VS 2010 Get Length Of String Minus The Line Feeds

Jan 27, 2012

Need to get length of a string minus the line feed chars and came up with this. Is there a better/more efficient way?

Function GetLenMinus_LF(s As String) As Integer
s = s.Replace(ControlChars.Lf, String.Empty)
Return s.Length
End Function

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VS 2010 - Draw A Straight Line Between Two Points And Calculate The Length Of That Line?

Jan 3, 2012

I have a picture in my picturebox. In that picture, I need to draw a straight line between two points and calculate the length of that line (probably in pixels). Is there any suggestion how to do it?

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Saving Text File With Line Feeds?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a form that contains a RichTextBox control that I have set to multiline. I also have a menu item that allows the user to save the contents of the RichTextBox as either a .rtf document or a .txt document. Here's the code I'm using so far:

If sfdSaveTextFile.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
m_strDocFileLocation = sfdSaveTextFile.FileName
m_strDocFileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(m_strDocFileLocation)


into the RichTextBox control (rtb) then saves as a text file this would save the text file like: "TempTemp"

Is there any way to write to the text file with line feeds included?

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Split Addresses That Contain Returns / Line Feeds?

Dec 6, 2011

How can I split this into columns: The Church OfficeOakley Hall8 Castle Street Its been imported into a dgv from a CSV, it is the business address field in Outlook. Can I do a split from addresses that contain returns/line feeds?

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Carriage Returns/line Feeds In Assembly Information Description Box?

Feb 15, 2011

Is there any way, in my project's properties, to put a carriage return or a line feed in the Description field of the Assembly Information dialog box, in which the Description information would then appear in the description field of the about box of my project?

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VS 2010 - String Length No Longer Available

Jul 17, 2011

I have an API that loads into memory from a button click. It can then either load an approx 10MB txt file (ASCII comma delimited characters/decimal list as a string) or live timed data from the internet. The idea is to be able to view the data in a text box. From there I can see what I am doing as far as spitting that info into a datagridview or database. The data is completely out of order in the txt file but has various Getinfo Functions / DLL's accessed via button clicks that split the data into its correct format to display in the text box. The problem I am having is not having fixed length strings in VB 2010. I don't know enough to work out if there is a simple work around or something more complicated required. Everything I have tried has left the textbox empty.

VB 2005 code that works:
Option Strict Off - I want to solve with this ON
Option Explicit On - I want to solve with this ON
Imports VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic
Private Sub Command3_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As
[Code] ....

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VS 2010 Length Of The String In Pixels?

Feb 3, 2012

I have a title (in one line) that can have different lengths. I need to print this title on A4 landscape - page ( draw string in print page event), but always it should be located in the middle of the page, regardless of length. If I want to determine the exact location I have to calculate the length of the string in pixels. Or maybe there is a better way to center the string on page? How can I do it?

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VS 2010 String.Length() Returns Null

Jun 11, 2011


By my logic, this should only assign .length to index IF the length of strItem is longer than 0. This check is there in case the listbox is empty, or the user has not selected an item. However, everytime I go through this code without an item selected I get:


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Substring - Error: Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length

Apr 17, 2009

this is not working?


End WhileI am trying to read from the ": " to the end of the line. I keep getting this error: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length

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Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length Exception

Feb 17, 2011

am getting the above exception while swaping Items in the list(lstRoutePriority).PFB my code

if (lstRoutePriority.SelectedIndex > 0)
//Swap the two items


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VS 2010 Multi Line String - 1 Line = New Entry To Combobox?

Oct 16, 2010

Ok, So I have a string that has its formats like this:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3


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Converting String Into Number Minus Commas?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm having trouble getting information from a webpage. I've managed to collect a specific string from the webpage, and I want to convert it into a number, but the problem is, is the number is into the thousands, and it can't convert right normally. How could I convert the string, to a number, minus the comma(s)?

View 9 Replies

VS 2010 Modify Length Of String And Delete Unneeded Characters?

Feb 19, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim fso, inputFile
Dim str As String
fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


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Output Error "Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length" With Substring

Mar 23, 2009

"Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length" whenever I run this code


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Substring Size - "Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length"

Jul 21, 2010

If using the following in an if statement I get an error: If trg.Name.Substring(4, 6).ToUpper <> ("ABCDEF") Then I get the error: "Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length"

I assume this is because the string (trg.name) is too small for the 4, 6 substring. What would be the correct method of working around this problem? VB.net Studio 2008.

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VS 2010 Conversion From String "Length - Ft" To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid?

Sep 6, 2011

I'm new to this board and I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I have a problem that needs to be resolved before 9:30PM tonight.

I'm a bit of a sloppy coder so work with me. Here's the code that's giving me problems:


I have 6 text boxes, 5 of which accept input. When they're focused on they become blank for a number to be typed in and upon losing focus, they add the labels etc. on their own.

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Finding Length Of Each Line In A .txt File

Mar 16, 2012

I am a newbie when it comes to programming. Right now I am trying to create a program that will read in a .txt file that consists of different integers on each line. For example, the .txt file looks something like this:


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VS 2010 Finding A Line Of String?

Sep 18, 2010

I loaded a text file to a text box, and I want the program to find a certain line containing only the strings I specify. But the text file will likely contain many of them, so I want it to pause scanning at the first line I'm looking for until I tell it to continue, then the second line, and so on. So the questions are:

1. What's the method for finding the exact line I want in a text file?

2. How do you start, pause, and resume scanning a text file line by line?

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VS 2010 Get Line Number That Contains A String?

May 22, 2012

How can I get a line number that contains a specified string in a text file and write a word one line below it?

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VS 2010 : Insert A <br> & </br> For A New Line Within A String Variable?

Nov 28, 2011

I am developing an app which allows a user to send emails.I am using a multiline text box for the user to capture data, but when I convert it to a string it does not pick up a new paragraph.How would I insert a <br> & </br> for a new line within a string variable?

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VS 2010 Find The Line Number Of A String

Sep 21, 2010

Is there a way to find ALL of a specified string from a multiple-line text and express their line number as integers?

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VS 2010 Removing Line From Either String Or Textbox

Aug 3, 2011

I have strMyString that contains about 5000 lines of data. There are some lines of data that need removing if they contain a certain string, such as "http", "www.", ".com", "cat", "fish", etc. The whole line needs removing. Each line is separated by a vbNewLine or similar.

How can I do that? Does it need pasting into a rich textbox first before processing?

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When Transfer The Bytes Sent By The Client Program To A String The String Length Is Affected?

Feb 20, 2010

when i transfer the bytes sent by the client program to a string the string length is affected.when i put the bytes sent by the client program to a message box. it returns the corrrect text. but when i check the length it will return 8192 or higher. but the actual size is just 5.

My Code

Dim tcpClient As TcpClient = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient()
RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text & vbNewLine & "Connection accepted."
' Get the stream[code]....

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Line Length Application - Horizontal / Vertical Distance

Dec 7, 2010

Class lineLengthWindow
' declaring variables
Private m_objGraphic As Graphics = CreateGraphics()
Dim pointX1 As Integer
Dim pointX2 As Integer
[Code] .....

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Split A String Into A Fixed Length String Array?

Sep 11, 2011

I have a long string like this

dim LongString as String = "123abc456def789ghi"

And I want to split it into a string array. Each element of the array should be in 3 characters length[code]...

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Find Line Number Containing A String And Replace Whole Line With Another String?

Dec 25, 2010

If i have a line in a txt document "text.txt".Now what i want to do is open the file and read the contents.

When it find this "search.selectedEngine" term then it should delete that particular line and replace it with another string ("REPLACED STRING").

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Getting String.substring(N) Not To Choke When N > String.length

Mar 10, 2010

I'm writing some code that takes a report from the mainframe and converts it to a spreadsheet. They can't edit the code on the MF to give me a delimited file, so I'm stuck dealing with it as fixed width. It's working okay now, but I need to get it more stable before I release it for testing. My problem is that in any given line of data, say it could have three columns of numbers, each five chars wide at positions 10, 16, and 22. If on this one particular row, there's no data for the last two cols, it won't be padded with spaces; rather, the length of the string will be only 14. So, I can't just blindly have


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Vb String Function - Get The Sub String That Is Talking About Length

Nov 4, 2010

If I have a string Metal is hot : Metal length is 5 cm ; Metal is red. I want to get the sub string that is talking about length: hence I want to extract "Metal length is 5 cm".


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Sql - Visual Studio 2010 Crashes After Pasting A Large Multi-line String (Approximately 1500 Lines)

Jun 4, 2012

I am creating a VB application in Visual Studio 2010 that installs some SQL stored procedures. These stored procedures are encrypted otherwise I would just supply my clients with .sql files to create the stored procedures.

The install script that creates the stored procedure is 1500 lines in length and has been formatted in the way VS 2010 requires multi-line literals to be in:

"First Line" & _
"Second Line" & _


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Counting The Length Of A String?

Oct 29, 2009

How can I count the length of a string and also how many special characters are in the strings.

For instance if I have this string: $how*

How can I count that string is 5 chars long and that there are 2 special characters in the string. (special characters are the $ and

I think that I am going to have to use the .length method to count the length of the string.

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