VS 2008 : Get The Filename From OpenFileDialog And Put It In TextBox?

Sep 30, 2009

How would I get the filename from OpenFileDialog and put it in TextBox? I dont want the full path.

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Remove The Filename And Extract Just The Path Of The OpenFileDialog.Filename Property?

Oct 17, 2010

How would I do that? Sample code is below that demonstrated that the file I opened contained the full path and file name.

I want to extract just the path and serialize that to the user.config file as a UserSetting value. Then next time the user opens the dialog box, it uses that saved path string to go immediately to the location previously used.

If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Properties.Settings.Default.persistConnectionType = openFileDialog1.FileName


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VS 2008 OpenFileDialog Show FileName Only?

May 31, 2009

I'm creating an MP3 player. I have a listbox and OpenFileDialog control. I want to load an mp3 file in the listbox but I only want the file name to show rather than the whole file path, how can this be done?

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Why Does Openfiledialog.filename Not Work

May 1, 2012

Why doesn't this work,

Private Sub pb_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) Handles pb.Paint
Dim imgLogin As Image = My.Resources.LogonScreen
Dim bgImg As Image = Image.FromFile(OpenFileDialog.FileName)


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OpenFileDialog.FileName() To File For StreamReader?

Aug 10, 2010

I am making an encryption application using System.Security.Cryptography

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Odd OpenFileDialog Behavior Filename Scrolled To Left

Jan 29, 2011

I set up an Openfiledialog and put in an initial filename value (the last filename the user opened).However, when the dialog shows up, it is as if the filename has been scrolled off to the left.I only see about the last 10 characters of the name, even though the filename field is big enough to show the whole name.It is also selected, which is ok - it means if the user types a name the value will replace what I've put there, which is reasonable behavior.How do I control this 'scrolling'?I call it scrolling even though there is no scroll bar.If I click in the field and use the left arrow key I can back up to the beginning of the filename - the filename gradually shifts into view about 10 characters at a time, until I reach its beginning, at which time I see the entire filename in the filename field which is how I'd like to have things when the opendialog opens.

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OpenFileDialog - FileName Displays Most Recent Documents?

Jun 20, 2008

I am working on a new project using VB 2005. Within the project I am calling the OpenFileDialog() command as follows.

OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Select a PDF file to Import"OpenFileDialog1.Multiselect = FalseOpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "C:"OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Adobe Acrobat(*.pdf)|*.pdf"OpenFileDialog1.FileName = ""OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog()


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VS 2008 : TextBox Showing Directory That OpenFileDialog Selected?

Sep 7, 2009

This is my code at the moment. I want the TextBox to show the Directory of the file. (C:Documents and SettingsUserDesktopFile)

This is my TextBox Code

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
Me.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
End Sub

This is my Button Code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

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VS 2008 Scan A Long String And Return Any Values That Occur Between The Tags <FileName> And </FileName>?

Jul 1, 2009

Quick query...I'm trying to scan a long string and return any values that occur between the tags <FileName> and </FileName> I've got a bit of code here to use regular expressions to return the position of the occurunces of both substrings..Just wanted to find out if there is any way to scan for both substrings within one loop (as im currently doing 2, one for the first substring and one for the 2nd) so I can use something along these lines:

ringlist = Mid(XMLRESP, (startloc + 1), (endloc - 1))

to msg box the value between the substrings...either that or another approach to return the value between the 2 substrings (it can be of variable length)

Dim patternstart As String = "<FileName>"
Dim patternend As String = "</FileName>"
Dim matchesstart As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(XMLRESP, patternstart)


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VS 2008 OpenFileDialog - Make The OpenFileDialog Filter To Where Only All The .doc Files That Start With "1234567" Show Up?

Jan 4, 2011

I have files that start with unique numbers and are word documents. Say the document starts with "1234567" is there a way to make the OpenFileDialog filter to where only all the .doc files that start with "1234567" show up?

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Using Textbox Input As Filename?

Sep 4, 2009

I want to know how could I use the input in the textbox as my filename. I intend to use the input in textbox (the input is obtained using a barcode scanner) as a filename for a text file.

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Display The Name Of A File In A Textbox From An Openfiledialog

Jun 11, 2012

way to display the name of a file in a textbox from an openfiledialog (including the file type) For example: Instead of "C:Users eadme.txt", to display just "readme.txt" in the textbox.

Edit: AND if possible, how to display the inverse, too ("C:Users", instead of "C:Users
eadme.txt" or something)

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Saving Image With Filename From A Textbox?

Jun 18, 2012

The EID has a picture from the person also.I decided not to save the image directly into the SQL database, but store it in the application directory.However i cannot seem to figure out how i can save it with a filename taken from one or more textboxes.

This is what i am using right now, but as you can see it saves it as Test.Jpeg
Dim file_name As String = Application.ExecutablePath
file_name = file_name.Substring(0, _


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Make An OpenFileDialog Where The File Displays In A Textbox?

Jan 2, 2009

Does anybody know how to make an OpenFileDialog where the file displays in a textbox, BUT, can only show the file, not the directories(eg. "Song.mp3" Not "C:\Files\Song.mp3")I've got the code for the OpenFileDialog

If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then TextBox9.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName End If And I've added the OpenFileDialog. I just don't know how to display the file without directories.

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Show A Directory In A Textbox Using Something Like Openfiledialog Option

Jan 5, 2010

I need to have the user select a directory for the working directory. I know how to use the openfiledialog to list a file, but how do you do it for a directory?

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Textbox To Filename For Image Collection Inventory?

Aug 17, 2011

I am attempting to create a small script to help me build a photo inventory for a few thousand widgets. Each widget has a unique barcode. I'm working on a program to let me take a picture of the widget, then scan the barcode and use the barcode value as the name of the photo file (barcode scanner inputs text string wherever curser is positioned). Right now I have a script, which I put together from a sample available online, which lets me capture an image (.bmp) using a webcam, then it lets me save that file, using traditional Windows saving method (opens an explorer to select the location and type in the file name). It works, but I want it to work a little quicker, less clicks.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1
Const WM_CAP As Short = &H400S


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Added A Textbox To Filter Words Out From Filename Compare?

May 17, 2009

i have added a textbox to filter words out from my filename compare, any way i keep getting

Error1'txtComWords' is not a member of 'WindowsApplication1.Form1.StringSift3'.

Public Function PrepareWord(ByVal strWord As String, ByVal bDisRomTags As Boolean, ByVal bDisComWords As Boolean) As String
Dim strToCheck As String = strWord
If bDisRomTags Then


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Omit Directory Path From An Filename In Textbox (Chilkat)

Sep 13, 2010

I am a new developer in general and decided on VB.NET for my first language. So, I decided that I should write a basic FTP client since the types of apps I plan on developing later on will incorporate file transfer. I imported the chilkat dll as a reference to my project since the FTP seems to work great. Anyhow, I've designed my program with separate interfaces for sending and getting files (see attached screenshot).

The problem here is that I use an openfiledialogbox to select the local file to transfer to an FTP server which this populates the textbox with "C: ext.txt", but chilkat wants the filename without the C:, or I receive an prohibited file name error when executing the send button. So basically I just need a way to store the filename text.txt without the C: extension so I can specify THAT name as the "remotefilename" which Chilkat will understand. The way I'd really like to do it is to have my send button remove the C: from the existing textbox and just leave the filename there - that would be fine.

I tried to research this and found that the path.Getfilename may be used for this, but I'm not totally sure how i should go about it. Here is the code of the Send button for my FTP Program so far. *By the way, this program works 100% if i just create another textbox, take the filename "test.text" and reference that as the remotefilename.


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Get The FileName For The Proces.Start(FileName) Method?

May 27, 2009

I have a Listview on my form with different files. I can selet a file en open it with the proces start method. To open the file i use the OpenFileDialog method and select the filename. This work very good. With the code below.

My question is if there is a method to get the selected file without using the OpenFileDialog Box. So when i dubbelclick the selected file the proces will start with open the selected file. Something like:

proc.StartInfo.FileName = Me.SelectedCell.FileName
instead of proc.StartInfo.FileName = Me.OpenFileDialog1.FileName

PS) May be i can preduce the Filename using the OpenFileDialog method on the background.

Private Sub ListView1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListView1.MouseDoubleClick
If Me.OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then


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Transform An Address Like File:///d:filename.ext In A D:filename.ext

Jun 26, 2009

how do you transform an address like "file:///d:filename.ext" in "d:filename.ext"

without dirty string manipulation??

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VS 2008 Using The OpenFileDialog?

Dec 8, 2009

ok, So I can call on the open file Dialog so it can be used. The problem comes when I want to put it to actual use. The idea is that the user pics an image from there "directory" and then it displays in an image box (which is already there) so, how would I use the open file dialog to locate the image and then display it in the image box?

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VS 2008 With OpenFileDialog And WPF?

Nov 19, 2009

I'm experimenting with adding WPF to my Forms project. As soon as I add the PresentationFramework I get an error for the code block below, stating that

"Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Boolean?' to 'Integer?'"I understand what the error is saying, just not WHY! So, how should I be doing it with WPF included?


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VS 2008 Controlling OpenFileDialog?

May 25, 2011

With many of the programs that I use, I have noticed that the file dialog boxes automatically enter a new folder (if I create a folder thru the dialog box). But my OpenFileDialog boxes don't do that in my programs.When I open the OpenFileDialog and press the New Folder button, the box stays in the current directory and I am forced to click into the new folder. I have researched the OpernFileDialog and I don't understand how to change this behavior. I want to eliminate this extra click to enter the new folder.

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VS 2008 How To Search Filename On Ftp

Dec 4, 2010

how to search filename on directory folder on ftp?

Imports System.Net
Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents httpclient As WebClient


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VS 2008 - OpenFileDialog And Extract From Zip File

Dec 13, 2010

If I am in Word and I say File Open, it displays files of type All Files. If I have a Compressed Folder in the current location, I can right click on that folder and Extract All. Then if I extracted a filetype that Word can read, I can click on the file I just extracted and opened this is Word. All from saying File Open. I want to replicate this behavior in my .NET code. Maybe I am missing a property when I create my OpenFileDialog, but if I right click on the same file as above, I do not get a context menu that will let me Extract All.

This is my .NET
Dim dlgZipFile As New OpenFileDialog
dlgZipFile.Title = "Please navigate to the location of the input file"
dlgZipFile.InitialDirectory = "C:ProjectsFiles"
dlgZipFile.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*"
dlgZipFile.FileName = ""
If dlgZipFile.ShowDialog <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Return False

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VS 2008 Changing Openfiledialog Icon?

Dec 6, 2009

How do i change openfiledialog icon? I have looked on google and theres only custom openfiledialog.

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VS 2008 Muti-Filter OpenFileDialog?

Oct 30, 2009

Im trying to make one of filters have all the "Image extension like .png/.jpg/etc." how would i do that?

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VS 2008 OpenFileDialog - Restrict To Initial?

Oct 18, 2010

I want my user to only be able to open files in the initial directory that I set on OpenFileDialog. I have googled a bit and found you cannot restrict, but that was information from a few years ago and I'm not sure what version. Has this control changed at all in VS 2008?

My application is handling it okay if the user does navigate out, but it would be more concise if I could prevent him from doing so in the first place. And the fact that I have found others who wanted to do this also, makes me think it might be a nice property to have built in.

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VS 2008 OpenFileDialog Messes Up Database?

Jul 18, 2009

The problem I am running into is the OpenFileDialog box. I am allowing the user to pick an image and I want to save the image location into a column in the database(this isn't the problem), I know how to get the image location and save it...The main problem is this. Each time I open up the "OpenFileDialog box" and choose an image, it remembers the last location used, but after the image is chosen, the program looks at the images location as the spot the database is...To sum this up: Each time I use the "OpenFileDialog" and choose an image, the program looks at the images location for the database instead of in the "Debug folder" (which is were I put the database) So i end up getting an error that it can't find the database. Everything usually worked fine until I used the "OpenFileDialog"...

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[2008] Form Background Through Openfiledialog

Jun 18, 2010

I have a program that I was trying to do where you could change the background image in it by using openfiledialog and I just cant seem how to get the background to change. Currently I have


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