Assurance. So I'm looking for a solution to avoid unit-test failure becz of nodata.. I'm looking for solution where I do some think like this if I get an error message say no data. Then I get data from different environment(like development data base then do insert into the table and run the unit-test).

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MenuStrip Dynamically From A Database Table?

Dec 28, 2009

i have a table as prj_form


i need a code to create dynamically MenuStrip my program runing depend on the dynamically data from database

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Asp.net - How To Change Metatags Dynamically

Jun 27, 2011

I am working on a site where the meta tags are set in a Masterpage in a section using runat="server". I can update the title, description, keywords, etc... through properties in the Masterpage code-behind, but how would I add or edit non-basic ones such as

I have tried the following, but it always returns 0 for the count.

Dim header As Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlHead
header = TryCast(Me.Master.FindControl("headerIdName"), Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlHead)
Dim count As Integer = header.Controls.Count

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Change CSS File Dynamically?

Jun 1, 2011

I have close to 10,000 serverside pages, all of thse use the same stylesheet. I have created a new serverside page which is like a dynamic menu system to help find specific pages from the existing 10,000 pages quickly and easily.

The problem is, that if the serverside pages are accessed the old way using the old menu system, they should retain their old stylesheet. however, if they are accessed via the new menu system, they should use a new refreshed stylesheet.

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Change Text Box Name Dynamically?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to change the name of a text box if the name of the text box is first declared as such:[code]I tried the statement: Name = "SBox" & My. Settings. Row Countx but maybe this is wrong.To be very brief I'm trying to resolve this to under the following scenario:

1. Add a new text box to a tab page when user selects "add" button.

2. Each text box must be assigned a unique name

3. Data entered in each text box will be then be saved in my.settings (i.e., for each text box, there will be a corresponding variable/name to hold its text value)

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Change Web Service Url Dynamically?

Sep 20, 2011

I have one web service reference in my project but it has two url one is live and second one is test,how to switch between these url dynamically in vb.net[code]...

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How To Change Text Dynamically

Jun 22, 2010

In my form, there is 1 Button and 1 Label.

There is no text in Label1 right now.

I have coded the button:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Label1.Text = "1"
End Sub
End Class

Now when i run the project, i click on Button1 and Label1 has text in it "1" as it is in the code.

I want when i again run the project, the text in the label should be changed once i click Button1.

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Can't Read Textbox In A Dynamically Created Table

Nov 2, 2009

Public Sub PopulateWaterRecords(ByVal dDateTo As Date)
'Populates the water record forms for each year
'Dim UserName As String = Membership.GetUser().UserName


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Css - Set BackColor Of A Table Cell Dynamically With A Database Value?

Jul 23, 2010

As a bonus to the project I'm currently working on, the people would like it if I could change the background color of individual table cells depending on what their value is. So in the RadGrid_ItemDataBound event handler I have, I'm trying to set the BackColor of the cell if the cell's text equals a certain value from a dataset in my database. My current code is like so:


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Dynamically Creating A Table And Then Populating The Cell?

Jan 25, 2011

Before any jumps in and says, Why dont you just use a gridview, i have my reasons not to use it.I trying to dynamically create a table and then populate the cells via a linq object.

Good news, i can dynamically create the table and the cells.
Dim numrows As Integer = MyActions.Count()
Dim numcells As Integer = 5


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Dynamically Import Excel File - Into Sql Table

Jun 30, 2009

I am new to .net, I got a project in which i need to import dynamically excel file into sql table. Like user will select the excel file and the sql table, then all the columns from excel file and the fields from sql table comes on the form, then user will select which column need to go to which table colums.

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Change Icon Of Form Dynamically?

May 20, 2009

How to change Icon of my form dynamically suppose when form load i want to check two flags

if flag=1
me.icon= BrandIcon
if flag=2

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Change The Contextmenustrip Width Dynamically?

Mar 25, 2009

I need to change the contextmenustrip width dynamically, by default the contextmenustrip width depends on the text length of the ToolstripmenuItems.

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Dynamically Change A Value On A Asp.net Page Without Actually Refreshing It?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a label, let's call it LblA. I have a SqlDataSource, let's call it sds. Now, I have selected out and managed to get specific values using the select function. I want to set LblA's text to the value selected out of sds. I need this to occur every 5 (or as many as I specify really) seconds. I orignally used a timer object, however, for any of you who have used the timer object before, it likes to refresh the page, this makes it very hard to navigate off of the page; not only that, it's sloppy. Does anybody know a way to easilly update LblA's text from sds without refreshing the actual page.

I've read around and came to the conclusion that I need to use ajax, err... jQuery. However, I really don't know anything about the two except that they are both Javascript libraries? I need a simple way, you might even have to explain it to me like I'm an idiot.

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Dynamically Change Shape To Be Drawn?

Mar 12, 2009

Is there a way to dynamically change the shape to be drawn.

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Dynamically Change The Connection String?

Aug 21, 2010

I am using vb.net and SQL server 2005 I have a project with database classes which are generated from database objects. That is I add a dataset to the project and drag and drop a database object onto it. The problem with this is that I have to give a connectionstring which is stored in the code. This is ok while developing the application. But runtime I want to use another connectionstring, both for security reasons and because each user of the application will correspond to a database user (SQL) and shall have a corresponding connectionstring. Is there an easy way to do this without having to restore to plain all datasets and do everything myself?

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Dynamically Change The Function Of A Delegate In .NET?

Jun 18, 2009

Suppose I have a class that represents a product to be priced using one of a number of different pricing strategies. This pricing occurs hundreds of times per second, so to eliminate repetitive if/else statements I am instead using a delegate to launch the appropriate strategy, like so:

Private Delegate Sub PricingModel(ByVal params As PricingParameters)
Private myPricingModel As PricingModel
Private myPricingParameters As PricingParameters[code].....

But this doesn't look right to me (though it seems to work). Is there an accepted/better way of doing this? Or is this the standard way? Or is this just simply a doomed approach from the start?

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Dynamically Change Title Of A SiteMapNode?

Oct 26, 2009

We have a website that uses a bog-standard default sitemap with security trimming as follows[code]...

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Dynamically Change Variable Types?

May 10, 2010

I'm trying to make an application to do mathematical equations, but I also want to implement error checking. So that if someone doesn't put anything in one of the fields the output textbox will say "Error".

But the problem is that I already declared the variables I used as a numeric value, in my case decimal.

So, when I make an if statement that says if inputbox1="" then outputbox1="Error" it doesn't work.

I think that in order to get this to work I would have to have it setup so that the variable that is exported to the text property of outputbox1 could switch between being declared as a decimal or string value based on what the user put into the textboxes. But I'm not sure how to go about this. Declaring the variables inside the if/elseif statements won't work because the variables need to be declared before they are calculated within my if/elseif statements.

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How To Change Label Text Dynamically

Jun 22, 2010

I have only 1 Label in my form. There is no text in Label1. I want that when I run the project, the label has any word or number in it like '1'. I want that when I run the project again, the word or number in the label should be changed to '0'. The name of my label is Label1.

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