VS 2010 Open A Child Form?

Dec 7, 2011

I have a form that opens in full screen, like this:

Public Function setFullScreen()
With Form1
.MaximizeBox = False
.MinimizeBox = False
.TopMost = True


I want to make a button that will open a form (show it), but show it on the current Form1, and that it wont be able to elave the borders. When I open it, It doesn't show it ON the form1. How do I do it?Another question is ... How can I prevent users from quitting the application by ALT F4, And also prevent them from using the computers functions like Task Manager, ALT Tab,

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Unable To Place A Label Box In The MDI Parent Form And Then Open A Child Form The Label Box Highlighted In Child Form?

Dec 15, 2011

I have an issue when I place a label box in the MDI Parent form and then open a child form the label box highlighted in child form?

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File To Open As Mdi Child Form / Save From Child Form

Nov 17, 2011

I have a MenuStrip with File > New, Open, Save, Exit located in a parent form, and a RichTextBox located in a child form.The problem I'm running into is concerned with the destination of the file elected from "Open" and the save.When a user selects their file from "Open", I need it to open the child form and put the text into the RichTextBox.I also need the program to be able to "Save" from a child form, whether it's been brought up via "New" or "Open".

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Forms :: Open A Child Form - Main Form Is Unresponsive?

Apr 20, 2011

When I open my child form,


It opens up the new form, but now I can not interact with my main form. It will not accept focus or allow me to interact with it.

Do I need to change the form type?

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Open A MDI Child Form Using A MenuList On The Main MDI Parent Form?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a MDI Parent form created with a MenuList, I also have the MDI child form created.ow do I go about using the MenuList to open the MDI child form within the parent form?

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Update Open Child Mdi Form Textbox From Parent Form?

Feb 3, 2012

I have a date selector on mdi parent that updates a property when date is changed. When I open a child form, it grabs the property just fine. However if I change the date again after the child is open the date does not change on the child unless I close and reopen the form as expected. What would be the best way to automatically update all open child forms when the date is changed on the parent at anytime? running a timer to parse the date property is impractical.

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Open MDI With Child Form?

Aug 11, 2011

I want to open MDI form first & then inside that Child form?[code]...

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Disabling The Parent Form When Child Form Is Open

Jul 18, 2012

disable the parent window form as soon as the user will open the child form....

for eg...consider daniweb...when we click on member login the background form gets grayed out....

Disabling the form is not the option cause it will just disable all the controls of the form....but I need a grayed out screen between the current child form and the parent form....

note - the parent form is not the MDI form...it is just a normal window form and when the child form is open and if the user clicks on the main form without closing the child form then the screen should show some movement...

I tried disabling the form...changing the background of the form to opaque....but could not get through it....

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Open A Form As A Child In MDI Container?

Oct 15, 2011

I have this simple set a codes that opens a form as a child in MDI container.

Private Sub BarButtonItem1_ItemClick(sender As System.Object, e As DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs) Handles BarButtonItem1.ItemClick
frmConfirmShipment.MdiParent = Me


When i run this set of codes, system keep telling me that same form cannot be both mdichild and mdiparent, however, I never set my child form as a parent.

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Open Child Form From Other Application?

May 6, 2010

I have 2 vb.net applications. First application is a mdiform and childform. Second application is a single form. I want to open second form as a child form in first application.

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All Of Mdi Child Forms Dont Open When Start From Login Form?

Dec 15, 2011

wen i open mdi through the login form, the forms inside the mdi child forms dont seem to execute.

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Visual Basic (Coding) - Child Form To Open Within A Panel On Its Parent?

Mar 2, 2012

I have created a (kind of) 'Desktop' Form for the main basis of my program. Basically it is made up of 3 panel controls.

1. Holds all buttons which load the different forms (Like the windows start menu when expanded). name: StartMenuPanel

2. Holds Information on log in deatails. name: LogCheckPanel (very thin panel at top of screen)

3. Main panel which takes up the majority of the screen (where I want the forms to load). name: MainPanel

My aim is: When a button is clicked from the 'StartMenuPanel' the form will load with-in the 'MainPanel'.

I tried changing the start position to 'centre parent', but the panels are in the way so some of the childform is overlayed by the panels.


When I run this I get the following error: 'Top-level control cannot be added to a control'.

I hope I've explained this well enough.

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Open A Child Form Within An MDI Form

Mar 21, 2011

I'm hoping this is an easy one....... I have an MDI form MDIPartent1 and I have a form Form1.vb Form1.vb has a series of command buttons on it that make the various forms open and close as needed, much like a menu GUI (Graphical User Interface). I have adjusted the settings of my project to open MDIParent1.vb first and this parent form is set to MAXIMIZE on the screen. After that, I want Form1.vb which should be a child form of MDIParent1 to open in MAXIMIZED state as well. So, I'm wondering what the proper sytax would be and in what EVENT this should be in ?

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VS 2010 Sub/Child Form Close When Click On Main/Parent Form?

Jun 5, 2012

i am having some trouble in my Windows form application. i have 2 forms1st Main / Parent Form2nd Sub / Child Form (Menu)

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Write Text From A Parent Form To The Active Mdi Child Form VB 2010

Jan 28, 2012

It has to be a simple line of code but I do not know how to construct it. Using VB 2010 Express, I have a MDI parent form and many child forms. I want the parent form to determine what child form is active and load data into the RichTextBox1 on the child form. Each Child form has a RichTextBox1. The parent form gets its data by loading a file.

I am close to a solution but just can't get there. You will see in the code below, if I make a direct reference to a specific child form, it works great. What I want to do is to use the Active Form function to determine which form to write to. I have looked at the MS tutorial which gets me close.

Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,


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VS 2010 : Load A Child Form By Default In MDI Parent Form?

Jan 23, 2011

I want to load a child form which is a login form by default when the parent form is loaded.Right now when I click new file on the toolbar of the parent form, then only the login form is loaded but i want it be loaded by default without clicking anything.

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VS 2010 Child Form Tell Parent Form It Is Closing And Send ID?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a parent form that has a list of items and each item has a unique ID. The user can open one or many of the items in a child form (it is set up in a tabbed MDI), but it can only open one instance of each item at a time.

In the parent form, I was going to make a collection (or something like that, maybe there is a better way) to keep track of which items are open in the child forms. I need to know when each child is closed so that it can be removed from the collection and reopened at a later time. I was thinking that when the child form closes, it somehow does something (like raise an event) that tells the parent form to remove the unique ID from the list of current open child forms.

My questions are, is this a good way to do this and I am pretty sure I would use the form closed event in the child form to update that parent form, but as well, I didn't know if this is the best way of handling it.

If raising the event is a good way, are some examples on how to do it out there? I found some for controls, but not while the form is closing/closed.

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VS 2010 MDI Child Form Focus?

Jul 22, 2011

I have MDI application and couple of child windows...This is how I'm opening one child window

Private Sub Membe*******tripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Membe*******tripMenuItem.Click
Dim members As New members
members.MdiParent = Me


My problem is that I dont have an idea how to check is that form already opened and if it is simply to focus it... Now I can open as many as I want same forms (on the picture this are couple same child forms, what I don't want...So I need simple check is this child form opened and if yes focus it?

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Child Window Open Inside Of The Main Window Form?

Oct 12, 2010

I have create a project with one main form window and also i have to use a number of other forms as well. now i want to open these other forms inside the main window and not outside. I'm using Visual Studio .NET 2010 as developing environment.

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VS 2010 Parent-Child Form Using DataGrids

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to create a simple parent-child form in VB2010. I use a datagridview for each table/datasource and each is bound to the parent/child table and each table grid fills correctly. What I want is the parent-child relation to enforce filling the child table with only rows that fulfill the current row on the parent. I have created a DataRelation in the form load, but it will not permit a relation between tables in 2 different datasets. If I attempt to place both tables in a single dataset and define the PK-FK relation in the SQL Server I cannot create 2 separate datagrids from the same dataset.

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Creating A Parent-Child Window Form In VB 2010?

Aug 4, 2011

I am trying to create a simple parent-child form in VB2010. I use a datagridview for each table/datasource and each is bound to the paretn/child table and each table grid fills correctly. What I want is the parent-child relation to enforce filling the child table with only rows that fulfill the current row on the parent. I have created a DataRelation in the form load, but it will not permit a relation between tables in 2 different datasets. If I attempt to place both tables in a single dataset and define the PK-FK relation in the SQL Serve,r I cannot create 2 separate datagrids from the same dataset.

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Timer Control On Child Form Crashes VS 2010?

Sep 7, 2011

I've created a form that has a timer control. When this form loads it counts down before running a procedure. Simple.

Now I want to subclass this form in a new VB.NET project to so that another form inherits this form (an it's timer functionality) and runs a different procedure on this new form.My problem is that when I create the form in my new project the timer from the parent form seems to be running and when it's time is up it runs and code and crashes the VS environment.

I've searched high and low but have only found references to making sure the timer is disabled at design time. I've done this on the parent form but in this parent form's Load event the timer is enabled.... the purpose of the form. So when the child form loads it is enabling the timer. How can I work around this? Can I enable the timer from the child form? Timer is not visible when the child form loads so how do I manipulate it?

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VS 2010 Get Control Collection From Mdi Active Child Form?

Feb 23, 2010

After getting the current mdi active child form, how can I get it's control collection so I can access their data?

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VB 2010 Open Form B To Specific Record From Form B Datagrid

Mar 15, 2012

I have form A that has a datagrid on it, I want to be able to double click a row in form A and open form B to that record.

I know how to do that in VBA in Access 2007, but I am having trouble comprehending the procedure for VB 2010.

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How To Work On Both Parent And Child Form Without Closing Child

Apr 10, 2011

i have created two forms A and B when button in form A is clicked B is invoked when B is running its not possible to work on A until i close form B. How can i work on A without closing B

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Passing Data From Child To Parent Form Which Is A Child Of Another One

Apr 17, 2012

i have three forms

when i click button1 on form1=====> form2.showdialog()
then click button 1 on form2 =====> form3.showdialog
then click button 1 on form 3 =====>


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VS 2010 : Open A Form From A Different Project?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm running VS2010, and I'm trying to open (or show) a form from a different project.My solution contains 3 projects: #1-The main program, #2-a custom control DLL, #3-a report generator project.I want to use a menu item click in project #1, to open (Load & show) a form in project #3. I can't figure out how to programmatically get access to the a form in a project #3.

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VS 2010 : Open Form From Button?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a button, and when I click that button, I want it to close the current form, and then open the new form.Here's the code I have so far:

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click

It closes the current form, and then Form1 only shows for about a quarter of a second. (Appears then disappears really quickly). At least I think that's what it's doing.

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VS 2010 Getting Files To Open In Right Form

Nov 16, 2011

I'm trying to create a program that allows for the viewing of HTML code, either by copy and pasting, importing from the web, or opening a file. I'm trying get an HTML file to open (clicking "open" from menu) as a mdi child form, but I'm completely stuck on how to do it.

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VS 2010 Open / Close Form From Class

May 31, 2011

I am developing client-Server Application, when Server send a command i want to open the form1 and close the form2, Client side has two forms and one class.when i recive the message from server,this code(written in class) execute but it cannot do anything.


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