VS 2010 Looping Through SubFolders?

Sep 21, 2010

What I have to do is to search the whole system for any Mp3 files.My Problem is to loop through all the subfolders.What I managed to do:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1


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VS 2010 Display All Of The Folders And Subfolders Of An FTP Directory In A Treeview?

Mar 29, 2012

This is driving me crazzyy. I need a simple way to display all of the folders and subfolders of an FTP directory in a treeview, similar to the layout of Windows Explorer. Here's the code I have:


The code is total crap... causes my app to hang. Pretty sure infinite recursion is the cause.

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VS 2010 Bar Chart With Looping?

Mar 2, 2011

Basically, the user will input a "product" into a textbox and upon a button click, will be transferred to a listbox. The problem that I have is that I need to also collect a precentage for each product, and using that percentage, create a type of bar chart with "x"s based on the percentage. The final outcome of the application should look something like this-

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VS 2010 Looping Through Form Controls?

Feb 7, 2010

I did a quick net search and found this which works great for looping through all the buttons to disable them. These buttons are located right on the form.

For Each ctlControl In Form_BLAH.Controls
Select Case TypeName(ctlControl)
Case "Button"
ctlControl.Enabled = False
End Select
Next ctlControl

However...when I tried it on a form where the buttons are contained within a Table Layout Panel it does not work.

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VS 2010 Looping Code X Number Of Times?

Apr 3, 2011

Okay, so basically I'm trying to have my application randomly select items from a (multiselect) listbox. I want the user to enter the amount of items they would like randomly selected and it should all happen at the same time. I have the random shuffle down but it only selects one song each time you click the button. How can I loop this code as many times as the user specifies in the textbox?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
Dim shuffle As New Random
Main.songlist.SelectedIndex = shuffle.Next(0, Main.songlist.Items.Count - 1)


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VS 2010 Looping Music - Way For The Song To Be Looped?

Dec 9, 2011

I started a thread about playing music. It works perfectly, but I wanted to know if there is a way for the song to be looped. I'm making an alarm clock, and if the user chose a short song, it plays once and then stops. I just wanted to know if there was a way to loop using the mciSendString.

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VS 2010 Looping And Freezing - Add All The Users To A Threadpool To Do A Certain Function?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a code which adds each line of a textfile to a List(Of String).I have around 1.5 million entries in the textfile. It adds it to the list in like 1 second. However, I'm trying to add all the users to a threadpool to do a certain function. So I try:

For i as integer = 0 to list.count - 1

The list has like 1.5 million entries so the GUI freezes untill it all finishes in like 5 minutes. How can I make it go faster and not freeze the GUI?

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VS 2010 WebBrowser Looping - Login To Mobile Page

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to login to the mobile login page for hotmail.com. I want to login to each account, I have them in a multi-line textbox1 in username : password format (no-spaces) on new lines. It loops through all the accounts before the page is even loaded. and when the page has loaded, it logs into the hotmail login from the last login details at the end of the textbox, instead of going from first to last. It's not clicking submit button either, its just showing the username and password looping in the inputs. Not submitting at all. The submit button code is right. I know it works. So thats not the problem.
Here is my [URL]

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VS 2010 Looping And Input - Lets The User Select A Folder

Sep 23, 2010

I have a little situation and i am not sure of the best way to do it.

- My program lets the user select a folder

- From that folder i need to select all .png files

- One by one i need to load them into a picture box, await a button press and then go to the next image.

The above that i have typed in red is where im not sure what to do. The other steps i can do.

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.net - Merging Folders Or Subfolders With Same Name Using C#?

Jul 4, 2011

I have two folders at different locations but with the same name. A file is generated in one of the folders and it is to be copied to the other folder but without overwriting the existing contents in C#.File.Copy overwrites the contents which makes me lose the previous contents. Is it possible to merge the contents in the folder?

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Adding Files From Subfolders?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm trying to search a folder and it's sub folders for a file and add those files to a datagridview. I think the code I have is right but I need to get some of the files info, like the name and what not. since I've tweaked it it doesn't work.


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Can't List Contents For Subfolders

Jan 20, 2012

The problem with this code is that I can't list the contents for subfolders for example example /test but it work fine under root folder /.I have used the Ftp.Listdirectory component, which seems only work for root folder /.The coding language is Visual Basic 2010 Express.

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Copy All Subfolders Of A Folder In An Other?

Apr 2, 2011

I got a question in Visual Basic 2010: How can I copy all subfolders (only the subfolders, not the main folder) into another folder?

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Creating A Folder With 99 Subfolders?

May 23, 2012

I'm not really much of a programmer, so I was hoping I could get a little assistance with a simple task.

Quite simply, all I want to do is create a small program that creates a new folder on my C drive, and inside that folder, I want to generate 99 subfolders, named 01-99. I want to be able to input the name of the new folder, click a button, and then voila99 subfolders inside it. That's all I need.

I am pretty good at creating forms, and I already have an idea of how to design it, but the code, nahhh. Thirty years ago, I could probably come up with a for-next loop, but not today.Would anyone be willing to provide a snippet of code that might do this? PS: If anyone is wondering why the heck I need 99 subfolders in a folder, here's why I have a car stereo that supports USB flash drives. I have a 16 GB flash drive, but the car stereo only recognizes 99 folders. There are far, far more than 99 folders on the flash drive, so I have to consolidate them. That's it.

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Delete The Folder But The Subfolders Within

Jan 31, 2012

This piece of code delete the DailyCollection folder. What I want to do is not delete the folder but the subfolders within. The DailyCollection folder should be retained. How can I update the code below..


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Get Files From Subfolders To An Array

Jun 16, 2010

Here I have a function that imports files from a folder and puts them into an array. The problem is: the files from the subfolders aren't included.


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Getting Files From Subfolders To An Array?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a function that imports files from a folder and puts them into an array. The problem is: the files from the subfolders aren't included.

Public Function GetFilesByExtensions(ByVal strPath As String, ByVal colExtensions() As String) As IO.FileInfo()
Dim tmpCollection As New Collection
For Each strExtension As String In colExtensions


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Move Subfolders From One Server To Another?

Nov 14, 2011

I am in a dilemma really, am trying to achieve something which am doing very wrong, though the idea is present. I am trying to a move subfolders within a folder from the server the application is running to another server.


1) myFile - reads files and NOT FOLDERS. This has to move folders instead.

2) ("fi.MoveTo ('destination')", - is not a sqlcommand and its not practically correct. If I ran it as it is, receive teh error message Sqlexception was unhandled. Incorrect syntax near 'destination'

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Searching For Subfolders In Registry

Aug 17, 2010

I'm trying to:
Check for any unused data in the registry relating to MS Loop Back Adapters and remove it
Install New MS Loop Back Adapter
Remove some of its bindings
Remove the Show Icon
Adjust the order of the network adapters

The issue I am having is finding a way to search all sub folders with in a certain folder in the registry. This is the code I have so far
Dim x As Integer
Dim NetworkAdapterLoc As String = "SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlNetwork{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
'{1535ADE9-7E74-4508-951F-30F23A29B5A4}" - This is on of the subfolders I want to look in on my machine
Dim RegKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(NetworkAdapterLoc)
[Code] .....

I even tried to replace the
MSLoopLocKey = RegKey.OpenSubKey(subname(x))
with this
MSLoopLocKey = RegKey.OpenSubKey(NetworkAdapterLoc & "" & subname(x))

But in either case I just seem to list the sub folders I actually want to be searching. A lot of the tasks I want to accomplish with my application will require me to search through multiple sub folders in the registry and either modify the data in a key or remove the entire folder.

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Copy Specific Files From Subfolders?

Oct 26, 2011

I have a program that copies files listed in an excel file and adds two columns together to rename the file when it is copied. This all works perfect. What I am having difficulty with is when the files are copied and renamed - I can't get it to find files in subfolders and copy them also. I have a text file that is created letting me know what files were not copied and the subfolder files are always on there?


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Display The Files In A Folders And A Subfolders?

Dec 31, 2010

how to display a filename and folder name in a folders and subfolders in vb.net

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Folder Contents - Subfolders/files

May 30, 2010

Im trying to find out if this one folder has any subfolders/files

Private Sub LoginForm1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

If My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory.'here' ("C:Encryption CenterACCOUNTS") Then

End If

End Sub

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Forms :: Copy And Rename From Subfolders?

Oct 21, 2011

I have an excel sheet with two columns. One column is the name of a file and the other column is a name that will be added to the filename once the file has been copied.

Column B = test.tif
Column A = find

The result will be = find_test.tif once the file has been copied and renamed......

All is good, however, it appears my program is not looking in subfolders and only in the main directory folder for the images.

What I have so far for the copy portion:

'copy the files specified in column 1 of the first sheet of the Excel workbook
'from the folder given by txtSrce to the folder given by txtDest
Dim xls As New Excel.Application


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Get A List Of Files, Including Subfolders?

Feb 19, 2009

I've tried searching for a way to get a list of all files + all files in all subdirs. I've tried a simple shell("dir /s /b > myfile.txt") but it doesn't work because of some Danish specific characters. I have looked at the "getfiles" method, but I can't get it to work

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Put 99 Subfolders In A Folder By Clicking A Button?

May 23, 2012

Quite simply, all I want to do is create a small program that creates a new folder on my C drive, and inside that folder, I want to create 99 subfolders, named 01-99. That's all I want to do.

I want to be able to input the name of the new folder, click a button, and then voila...99 subfolders inside it.

I am pretty good at creating forms, and I already have an idea of how to design it, but the code, nahhh. Thirty years ago, I could probably come up with a for-next loop, but not today.

Would anyone be willing to provide a snippet of code that might do this?

PS: If anyone is wondering why the heck I need 99 subfolders in a folder, here's why...I have a car stereo that supports USB flash drives. I have a 16 GB flash drive, but the car stereo only recognizes 99 folders. There are far, far more than 99 folders on the flash drive, so I have to consolidate them.

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Search Folders And Subfolders For .txt Files?

Oct 8, 2009

I'm working on an application, in which the first step is to append all files in a folder selected through FolderDialogBox.It works perfevtly.There is a change in the requirement now.The change is, all .txt files within the selected folder and .txt files in the subfolders of the selected folder has to be

Dim theDir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(inputPath)
Dim theFiles As FileInfo() = theDir.GetFiles("*.txt")

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Search Subfolders For File And Open It?

May 12, 2012

When a cell in column A changes, run a macro that will search for a file at a certain folder path (including sub folders) containing what was entered into column A. It will then open that file, copy items into the rows beside where the information was entered. So far I cannot get the search for the file to open the workbook. Microsoft runtime script is included in the references.

Here is what I have so far. Which is not working except for the first sub.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change (By Val Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 1 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(-1,0).Select Then


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Enumerate All Files In Online Folder And Subfolders?

Aug 21, 2010

How can I enumerate all files in an online folder?

How can I download multiple files?

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File Copies From Shared Directory But Not Subfolders?

May 14, 2010

I got a file to copy using vb.net 2.0 from another server to a local folder:

dim source as string = "\servernameshared directoryindex.htm"
dim destination as string = "D:/local folder/index.htm"
system.io.file.copy(source, destination, true)


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Generating A List Of All Files In Folders, Subfolders Of S?

May 15, 2010

coders within the program i'm coding right now I would like to generate an arraylist of all files within a folder, its subfolders and those subfolders subfolders.These are the functions i have to generate an arraylist of all folders in a folder along with all files in a folder is there any more simple way to just search every file within a folder including all subfolders, and subfolders of subfolders?


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