VS 2010 Checking Emails In .NET?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm working on an automated program, and it needs to check the latest email on a certain account (which will be passed to it) every 15 seconds or so. Setting up the timer and the passing to the timer the username and password is easy, but it's the reading the email that I'm having trouble with. How exactly can I read the first few emails from my inbox and put them in an array? And after that, how can I access the body and subject, for example email.body and email.subject?

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Extract All Emails From An Internet Page In To Textbox And Delete Duplicated Emails If Found?

Jul 6, 2011

I want to extract all emails from an internet page in to textbox with (;) between each one and anotherand delete deplicated emails if found .

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How To Extract All Friends' Emails In Facebook And Delete Deplicated Emails If Found

Jul 6, 2011

Iam so beginner Iam working on vb.net 2005 How to extract all my friends' emails in facebook and delete deplicated emails if found?

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Visual Studio 2010, Outlook 2010 And Windows Application, Return Emails?

Jan 5, 2011

At present I have wrote an application (in-house CRM, vb .net 2010) which allows me to send emails under the selected customer & I categorised these emails.As these are categorised I can return data to display email history in my program by using search criteria:

Dim oMail As Outlook.MAPIFolder = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail)
Dim sSearch As String
sSearch = "[Categories] = '" + "[" + tAccount.Text.Trim + "]" + "(" + tShipTo.Text.Trim + ")'"
Dim oItems As Outlook.Items = oMail.Items.Restrict(sSearch)

However the limitation to the above is it only looks at sent items & no other folder.My ideal solution would be to display all email correspondence for a certain contact.

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VS 2010 Get All Emails On A Page

Apr 17, 2012

I'm trying to convert an old intranet site we have, to a more user friendly web, the problem is, we have thousands of pages, and i need to scrape the emails from them.The emails on the page could by hyperlinks, or just straight text, and I cant seem to figure out how to get more then 1 at a time, and put them in listbox. If there are 10 emails on a page, i only seem to get one.[code]

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VS 2010 - Check For Emails That Are Already In Inbox

May 24, 2012

I want to make something like microsoft outlook; an e-mail application. But how do I check for emails what are already in my inbox at hotmail?

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Make An App In VB Express 2010 That Receives Emails?

Jul 4, 2010

I want to make an app in VB Express 2010 that receives emails. Once an email is received the program would auto reply and send one line of text from a textbox. Then next to the line in the textbox it will put the email address of the recipient and a forward slash. So look at it this way.

Textbox1.text Contains


When that finishes then the next email that comes in would receive line 2 in the textbox and line 2 in the textbox would change like above. I think i can use a message queue from the tools in vb. And the email client is gmail.

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VS 2010 Best Option To Receive Emails In A VB Program

May 28, 2010

I've seen that there are several options out there for being able to send email from within a Visual Basic program, but I've seen much less written about how to use the program to receive emails. What I'd like to do is set up a dedicated email account (probably g-mail or Yahoo or something similar, although it could be through the email package that comes with my web hosting) that I'd use to send short text commands to the program from my laptop or smart phone. Periodically the program would download new emails (if any), and parse the body to see what I'm telling it to do. Something like, "cmd a" tells it to e-mail me Report A, "cmd b" tells it to e-mail me Report B, etc.


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VS 2010 Retrieving Specific Emails (MAPI / CDO / WSK)

Mar 1, 2012

I have decided to go down the MAPI / CDO or Winsock route in my application. Sending emails is easy enough. However, I need to retrieve and display emails. The slight twist in the tail is that I don't want to download / access all emails, just those from a certain sender's email address. Most users will have Outlook installed on the computer but i'd rather not rely on this unless I have to. I'm not sure which technology to use and how to go about this as I don't want to download all messages and then iterate through them. I'd rather just request emails with specific properties.

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VS 2010 Checking Url To See If There Is Data

Jan 11, 2011

I�ve written an app that downloads from the internet with my.computer.network.downloadfile mehtod. The problem is it�s supposed to try a numder of urls and if there�s data, it downloads, otherwize the url is wrong. The utl adress is a combination of date and a letter, which the program gets from a database. So for every date, it checks all the letters as suffixes until it finds the right one. However the wrong ones tend to time out or something, which takes forever and also causes some errors. Is there a way to check if a url is valid at all, instead of actually trying a download?

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VS 2010 Search Through Richtextbox1.text For Emails Out Of Random Jumple Of Text

Dec 16, 2011

I need to search through richtextbox1.text for emails out of a random jumple of text and source code and put the emails in richtextbox2.text.

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VS 2010 - Checking Whether Two Calculations Have Same Elements

Oct 6, 2011

I seem to occasionally find myself trying to compare two List(of T) to see whether or not they contain the same elements. A quick check of the documentation shows the SequenceEquals method, but that appears to check whether the two lists have the same length, and have the same elements in the same order. I don't care about the order. I want to know whether two collections have the same elements. Doing this is not terribly difficult, and seems common enough, so I was expecting that there would be some function that handles it.

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VS 2010 BackSpace And Checking Hits?

Apr 7, 2011

How i can create a button as soon as I squeeze him, he will erase the last letter written?exactly like BackSpace

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VS 2010 Checking Duplicate Data

Apr 1, 2012

I have this line of codes here to check if the records exist.

If StudentInfoBindingSource.Find("StudentNumber", StudentNumberTextBox.Text) = -1 Then
ToolStripLabel4.Visible = True


This codes works perfectly but there is a problem, if I close that certain form and reopen it and try to input the same student number, the ex.Message for the Try appears and still the progressbar() command executes although the data will not be saved. I want to ged rid of the execution of progressbar() how can I make it work? And as much as possible I want the message box in Else to be executed and not the msgbox in try catch.

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VS 2010 Checking For An Error Before It Happens [TcpListener]

Aug 10, 2011

Basically, in my Tcp Library I'm working on, whenever the system is told to "Stop", the OnClientConnected() Routine fires off, which is only raised under two circumstances: When a Client connects (obviously) When the server is told to shutdown

Now, the first one is handled just fine. But the second one is not. In fact, it has caused me a great deal of headache because it keeps throwing exceptions on this line in particular:

Dim _tcpClient As System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient = _tcpListener.EndAcceptTcpClient(IR)

When I hover over while debugging, I can see a few members that reveal exception data I could utilize; but unfortunately those members are private and I don't want to utilize reflection unless I have to since it could slow down performance where there may not be a real reason to.

I have thought of writing in a Boolean check to see if the server received a shutdown signal and that would indicate that it's time to not accept anything, but I want to avoid that if possible.

Is there any way to see if the TcpListener is no longer accepting connections and has had .Stop() called without reverting to catching the ObjectDisposedException that is raised? (because the Socket that is "accepted" is actually a disposed one)

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VS 2010 Checking For Empty Field

Sep 1, 2011

I have a field that I want to check to see if it has a value or not. But my code is not working. I am using:[code]

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VS 2010 Checking Items In A List?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a checkedlistbox with numbers in it and I'm trying to load a list of numbers from a database and check all of them (they should all be in the checkedlistbox).

I was trying to do this by loading all the values into a separate listbox using my own subroutine (I know that part works) and then finding the corresponding item on the checkedlistbox, like this:

Dim ItemName As String
For Each item In ListBox1.Items
ItemName = ListBox1.GetItemText(item)
If CheckedListBox1.Items.Contains(ItemName) = true Then
CheckedListBox1.SetItemChecked(CheckedListBox1.Items.IndexOf(ItemName), True)
End If
End If

But this doesn't work: It never returns a match, even when the item is definitely on the list. How do I make this work?

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VS 2010 Checking Two Structure Variables?

Feb 7, 2012

I have the following structure:

Public Structure objKeys
Friend Shared [rsaPrivateKey] As String
Friend Shared [rsaPublicKey] As String


How can I check if these two variables have the same data?

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VS 2010 Error Checking With List Box?

Jan 24, 2012

I am working on a program that gathers test scores from the user in the form of a list box (array preferably). I need to be able to check the user's entries to validate they are between 0-100. I have tried using If statements with a messagebox.show() error message.When the user enters an invalid entry the error messagebox pops up but after selecting ok the program moves on to the next test score.

The GetTestScores procedure gathers the students test scores from the user
Sub GetTestScores(ByRef intTestScores() As Integer)
Dim intCounter As Integer = 0


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VS 2010 WebBrowser Checking For Change?

Jun 16, 2011

I'd like to make a small app that checks every few minutes to see if a website has been updated. There is a catch to this, too. At the bottom of the page there is a 'server time' that changes automatically. That server time is located in <pre> tags. Everything else can be checked. How can I do this?

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VS 2005 - Boolean Checking - Better Performance By Checking For A True Value

Aug 4, 2010

Is there any better performance by checking for a true value like this:


Than like this:


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Java Date Checking Then Convert To .NET 2010?

Feb 24, 2011

I have the following Java code that i am trying to dissect to better understand what all it is doing:

try {
String userName = System.getenv("USERNAME");
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm.ss");
OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource();


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VS 2010 Checking A List (Of Class) For An Element

Dec 15, 2010

[code]Now how can I check if a certain employee is in the list? ie. I want to know if "John Smith" is in Employees. I see there is a .Contains method but I can't figure out how to use it on a ListIf Employees.Contains(???) Then (need to check for "John Smith" here)

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VS 2010 Checking For Duplicates Before Inserting Into Access?

Mar 6, 2011

So I have the

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.Data.OleDb


And the registration part works fine, but my only problem is that if someone registers twice with the same email, it will create another cell in Access, causing me to have duplicates.

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VS 2010 Checking Pixel Color Under Pointer

Dec 3, 2010

I've set up a transparent user control (used for drawing tools) over a page, and I'm trying to set up some code that will allow you to click through the control if the pixel underneath the pointer is transparent, but will NOT let you click through if the pixel is colored. Basically, if they've drawn a line there, I don't want them clicking through it.

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VS 2010 Checking Time To Play A Sound?

Aug 21, 2011

I have a program which have to play a sound at a specific time in each day.Currently I made a timer with 450 interval and I put a code in it which check if datetime.now = mytime then it will play the sound.(the program runs in background)

It is working but the problem is that sometimes it doesn't play the sound. I think I didn't used a proper way to this.I have even tried checking datetime.now.hour & .minute & .second with mytime to make sure it does play it at the right time But I don't know why the timer sometimes miss it and the play sound won't be run.

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VS 2010 - Adding Items And Checking Contents In ListBox

Sep 25, 2011

So I'm using the following code to add items into my list box, and I'm trying to get it to check the contents of the list box as well.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
If ListBox2.Items.Contains(TextBox3.Text) Then
MsgBox("Character already exists!")
ListBox2.Items.Add(New LBnfo With {.v4 = RadioButton6.Checked,
[Code] .....

But when I try to compare the two:
If ListBox2.Items.Contains(TextBox3.Text) Then
MsgBox("Character already exists!")

It doesn't show the message box even when the character actually does exist. I believe the problem is that I never do add the item really. I just use, "Return Me.character," which is assigned the value of Textbox3. So I just need to figure out how to check Me.character before returning it.

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VS 2010 : Checking For Empty Text Boxes Before Doing Calculations?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm writing a program for my class, which pretty much is an energy cost calculator. It takes 4 inputs from 4 text boxes and multiplies them, and the result is the cost. Well, now I have to come up with a way to check for empty text boxes and display a prompt to enter a number. I've tried inserting multiple codes to display a prompt and to no avail nothing has worked, I also receive the error "when casting from a number, the value must be a number less than infinity" error.

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VS 2010 Enum Class And Cyclic Correspondence Checking

Mar 13, 2011

I wanted to make a collection of definitions public, for which the Enum class was a perfect candidate, but I also had the need to check variables against all the possibile enum members to see which one they were.

In this scenario my solution was to write a public enum class in which all the members were made available, and replicate the same listing in an array in order to iterate through.

In fact the only way I know to iterate through all memebers is a cycle (either "for each" or "while somecondition" and a moving index). But I guess there must be a simpler way to make use of an enum class.

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VS 2010 - Checking If Numeric Value Matches Two Numbers In Text File

May 14, 2012

I have a textbox which has a numeric value that changes - would it be possible to check if that value matches two numeric values in a text file? and if the value matches then to display some text in a label? The textfile only has fields displayed like so
Horizontal 55
Vertical 16
So I would only need to check if the numeric field in textbox matches the two numbers in the second column. In the past I have use System.IO.File to create/delete/append to files but I havent come across anything like contains.

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