VS 2010 - AeroGlass From Windows API Pack - Transparency Key

Nov 29, 2010

I decided to have a play around with the Windows API Code Pack and so far it has had some very interesting things. Something which I like in particular is AeroGlass. I have created a project to mess around with it to see how it works etc. and I am having some difficulties with the tranparency. If I put a textbox on the form for example, it displays fine. The text however is barely readable unless the form is over a dark background. The solution seemed obvious. Change the transparency key. However, there wasn't one set. Adding one stops the glass effect from working.

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Use Windows API Code Pack In 2010 Express?

Apr 14, 2010

I recently downloaded the Windows API code pack for .net, and seeing there was VB.net examples inside there, I opened them up. Upon building I get a warning that the referenced components 'Core' and 'Shell' could not be found. Looking in the code pack folder I see there are no DLLs at all, but instead a whole load of C# sources.

Do I have to download C# Express (which I want to avoid) to use the code pack or are there precompiled DLLs somewhere?

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Windows API Code Pack

Nov 22, 2010

I'm compiling and testing the VB programs in a download from MS of the Windows API Code Pack at url...(which is in VS 2008 and needs to be converted to run on VS 2010). So far I've resolved most of the issues, but a couple are baffling.The code as downloaded for the Taskbar demo refers to icons in the project resources as My.Resources.Green and My.Resources.Yellow and Red. Fatal errors, even though all the help pages say this is the correct way to access them. I got the build to run by removing the "My."; has there been a syntax change between VS 2008 and 2010? When I run the app, I get a message from TaskbarDemo.vshost.exe which says "This demo application needs to register .txt files as associated files to properly execute the Task related features. Filetype is not registered." Does that mean that in trying to debug the app, I have to modify the registry to associate the test program with the .txt filetype?

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Refresh ExplorerBrowserControl With Windows Api Code Pack?

May 26, 2011

How to programmatically refresh the ExplorerBrowserControl? I can press F5 to refresh, but I want to put a refresh button for it.

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VS 2008 Windows API Code Pack - ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager?

Jun 5, 2011

I am looking for verification on whether Application Restart and Recovery APIs work on Windows Vista or not. In the documentation the introduction says it designed for both Windows7 and Vista. Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework provides a source code library that can be used to access some features of Windows 7 and Windows Vista from managed code.I did surf thru the issue tracker on the API home page, nothing mentioned on restart/recovery issues.

In the download, there are two sample projects specific to restart/recovery of an application, which has stopped responding (AppRestartRecoveryDemo), one in VB.NET and the second in C#. I tried both with dbWin32 to monitor that various operations ran and that there were no exceptions raised. All operations ran without raising an exception other than the restart failed and the initial recovery worked. Before working with the above projects I did rebuild the core libraries rather than use the supplied binaries.

When first running the project you must wait 60 seconds for recovery/restart mode to be possible along with registering for recovery using the following.

ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.RegisterForApplicationRestart( _
New RestartSettings("/restart", RestartRestrictions.None))

I changed the restrictions above seeing if this would make a difference in regards to restart failing but it did not.In RegisterForApplicationRestart a check is made to ensure the app is running at least under Vista ThrowIfNotVista It works as I am on Vista. Next RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback sets up the callback method (see figure 1) to invoke when the app crashes. So when a crash occurs I have verified all code up to Debug.WriteLine("Application shutting down...") executes in the Recovery callback and assume that ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.ApplicationRecoveryFinished(True) and the return statement execute, as there are no exceptions thrown.

After the recovery callback method finishes I expect the app to restart. The "application is not responding" dialog says that the application will now restart but instead the application closes and never restarts. I am curious if someone else has worked with recovery/restart API and had success on Window's Vista to restart an application.' This method is invoked by WER.

Private Function RecoveryProcedure(ByVal state As Object) As Integer
Debug.WriteLine("ARR: Recovery procedure called!!!")


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Windows API Code Pack For Microsoft .NET Framework?

Apr 14, 2010

is this even necessary in VS2010 & .NET 4.0? I've been trying to take advantage of the new Windows 7 taskbar interfaces like the Jump List. The MSDN documentation/tutorial instructs me to include a System.Windows.Shell, but apparently Shell isn't a member of System.Windows. I downloaded the API code pack, but I am unsure of what to do with it. The instructions say to open the main solution file and build it:QuoteTo build the library (except the DirectX related features) in Visual Studio 2008, please extract the contents of the �WindowsAPICodePack.zip� file in a new folder and build the included �WindowsAPICodePack.sln� file.And so I did that, but that is the extent of the instructions. I thought maybe it was a Visual Studio extension, so I tried accessing Shell again to no avail. Do I need to add each of the respective namespaces' projects to the target solution to use the API Code pack?

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Windows - Transparency In Splash Screen?

Nov 4, 2009

I saw the splash screen of the Corel-Draw 12 application and lost my mind What technique do they use? On application start-up they load a transparent image, use windows api or what?

How do they achieve this transparency?

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Windows Aero Basic - Doesn't Use The Transparency Or Glass Look

Oct 17, 2010

My program can detect when Aero is present, but it has trouble when the user is in Aero Basic because it doesn't use the transparency or glass look. I am wondering if there is a call to the dwmapi that can tell me if the computer is using Aero Basic.

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Aeroglass And Visual Basic.Net

Dec 13, 2009

are there any tutorials, or, is there simple code to be used to control Aeroglass in VB.NET? I would like to know how to play with various effects and, if possible, how to do the Aeroglass effects done in Paint.NET 3.5. (The inside of the topbar is not straight.

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VS 2010 HTML Agility Pack

Mar 19, 2012

I'm trying to use HAP to scrape the data from this web page.I would like to get the stats into a structure of some sorts, preferably a Datatable. I've managed to read the webpage into an HtmlDocument object, but I can't figure out how to parse the data from the rows & columns. This is what I have so far:[code]

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.net - AeroGlass - Add Glass Effect To A Win Forms?

Mar 14, 2012

how to add glass effect to a win forms in vb.net or c# I looked a lot of examples like using e.graphics to make a square with the win form dimension and others are done really good without any e.graphics trick. But my problem is that I didn't look any example that uses windows controls like buttons, labels, dropdowns, etc on a glass effect win form.


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Beaucoup Errors After Installing VS 2010 Service Pack 1

Jan 8, 2012

I had no errors in my VB project it was compiling nicely. I loaded SP 1 today and now I have 102 errors. Actually I'm sure more than that as 102 is the max it will show. It particularly doesn't like the date functions and isDBNull. And it balks at vbcrlf now. Here are some examples of the errors I'm getting:


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VS 2010 Html Agility Pack Null Reference Error

Jul 23, 2011

I explain what I would do immediately:I have to extract data from a table using html htmlAgility Pack This 'my code that when executed gives me' a reference error.I can not figure out what is wrong, I am more 'I can not do this

a Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Dim web As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb()
Dim doc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument()
doc = web.Load("http://www.mia_pagina")


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VS 2010 Control Transparency?

Mar 29, 2011

I've making a program that must crop 20 squares out of a larger image that is in a picturebox. Now I've created a Draggable rectangle control and set it's Background to transparent. This is working (kindof).

Now I have set my control to doublebuffered = true and it Removes tha annoying flicker.My problem is that doublebuffering creates a new problem. My control's parent is a picturebox with a large picture inside.When I move my control over the picture to select the area to be cropped it updates slowly I.E The control Is in a new area but it still displays the old area and then updates which is annoying.If you want to see for yourself create a new project with a picturebox with a Image inside with my Control as a child of the picturebox.


I have thought of possible solutions but they might well be much slower.#1 Copy the part of the picturebox that is under the control and paste it on my control.#2 Somehow eliminate the backcolor property thus eliminating the need to paint something over the control and only paint needed parts .

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VS 2010 Maintaining Transparency?

May 24, 2012

One of my programs uses transparency so that the form is the shape of the background image (.png). My problem is that everything works and looks fine on the computer I'm developing on (Win7) but when I run the program on my other computer (XP), instead of the transparency I get the background color (which is the same as the transparency color). Does anyone have any experience this problem?

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VS 2010 Transparency Doesn't Work

Jan 24, 2011

I have a form, which has the background color set to the transparency key color. On the form there is a picturebox with transparent backcolor and a picture that is semi transparent.Unfortunately the transparency doesn�t work. The form shows with a background, but not the background color I chose, but the gray control color. Nothing is transparent.The EXACT same thing works with another form.

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VS 2010 - The Transparency Is Not Preserved And It Is Converted To BLACK?

Apr 27, 2012

My application allows users to specify a logo. When they choose the logo I need to scale the image to accommodate my application's use. Everything works great except for transparent GIFs, the transparency is not preserved and it is converted to BLACK. Here is my


How can a preserve an image's transparency if applicable?

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VS 2010 Transparency Just Background As Win7 Does While Running Under Win7 Plataform

Jun 6, 2011

I know the propertys transparency key and opacity. It isnt what I am looking for. I need to have my form to have the same Glass Effect the as win7 does while runing under win7 plataform. Like, if i have glass effect in the top I should have it in the background.

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Pack A DLL Into EXE

Apr 4, 2012

I'm currently writing a small app that uses sqlite database.there's is system.web.sqlite.dll required to use this database and it isn't installed with .net framework by default.My client wants his app to be only 2 files (.sqlite database + exe file) with no additional DLLs etc.How to pack this DLL into exe?I tried adding this to resources and creating this file dynamically when the form loads, but it didn't worked.

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Add Framework3.5 With Msi Pack?

Aug 26, 2009

i need to add framework3.5 with my application insatalation pack (.msi)so i don't let the customer download framework3.5 from internet i have to add the gframework3.5 with msi

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Component Id For VB Power Pack 3.0?

Jul 12, 2010

component id for Visual Basic Power Pack 3.0.I need to determine if or not it is installed on my system for my setup.

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HTML Agility Pack ?

Oct 22, 2010

There's plenty of examples out there for other languages. Are there any examples for vb.net?

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Html Agility Pack Getting Value From DIV

Nov 27, 2011

i am trying to get the value from this code:

<DIV id=lcm_simlive_countdown>00 Days, 06 Hours, 40 Minutes, 35 Seconds</DIV>

I have tried the following to do so:

Dim theVidURL As String = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//DIV[@id='lcm_simlive_countdown']").Attributes("value").Value

But it tells me Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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OS Version And Service Pack?

Dec 6, 2010

I know how to use My.Computer.Info.OSFullName to get the version of the OS. How would I go about getting the Service Pack version?

I need this to work on all versions of Windows.

Also, is there a way to check and see if the activation has been successfully completed?

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Service Pack 1 For VS 2005?

Mar 19, 2009

Is there a Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2005 (Professional Edition)? The only one I see is for Team something or other....

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VS 2008 How To Pack Program

Apr 5, 2010

How to pack mine program ..to be protected from edit with Resource Hacker or Hex ?

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VB 2010 Application Works On Windows 7 Machine But Will Not Work On Other Windows 7 Machines?

Jan 22, 2011

I have developed a VB 2010 express application that works on my windows 7 machine, but when I deploy it to other windows 7 machines the application will not run at all. I created an msi script to install the software on other machines and it includes the .NET 4.0 framework an all of my application dll's and such. Any idea what might be he problem?

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Casting - Bit Pack Int16 Into A Ushort .net?

Oct 22, 2009

I have to pack and unpack a 16bit Int from/into a Ushort in VB.net This is how I thought I could do it (doesn't work, gives me overflow exception)

'Pack Int16 into ushort '
Dim usPacked = CType(Data, UShort)
'unpack Int16 from ushort '
Dim unpacked = CType(data,Int16)

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Determine The Office Service Pack?

May 29, 2011

Anyone have working code which can determine the Office versions from 2003 to 2010 and the ServicePacks installed for each?

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Display What Service Pack Is Installed?

Dec 13, 2011

I am not sure how to do this, I need to output what service pack is installed on a windows 7 machine along with what antivirus is installed. Any idea on how I would get that information using VB?

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