VS 2008 - Datagridview Unable To Manual Add Row After Plotting?

Nov 18, 2010

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Make the data array.
Dim people(3) As Person
people(0) = New Person("Ann", "Able")
people(1) = New Person("Ben", "Baker")
people(2) = New Person("Cindy", "Carruthers")


Above is my code for vb.net to plotting the array list into datagridview. It is success to plotting, but why the datagridview unable to manual add row after plotting?

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DataGridView Databound And Manual Column

Jan 28, 2009

I have a DataGridView on a form in VB 2005 Express, of the 10 columns i need on this DGV 6 of them will be pulled from an MSSQL DB and 4 of them i need to manually enter. One thing i have going for me (i think) is that the 4 manual columns have the same data in each row.I have been filling this DGV using a datatable, but i am not figuring out how to add manual columns and databound ones in the same DGV. My column layout would look like this:[code]some one please explain to me how i would do something like this. if you can include the datatable definitions also it would be a big help, in order for me to verify that i am at least doing that the right way.

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VS 2008 MSChart - Plotting Non-numeric Value?

Feb 3, 2012

I need to be able to plot (for example) the following values on a chart:


The value <1.0 is there as we cannot give the exact value if it is less than 1 but we need to display it.

Is there a way of just displaying the datapoint label with '<1.0' as text, or something similar?

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VS 2008 Plotting Real Time Graph?

Jan 13, 2010

Currently, my circuit is connected to a power supply and is connected to the computer via a RS232 cable. Voltage level is extracted and the real-time voltage level is plotted (see attached image) and it will keep movingBut you will realise that there isnt any time shown on the X-axis. I would like to display time in such a way:Each long marker will represent 1 second and there are 4 long marker, which will represent up to 4 seconds.When the (5th second) voltage is sense and the real-time voltage is drawn, i would like the new time (5th second) to replace into the 1st marker postion, the (6th second) to replace the 2nd marker position, so on and so forth. The replacement will continue

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VS 2008 Datagridview Unable To Save

Oct 2, 2009

First of all I am using vb.net(2008) and i have an application which connects to a database and is able to modify it.

My problem is that when I modify a row and try save, It doesnt save to the database although when I add a new record it does save.

Code I use to Save



PS: When I Delete the row it works but when I try updating the database by saving it it doesnt work. Is the Database row event handler able to help my case?

I posted this in the database development section but i didn't get a reply after a day or so

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[2008] Set A Manual Start Position?

Jan 9, 2009

I have a form that I just want to pop up right above the time on the lower right side of the screen. Does anyone know how to set a manual start position?

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VS 2008 DataGridView Populated By LINQ Query - Unable To User Edit

Dec 12, 2010

I'm using a DataGridView to post the results of LINQ-from-SQL query. I was hoping that the data would be editable in the DataGridView, but it isn't. I made sure that DataGridView.readonly = false. I'm using VB.

VB 2008
DB = New CXToolDataContext()
Dim Systems = (From TBLSYSTEMS In DB.tblSystems, TBLSYSTYPES In DB.tblSystemTypes _
Where TBLSYSTEMS.ProjectName = projectnumber And TBLSYSTEMS.SystemType =


View 5 Replies

VS 2008 Pocket PC - Fill A Datagrid By One Manual Select

Jul 30, 2010

I'm building an application for run in PPC. Is my first for this kind of equipment. At a time, I nedd to fill a datagrid, by one manual select. In VB forms it works perfectly, but I can't convert this for PPC forms. I use this


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Plotting 2d Graph In C#.net?

Jan 19, 2011

I was writing a program on a web form which is reading a file and then plot the file as a 2d graph.

the file looks like



where c1 c2and c3 is the header which the readfile stream should ignore and the total "number" numbers are decided by the user which can be a variable.

the graph will take the c1,c2,c3values as x-axis and the number values as y-axis.

how can I draw the graph from reading this file? can some one kind enough to show me some code?

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Application - Plotting X/Y Graph ?

May 4, 2009

I wanted to plot a graph for one of my application in VB.net. I want a Time (X-axis) Vs Temperature (Y-axis) graph, where:

1. X- Axis has vertical lines every 10 minutes. So there are 6 vertical lines between 1 hr. The labels on the Axis should be written at every hour even though the vertical lines are at every 10 minutes. (Eg: 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00...)

2. Y-Axis should have horizontal lines every 10 degrees C. So there are 10 Horizontal lines between 100 degrees. The labels on the axis should be written at every 100 degrees (Eg: 0 deg C, 100, 200, 300...)

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Plotting Cartesian Plots In .net?

Oct 1, 2010

I am new to VB.net. I need to plot some Cartesian plots in vb.net 2010 enterprise edition. This is what I need to show in the plot:

- individual x-y points
- curve connecting the points
- coordinate axis and possibly a grid

I have no idea how to plot this. Actually I'm not even sure which control I would use. Should I draw this in a pictureBox?

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Plotting Dynamic Data On MSChart

Oct 24, 2011

How do you plot dynamic data (from a dataset) on MSChart?

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Serial Data And Plotting In VB 2010

Dec 2, 2011

I'm fairly acquainted with VB but the underlying .Net and many of the controls and whatnot I'm not all that familiar with. Hence, I have a real hard time trying to come up with ways to solve certain problems. I figure the best way to start is try to get some general guidance and go from there.

I have an external electronic device that gathers data (no need for details here) and has an internal micro-controller that interfaces from the device to a USB port. I need to build a PC based program in VB 2010 that can get the data from the device and plot it on a graph...possibly a fairly customized graph. Let's assume there is already a driver for this device that sets up a COM port (pseudo-serial I guess it's called).

Now what part of the VB toolbox of methods, controls, objects etc (what's the terminology for that again?) should I be looking at to start such an application? I don't want specific code or anything like that but what areas in this "toolbox" should I be looking at to begin?

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XYZ Plot 3-D Series Plotting Like Matlab?

May 3, 2012

i need to plot a 3D series of x,y,z coordinate in VB. I have search for hours on this matter but I can't seemed to find the answer.

The image above shows an example the kind of plot i am interested in.

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Line Graph - Plotting Set Of Data Using Function

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to plot a set of data using a function I have defined as an array:
Private Sub calculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles calculate.Click
range(1) = min.Text
For i = 2 To 100
[Code] .....
Range(i) I want to be my x values and fee(i) to be the y values. When I try to select range() and fee() as the x and y values for a series, I get an error because they are not of type double.

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Plotting An Array Of Points On Button Click

May 9, 2011

I have an global array of points that i want to plot in VB. say X and Y points, and typically they have values of +/-12000. Now I've not done graphics work for a long time and when I did, I used OpenGL with C. Now I need a GUI i'm using VB 2008. Firstly, what's the best method of rendering the array of points? should I use some port of OpenGL? GDI? or what?

Secondly, can I simply print to perhaps a Panel on hit of a button? Thirdly, do I have to place any line drwing code in an "OnPaint" event handler? Finally (for now) if my array represents points in a space much larger than the painting surface, how would I scale and scroll the final image within the the proposed Panel? I look forward to your advice.

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Plotting Graphics And Output To Image File?

Feb 23, 2009

I am a total beginner to software development, I have purchased a copy of Visual Studio 2008 and have been working through a self teach book on Visual Basic.NET. I have some ideas for applications that I want to develop and am in need of some pointers.

I want to plot graphical objects and standard lines and rectangles based on coordinate data that I have imported into an array from a tab delimited text file. I have some bitmap symbols that I have created and I want to plot these in my programme along with some labels and save the output as a bitmap file or other suitable image file.

I am having trouble finding any help in the online documentation and want know where I need to start. Do I plot the graphics directly onto a form or do I need to add them to a picture box? When I get this far how to I create the image file?

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Plotting In A PictureBox Within A Loop And Passing Variables?

Feb 24, 2010

This is my first attempt at doing something in VB.net. I would like to be able to read a text file consisting of a column of data values and then pass the data as a variable to a sub that produces a line graph and updates it with each iteration through the loop. So far I have the code to read the file as well as some code that produces a line graph using hard coded values.

I am unsure how to call this sub from my loop such that I can pass that data value read from the file to the graphing sub.

How can I call the "PictureBox1_Paint" sub from my loop? How can I pass variables read from the data file to "PictureBox1_Paint" when I am calling it? Is there anything different that needs to be done if I want the graph to update with each iteration through the loop (for each data point)?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Start_button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Start_button.Click


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Function For Plotting A Graph - Facing A Memory Leak?

Aug 10, 2009

I found this function for plotting a graph online somewhere. I am pretty sure it has a memory leak but cant figure most of the functions as I am new to VB and windows API. Looking for some quick tip on what I should be looking at.


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Plotting A 2D Array Into A Chart Control As A Polynomial, VB 2010

May 17, 2012

So I have a 2D array of data, specifically, one "Cv" value for every 10% increment. I have been able to get the Cv's plotted vs % open with the following method:

Private Sub btnPlot_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPlot.Click
Dim tempString As String


I haven't yet looked into this, but if there's any way to also export this graph as an image into an excel spreadsheet, We will be creating several spec sheets as excel workbooks and we will need to be outputting standardized sheets, which is why I'm trying to make this an application instead of directly implementing the code in Excel with VBA.

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Unable To Get DataGridView Row Color?

Feb 23, 2012

My application uses 3 DataGridViews in asingle Windows form. The 3 are never visible at the same time, and I have a sityation that I cannot figure out. The first examole below works perfectly:

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvBooks.Rows
If row.Cells(4).Value.ToString = "YES" Then
row.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red


The only difference in the 2 blocks of code is the name of the DataGridView. I'm at a complete loss to figure out why one works completely and the other only partially. I have checked the execution, one step at a time and everthing happened at the right time and accurately, The upper case string is correct as is rhe index designation of the field, and I'm lost for a reason.

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Unable To Search Within A Datagridview?

Jun 21, 2011

I�ve a datagridview which is filled with data at form load. Then via a textbox I�d like to search in the Name column. The code below fills the grids but the search part of it doesn�t work

Public Class SearchBox
Public ds As DataSet = New DataSet
Public adapter As SqlDataAdapter


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Unable To Update Datagridview

Jan 2, 2011

I'm trying to update the datagridview after i add new data into database from other form.[code]...

View 15 Replies

.net - Unable To Delete Records In DataGridView?

Apr 23, 2012

When I modify and delete data in a DataGridView, I get the error:

The record cannot be deleted or changed because table 'Table Name' includes related records.

but I can add new data, only cannot modify and delete data.

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Unable To Delete One Or More Rows In DataGridView

Mar 13, 2012

I am displaying a Master-Detail tables in a DataGridView. The Master has only one table and the Detail also has only table. Both tables have primary keys. I would like to give the user the capability to delete one or more rows from the Master or Detail when they click on 'Delete' buttons. I am using VB.Net 2010, MS Framework 4.0 and Win 7. The database is Oracle 10g. I have written the following code but it doesn't seem to work. I keep getting 'Number of records updated: 0'.

Here is the code to delete from Job table (Master) when the user clicks on btnDelJob:
Private Sub btnDelJob_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelJob.Click
Dim i As Integer
Dim response As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete these rows?", "Delete row?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, _
[Code] .....

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Unable To Refresh Datagridview In Usercontrol

Jan 11, 2011

i have a datagridview in a UserControl,i try to refresh it after i insert a data from another form,but i can't get it work.I've tried using delegates,and if i try to show message after i insert data,it shows,but the datagridview can't be refill..Is it possible to refresh datagridview on a UserControl?Here are my codes :

Public Sub loadData()
Me.dgvProduk.DataSource = ""


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DB/Reporting :: Unable To Check A Checkbox In A Datagridview

May 17, 2011

[code]I want users to be able to click on the checkbox in field4 and add all of the data plus the word Holiday to my database when they click on the box in that field, but right now it's not allowing me to click on the checkbox, can someone please assist? Also, I did have this working for that field but it would only allow me to add the first line of data, what in my code would not allow for the additional lines to not add their data as well?

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Unable To Restore Display Index In Datagridview?

Dec 17, 2010

So I have a class that I use to filter the results of a datagridview in vb.net. And one of the things I want this class to do, is keep the column order, width, and visibility.

So what I do, is when my search class is instantiated, i create a copy of the columns in a hashtable, for later referencing.

Private dgv As DataGridView
Private dataSet As DataSet
Private bindingSource As New BindingSource


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Unable To Link The Inventory Table To A Datagridview Object

Jun 1, 2011

I successfully connected a remote MySQL database and it is listed in the Data Connections. My database has two tables, inventory and history, both work and I can retrieve the data from each.The problem is when I try to link the inventory table to a datagridview object. As soon as I enter the configuration wizard a red x appears in my data connections. Regardless of this, however, I can still successfully add my history table. The problem is that the inventory table name isn't visible and I get this error:<``>Could not retrieve schema information for table or view ``.The inventory table is what I need and I don't understand why it blanks out.

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VS 2010 DataGridView - Unable To Change Column Widths

Jan 13, 2011

I am unable to chage column widths for some reason. This exact code worked in a 2003 project (when the data grid was DataGrid not DataGridView).


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