VS 2008 Toolstripsplitbutton Drop Down State

Dec 6, 2011

i have a toolstripsplitbutton, and i want the drop down items to showhide when you click the button not just when the mini arrow is clicked so i call toolstripsplitbutton.ShowDrowDown on the event toolstripsplitbutton.click and to hide, i can call toolstripsplitbutton.HideDropDown but i can't seem to find any property that would indicate whether the toolstripsplitbutton is currently dropped down or hidden..i did not expect this to be this hard but i can't seem to find any indicator of whether or not the list is dropped down.

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Populate A Drop Down List With State Information From A Database?

Jun 7, 2011

Background - I'm trying to populate a drop down list with state information from a database. I'd like the full state name to be the option and the state abbreviation to be the value. Example:

<option value="AL">ALABAMA</option>

Current Progress - The full state names and abbreviations already exist in the DB. I've successfully populated the DDL with full state names from the DB. Here's the code I've used to do this (minus stuff I've deemed irrelevant).Model Context (generated from template):

Partial Public Class BrokerCRMEntities
Public Property States() As DbSet(Of State)
End Class
State Model (generated from template):
Partial Public Class State


Question - In addition to populating full state names like I've done above, I'd also like to populate the value of the select options in the same DDL with the state abbreviations in my DB/model. How is this done?

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Difference Between The Toolstripsplitbutton And The Toostripdropdownbutton?

Sep 25, 2008

What is the difference between the toolstripsplitbutton and the toostripdropdownbutton?

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VS 2008 - Put An Animation Over State Of Buttons

Apr 14, 2009

How can i put an animation over state buttons...do i need a mouse_down and mouse_up?I'll try to make a GIF and import to buttons backgroundimage, but it does not work when i enter a mouse in buttons and hit it..

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VS 2008 : Get Visible State Of A Control?

Apr 28, 2010

Ok everyone knows that you can get the visibility of a control by control.visible...now my question is this: how can i get the visibility of a control without taking parent controls into account ...ie. if i have a button in a picture box ... and the picture box is invisible (even though the button property is visible in the designer) the value returns false.How can i return the visible value for the control that is displayed as it would be in the designer?

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VS 2008 Flat-State Button?

Jun 3, 2009

I've got a nice little setup at the moment with how my button is, but for some reason, it shows a black border around it if I show any MessageBox or Dialog that I have, and I can paint over it, but it's impossible for me to do so without it looking wrong.[code]If I click the exit button without the message box code, it works fine!

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VS 2008 TCPClient Connection State?

Feb 5, 2012

Is there a way to time out the connection? And loop to retry until it can connect?

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VS 2008 Checkboxes Not Showing Correct State?

Nov 5, 2009

I have a form that has many checkboxes located on a tab control with 3 tabs each tab has checkboxes on it.I have a button that when pressed selects all the checkboxes. That does work and it does execute all that were selected. However there are no checkmarks appearing at all. This worked before! It seems like the more checkboxes I added to the form the less they properly showed f they were checked or unchecked. Now none of them show unless I close the form and reopen it then all of the boxes are checked like they should be when the select all button is pressed.

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VS 2008 Files Modified Are In A Locked State

Apr 1, 2009

I have some code that does a Find & Replace in some text files, and closes the file when complete.However, when I try to use the Kill command in VB to cleanup these files (they are temporary files) when the program is closed, I get errors that the file is in use by another app or process.Is there a way I can force these files to close first? This also happens when I scan a document using the EZTWAIN.dll Scan to native function.Everything goes fine, but if I try to scan again to overwrite the file, the file is in use.This is happening on Windows Vista SP1.

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VS 2008 Restore Form From Minimized State?

May 29, 2010

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Diagnostics
Private Const SW_HIDE As Integer = 0


The program is in foreground on click, but fails to maximize/restore.

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VS 2008 - Access Checked State Of CheckBox From BackgroundWorker?

Sep 16, 2009

I am trying to access the checked state of a CheckBox from a BackGroundWorker thread. I am utilizing properties and it seemed to work just fine. However, I'm using 10-15 CheckBoxes and I think using the InvokeRequired property would probably be best. I've looked over JMC's thread that talks about how to access controls from the worker thread a bunch of different times and I can't seem to grasp the concepts. When it comes to the InvokeRequired property, I suppose I understand why it is needed. But I'm not sure if I understand it completely.

From the example that JMC provides:
Private Sub ResetTextBoxText()
If Me.TextBox1.InvokeRequired Then
Me.TextBox1.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf ResetTextBoxText))
End If
End Sub

If I'm not mistaken, this tells us that if invocation is required to access the control, then we access via the MethodInvoker if not, then we just access to directly? So, if I need to check the checked state of a check box, I know I can just put a conditional statement after the Else line if I can access it directly. But, if I can't how would I use MethodInvoker to check the checked state? And then, when calling it from the worker thread, would I just call the sub?

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 - Operation Not Valid Due To Current State Of Object

Oct 10, 2011

Before, my codes are working properly.. But not..I am getting this run time error. What the error means?
Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.

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VS 2008 - Put App In Some Kind Of Wait State For A Certain Key On The Keyboard Before Continuing?

Mar 31, 2010

Can i put my app in some kind of wait state for a certain key on the keyboard before continuing? But that key can be targeted to any window, not just my app. My app would be out of focus and i hit that key on the keyboard and it would act.

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VS 2008 Radio Button Check State On Groupbox?

Oct 1, 2009

I shtere a way i can loop the radio buttons on a groubBox and check which one of the 3 buttons have been cheked?


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VS 2008 Radio Buttons Require 2 Clicks To Change State?

Jul 8, 2009

I have placed a few radio buttons in a panel, but I have a weird problem where they require 2 clicks to change their state.If one of the radio buttons is checked, and I click once on another radio button, this will uncheck the checked radio button leaving no radio buttons checked. I then need to click the radio button a second time to change its state to checked.

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VS 2008 Stopping A MDI Child Form Loading In A Maximized State

Sep 28, 2010

I have an MDI Form that contains an MDI Child form. On this child form is a flexgrid. When the user double clicks on a row in the flexgrid this loads another MDI Child form. I have set the following properties on the second child form:

FormBorderStyle = FixedDialog
MaximizeBox = False
MinimizeBox = False
StartPosition = CenterScreen
WindowState = Normal

The problem is that if the first MDI child form is in a maximized state and the user double clicks on the flex grid, the second child form loads in a maximized state too! How can I stop this?

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VS 2008 Stopping An MDI Child Form Loading In A Maximized State?

Jan 16, 2009

I have an MDI Form that contains an MDI Child form. On this child form is a flexgrid. When the user double clicks on a row in the flexgrid this loads another MDI Child form. I have set the following properties on the second child form:

FormBorderStyle = FixedDialog
MaximizeBox = False
MinimizeBox = False


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VS 2008 Listview Drag And Drop (preserving The Listview .tag After Drag And Drop)

May 25, 2011

I am trying to figure out a way to include the listview's tag field when dragging one listview's subitems into another listview. I am hoping someone here has experience with this. My Listview drag code is below - the two listviews that I am dragging subitems into or from are LV1 and LV3. Also, this is being done in Visual Basic 2008 and the project is a windows application.


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VS 2008 Revert A Form Including The Controls Back To A Original State Without Closing The App

Jul 16, 2009

How do I revert a form including the controls back to a original state without closing the app? For example I got a picture box and 2 buttons in a form..


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VS 2008 : Drag And Drop OleDb In 2008?

Nov 20, 2009

Im following a text that illistrates dragging and dropping OleDb controls in VB2005. As I am using VB2008 it seems these D&D controls are not their by default but I can use an imports statment . I uploaded two gifs to illistrate.Is their a way to add these controls ? It makes setting the properties easier ?Everything going OK in code except now I have to set up OleDbAdapter to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE , DELETE ?

Dim connection1 As New OleDbConnection
connection1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:FPNWIND.MDB"
Dim oledbCommand1 As New OleDbCommand


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Drag And Drop In VB 2008

Jan 21, 2010

How do I drag and drop a control (such as a GroupBox) during runtime from one location on a form to another? I simply want to move it around during runtime.

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Drop Down Box And Other Stuff In ASP.NET With (VS 2008)

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to polish up a program a program that I have converted from a Windows Form in to an ASP.NET Web Application. I have several questions:

1.) I have a drop down box where users can select their variables, but users can also enter their variables manually into various text fields. What I want is for the drop down box to show a string like "Choose Variables" when ever the user enters their variables manually. I want this to happen without having to reload the page.

2.) In the Windows Form version of this application I had a RichTextBox that populated with data (line by line) after a calculation was made. I used "AppendText" in my Windows Form, but that is not available in ASP.NET, and neither is the RichTextBox. I tried to use just a text box but that isn't working right.


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VS 2008 Arrays In A Drop Down?

Feb 21, 2010

I have been given an assignment which is to program a working payroll system in Visual Basic 2008.I have done most of it but I am stuck at the arrays.I would like my system to store all the staff name that the user adds on the system into a single Array for example in EmployeeNames(50). For example if the user enters a new staff in the textbox name and confirms it by clicking on a button, I would like that staff name to be stored into my Array EmployeeNames(50).

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop?

Feb 7, 2010

Is it possible for a user to drag and drop a desktop shortcut onto a form (picturebox, panel etc) and launch it by clickin the (picturebox, panel etc) ?

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VS 2008 Use DLL In As Resource But Not Drop It?

Nov 19, 2009

Is it possible to just use a DLL from resouce and not drop it?

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Dynamic Drop Downs In VB 2008?

Mar 30, 2012

I have an application which is using a set of three combo boxes. I have managed to populate each drop down depending on the selected value of the previous one The only problem is that, since the data is coming the database two selected values from the first combo box may have two different number of items in the database. so the second combobox should be populated with such data each time the selectedIndex_changed nethod of the first combobox is invoked

if for example, the first combo box's first item has 10 corresponding items in the second combo box and a first combo box's second item has three corresponding items in the second combo box, selecting the second item after selecting the first item will lead to second combobox showing the three items and seven empty entries trailing after the three.

What I want is to have the second combobox loaded with three items exactly when the second item in the first combo box has three items in the database

here is an example

Private Sub cboAccountGroup_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboAccountGroup.SelectedIndexChanged
If mblnAccountGroupFirstLoad = True Then
Exit Sub


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Showing Properties In Drop-down Of VB 2008 IDE

Feb 25, 2010

I'm using a masked text box control. It has a property, ValidatingType, that is not available at designtime so it doesn't appear in the properties window of the IDE. The IDE has two drop-downs where you can select an object in your project on the left drop-down and see the associated members on the right drop-down.

My question is: Why, if I select my masked text box control on the left drop-down, don't I see the ValidatingType property on the right drop-down? All the events for the text box appear, why not the property members as well? Perhaps because it only shows properties that I code for an object?

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VS 2008 : Open A Drop-down Combobox?

Nov 18, 2009

I have a drop-down combobox. Is there any action that drop it down on runtime? I'd like to drop it down for the user, instead of asking him to press the "down" arrow.

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop - Folder?

Aug 1, 2010

I have been able to implement drag and drop successfully on my listView object if you were to drop a file on it, however I seem to be having some troubles if the user were to drag the folder onto the object. Is there a simple way to check if the user dropped a folder, and if so, list all of the files in the folder/subfolders?

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop And Alternatives?

May 20, 2011

I'm working on a small utility program and found that I have a need to copy the contents of listboxes, textboxes and other control from one to another.

I just started playing around with Drag and Drop but it seems lacking a bit...for instance, if I wanted to drag the contents of a listview to a text box, it doesn't look like I can do that easily if at all.

Can you use a drag and drop to copy the contents of different control types easily?I thought about using the drag and drop method for notification of the intent to copy the contents and then I would code the copying.

The idea (although I know it will be slow but that is okay for this utility) to copy the source to a textbox and then from the textbox to the target. The content won't be that large and speed is not a concern at this point.

Here is my issue if I have to do it this way.

1 - How can I use the control names to do this?

2 - How do I get the target control name?

I figured I would create a function that I would pass the source control name and the target control name and based on type, perform the appropriate method of copying the data.

I haven't figured out a way to get the target control name. I can use activecontrol.name for the source.

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