VS 2010 Maintaining Transparency?

May 24, 2012

One of my programs uses transparency so that the form is the shape of the background image (.png). My problem is that everything works and looks fine on the computer I'm developing on (Win7) but when I run the program on my other computer (XP), instead of the transparency I get the background color (which is the same as the transparency color). Does anyone have any experience this problem?

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VS 2010 Control Transparency?

Mar 29, 2011

I've making a program that must crop 20 squares out of a larger image that is in a picturebox. Now I've created a Draggable rectangle control and set it's Background to transparent. This is working (kindof).

Now I have set my control to doublebuffered = true and it Removes tha annoying flicker.My problem is that doublebuffering creates a new problem. My control's parent is a picturebox with a large picture inside.When I move my control over the picture to select the area to be cropped it updates slowly I.E The control Is in a new area but it still displays the old area and then updates which is annoying.If you want to see for yourself create a new project with a picturebox with a Image inside with my Control as a child of the picturebox.


I have thought of possible solutions but they might well be much slower.#1 Copy the part of the picturebox that is under the control and paste it on my control.#2 Somehow eliminate the backcolor property thus eliminating the need to paint something over the control and only paint needed parts .

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VS 2010 Transparency Doesn't Work

Jan 24, 2011

I have a form, which has the background color set to the transparency key color. On the form there is a picturebox with transparent backcolor and a picture that is semi transparent.Unfortunately the transparency doesn�t work. The form shows with a background, but not the background color I chose, but the gray control color. Nothing is transparent.The EXACT same thing works with another form.

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VS 2010 - AeroGlass From Windows API Pack - Transparency Key

Nov 29, 2010

I decided to have a play around with the Windows API Code Pack and so far it has had some very interesting things. Something which I like in particular is AeroGlass. I have created a project to mess around with it to see how it works etc. and I am having some difficulties with the tranparency. If I put a textbox on the form for example, it displays fine. The text however is barely readable unless the form is over a dark background. The solution seemed obvious. Change the transparency key. However, there wasn't one set. Adding one stops the glass effect from working.

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VS 2010 - The Transparency Is Not Preserved And It Is Converted To BLACK?

Apr 27, 2012

My application allows users to specify a logo. When they choose the logo I need to scale the image to accommodate my application's use. Everything works great except for transparent GIFs, the transparency is not preserved and it is converted to BLACK. Here is my


How can a preserve an image's transparency if applicable?

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C# - Maintaining A DataSet In WinForm App?

Aug 5, 2009

I am in the process of converting an in-house web app to a winform app for disconnected reasons and I hit the following snag.


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Maintaining Hyperlinks Via Streamreader?

Jun 12, 2009

I need to build a program that combines many different .doc files based on which check boxes the user selects. At first I was going to use the word.document.open(file) way, but I would rather not have to open 40 different files every time the program runs. I then turned to streamreader, which works great for basic text (after I convert the file to .txt) but I can't figure out a way to maintain hyperlinks. I am now thinking that after the streamreader reads all of the data and combines it into one string, it will paste it into a word doc and somehow search for hyperlinks and make them active.

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Maintaining Reference To Object?

Aug 4, 2009

My program references a specific object that is contained in a list. The references point directly to the object itself, instead of its position (index) in the list, since that might change over time as other objects are added/removed. However, occasionally this object is edited, and (behind the scenes) this sometimes involves replacing it with a newly-created object (so the code looks like ListA.item(i)=new testobject...). In which case, if my understanding is correct, all the program references to this object are no longer correct, since they point to the replaced object instead of the new one. So I'm wondering how to maintain the integrity of the references, since the list index is not permanent, nor is the object reference technically permanent. Should I create some ID number for the object, and maintain and use it for references (so the new object would get the old one's ID)?

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C# - Architecture: Maintaining Order History

Aug 12, 2009

I am working on a new domain model for an application that will have order processing for items built in (well, too keep it simple for this question anyway). I have a class "VendorItem" that represents items that can be ordered. Originally the "Order" class was going to have a list of VendorItems associated with it, but I have come across problems with it so far.

Let's say that the system has been creating orders for some time just fine. One day a user comes along and decides that a vendoritem has changed price or some other detail like packaging size. I wouldn't want the previous orders to be affected by such change. At first wash I was going to make a "OrderLine" class that is basically a copy of the "VendorItem" class, but that just feels (smells?) wrong in the OO sense. Is there a better way to refactor this so I don't have copies of classes and information in the domain model?

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Radio Buttons Not Maintaining Default Value

Jul 30, 2009

I have three radio buttons defined within a frame (optRptType_0, optRptType_1 and optRptType_2). I set the checked value to true on optRptType_2 to use as my default. I have the following checkchanged event defined for these radio buttons


When the form opens the optRptType_0 is checked. I am trying to determine why the optRptType_2 is not checked as that is the default I set up. I tried adding the line "Me.optRptType_2.Checked = True" to the Form Load event but it had no affect and the optRptType_0 is still the entity checked when the form opens.

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Maintaining 8 Bits When Converting Decimal To Binary?

Jun 21, 2010

I am converting decimal to binary by:

Dim i As Int64 = Convert.ToInt64("2")
TextBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(i, 2)


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RichTextBox - Remove A Style While Maintaining Any Others Applied?

Mar 6, 2010

I have the [B] [I] [U] buttons and they work to a point but here is the problem I'm having.In MS Word,I can Hilight text and select Bold and it bolds the text, I can then select Italic and while leaving it bold, it Italicizes it.I can then click the bold button again and it will remove the bold but leave the selected text Italicized. I can't figure out how to get this action to work.I know I can OR the styles to apply multiple styles to the text but I don't know how to remove a style while maintaining any others applied.Here's a section of code that I'm messing with.[code]....btw, I am using for the comments so that the code is easier to read.I have tried (in this specific segment) newFontStyle = currentFont.Style And Not FontStyle.Bold

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VS 2010 Transparency Just Background As Win7 Does While Running Under Win7 Plataform

Jun 6, 2011

I know the propertys transparency key and opacity. It isnt what I am looking for. I need to have my form to have the same Glass Effect the as win7 does while runing under win7 plataform. Like, if i have glass effect in the top I should have it in the background.

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Asp.net - Gridview With Many Pages Returned Not Maintaining Scroll Position?

Mar 28, 2012

I have an issue with maintaining scroll position.I am almost positive that I have everything set correctly. I have updated my web config...

<pages maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack="true"

and everything seems to work fine UNTIL....When ever my Gridview returns a lot of pages, like more than 50, sometimes upwards of 100 or more, I show 50 records per page. The farther into the Gridview, the more the scroll position is off.So what I am saying is that for the first 20 plus pages or so, if I scroll down the page to the point where the top rows have moved off the screen and I enter Edit Mode, the correct record remains in view on Postback.But if I am over say around 30 pages into the Gridview, the further in the worse it gets, when i enter Edit Mode I have to scroll back down to the location of the record that I selected to edit.

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IDE :: Maintaining Array's Order When Deleting A Listbox Item

Jul 24, 2009

I have made an employee list and linked it to an Access database. The initial problem I was having is that in my program I had to link their ID's and names so if you click on an employee in the listbox, his or her's ID would automatically display in the textbox below. Since I did not know how to do so, I decided to make an array and store the ID and names separately while the listbox is being compiled. And so, the form became linked and adding became easy to code.But my problem came in deleting an employee. When deleting the name should be removed from the list, but this is where the order of the arrays messed me up. How do you maintain the order of the array? Here is the code I used. I dimmed 'count' as an integer and it is responsible for keeping that order.[code]You will see Staff_CodeTextBoxes etc. and info_Staff_CodeTextBoxes. etc.These text boxes (not visible to the user) are responsible for holding the data while the array takes the data from it, or adds it's own data to it.

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Inserting Characters Into Database & Reading From DB Maintaining Formats?

Nov 23, 2008

Q1)My ASP.NET VB Script will write long writings - like many thousand words into my Access DB but i have previously had problems with the text containing characts such as '.Is there a way of inserting such?

Q2)When I read a database field in consolidates it into my string variable on a single line. What variable type should I use to have it maintain the line spacing and stuff.

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Maintaining Checkbox State In A Listview Control Pagination ASP.NET

Mar 19, 2012

I Have a web form in a asp.net web form 3.5. The listview has a checkbox on the item template, I am trying to retain the state of the checkboxes through pagination . Once I can page through records and preserver this state I need to send this to a print page which takes those ids...I have this working, but it will print only the records on each pagination. [URL]

how can this be done, the code below is not working.

Protected Sub ListView1_ItemCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewCommandEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemCommand
Dim myButtonPrint1 As Button = CType(ListView1.FindControl("printButton1"), Button)
If e.CommandSource Is myButtonPrint1 Then


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Forms :: Maintaining Multiple Forms Positioning?

Jul 26, 2010

Launch a dialogue window from the main form, and then another dialogue window from that dialogue window. If you close the second dialogue window and call dispose the main form vanishes under any other open windows. This doesn't happen by closing a dialogue window normally, but I am attempting (rightly or wrongly) to stop memory useage creeping up by disposing of it.

So, the question is - what method can be employed to maintain the position of the windows?

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Picturebox Zoom While Maintaining Same Size Of Picturebox?

Jul 8, 2011

I have a picturebox on a form. The image in the picturebox is actually a report. I want it so if the user clicks on it it will zoom larger --- while the picturebox remains the same size. Of course, the entire image will no longer be seen. So I also want to be able to drap this image around with the cursor. The examples I've found for picturebox zooming cause the picturebox itself to get bigger and smaller. I need it to be like an Access report. Click on the report and it gets bigger. Click again and it goes back to the full image. Does anyone know of an example or tutorial in VB.Net for this type of zoom-with-fixed-size picturebox function?

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.net - Picture Box Transparency In Vb?

Feb 18, 2012

When i run my code, the picture box has a background colour, even though I have set the background colour to transparent in the properties window.

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Flash - Transparency In Swf In .net?

Mar 9, 2010

how can i control swf background transparency in vb.net either with flash.ocx or if there is any other way.so that if i have a swf animation block with red in background and some text written with yellow. now how can i remove that red background in vb.net.actually i want to make a system so that i can choose any color as transparency key for swf like in tv channels logos.

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Get Image Transparency To Come Through In VB?

Jul 20, 2009

how you can get image transparency to come through in Visual Basic? Because if you try to put an image with some transparent sections on it on a form, the transparency turns into the form background colour (Though you could change the background image to whatever you want displayed under the image, but that's not the point) and basically I can't find any way to do irregular transparencies.

Alright, that's not very simple. I'll try to give an example:

You have an animated GIF of...say...fireworks. And it has a transparent background. Now say you have a few labels with text in them. When you draw the picturebox over the labels, the text in the labels is covered by the background of the fireworks, even though it's transparent. You can't see the labels. You want to see the fireworks exploding over the text

I can't see any way of getting around this, other than doing it in another program and putting the text and fireworks into one PictureBox. but it would be so convenient if it could work in Visual Basic, because you can control the text the in the labels and keep the animated "fireworks" exploding at the same time without using multiple animated images.

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Have Transparency On A Form?

Feb 7, 2009

Is it possible to have transparency on a form but not on a button on the form?I know transparency can be controlled for the form in properties (VB 2005), but how can we isolate the button from being affected?

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Picturebox PNG Transparency?

Jun 29, 2010

Right now I currently have an array of pictureboxes, and over them I want another large picturebox that has a sort of transparent fog effect. I created a png with this and made sure to save the alpha transparency, however when the picturebox shows up, you are not able to see underneath it. Is there anyway to fix this without using the GDI instead of pictureboxes? Because of the way the program is set up, I think GDI would be too slow for my purposes.

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Set The Transparency Key To A Color?

Oct 1, 2010

The 1st problem: I set the transparency key to a color and then set the forms background color to that color, and then set the background image to an image with rounded edges to give my form rounded edged. But the corners look VERY jagged.

The 2nd problem: Is there a way to make a form appear in the lower right corner above the task bar? Kind of like Avasts virus database definition update window.

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Transparency In MDI Forms

Feb 7, 2010

Ive been on the same thing for the past seven hours now. Im trying to ether get the MDI child form title-bar-less in maximized mode, or now, get the transparency working to where the MDI child has transparency. ) This is for a home automation system im working on. major alpha stages. Hardware control works ;) but this stupid GUI is kicking my butt. So three options i have. In maximize mode on the MDI child remove the title bar, or remove the parents scroll bar so i can make the MDI child the size of the parents MDI window, or make the MDI child transparency work. Im posting a screen shot to show you what im talking about.


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Transparency Of PNG That Are In A DLL, Is Not Working

Jul 20, 2009

The member of this comunity, Keymaf, help-me to do a DLL with PNG files and with any other type of file. But now, there is another problem. The transparency of PNG are not enabled when loaded in my project.

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8 Bit GIF - Transparency / Forms And Controls

Apr 3, 2012

I have a 8 bit Gif, that is transparent, with controls sitting on top of it, all in a custom control. This part works fine. However, This control is a menu ring (appears around another control with a few options). The transparent part is over a Picbox, that is in a panel. The transparent part of the image seems to skip the picbox and go right through to the panel. I set the panel to a back color of RED. The custom control when its placed instead of showing the image in the pic box that it is on top of, it shows the RED panel I have made sure all my Z orders are right.

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Create Transparency In A Sprite?

Jun 29, 2011

I've been trying to figure out how to create transparency in a sprite, i.e. with the use of a mask. Problem is, every tutorial I could find was either completely irrelevant or for freaking Visual Basic 1858.

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How To Get Transparency Working In Labels

Jan 6, 2009

I search for a grand total of about four hours online for a method of how to get transparency working in labels in VB.NET 2008. After finding nothing but some example that I have no idea how to implement into my project, I have almost given up. Yes, I've heard about setting the parent properties, but in my case it is imperative that I have labels on top of a PictureBox. (Apparently it's not possible through normal means to have transparent labels over PictureBoxes.)I'm losing my patience with VB.NET, even considering switching back to VB6. How could Microsoft make such a stupid decision? Today I decided to use a stupendous workaround and instead of labels, use transparent PNGs of bitmap text. And guess what? It has the exact same problem as the labels when placed in front of controls! The transparent background has been set to the colour of the form's background!

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