VS 2008 Develop A Web App That Can Interact With Websites And Carry Out Automatic Tasks?

Sep 7, 2009

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 on an XP machine and am trying to develop a web app that can interact with websites and carry out automatic tasks.One problem I have is trying to recreate the web requests for automatic interaction.

For example:I use a webBrowser control to allow me to surf a page manually. Then, once I am at a specific location, I'd like the automatic interaction to take over.Part of the website requires a log-in and exchanges cookie data.When I try to read the cookie info from the webbrowser control to build the subsequent automatic requests, the cookie content is incomplete.Upon further investigation, it appears that the site sets one of the cookies to "http only". This stops the value being visible to the webbrowser control.Is there another control or method I could use to retrieve this info?

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VBS Script - Delete All Scheduled Tasks Which Start With "My Application Tasks

Mar 19, 2010

Ineed a VBS script that removes all scheduled tasks which start with a specific string.

For example, delete all scheduled tasks which start with "My Application Tasks..."

I wanna use this VBS script in my application uninstaller so all tasks created by my application are removed at the uninstall time, however am not familiar with VBS.

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VS 2008 Interact With A Service?

Jul 13, 2011

I have never interacted with Varbiles outside of the projject but now in need of it.I am developing a Windows Service Application that is multi-threaded. There is going to be a set of Global Varibles in the application that contain basic status information such as how many threads are currently running, What clients are currently connected etc.

Now I would like to develop another application as a monitor. This one would be a Windows Forms App and its sole purpose is to display to the user this information so that is can be monitored.Is there an easy way of doing this? If not I don't think I will bother as the Monitor is not essential.

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Create An Application Which Will Interact With SQL Server 2008?

Oct 10, 2011

I'm doing a project in VB.NET, in which the application will interact with SQL Server 2008 database. I know how to develop that application. But after created executable version of that application(.exe) i will install it in another machine. How will that application interact with database at that machine??

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VS 2008 Making Forms Interact With Each Other Over The Internet?

Mar 12, 2010

This part of visual basic is new to me. How can i make multiple forms that each operate on different computers but can interact with each other and influence each other over the internet?

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VS 2008 Class & DLL's - Create Scripts On Their Own And Allow Them To Interact With Main Sub

Dec 12, 2011

I want to start building my first large program. I want to create scripts on their own and allow them to interact with my main sub. I guess if I need a "plane" in my application, that could become it's own class? If I wanted to calculate "purchases", "money" I could create a DLL? I don't want to have to change things and have to recompile my entire application every time I want to change how something works for example.

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VS 2008 - Use An Icon In The System Tray To Let Interact With A Windows Service

Sep 24, 2009

I've seen loads of programs that use an icon in the system tray to let you interact with a windows service that is running on your machine but I am curious as to how this works. As I understand it, unless a service marks itself as 'interactive' then it has no way to communicate with the user's desktop and doing so is discouraged by MS (and even causes an alternate desktop to appear temporarily in Server 2008 in some cases). So I want to try and avoid doing this but I cant think how else I would do it, and even if I marked my service as interactive I'm not too sure how I could actually get it to show a notification icon in the system tray.

I assume I would have to use Windows APIs, unless just using the windows forms NotifyIcon class would work. I considered just having the system tray icon in a totally separate application that just communicates with the service via named pipes or TCP etc but I'm pretty sure this isnt how other programs do it because with most of them if you just kill the process that the service is running in then the icon disappears so it must actually be directly running from the service.

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VS 2008 UI Threading - Move/interact With Both Forms While The Loop Is Running ?

Oct 17, 2009

When it comes to threading. I've managed to adapt one of JMcIllhinney's backgroundworker codebank examples to somewhat suit my needs, but not completely. I have a main form, and a second form that appears while I'm running through a for loop. It informs the user what is currently happening. I set up a backgroundworker that allowed me to continue to use the main form during the for loop, but the other "status" form was completely frozen, and any labels or graphics were shown as white boxes. I am struggling to figure out how to be able to move/interact with both forms while the loop is running.

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Visual Studio 2008 - Scheduling Tasks

Nov 22, 2010

I have an application that I need to automate where at a certain time each day, say 6pm, it will run a certain method(which is to check a database for key terms and then access the api to search for these terms). But there is also another process which is running all the time accessing the stream api so when the search is complete, it interrupts the stream and hands over the new terms.

Now I thought of adding the .exe file to windows task scheduler but not sure if that would work. The stream method run indefinitely and at 6pm each day another process needs to run. I thought of using the system.threading.task TaskFactory but when I include it, it shows taskfactory as undefined. ( I do have .net framework 4.0)If it launches using the task scheduler as 6pm with my code logic as follows:


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VS 2008 Create A Panel Tasks Runtime

Aug 14, 2010

I need to create a custom panel that will let me add items to the 'Panel Tasks' list: how I might accomplish adding items to this list and make it usable during runtime? I look at the Controls.Panel properties, but nothing was immediately apparent and, surprisingly, I wasn't able to find much via Google.

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.net 2008 Show Visited Websites?

Nov 13, 2011

I would like to be able to show all the websites visited on a machine.

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VS 2008 Extracting Information From Websites

Aug 16, 2009

I'm currently using a webbrowser control to extract information from multiple websites. At any given time, my application could be searching through 1-80 different webpages across 1-4 different websites. On my computer, it runs pretty quick. I could go through all 80 sites in just a few minutes. But when on another machine with fewer resouces, it runs awfully slow. Taking up to 15 minutes. Which kind of beats the purpose, but not entirely, of my application.

I'll begin by explaining my methods, and go from there. When utilizing the Webbrowser control, I use While statements and Application.DoEvents, instead of the Webbrowser controls's DocumentCompleted event. I'm wondering if this is one thing that could be slowing down the process. Though I'm not sure why it would be. Also, would utilizing separate threads help with this? I can't imagine it would boost performance. But I'm not entirely sure. I think it bogs down because the application uses so much memory when running. On idle, the application uses about 9.5k memory. When running, I've seen it go as high as 110k.

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VS 2008 Visit Blocked Websites?

Mar 8, 2011

i was wondering if there is any way to visit a blocked website using visual basic 2008. i want to use during school in programing class.. just to let you know my teacher said he will let us get by with it, if we could even make something like this.

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2008 Show All The Websites Visited On A Machine

Jan 7, 2009

I would like to be able to show all the websites visited on a machine.

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VS 2008 Blocking Websites With Host File

Jan 6, 2012

I read some posts in the vb.net forum for how to modify your host file on your computer adding the domain website to block. this worked great. Then i went to a website such as vtunnel.com and was able to view the blocked website through it. So to still block it I need to add [url]... to the host site as well as any others?

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VS 2008 Get Webbrowser To Visit Websites Using For Each Loop?

Apr 14, 2010

I want webbrowser to visit multiple urls that I filled in List(of String). I use a for each loop to iterate over the List, but the webbrowser only show the last url ask.com. I want webbrowser to visit and display all the urls.

Dim UrlListArray As New List(Of String)


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VS 2008 Unblocking Websites On A Bloxx Server?

Mar 1, 2010

I have the following code which sets internet explorers proxy settings to what ever i want and if i set it to use a proxy ip and port i get a 'Page can not be displayed' error. If i reset it back to the bloxx server again which is: http://gc-bloxx:8080 Then it works fine. What i am asking is, can i get the app to connect through 'http://gc-bloxx:8080' and then set the proxy ip and port so the app can connect to the internet and then unblock the websites?


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VS 2008 - How To Gather Links To Member Websites Automatically

Apr 10, 2009

I'm trying to get my program to go to the memberlist.php of a phpBB2 forum and gather all the links to the members websites.
Example: [URL]
I want the program to go to that website and save all of the websites (the ones that have the "www" image) to a list inside the program. I have no idea how to do this, but that's not all, considering most forums have several pages of members (this one has 32 at the moment) it has to go through all of the pages and gather all the links from every page..

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Carry Over The IP's To Listbox2?

Oct 29, 2009

Stuck on resolving host IPs within a listbox. I want it to carry over the resolved IP's to listbox2. But also have an 2 radio options either to resolve IP to Hostname or resolve Hostname to IP. Thus when I hit the start button, it checks to see which one is selected and starts the process. Here is what I have found, but can there be a simplified version to this but for lists? [URL]..

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Carry Info To Different Form

Jun 15, 2011

I want to create a form that a user will enter information into. Once the user hits "Submit", the program will search through my db. I want the result to populate into a completely new form. I only need the info from one column in order to generate the entire record, but how do I carry the info retrieved from the search what the user selects into the new form in order to populate the new form.

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Carry Out Bidirectional Synchronization?

Dec 15, 2010

I want to carry out bidirectional synchronization.I have implemented the code and procedures in the walkthrough however i have nearly a hundred forms and more than 50 tables how do i go about that

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Do Rotate Right Without Carry (Shift Towards LSB)?

May 11, 2010

I am trying to rotate a select number of bits to right with click of a button. ( bit 7 to bit 0 and rotate.) The patterns should not matter. It could be any combination of set or reset bits. The bit patterns are selected by checkbox0 to checkbox7. I like to rotate without a carry bit. Is there any way(s) to do this?

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How To Carry Pictures In VB Codes

Jul 28, 2011

I'm trying to add the original pictures to my vb.net program.When the client computers install the program there should have the original pictures in their computers.And other programs, not this vb.net program, can deal with the picture. Better to get the picture fullpath ,something like D:program filesabcody.jpg.

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Keystrokes Carry Over To Other Objects?

Sep 9, 2011

I am facing a problem in my code. I am working on an application in vb.net, its a windows based application. On one of my form I need to perform so many data driven operations.

if I press tab on one of the text box, I need to set a computed value in other text box and need to set the focus to that text box.

I write a code that is a like to this.

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
Select Case e.KeyCode


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SOS Call : Using Buttons To Carry Out Functions?

Jul 24, 2009

codes to implement buttons to do the following

1. Pause a process/ action event.

2. Resume the process/ action event.

3. Stop the process/ action event.

4. Speak the time based on the clock.

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VS 2008 Automatic Fill Of A Table?

Jun 20, 2012

I am new in forum and in VB 2008 as well, I have a little background in VB6 I am making a program for a project and I need to calculate some mathematical formulas and the results I want to send them in an external device via serial port. To be more specific I have a function, like y(x)=a*x+y0. I get the starting and ending x and y from textbox and I calculate the respective y but I want to store each x and the resulting y(x) in order to send them after the completion of the complete calculation to the serial port.I have tried with datagrid view and dataset but I cannot fill the tables with the results.Does anyone have any idea what I can do.

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VS 2008 Develop BB Apps With VB?

Mar 14, 2011

it is possible to develope apps for the blackberry using Visual basic 08(or any version out there). I downloaded the Blackberry IDE but you need to know Java, and I don't have the time right know to attempt to learn another language.

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VS 2008 - Automatic Caps Lock On Starting Particular App

Dec 20, 2011

I want that when I start a particular vb.net application, the caps lock should be automatically turned on. How can this be done?

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VS 2008 - Using Hotkeys To Automatic Program Start

Nov 14, 2010

For sample. I do a 2 start button. Start and stop but I use hotkey to automatic start (my program will automatic press Tab and 1). When I press F9 will start and F10 to stop but when I'm in my program but my problem. When I click in notepad then I press F9 it won't work?

Here the code I used:
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.F10 Then
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Automatic Download Suddenly Not Working?

Jun 25, 2009

I�m using the my.computer.network.downloadfile (something like that) to download the html source to a text file. It has been working for about a year now.

Today it stopped working and the downloaded files are empty. I�ve talked to the people at the website, and they say they haven�t done anything. But they always say that.

Is there a way to "block" an automated download process of this kind, and how do I get around it?

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