VS 2010 Get Specific String After Text (or Smth)?

Jun 30, 2010

In Example : There's a text : You last visited: Jun 29th, 2011 at 10:27 AM And i need to get text

at 10:27 AM The code will be something like this :

label1.text = Gettextaftertext("You last visited: Jun 29th, 2011")

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VS 2010 Extracting Specific Text From A String Is Slow?

Feb 23, 2012

I have a text file I'm trying to pull specific data from to make a report in excel and am wanting to know if my code can be improved or if I have something wrong. If it's apparent to anyone that I should be doing something elThis code does work but, very slow. These reports take up to 20 minutes for about 100 files so I am wanting to decrease the time somehow. I have attached the whole sub in a text file, it's about 900 lines long so don't think I should post all of it. This is one part that seems to take the longest:Partial code that reads the text into a string, then each line is read to find whether it holds the data or not. Inside this while loop, I am checking numerous lines to see what they hold and extract specific items. First I verify it's a interface by checking for "line protocol".

Dim str As StreamReader = File.OpenText(filefound)
While (str.Peek <> -1)
If txtLine.Contains("line protocol") = True Then 'Found an interface,


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Count Occurance Of A Specific Number & Specific String In Text File Using Vb8?

Dec 13, 2010

i am a beginner in vb8 i have a text file named alarm.txt,sample alarm.txt file is shown below

can someone help me to read the alarm.txt file and extract data.for eg


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Delete All Text After A Specific Point In A String Of Text,?

Oct 18, 2010

I have the first part done, ... I can delete all the text before spacific text, ... now I need to delete all text after a spacific point in a string of text.

I'm making a better, and more simpler BandWidth Monitor, and I'm extracting the Bytes Recieved, ... but just the value, and leaving out all the rest of the text.

here ya go, check it out.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Extract Text From A String If It Contains Specific Text

Sep 29, 2009

I need to extract the whole string if the string has today's date on it. I have already coded a string that displays today's date in the following format - yyyy/MM/dd And I've coded the parsing links bit, now I need to simply search the Listbox and return the first string with the date. [Code]

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Ini - Searching For A Specific String In A Text File ?

May 18, 2012

There's an INI file that I want to access and read information from. This is the complete content of the INI file in question: http:[url]....I believe it is because of the [ ] tags in that INI file. Because they work if I remove the tags.My program has a bunch of comboboxes, trackbars and checkboxes. These items will be filled by the information taken from the INI file.For instance, ini file has these lines;


Example: I want the checkbox8 in my form to get checked if bFXAAEnabled has a value of 1 or unchecked if it is 0.

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VS 2005 Getting Specific Text From A String In A Textbox?

Mar 29, 2009

omething i am stuck with. I need to basically remove some specific text from a string in a text box.s be used, so it may be best to use some parsing to get the rest of the text after that specific point.

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VS 2010 Search For Specific Text In Text Document

Jul 6, 2009

What I am doing is creating a simple login and register system. I am going to save the information of each user into a text or ".dat" format and have them placed into a folder called "accounts".The small problem that I have is the "Forgot Password" option. I can't think of how to search all the documents for the e-mail or the username.So basically I need to know if it is possible to do a small search for the e-mail through all the documents in the "accounts" folder.

-I know another option may be databases...but I don't completely know how to use these.
-I have general knowledge of arrays

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Grab Specific Text From A Large Textbox Or String?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a text box that a bunch of information in it. Is there a way to grab specific text from a large textbox? Here is my example textbox and the text that is stored in it:


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Office Automation :: Removing Specific Text From A String?

Jun 6, 2011

How do I go about removing specific instances from a string. For example, I've got this string 50/2/2 and I want it to reads as 50/2/2 by removing instances of [31m, [32m, [33m, and [0m

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Specific Textbox To Have Custom String Per Checkbox In The Text Box?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a groupbox with quite a few checkboxes. I want a specific textbox to have custom string per checkbox in the text box.


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VS 2010 Finding Specific Text From Textfiles

May 27, 2012

I have an assignment due tomorrow, and I thought I had it all figured out but there is one question I don't know how to program. The assignment consists of a form with textboxes in which the user types info about a book (author, title, genre, etc.), which he can save to a textfile by clicking the save button. (At the moment it's not saving it to a textfile but just a 'file', which can be opened with notepad but is of no specific datatype, not sure how I do that, but is less important). There is also a button with which the user can display information from a different, earlier created textfile.[code]

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VS 2010 - Get Specific Text From Class [Webbrowser Control]?

Jul 23, 2011

I have a code in website:

<h1 class="mf_dI mf_Hblack mf_vmi">

How to get this "Blabla" to my application?Dim rx As New Regex("(?<=<h1 class=""" & Regex.Escape("mf_dI mf_Hblack mf_vmi") & """>).+?(<=</h1>") MsgBox("Name: " & rx.Match(WebBrowser1.DocumentText).Value)
but it don't works.

And. How to get picture from website to picturebox if this picture is in the table like <table style="background:url('/blabla.png') no-repeat"> ??

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VS 2010 Editing Text File Specific Lines?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm new here and I'm trying to make a little program with Visual Basic (2010 Express Edition).The purpose of this program is:

1) Load the text file lines and split them into a constant and a value

2) Edit the text file lines values

The content of the text file is like this:


This basically split every lines in two parts: the constant ("Name", "Surname", "Age", "Hair") and the values ("Mario", "Rossi", "50", "Black").Now about the second point, I've added a Button1 which should take the Textbox1/2.Text and the Combobox1 selected item and replace the values(aka separator(1)) in the text file. The problem is I don't have any idea at the moment how to do it. What method should I use?

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VS 2010 Read Specific Line Out Of A Text File?

Jun 28, 2010

Okay, so I've been looking on the web for a way to read only ONE line out of a text file. Recently I've gotten by by creating separate text file for each line (such as a text file named, "Username", another named "Password", instead of creating a single text file with both the user name and password.) Now I am faced with having to do this. I want a quick and easy way, VB won't let me do open file as input #1 for some reason. I just need the second line of text out of this text file. What is the quickest and easiest (and painless) way of doing this?

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Searches Specific Folder For Text Files Which Contain Specific Word

Jun 14, 2009

I have search system that works like charm: 1> Searches specific folder for text files which contain specific word 2> Puts those text file names and/or paths to listbox However i want it to put (instead of InputStr) the specific line where word is found in text file to listbox.


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Sql :: Find A Specific Line Of Text In A Text Document And Insert The Next 37 Lines Of Text Into A Database?

Feb 5, 2011

I have an SQL database, and 50 text files, and Visual Basic 2010 Premimum,I need to find a specific line of text in the text files and then take the next 37 lines of text and save them in my database. I need advice as to point me in the right direction

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VS 2010 Using A Text String As Object?

Nov 7, 2009

i have an online file with the text "Version_Label=1.2.3"

now i want to use the returned data from:

versiontext = split(webclient1.downloadstring("www.blabla.com/version"), "=")(0)
versiontext.text = split(webclient1.downloadstring("www.blabla.com/version"), "=")(1)

and then Version_label has as text "1.2.3"

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How To Make The Text In A Text Box Into A Text File That Auto-creates In A Specific

Jan 24, 2011

make the text in a text box into a text file that auto-creates in a specific?

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Make The Text In A Text Box Into A Text File That Auto-creates In A Specific?

Aug 15, 2011

make the text in a text box into a text file that auto-creates in a specific?

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VS 2010 Keeping A String Of Rtf Text's Format

Apr 17, 2012

I am retrieving text from a rich edit control in an external application. The text is formatted to look something like this: Output: All is well. I'm retrieving the text using :


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VS 2010 Parse A Webpage For A Particular Text String?

Feb 6, 2011

Im am trying to parse a web page for a particular text string, But VB2010 keeps saying there is an error at this part of my code request.GetResponse The guide i was following doesn't explain the error. could some one take a look ?

Imports System.IO
Imports System
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions


I have tried request.beginGetresponse and request.endGetresponse.

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VS 2010 Reading Raw Text (?) As String To Manipulate?

Feb 29, 2012

I am not sure if this makes sense or not,but I need to process raw text(without any encoding?) that I retrieved from a file recovery application "PhotoRec"
With an application like Notepad++ I can see all of the text I need to manipulate but with VB I seem to only get some of the text with other stuff stripped out.Here is what I am using to process the file:


I essentially add each line of text to the collection so I can read each line at a time (other processing, etc.)So, as mentioned, with the above code I get text but not all of it. With different encodings I get different versions of the text represented in "currentbyte".So, how can my .NET application read text like Notepad++ or a similar "raw" text reader app?

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VS 2010 Remove First Character From A Text String

Dec 27, 2011

How can I remove the first character from a text string?

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VS 2010 Special Characters In String Text?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm working on a form in which strings of text are being imported. A lot of these strings contain special characters, like �, �, �, &, �, etc...

When I convert these strings to text, so they can be shown as labels, the special characters either disappear (like the '&' sign) or they are shown as some sort of icons. How can I let VB handle these strings, so the special characters are shown the way they should, without having to change the (many hundreds) original strings of text?

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VS 2010 Use Contains And Mid - Detect If A String Ends With Certain Text?

Sep 12, 2010

Going from VB6 to VB10 I find VB10 has much easier ways of doing things, like getting command line arguments, getting all subfolders, etc, the hardest part is knowing what commands to use. Is there a better way to detect if a string ends with certain text? I'm doing it like this....


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VS 2010 : Set The Last Position Of String When Writing To Text File?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm outputting a number of variables to a text file and each field needs to be in a specific place.For example:I have a string that is varying in length, but will never be more than 5 characters. The string has to end on the 8th character of the line. Is there a way to write the string to ensure that the string ends at a specific place on the line, regardless of the length?

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VS 2010 If String Matches Word In Text File?

Jul 24, 2010

I'm trying to integrate a parental controls feature on my webbrowser. Now, the user creates a text file containing a list of the words they don't want their child searching. Here's an example of what would happen. The list looks like this (I wont use vulgar words):


and the kid tries going to "treeandbabynectar.com". I want a messagebox to come up saying "Site blocked". I want it to be able to detect the tree and baby in treeandbabynectar and realize the text file contains the word tree and baby and block the site. Is this possible? How would I do this?

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VS 2010 Assign String Value To A Label Control Displayed Text?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm looking to put a few labels on a form but the text that they will display will not be static. Instead they should be dynamic as the values used will be either the value of a specific Environment variable or from a value stored in an array. These values will change depending on which user runs the application. How do I achieve this?

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VS 2010 Can't Seem To Get The Checkbox Checked According To Presence Of A Particular String In A Text File

May 21, 2012

Everything is written in codes:

'CHECK IF "sIntroSequence" IS AVAILABLE IN TEXT FILE. Dim checkthevalue As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("c: est.txt") If checkthevalue.Contains("sIntroSequence") Then '"INTRO SEQUENCE" STRING IS AVAILABLE. 'CHECK


I can't seem to get the checkbox checked according to presence of a particular string in a text file. It looks like it should work but it doesn't.

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