VS 2010 - How To Make Automated Task Queue

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a program that will allow people to queue certain tasks at certain intervals. (i.e. the task is done every 15 minutes, etc.) They can make as many tasks as they want, at whatever intervals they want. How can I possibly make a task queue? Like, how can I queue up code that I already have made to be run every so and so often, according to what the user inputs? And, if 2 tasks are started at the same time, they will both still be done, it's just that one will be done as soon as the first one is complete.

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Make A Form (windows Forms) Minimize To The Task Bar Using VB 2010?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm using VB 2010 and simply want to have a button on the form that says Minimize.I want the form to minimize to the task bar or the notification section .I've looked at other ideas, but the code is for prior versions of VB (2003 and 2005) and some for C #Could you please email me some sample code to handle this?

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Make An App That Can Be Automated In The Same Sense That Get MS Word?

Mar 10, 2012

Firstly please see this thread.>>[URL]..In the code in that thread the code calls on MS Word to check its dictionary and then report back TRUE / FALSE if the word is found or not.

Rewriting the code slightly for a Windows Form application with one Button on the Form I now have.>>

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off


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Automated Process - Create An Application That Will Make Calls To An API

Dec 16, 2009

I am trying to create an application that will make calls to an API. I want this process to be fully automated to run a few times a day. What kind of application in vb.net can be automated? I've created windows applications in the past, but never automated anything.

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Use A DB Queue To Make Http Calls And Update Status In Db?

Feb 28, 2012

I want to use a database table as a a queue...but the processing of these messages cannot be done from the database.I have a table that stores the requests i get from a .Net component. I now have to read the data from these tables and make http calls to 2 webservices. Based on the response received from the webservices, the data gets archived or deleted.I had a few specific questions:

1. How do i make sure that if i pick a record for processing and the http call fails I should be able to go on to the next record, and then come back to this record at the end of the run

2. Is there an alternative to using the database as a queue(like MSMQ etc.), which option is better

3. I want to maintain an audit trail of the record status. Is creating a trigger to log the changes before the edit the best way to do it?

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VS 2010 - Automated Insert SQL Query Parameterized?

Jul 13, 2011

I wrote this little function to allow me to pass an ArrayList of Strings and then based on the table passed to pre-build a SQLCommand like so
INSERT INTO table` (`column`,`column`) VALUES (`value1`,`value2`);

The function for this is here:
Public Function _SQLInsertBuilder(ByVal values As ArrayList, ByVal Table As String) As String
Dim commandString As String
Dim columns As ArrayList = GetTables(Table)
commandString = "INSERT INTO `" & Table & "` ("
For Each column As String In columns
[Code] .....

Now I know that much like mysql_real_escape_string() VB.NET has a Parameter ability to make querys safer. How could I parameterize the values during the build of the string.

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VS 2010 Generic Collection Queue?

Apr 16, 2011

Ok say I have this Dim MyQueueOfClients as new Queue (Of TcpClient) I also have two threads.

In thread one a TcpListener waits for connections then adds a connected TcpClient to MyQueueOfClients.

MyQueueOfClients.Enqueue (TcpClient)In thread two I then check to see if there are any Clients in MyQueueOfClients. If so I then remove them from the MyQueueOfClients.

MyTcpClient = MyQueueOfClients.Dequeue I think the question Im asking is this thread safe?

Can I Enqueue and Dequeue at the same time from different threads?

Well it helps if you read everything. I have just read this as well

A Queue(Of T) can support multiple readers concurrently, as long as the collection is not modified. Even so, enumerating through a collection is intrinsically not a thread-safe procedure. To guarantee thread safety during enumeration, you can lock the collection during the entire enumeration. To allow the collection to be accessed by multiple threads for reading and writing, you must implement your own synchronization.

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VS 2010 Possible To Use A Memorystream Like A Queue Collection?

Apr 4, 2011

As the title says can I create a memorystream then use it in a FIFO manner like a Queue.When you use memorystream.write it writes data at the memorystream.postion.If I then want to read the beginning of the memory stream I have to set position to the beginning and do a memorystream.read.

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VS 2010 Verify Link Not Working When Automated But If Done Manually Works?

Feb 27, 2012

I am not stuck with the code side but rather what seems an issue when using VB and creating well verifying an Twitter Account. I have tried to explain as best as possible but please ask if you need more info

I am currently well on the way to finishing my Twitter Account Creator which also verifies and completes the profile fields but I have encountered a problem and for once not a problem relating to the code side of things at least I don't think it is.

At the moment for testing reasons I have 2 buttons one which creates the account and a second which verifies the account now I am using incognitomail.com (temp email provider) and have 2 web browsers running within my VB program. 1 is for Twitter and 1 is for Incognitomail.com I have no problems clicking and navigating to the verify link and then logging in to verify the Twitter Account but it never verifies and I cannot figure out why.

Say I put another text box and used it to navigate to url's on web browser 1 (twitter) and copied the verify link and put it in the text box it navigates I login and its the fine the account is verified but if I set VB to navigate (can't click because it opens in IE and not within the VB web browser) to the verify link it never verifies I have even tried making the text box fill and then navigate via that just as if a human was doing it but still no luck.

Does anyone have any idea as to why these Twitter Accounts are not verifying when the VB program performs the navigating to the verify link then login but if I do it myself i.e copy the verify link put it in the text box which navigates the web browser then it verifies fine?This is the one step standing in the way from my program being about to create and verify accounts and will not cost a fortune as this was a personal project to counter the lack of Twitter Creators which both work fully and are cheap.

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VS 2010 - Developing An Automated Command Line Program - Attach The Timer ?

Feb 15, 2012

The code in question is in place, and it works. The project is all but wrapping up. That being said, I would love to find a better way to run this section of code in an x64 system so I have the solution ready for future projects. What I currently have in place is as follows:

Function TimeDelay(vDelay)
Dim vTimmer, vTargetTime

vTimmer = TimeValue(Now)


Now I know the easy way to achieve my goal would be to use the timer object in Visual Studio. The problem I ran into is I was developing an automated command line program. As such there was nothing I could attach the timer to (that I'm aware of). I just needed to pause the program for a few seconds to allow the DTSX package (SSIS file if you're not familiar) to load the file before I remove it from the staging folder.

While I was doing research for this issue I came across the old Sleep() function (referenced to a library in kernel32 as I understand it...never used this before either). When I tried to use this on my current system (64-bit system) I received stack overflow errors. Additional research lead to something called wow64, but I did not have enough time to fully research what this is / how to use it.

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VS 2010 New To Message Queue - Multiple Instances Of Program?

Mar 1, 2012

I am using a message queue successfully as I am testing while I am writing a new program. (This is my first time using a message queue.) I have to have multiple instances of my program running, so I was wondering if this would be a problem with the queue? I have tested it and it looks fine, but I didn't know if it is by coincidence, or if the queues were separate.

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VS 2010 System.messaging Queue Frozen While Message.receive

Jun 12, 2012

This is the first time I have used this messaging library and used some example code to implement it. The first time I ran it it worked perfectly but I abruptly stopped the code since my parsing method seemed wrong. So when I restarted it, the code freezes at the following line:


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VS 2008 - Make An Automated PIREP System. PIREP Stands For PIlot REPort

Jun 10, 2010

I am the CEO of Virtual American Eagle airlines. I am looking for some help on how to make an automated PIREP system. PIREP stands for PIlot REPort. What I need it to do is connect to my site, make the pilot login, connect to FSX (Microsoft Flight Simulator X) and FS9 (Microsoft Flight Simulator 2009). It needs to track: that the engines are off, the speeds or takeoff, climb, cruise, and decent. Then I want it to track the time that the wheels hit the runway, the time that the engiines go off, then automatically put it into a list and with the push of a button, send it to our site.

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Cannot Make A Hyperlink In An Outlook 2007 Task

Mar 31, 2010

I have used the following code to make a task in Outlook 2007.[code]...

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How To Make .exe Run At Specific Time Besides Using Task Scheduler

Jun 8, 2011

I'm wanting to create a small application that will allow me to schedule a machine to shutdown at a specific time. Any suggestions on how I can make this .exe run at a specific time besides using the Task Scheduler?

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Make Program Which Task Manager Can't Close That?

Sep 20, 2010

Make program which task manager can't close him.

When user click on end process like system process message box show and user cant close that.

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Make A Program Stay Above Task Bar Even When It Loses Focus

Mar 3, 2010

How can i make a program stay above the task bar even when it loses focus with visual basic 2008?

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Make Form Full Screen And Allowes On Top And Cant End It's Prosesscor In Task Manger

Aug 14, 2009

how can i make the form full screen and allowes on top and cant end it's prosesscor in task manger..

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Is It Guaranteed That Task A Started Before TaskB Will Be Completed Before Task B

Nov 24, 2010

is it guaranted that a task A started before TaskB will be completed before task B assuming the task do the same level of operatons?or in other words is there a chance that a task B will finish before tast A in the assumption that the task calls the same procedure?

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Make Application To Be At Tray Icon Just Next To Time Displayed On Right Bottom Corner Of Task Bar?

May 31, 2009

I found some great code on capturing webcam images but the problem is the client PC will need to initiate the communication to this server (click Connect to server IP). This is like 2 way communication.How can i do something like this (door Kiosk system):when a visitor press a button on the LCD that come along a web cam (this will be the server), it will send the signal the client PC that is installed with the application i've created (window form) and pop up the images to the client PC (more like a 1 way communication). This image is captured through the web cam on the server to capture the visotor's image waiting outside of the door. How to do this?I'm really stuck as i'm not familiar with window API programming yet.

1) how to do the mentioned 1 way communication? possible in .NET?

2) how to make my application to be at the tray icon just next to the time displayed on the right bottom corner of the task bar? When a visitor press a button o the server, it will pop up a window form on the client PC showing the image captured via the server's webcam outside of the door.

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Transfering A Queue From One Form To Another Queue In Another Form?

May 14, 2011

I have a form that has a queue and i want to transfer that queue to another queue in another form. however when i try to use the elements in the second queue after transfer, I get the error message queue empty!below is my code

First Form
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Class Form1


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Unable To Use Task Library In 2010?

Sep 20, 2010

I just converted a project from 2008 to 2010. I didn't encounter any errors in the conversion.I tried to add HTML Imports System.Threading.Tasks. This gives the "...doesn't contain any public member..." warning and naturally, the .Tasks library is not recognized. Is there any trick to the conversion, setting in the properties, etc. that I need to deal with?Note that I have a "from scratch" project that accesses the System.Threading.Tasks class with no problem. Both projects are contained in the same Projects folder as in:


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VS 2010 Display Application In Task Bar

Jan 7, 2012

How to display my application in task bar ? like here:

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VS 2010 Task Manager Application?

Nov 26, 2011

I am making a application that shows the current applications running. So far, I have made this code that shows the processes that are running:

Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class Form1
Public Sub New()


However I only want to show the list of applications. Anyway to do this?

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VB 2010 Error - ResolveAssemblyReference Task Failed Unexpectedly?

Jun 7, 2011

Here is the error I get when trying to debug my program: The "ResolveAssemblyReference" task failed unexpectedly.

System.IO.FileLoadException: The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047)


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VS 2010 - Way To Prevent My Program From Being KILLed In The Task Manager?

Mar 24, 2012

i created a windows blocker to prevent users access, and only give access to the computer for a certain time if they pay....In the block state taskmgr can not be accessed also no other method can close the blocker. but once the computer is unblocked for use it become vulnerable only to the taskmgr since i have to give access to the taskmgr when the program is not blocking access. Is there anyway to prevent my program from being KILLed in the taskmgr or is there a way to restart the blocker if the user KILLs the program?

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VS 2010 Close Task Manager/Windows User Pop-Up

Feb 1, 2012

At my school people use the keyboard shortcut (CTRL+Shift+ESC) to open Task Manager. We are not allowed to use it so we get a message box saying that we do not have permission to do that. People hold down the buttons, so that a long line of hundreds of popups open. What code do i need to close all of the popups when a button is pressed?

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Getting Excel 2010 To Close. Stays Running In The Task Manger?

Jan 13, 2012

I cannot get Excel 2010 to close by using VB on my Windows XP computer at work. I have what I thought would be able to close it, but it doesn't. I do not get any errors, it its just that after multiple times of the code running, I have multiple instances of EXCEL.EXE running in the task manager, which causes problems. I am going to post the code below:

Option Strict Off
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class CompareDataExcel\

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VS 2010 Force All Threads To End Or End The Process Like In The Task Manager When The Form Is Closed?

Jun 23, 2011

When multithreading in VB, if you close the form while different threads are running, the process itself will not end. Is there a way I can force all threads to end, or end the process like in the Task Manager, when the form is closed?

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VS 2008 Make One Application Send A Task To Another Application / Receive Result From That Secondary App?

Apr 26, 2010

is it possible to make one application send a task to another application and recieve the result from that secondary app?i made a text editor program and i added a scan feature and i made another app that has ocr capabilities.The scanner ability is in my text editor program, the ocr program doesnt scan you have to input an image into it and it will give text result a few seconds later.the prob is alot of times the ocr code uses sooo much memory and crashes when its incorporated with my text editor, but individually each application works fine and doesnt take too much memory. Memory wont be even an issue if the ocr program is standalone so that when it is done decoding image the application can be made to exit. now here is the question, how do i make my text editor send the image to the ocr program and how do i make my ocr program send the text back to my text editor? is it possible? i mean the only way i know off is creating temp files in a certain folder and having a timer on each program that keeps waiting for temp files. That just seems like pretty lame coding to me i was wondering if there's a better way?

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