OpenFileDialog - FileName Displays Most Recent Documents?

Jun 20, 2008

I am working on a new project using VB 2005. Within the project I am calling the OpenFileDialog() command as follows.

OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Select a PDF file to Import"OpenFileDialog1.Multiselect = FalseOpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "C:"OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Adobe Acrobat(*.pdf)|*.pdf"OpenFileDialog1.FileName = ""OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog()


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Remove The Filename And Extract Just The Path Of The OpenFileDialog.Filename Property?

Oct 17, 2010

How would I do that? Sample code is below that demonstrated that the file I opened contained the full path and file name.

I want to extract just the path and serialize that to the user.config file as a UserSetting value. Then next time the user opens the dialog box, it uses that saved path string to go immediately to the location previously used.

If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Properties.Settings.Default.persistConnectionType = openFileDialog1.FileName


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Why Does Openfiledialog.filename Not Work

May 1, 2012

Why doesn't this work,

Private Sub pb_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) Handles pb.Paint
Dim imgLogin As Image = My.Resources.LogonScreen
Dim bgImg As Image = Image.FromFile(OpenFileDialog.FileName)


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Make An OpenFileDialog Where The File Displays In A Textbox?

Jan 2, 2009

Does anybody know how to make an OpenFileDialog where the file displays in a textbox, BUT, can only show the file, not the directories(eg. "Song.mp3" Not "C:\Files\Song.mp3")I've got the code for the OpenFileDialog

If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then TextBox9.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName End If And I've added the OpenFileDialog. I just don't know how to display the file without directories.

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OpenFileDialog.FileName() To File For StreamReader?

Aug 10, 2010

I am making an encryption application using System.Security.Cryptography

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VS 2008 : Get The Filename From OpenFileDialog And Put It In TextBox?

Sep 30, 2009

How would I get the filename from OpenFileDialog and put it in TextBox? I dont want the full path.

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VS 2008 OpenFileDialog Show FileName Only?

May 31, 2009

I'm creating an MP3 player. I have a listbox and OpenFileDialog control. I want to load an mp3 file in the listbox but I only want the file name to show rather than the whole file path, how can this be done?

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Odd OpenFileDialog Behavior Filename Scrolled To Left

Jan 29, 2011

I set up an Openfiledialog and put in an initial filename value (the last filename the user opened).However, when the dialog shows up, it is as if the filename has been scrolled off to the left.I only see about the last 10 characters of the name, even though the filename field is big enough to show the whole name.It is also selected, which is ok - it means if the user types a name the value will replace what I've put there, which is reasonable behavior.How do I control this 'scrolling'?I call it scrolling even though there is no scroll bar.If I click in the field and use the left arrow key I can back up to the beginning of the filename - the filename gradually shifts into view about 10 characters at a time, until I reach its beginning, at which time I see the entire filename in the filename field which is how I'd like to have things when the opendialog opens.

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Get The Page Documents Counts For Documents Stored As Tif Files

Feb 2, 2010

I've been asked to get the page counts for documents stored as tif files. What I have now is looping through our third party software to open them and then get the page count. I can't stop the image from flashing and it is very slow. Does anyone know of a way to loop through them quickly and can the page counts (one image can have many documents)?

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VS 2008 Scan A Long String And Return Any Values That Occur Between The Tags <FileName> And </FileName>?

Jul 1, 2009

Quick query...I'm trying to scan a long string and return any values that occur between the tags <FileName> and </FileName> I've got a bit of code here to use regular expressions to return the position of the occurunces of both substrings..Just wanted to find out if there is any way to scan for both substrings within one loop (as im currently doing 2, one for the first substring and one for the 2nd) so I can use something along these lines:

ringlist = Mid(XMLRESP, (startloc + 1), (endloc - 1))

to msg box the value between the substrings...either that or another approach to return the value between the 2 substrings (it can be of variable length)

Dim patternstart As String = "<FileName>"
Dim patternend As String = "</FileName>"
Dim matchesstart As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(XMLRESP, patternstart)


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Get The FileName For The Proces.Start(FileName) Method?

May 27, 2009

I have a Listview on my form with different files. I can selet a file en open it with the proces start method. To open the file i use the OpenFileDialog method and select the filename. This work very good. With the code below.

My question is if there is a method to get the selected file without using the OpenFileDialog Box. So when i dubbelclick the selected file the proces will start with open the selected file. Something like:

proc.StartInfo.FileName = Me.SelectedCell.FileName
instead of proc.StartInfo.FileName = Me.OpenFileDialog1.FileName

PS) May be i can preduce the Filename using the OpenFileDialog method on the background.

Private Sub ListView1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListView1.MouseDoubleClick
If Me.OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then


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Transform An Address Like File:///d:filename.ext In A D:filename.ext

Jun 26, 2009

how do you transform an address like "file:///d:filename.ext" in "d:filename.ext"

without dirty string manipulation??

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VS 2008 OpenFileDialog - Make The OpenFileDialog Filter To Where Only All The .doc Files That Start With "1234567" Show Up?

Jan 4, 2011

I have files that start with unique numbers and are word documents. Say the document starts with "1234567" is there a way to make the OpenFileDialog filter to where only all the .doc files that start with "1234567" show up?

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Get 10 Most Recent Files Only?

Sep 22, 2010

I am using following code to search my computer for files with certian extensions. I currenty searching for .eml files. This code lists all files found.I need to enter 10 most current files' path to my list box.[code]...

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Get Records With Recent Dates

Jun 7, 2011

I m using with access 2007. I have field with datatype "datetime" and values in format dd/mm/yyyy e.g 8/2/2011. Now I have problem when i fire a query SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE tbl_name.datefield= (Select Max(tbl_name.datefield) from tbl_name)); I have some records with dates 11/1/2011 and some records with dates 8/2/2011 but I get wrong result records with date 11/1/2001 instead I want records with date 8/2/2011

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Open Most Recent Files?

Apr 16, 2009

I ran into a problem on a program that is ALMOST done!

I have a populated listview of say 100 image directories. of those 100 images, there are groups of 20-30 images. this number isn't always the same, but would be between 20-30 per group. the time stamp would be within 5 minutes on each grouping. how would I go about pulling the most recent only of the 100 or so images? the most recent within about 5 minutes on the time stamp.

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Recent Users In A Domain?

Jul 6, 2009

I am good in excel and access coding but preety new in, I wish to prepare an application which will pull details of all the recent users logged in under a particualr domain along with the computer name. I this possible?I did a lot of google and got ActiveDs.IADsContainer and ActiveDs.IADsUser.

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Find The Last Or Most Recent Modified Date?

Mar 4, 2011

I am using this to loop through a directory and grab the last modified date for all of the files. How I do find the last or most recent modified date?

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal er As EventArgs)
Dim info As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo("C:InetpubwwwrootG269_FocusUploads")
Dim files As FileInfo()
files = info.GetFiles("*.pdf")


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Finding The Recent Modified Folder?

Sep 16, 2010

I have what I think should be a simple solution. All I want to do is see what the name of the most recently modified folder was in my c: path.

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Recent Files List From File

May 23, 2012

i am trying to create a recent files list. [Code] I've looked and i don't want to use a MRU list as i want it so that it can be used on several devices, i.e. running off a memory stick.

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When Press Button1 Recent Backgroundimage 'ex.png' Changes To Be 'ex1.png'

Feb 23, 2010

i have a form1 and a button1 i want to when i press the button1 ,the recent backgroundimage 'ex.png' changes to be 'ex1.png' what is the code ?

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Build A Recent Files List Into My Program

Jun 3, 2009

I want to build a recent files list into my program.

The hiearchy I currently have is "MenuStrip>File>Recent Files>File1".

I have a function which saves the files and opens them. It also stores the file name and file path in sperate variables:


I would be able to change the text property of the File1 (File1ToolStripItem) to the SaveFileName easily, but how would I make it so that when you click the File1 (File1ToolStripItem) it opens the Savefile file?

I would also need the program to save this list so when I open the program again they are still there.

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Datagridview On Datarepeater Showing Only Most Recent Fill

Jun 14, 2010

Is there any way to have a datagridview on a datarepeater with more than 1 row showing?

I have a datagridview on a datarepeater control. The datarepeater and the datagridview are joined on a common field in 1-to-many fashion. The form is designed so that there are 2 rows of the datarepeater visible at any one time. The datagridview is populated in the datarepeater's drawitem event The problem is that it behaves as if there is only one datagridview total rather than one datagridview per row. The drawitem event executes when you scroll to a row. Because 2 rows of the datarepeater are visible, the fill code is executed twice when the form is opened. But the second fill overrides the first one. So you've got this form with 2 different rows but the data in both datagridviews is the same but is right only for the bottom one.

Is there any way to correct this? If I made only 1 row visible, that would eliminate the wrong data. But I want to be able to show more that 1 row at a time.

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DB/Reporting :: Updating The DataSet With The Most Recent Data?

May 18, 2008

I have a storedProcedure that populates a dataset, this dataset is then used for a dataSource for a third party grid control. This all works fine, however I am having real trouble in updating the dataSet with the most recent data from my database.Below is the code that I am using to populate the dataSet:


I am not sure how to update the dataSet with new data so that my grid control displays the most recent data. Could someone show me the code to do this?

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Getfiles - Find Most Recent File In Directory?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm trying to load the most recent file from a directory, but my following code doesn't work. Am i getting something obvious terribly wrong?!

Dim myFile = Directory.GetFiles("C:UsersJoeDesktopXML Logs").OrderByDescending(Function(f) f.LastWriteTime).First()

I get two error messages:

Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method 'Public Function OrderByDescending(Of TKey)(keySelector As System.Func(Of String, TKey)) As System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable(Of String)' defined in 'System.Linq.Enumerable' cannot be inferred from these arguments. Specifying the data type(s) explicitly might correct this error.


'LastWriteTime' is not a member of 'String'.

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How To Add Recent File History (Last 3) To Main Menu

Mar 11, 2011

How to add a file history to my Main Menu. I open my windows application and select a txt file to open called "File 1". Later I open "File 2" and "File 3". I have now closed the windows application. A day later I open my windows application again. How do I view the recent files selected to my FILE menu? For example, I would expect to see "File 1", "File 2", and "File 3" under recent files. This would allow the user to easily reference the past recent files that were opened. Word and Excel have the feature and I am sure it can be done in VS2005.

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Oledb - SELECT Through Oledbcommand In .net Not Picking Up Recent Changes?

Sep 28, 2009

I'm using the following code to work out the next unique Order Number in an access database. ServerDB is a "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection"

Dim command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("", serverDB)
command.CommandText = "SELECT max (ORDERNO) FROM WORKORDR"
iOrder = command.ExecuteScalar()
NewOrderNo = (iOrder + 1)

If I subsequently create a WORKORDR (using a different DB connection), the code will not pick up the new "next order number."e.g.

iFoo = NewOrderNo
iFoo2 = NewOrderNo

will return the same value to both iFoo and iFoo2. If I Close and then reopen serverDB, as part of the "NewOrderNo" function, then it works. iFoo and iFoo2 will be correct. Is there any way to force a "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection" to refresh the database in this situation without closing and reopening the connection. e.g. Is there anything equivalent to serverdb.refresh or serverdb.FlushCache

How I create the order.I wondered if this could be caused by not updating my transactions after creating the order. I'm using an XSD for the order creation, and the code I use to create the record is ...

Sub CreateNewWorkOrderWithNumber(ByVal iNewOrder As Integer)
Dim OrderDS As New CNC
Dim OrderAdapter As New CNCTableAdapters.WORKORDRTableAdapter


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IDE :: Recent Projects List On Start Page Is Not Being Populated?

Aug 4, 2006

The Projects List on my Start Page is not being populated with the Projects I open. It's empty.Does anyone know what could be the problem? I can see the entries being recorded in the Registry key:


But VS isn't reading them in for some reason.

I'm running Visual Studio 2005 Professional.

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Make A List Of Recent Files In Form In Program?

Jul 24, 2011

I am just wondering on how can i make a list of recent file opened on my program in The recent files filenames must be in a linklabel in a form and in the menustrip.

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Custom Notepad - Recent Files Menu - Adding ToolStripItems With Code

Jun 15, 2010

How would I add a new ToolStripItem with code, which will have a Click event which uses the text from the ToolStripItem to read a file? So the ToolStripItem most somehow send it's text to the Click event.

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