VS 2010 How To Compare Two Listbox

Oct 27, 2011

How to compare two listbox? I have two listbox one has a list of names and the other has a list of names too but I need compare the listbox1 with the listbox2 for delete from listbox2 all items existing in the listbox1 for example:

listbox1 Listbox2 Listbox2 after press a button
joel joel John


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Aug 13, 2010

164 of listboxs and put the result in LABEL1BUT only one comparing only not all.original code take from Cor Lighert

Dim listboxes() = {Form3.ListBox1, Form3.ListBox2, Form3.ListBox3, Form3.ListBox4, Form3.ListBox5, Form3.ListBox6, Form3.ListBox7, Form3.ListBox8, Form3.ListBox9, Form3.ListBox10, Form3.ListBox11, Form3.ListBox12, Form3.ListBox13, Form3.ListBox14,


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Compare 2 Strings From 2 Listbox's?

May 15, 2009

I am trying to compare 2 strings from 2 listbox's, sort of a fuzzy match then output the results in a treeview I'm trying to tell it to split the words where spaces appear such as "The Dog Went Up The Hill",So that would see that as 6 words and then compare that to listbox2 which may contain "the dog went up the hill last night" which would the return an 80% match,but i just can't get my head round this, here's my code.

Private Sub Compare_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Compare.Tick
If ListBox1.Items.Count = 0 Then


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Compare A String With All The Items In A Listbox?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm trying to compare a string with all the items in a listbox, if it finds a match it returns true

Private Function Checkuser(ByVal username2 As String) As Boolean
If InvokeRequired Then
Invoke(New checkmeInvoker(AddressOf Checkuser), username2)


note ive tried more than string.compare does it have something with return false being at the bottom of the function. becuase ive tried adding an exit function once it returns true, but still I get returned with false to make it even more frustraiting the clipboard results are test/test

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Equal ListBox - Compare And Say Difference

Aug 14, 2010

What I want is ListBox1 and ListBox2 above are not same Item
[Code] .....

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NotePad To Textbox To ListBox And Compare?

Jan 11, 2011

i need advice why this code bellow when compare the 164 ListBox.The result is not correct but certain listboxs comparing is correct.

Public Class Form2 Private Sub CompareAllListBoxes() get an alphabetical list (as an IEnumerable) of the ListBoxes which are children of the form Dim ctlsToCheck = From c As Control In Me.Controls Where TypeOf c Is ListBox Order By c.Name Select c


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Forms :: Compare The Selected Item Of The Listbox With The Database?

Jun 25, 2011

how compare the selected item of the listbox with the database and dispaly data again in the textbox of front end

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Compare The Value Of Two/multi Column Array And Add Into Listbox Without Duplication In Visual Basic?

May 2, 2012

I've small project to do and now I'm stuck in middle. The program is to read the sequential text file and load it into a array/array of structure.The data information is like this (sample):

ID | Name | Type
1 | Cat | Animal
2 | Dog | Animal


This is Just as sample data, my original data is more than this.I've open the DATA.txt file using FileStreamReader:

Dim FileStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamREader(DATA.txt)

Read all the elements in the list and pass through ReadArrayString.Split the string using:

DataString.Split(New Char() {";"c})

Pass through


Where index 0 is the ID, index 1 is the name, and index 2 is the Type Then I load the types in the dropdown combobox menu from the array with out duplication. Like this:

If TypeComboBox.FindString(ReadArrayString(2)) < 0 Then
End If

Now When you click TypeComboBox it will show drop down menu with following list only.


After this, when Animal type is selected/clicked from combobox dropdown menu then it should only add the Id and Name of Animal type in the ListBox.Pseudocode may looks like this:

If Animal is selected/clicked from TypeComboBox then
Add Cat into listbox
Add Dog into listbox


I've only figure out load items from only one column/array into combobox with out duplication.But can't figure out to compare the value of one column/array with another column/array and load it into listbox. I don't want to hardcode or write matching value inside the code. What I want is use the Array.

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VS 2010 Compare Not Working?

Apr 9, 2011

The code im using:

If ListBox3.Items(i).ToString.ToLower = clientdata.Split(":")(1).Split("|")(1).ToString.ToLower Then


Now the weird part is that it goes to the Else case, while the 2 variables in the If are the same.

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VS 2010 How To Compare Arrays

Jun 12, 2012

I'm trying to determine the highest customers in a single month of the year. I also need to add the corresponding month to that.

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VS 2010 Compare And Select Pictures?

Dec 23, 2011

Basically I have a semi-solid idea of how to do this from Googling but it isn't complete as of yet since this is really advanced for my current level - but 'I' must get it done nonetheless.I am aiming to have an application which screenshots another and looks for a picture in that screenshot, compares it to one the user input and then moves the mouse to the location of that picture.

I.e. The large square represents the applications bounds, while the 4 panels are where the images could be. The images in the application will always be the same size, shape etc... and only within that area.

The user will input, into a text box say "XZ1" then the program shall take a sample picture of "X" stored locally, try and find where it is on the 4 panels and store that data. Loop till the end, then move the cursor to those three positions after all have been determined.

So far I have these sources:[URL]..But I don't know what to do for the rest in terms of writing it in code

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VS 2010 Two Separate Arrays And Then Compare Them?

Jul 2, 2011

I want to put the matches from a regular expression into an array or something that i can use to compare it with another array, it being the lines from a txt file names "users.txt". Code A:


And the second code will do the exact same thing. What i want to do is compare each line in the Txt file (Code B) to the reg expression matches (Code A) and for it to alert me if any is missing. So it needs to compare Code B to Code A. (PS. Order is irrelevant, it can be in different places as long as its there) In my other thread i got a little confused and couldn't clearly communicate what i was trying to do.

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Compare Date - Compare Textbox1 And Textbox2 Text

Mar 3, 2010

I have two textbox in my application.


Textbox2.Text="Jan 2010"

May I know how can I compare that Textbox1 and Textbox2 text is within same month and same year?

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Compare Arrays And Listboxes Values In VB 2010

Jul 22, 2011

I have a program that has to store a pre-made array that contains strings (moviename, moviegenre).

I setup all the items in the array already, example:

moviearray(0,0) = "Green Lantern"
moviearray(0,1) = "Action"

For this example, if the user selected "Green Lantern" from my listbox, then the label needs to display "Action". So yeah, it's a 2-column array: first column = movie name, 2nd column = movie genre. Now, I have a listbox containing all of the movie names (not entered by the array, but entered through the Item property of the listbox). When a selection is made in the listbox and a button is clicked, I need to have the genre of the movie output to a label. That is where I am stuck, I just can't figure out to compare what's in the list box with the first column of the array to output the 2nd column to the label.

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VS 2010 Compare Dates In SQL Server With Datetimepickerq?

Aug 5, 2011

have a table in SQL Server Ex 2005 containing a column called "geboortedatum" (datetime)When I open the table the date is shown like this: "31-12-2011 0:00:00".When I use the query designer and execute the query select geboortedatum from table: the date is shown like: "2011-12-31 0:00:00".he problem is that I want to use the datetimepicker in VB.NET to compare the date in a SQL statement that looks like this:

strZoekGeboorteDatum = String.Format("AND M.GeboorteDatum > " & Me.dtpZoekMedewerkerGebDatVan.Value
But probably the comparison is:


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VS 2010 Compare Image Byte Array?

Dec 25, 2011

and i need to convert the image into a text.now anyone thinking that i can just use ocr is unfortunatly wrong i have tried about 5 of them and they dont work because the text in the image is to small for it to recognise it.so i need to search the above image for a smaller image such as this.so by doing this if i get a result saying true then i will be able to go from be there and convert to text.now i know of two way to search an image for a smaller image. first is by going by pixel search and well i can get that to work but it is to slow.the second method is to convert the image to a byte array(beig an image it will be a 2d byte array) and convert the other image to a byte array and then compare.

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VS 2010 Compare Lines In Two Textboxes (Multiline)?

Apr 19, 2011

I am having a bit of trouble on how to do a simple compare of two textboxes.In first textbox i have lines with values (mostly http links) In the second textbox i have lines also with links I want to compare every line in textbox1 with every line in textbox2.i would prefer TextBox1 to stay textbox but textbox2 can be a listbox or anything else.

VB For Each line In Me.TextBox1.Lines If line.Equals("i need to have every item from textbox2 here", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) Then End If Next

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Compare Two Text Files In Visual Studio 2010?

May 16, 2012

I have a monster of a problem and don't know where to start. I need to create a simple application that will: have two open file dialog boxeseach file box, one can choose the .txt file to compareonce each box has a file location, click a button that starts. My boss man wants the results saved as :


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VS 2010 : Compare The Data Between Two Text Boxes And A Variable?

Feb 27, 2012

I need to compare the data between two text boxes and a variable. If the value of the boxes don't match up and the variable is -1, I need to fail it.When I do this:

If Not Me.txtPcidSystem.Text = Me.txtPcidDatabase.Text Then

I have no troubles, but adding the variable check produces a false positive.

If Not Me.txtPcidSystem.Text = Me.txtPcidDatabase.Text And TestData.BypassCheck_PCID = -1 Then

The way the code is laid out, I have to do this in one line. I can't check the first condition on one line and the second on another.I've tried separating the data out with parantheses, but it's producing the same results.

View 22 Replies

VS 2010 Listbox - Clear A Listbox With A Button?

Dec 14, 2011

how would you clear a listbox, like with a button.

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VS 2010 Roster Listbox Into The Grade Listbox?

Mar 15, 2012

I have this code which lets you choose a class, then enter 3 names into the roster listbox...the problem im having is with the btn grades...im using a nested loop but cant figure out how to get all 3 names into 3 seperate inputbox prompts to input the grades...right now its only showing the first name entered...how do you get the code to loop and go through whatever amount of students entered in the roster listbox into the grade listbox.


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VS 2010 Compare Pixel Range On Screen To A Saved Image?

Dec 1, 2011

We stream the BBC news channel through a laptop hooked to a PC in reception for our clients. Annoyingly the stream is interrupted randomly (the line isn't dropping, it's the BBC's problem). Therefore when it's interrupted we get an error screen appearing which we have to go and manually refresh to get the stream back playing.

My intentions are to build an app which will be run alongside (silently) the stream monitoring intermittently a range of pixels. If the range matches the error screen that I mentioned previously then I'd call "Esc" to exit the full screen and then "F5" to refresh the browser and finally a double click on a specified coordinate to bring it back to full screen.

Problem: I've been doing some googling and so far have only seen related posts where the comparison is between two saved images. Due to this I expect the answer to be "Take a screenshot every now and then, compare, return result".

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VS 2010 : Compare 2 Dates (actually 1 Date Is Changed By 42 Days) That Are Chosen By A User Through A Datetimepicker?

Aug 2, 2010

I try to make a WFA for filling, reading etc. to a database. I want to compare 2 dates (actually 1 date is changed by 42 days) that are chosen by a user through a datetimepicker. After comparing the 2 dates the "newest" date has to show up in a non editable textbox. This Is my code (of course I have 2 subs for the datetimepickers as well).

Private Sub AwbdatumTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AwbdatumTextBox.TextChanged
Dim DatumbinnenkomstDateTimePicker As DateTime


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Compare Version Between Host And Client Download The File If Compare Version Not Same In .net?

May 20, 2011

they need to make some compare version between host version and client version.. and each 1 version different will download the file to the client..[URL]..with both example, how can i make a program in VB.NET just like i said just now?

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ListBox PreferredHeight - Make ListBox Calculate Correct Integral Height Before ListBox Is Made Visible

Nov 19, 2009

If I set a ListBox.Height = ListBox.PreferredHeight when the control is hidden and IntegralHeight = True, then set it visible:

a) Actual Height reduces by typically 3-5 pixels after redraw (but not 1 pixel per item).

b) PreferredHeight does not not appear to give the correct integral of item heights.

Is there a way to make ListBox calculate the correct integral Height before the ListBox is made visible, so it can be correctly pre-positioned from bottom edge?

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

ListBox1.Visible = False
ListBox1.IntegralHeight = True


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Compile A Single ListBox On Form1 To ListBox On Form2 Then ListBox On Form3?

Feb 17, 2011

This code bellow to compile a single listBox on form1 to listBox on form2 then listBox on form3.

I want to modified this code to compile 169 of ListBoxs on form1 to 169 listboxs on form2

and 169 listBoxs on form3.Try this code,not need the new coding.

Original code from JoOl and modified by John Anthony oliver


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VS 2008 ListBox Opening Links From ListBox Returning Max List In Listbox?

Feb 13, 2010

1 when my listbox returns resaults it only brings back 10 how do I set it to return lets say 500

and question 2 is when I click on my links in listbox it's not opening webpage as I would expect it...

This is my code


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VS 2010 For Each In Listbox?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm trying to implement a way for users to specify which files they want to backup by typing in file extension into a listbox.But I'm a but iffy on how exactly to do this.

This is what I have so far:

Dim n as integer Dim extensions(n) as string for each fe as string in listbox1.items

Here I want to add *.txt or *.docx from the listbox as a string in the array above whilst incrementing n by 1 for each new string next How exactly do I do this?

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VS 2010 2 Databases From 1 Listbox?

Mar 22, 2011

I have 2 Access databases;

Db 1 & Db 2, On the form is a list box which is data bound to DB1 'MainName', and a bunch of textboxs which populate from the record selected from db1 in the listbox.

In DB1 the 1st column is called 'MainName' and in DB2 the 1st column is also called 'MainName'

Now what im looking at is when the item in the listbox is changed, the record in the second database which has the same String in the 'MainName' column is also selected.

The route to take that i can see is having both databases added to the project , and have the listbox apply a filter on database 2 based on the selected item.
(im using 2 separate databases as when my project updates the DB1 also updates, but DB2 contains the users own strings so i don't want that to update as it would lose all there saved strings.I dont know much about lookup tables etc but they must all be in the same database right? so that rules them out, due to the update issue.)

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VS 2010 : Showing Only URL's In Listbox?

Mar 16, 2012

I have the code which gets HTML code and puts it in a richtextbox with seperate lines.I would like the richtextbox to delete each line which doesnt contain a url in it.

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