VS 2008 Have A Datagridview In A Form?

Jan 21, 2010

In VB.net 2008 I would like to have a datagridview in a form.This datagridview, show the data of one MDB table.I pretend the user can change data, and save them.BUT, I DON'T want use the default save button created by the VB in the header of the form.Cause I have extra code to do in saving moment, I need to create my "save" button.What code should I enter in the click event of the button?

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Vb 2008 - Updating Datagridview From Another Form

Feb 21, 2010

I have a datagridview where i add rows using array like this:

Dim srow() As String = {getIDprodus(cmbprodus.Text), cmbprodus.Text, getprodusforma(cmbprodus.Text), txtcantitate.Text}

Next, i need to let user to modify the added row. So when user selects a row and press EDIT, a new form is popped out using this code:

Dim i = griddetalii.CurrentRow.Index
frmdetaliiiesire.cmbprodus.Text = griddetalii.Item(0, i).Value
frmdetaliiiesire.txtcantitate.Text = griddetalii.Item(1, i).Value


In textbox1 i have put the index of the current row selected in grid The problem is when i push OK, the applications crashes and i receive an error: INDEX WAS OUT OF RANGE

If the users changes the values from the same form, it's works. But changing them from another form crashes the applications

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VS 2008 Wrap Form Around Content Of Datagridview?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a datagridview on my Form1. Im populating the datagridview with rows from an SQL database, however I need to automatically resize form1 so that its wrapped around the content of datagridview..

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VS 2008 Bind A DataGridView Control On Windows Form?

May 11, 2011

I am trying to bind a DataGridView control on my windows form. However, it doesn't appear to be working. Am I missing a step somewhere? I cannot get the objects in my collection to display in the DatagridView.

Here is a sample of my code. I have not included the Person class.

Dim p As New List(Of Person)()


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VS 2008 - Adding Rows To Databound DataGridView From Child Form?

Feb 7, 2010

I am having trouble adding a row to a databound datagridview on a parent form from a child form. I have two forms, one contains a datagridview that is bound to a table using 'datagridviewbindingsource' and contains an 'add' button. The second contains a checked listbox that is populated correctly and has a "Cancel" and an 'OK' button - when i check several items in the child form, i would like to hit okay and update the bindingsource of the datagridview on the first form with the checked items.

in form1 when btnAdd is clicked
dim f2 as new form2
'call it as a dialog to check for the cancel button
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 : Updating A Data Base File Via A DataGridView Control When Called From Another Form?

Jul 24, 2011

I am sorry to keep bothering you about this damn DataGridView control ... As you might have noticed I am having a hard time with the DataGridView control ... My latest problem has to do with updating the data base file (Access) through a DataGridView control .
Up to now I have managed to successfully edit an entry in the DataGridView control and moreover to successfully update the data base file itself .

The above form and its code work fine . The problem starts when I am trying to run the code of the Update button from another form .
You see , I have another form , through which I change the contents of some of the cells in the DataGridView control (back in Form1) . What I want next is to simply update the data base file itself , just like I was doing with the button in the first form , after I manually changed the cell in the DataGridView control .Thus , on the second form I have a button with this code :

Form1.Button1_Click(Nothing, Nothing) (of course the Click event is declared public)I have also tried :


but still nothing ...Although Form2 successfully changes the cells back in Form1 , the data base file itself does not get updated ...If I manually press the Update button in Form1 I once again successfully update the data base file , but I want to do the whole thing by calling the Update button from Form2 .

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DataGridView On A Form That Is Being Populated From A SQL Table Dataset By Giving Criteria From A Previous Form?

Apr 8, 2009

I have a DataGridView on a form that is being populated from a SQL table dataset by giving criteria from a previous form. I have 6 columns in the dataset, of which the last column should be combo box column containing items "Done" and "Pending". How do I make this bound column to a combo box column and display the value as well as the alternate item too in the combo box?

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DB/Reporting :: SQL Select Query In Form - Form With A Datagridview That Displays All Of The Values

Mar 26, 2008

I am using VB2008 Express and a MSSQL Server 2005 db by the way! I have a comprehensive SQL statement, which should fill my Grid:

SELECT @Sum = SUM(I_LS.lmenge)
FROM dbo.lfs AS I_L


Now here is my problem! I want to have a form with a datagridview that displays all of the values I am querying. This shouldn't be a problem I guess. However, I have no idea how I can integrate two textboxes that can be used to enter the selection criteria (WHERE I_L.lfsnr LIKE '%1253') AND (l.sped_journal = '11-08')[/SIZE]. I have googled and read many threads so far but didn't stumble upon anything that would suit my needs and answer my question. Maybe it's just too elementary!? By the way, it is very important that the input of textbox1 ((WHERE I_L.lfsnr LIKE '%1253')) is linked to 3 positions in my SQL query to define the search criteria!

The worst thing is that I don't want to have a bindingnav displayed! I do not need any delete, update or add functions just the select option, however!

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Auto-refresh Windows Form - Sub Form With A Datagridview ?

Apr 16, 2009

I am working on VB.Net. I have a sub form with a datagridview, that is being loaded with the criteria taken from another form. Hence this form is called with parameters.

Here is the code that calls the sub form.


where ds is the dataset to fill the datagridview and rb is the string from a radio button on this form.

Here is the code in the sub form.


Now, I need to refresh this sub form every -- minutes, depending on how the user wants it to be. For this I have given a NumericUpDown control to select the mins. All this works fine. But how do I refresh the dataset and the datagridview?

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VS 2008 DataGridView Cell Validation - Allows The User To Exit Out Of The DataGridView Changes

Nov 6, 2010

I have a DataGridView where Cell_Validating is being done. I have a Cancel button on my form that allows the user to exit out of the DataGridView changes. The problem is that if a cell was currently flagged as in error, I cannot exit and remove columns from the DataGridView. I get the following error: Operation did not succeed because the program cannot commit or quit a cell value change. Is there a way to cancel the validation once the focus has been removed from the DataGridView? Here is my Cell_Validating


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VS 2008 Datagridview - Pass The Value From TextFname To The Datagridview Column1

Oct 4, 2010

I am making a simple program.. i have a Form named frmmain that contained datagridview control named DataGridView1.. and another form named frminsert that contains two textbox controls named txtFname and txtLname and Button control named btinsert.. I want to pass the value from txtFname to the Datagridview column1 and the value of txtLname to the Datagridview column2 when I click the btinsert.

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Forms :: Copying One DataGridView From Form To Form

Oct 22, 2009

So my final goal is to take some columns from one form's datagridview (in form3) and place them into a seperate form's datagridview (form4). I started off by just trying to put all of the rows in there one-by-one. Later I will be moe picky about which rows I want. Below is the code I am using. The problem is that I am ending up with an empty form, but no errors.[code]

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Selected Datagridview Rows In One Form To Another Form

Oct 16, 2011

I am doing a project in window application (VB 2008) where I have 2 forms (form1 & form2) in form1 I place a empty DGV and a button, and in form2 i placed another DGV which i connects to MS access DB, in form2 DGV I add a checkbox column and i need to do is if i click the button in form1 it should show the form2 DGV (till this i got it) and when i checked the rows in form2 DGV the checked rows should shown in form1 DGV. and i also want to add the sum in bottom.

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Datagridview In Windows Form?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a datagridview in my win form It has a calander cell which populate on first cell click means any row cell (0) . dgv has allowusertoaddrow property true .I used the code [URL]..now the problem is when I change the value of calander cell . and leave the cell instead of adding a single blank row it add three rows. and first two rows have the values for the autoincrement column and last row is full blank.

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Get Form Name The DataGridView Is Located On

Jan 15, 2012

I have a DataGridView that is embedded in a TabPage of a TabControl and the TabControl is embedded in a SplitterPanel of a SplitContainer and the SplitContainer is embedded in a ToolStripContentPanel of a ToolStripContainer which is on a Form. I want to get the name of the form the DataGridView is on, how do I do this?

Note: Sometimes in my application the DataGridView will not be embedded in any control other than the Form. So I would need this code to work no matter what the DataGridView is embedded in. For example, if I send my DataGridView as an argument to a function how can I get the name of the form the DataGridView is located on?


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Getting Selected DataGridView Value From One Form To Another?

Jan 26, 2012

I have a form, FORM1, that asks the user to input a person's name. If the user wants to they can double click a text box which opens another form dialog.Here they can search a DataGridView for a name in the DB. If the user double clicks the cell I want the selected name from the cell to be put into the text box back at FORM1.

Here is what I have, but it does not work. Any ideas on what I need to change?

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellDoubleClick
Dim i As Integer


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How To Open Form From DataGridView

Apr 14, 2009

I have a query that populates a DataGridView. I'm trying to acquire some code to get it to open a databound form when the user selects (double clicks) a row. I have a unique identifier. I've completed this successfully in VB/VBA.PendingID" is the unique identifier.

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSearch.Click
Dim OptControlArray() As Control = {OptName, OptClaimNo, OptDate, OptCustodian}


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Printing A Form Containing DataGridView?

Apr 17, 2012

I develop a project in VB 2010 Express and my project includes two related DataGridViews . One of the DGV has a unique ID for every row. The DGV shows that ID as a Barcode. To see how to format a DGV column to show a Barcode follow the link below:

Format DataGridView to show Barcode - Code39

how to print the form, so the barcodes can be read by a barcode scanner?

I tried to print the form with Visual Basic PowerPacks - PrintForm (See link below). Everything was smooth until I saw the printed paper. Printing quality is very low, and the barcode can't be read with the barcode scanner.

Print a Form using PrintForm component

I tried diffrent ways to print that form with no succes. What do you suggest I should try?

(As i said, I have 2 datagridviews and 4 buttons (one for filtering called "TestOrder", one for Printing called "btnPrint", one for print preview called "btnPrintPreview", and one for page setup called "btnPageSetup").


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Refreshing Datagridview From A Second Form?

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to refresh a datagridview from a second form to display newly written data. I have read the posts on this topic and can't figure mine out. My first form opens and you input data into text fields, etc. and then you need to select items from one table to copy and write to a new table. The datgridview on the first form shows the new table, and I have a new form that pops up to select the line items to add. Everything works perfectly except when I close the selection form after selecting lines, I would like the datgridview on the first form to refresh to show that the lines have been selected and displayed in the datagrid.

My data is loaded into the datagridview as so;

Sub ShowVoucherLines()
cmd =


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Transfer Value Of Datagridview Of One Form To Another?

Feb 3, 2011

how to transfer value of datagridview of one form to another

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Window Form There Is A Datagridview?

Aug 23, 2011

I have a problem here. In my window form there is a datagridview. Inside the gridview there are rows with data. Some rows background color is yellow, and some is white. I'm wondering whether there is any solution to sort the datagridview by rows background color so that yellow color rows is showing first.

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DataGridView - Setting Value Of ComboBox On Form

May 10, 2010

I can set the value of a combobox on a form by using ComboBoxName.Text = "SomeText" but how can I do this if the combo box is within a datagridview? When I type DataGridViewComboBox the .text property is not listed. If I try to force it, I get an error.

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Datagridview And A Textbox When The Form Loads?

Sep 1, 2011

i have a datagridview and a textbox when the form loads i want to enter text in the textbox then in column 1 in the grid whenever it is focused i want the text from the textbox1 to appear no matter how many records i enter until the user changes the text for the next lot of records,

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Datagridview Filter As Form Loads?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a table Called inventory, one of the columns is a checkbox based column called saved where it stores the checked state as the value 1 on the database. On a related form when i load it i want the datagridview to filter to only show the rows where saved has the value of 1.

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Datagridview Seems To Cause Startup Form To Appear Even After Been Hidden?

Feb 15, 2010

I have created a DB with access and imported it into my application. What I am trying to do is startup with regi.vb and test to see if there are any entries into the DB and if so, hide the startup form(regi.vb) and show the login.vb form. have done a test and it loads regi.vb then I enter some details into the textboxes and then after clicking a button, it inserts the info from the textboxes into the DB. It then loads login.vb, which is fine, but then if i exit the app and reload it, it tests to see if there is anything in the DB and when it finds that there is, it reloads the bloody regi.vb(startup form)!!So why, when it discovers that the DB is not empty, it re-opens the startup form??

I have used login.show()
Here is the code for the startup form (regi.vb)


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Datagridview Seems To Cause Startup Form To Appear Even After Been Hiden?

Nov 29, 2009

I have a problem and its driving me nuts.I have so far, 2 forms. 1 called regi.vb and the other called logon.vb.I have created a DB with access and imported it into my application. What I am trying to do is startup with regi.vb and test to see if there are any entries into the DB and if so, hide the startup form(regi.vb) and show the login.vb form.

I have done a test and it loads regi.vb then I enter some details into the textboxes and then after clicking a button, it inserts the info from the textboxes into the DB. It then loads login.vb, which is fine, but then if i exit the app and reload it, it tests to see if there is anything in the DB and when it finds that there is, it reloads the bloody regi.vb(startup form)


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Draw The Cells Value Of DataGridView On The Form?

Feb 5, 2012

I treid this code to draw the cells value of DataGridView on the form. but it display the three cells in the same place means: if the cells including A-B-C it didn't showed them like this : A B C

[code]For i As Integer = 0 To 2
Dim g As Graphics
g = Me.CreateGraphics()


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Duplicate A DataGridView On A Second Windows Form?

Apr 3, 2011

I have a bound DGV that took a bit of work to get its columns set up. I'd like to show a 1-row version of this identical DGV on a second windows form. Is there a way to programatically place a copy on the second form. I would adjust the height and position of the 1-row version, and create a new binding source on the second form so that I could filter the data.

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Form Transparency - Add A Control (like A Datagridview)

Jan 30, 2012

I used some code i found that extends the aero glass border across the entire form... looks great... however when i add a control (like a datagridview) it doesnt look right at all because of the transparency of the form...

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Inserting Data Into A DataGridView From Another Form

Jul 27, 2009

I have 2 forms: editISI.vb AND plan.vb.A screenshot(for clarity)can be found here: url..The sequence is as follows(when editISI is loaded):

1. On DGV.rowHeader.click, plan.show() -> plan.vb pops up.
2. I select a Plan Type -> Plans Available pops up.
3. I select a Plan Available -> Plan Description is shown in the label below.I now have all the information that i want to insert into the selected row in my DGV.
4. I click Button 1.

I want to insert the selected info from my listboxes/label(on plan.vb) into the selected row of the DGV(on editISI.vb)

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