VS 2010 Openfiledialog Now Blank?

Jul 6, 2010

I have an open file dialog that shows when a button is clicked. Last night it was working fine. This morning I am testing some code and when I click the button to open the dialog the entire form is blank accept the dropdown for filename and the ok and cancel buttons. What happened? I have tried deleting the dialog and the put it back but it still does the same thing.

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VS 2010 OpenFileDialog - Add To Resources?

Oct 16, 2010

I have a OpenFileDialog code, and when I open a file, It's ok. but I want when I click "open" to add it to my resources.

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Control A Webbrowser Openfiledialog VB 2010

Jul 2, 2011

Is it possible to control a openfiledialog which opens in the webbrowser ( example: [URL]) i want to automaticly fill in the filelocation and than click 'Open'

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Visual Web Develper 2010 - Openfiledialog?

Dec 12, 2010

I am working with Visual Web Developer 2010 and i cannot find the OpenFileDialog Control. Does anyone know how i can add it to my toolbox?

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VS 2010 Playing Music From OpenFileDialog?

Dec 5, 2011

playing an audio file that has been selected by the user.

The program I'm working on is an alarm clock, so that may give you an idea of the problem. Basically, I just want the user to be able to select his/her own song to play when the time comes. So, the user clicks on a button, and an OpenFileDialog pops up. The user selects an audio file, and then that file is going to be the file that is played when the alarm goes off.

I'm not near my Microsoft Visual Studio at the moment, so I didn't have time to test it, but here is a code that I think may work:

Private Sub btnChoose_Click
If OFile.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK Then


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VS 2010 - Add Support For Unrecognized Files To OpenFileDialog?

Mar 21, 2011

I am working on a project which use files with a .HRZ extension. These are image files with a simple red, green, blue, red, green, blue structure. There is no header of any kind. I know how to display these files in a picturebox or convert them to a bitmap, but of course Windows 7 does NOT know what they are, so just shows a blank icon in the OpenFileDialog. How easy would it be for me to add support for this file format to Windows and/or the OpenFileDialog so I can show a thumbnail of each file? I can create my own file browser but I would really like to use the OpenFileDialog if at all possible.

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VS 2010 OpenFileDialog - Loading Images Into PictureBox

Jan 7, 2011

I have a 4 pictureboxes for a database I made but having a problem with loading images in to the picturebox. On my form I have a picturebox, 1 button, 1 textbox, and 1 openfiledialog.

My button click event code
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox1.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
Pic1PictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(TextBox1.Text)
End Sub

I can add pics but if I don't select any image (just close the dialogbox) I get an error and not sure what to do ..or what to add. Is there any code to tell it to just close..

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VS 2010 : Add New Row To Blank Datatable?

Mar 24, 2011

I try to view a datagrid with one empty row in it when the form loads. The datagrid has to be bound to a datatable all the time.I get a NullReferenceException with the following

Dim dt As DataTable
dt = CType(Me.grdDataGrid1.DataSource, DataTable)
Dim newrow As DataRow = dt.NewRow()
newrow(0) = 1100

The error occurs on the line where dt.NewRow() is used.The problem occurs when the datatable (and the datagrid) is empty. If they have data, this works ok.What do I have to do to get this to work with empty datagrids?

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VS 2008 OpenFileDialog - Make The OpenFileDialog Filter To Where Only All The .doc Files That Start With "1234567" Show Up?

Jan 4, 2011

I have files that start with unique numbers and are word documents. Say the document starts with "1234567" is there a way to make the OpenFileDialog filter to where only all the .doc files that start with "1234567" show up?

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VS 2010 Using Openfiledialog To Get File Path And Use With Shell Function?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm working on an application, a GUI front-end for a command-line program. What I need to do is this:-use the OpenFileDialog to retrieve the command-line program's path (as it may be in different places for different users)-save that path string in a variable that I can use later (save "C: arget" in a variable called mainPath)

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VS 2010 : Set Initial Value For Textbox As Blank?

Jan 16, 2010

how do i set my initial value for textbox as blank. I tried to I load my textbox a data coming from my database but what my problem is that I need to set my default value for textbox as blank because everytime I load the forms the textbox will be filled immediately with data. This is how I bind my textbox and combobox after loading from database.

cbxJoblvl.DataSource = myDataSet.DefaultViewManager;
cbxJoblvl.DisplayMember = "Joblevel.lvl";
cbxJoblvl.SelectedIndex = -1;
txtLvlName.DataBindings.Add("Text", myDataSet.DefaultViewManager, "Joblevel.lvlname");

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VS 2010 DataGridView Blank Rows?

Feb 8, 2012

on my form i have a GridView with add/edit/delete rows disabled, i need it to show blank rows for the unused size rather than blank background.

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VS 2010 Inserting Blank Row To Datagridview

Jul 29, 2011

I want to add just one line in DataGridView with blank values.

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VS 2010 Removing Blank Lines?

Sep 5, 2011

I have a multiline textbox where I sometimes get the first and last line of data that is blank.

This is my code that populates the textbox:

txtOutput.Lines = lines.ToArray How can I remove these blank rows?

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Create Blank Solution VB 2010 Express?

May 5, 2012

I've got a chapter I'm supposed to be working through and cannot access the template for a blank solution. My instructions are as follows:From the "File" menu, select "New", select "Project", select "Other Project Types", select "Visual Studio Solutions", and select "Blank Solution."

I can see File, I then see "New Project", but not just "Project". I click on this and my only choices are :
Windows Form Application WPF Application Console Application Class Library WPF Browser Application

I've tried searching the installed templates for "Blank Solution", "Solution", "New Solution" and have no results. I've looked around for a couple hours hoping for a way around this and no luck so far.

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VS 2010 - How To Remove All Blank Lines In TextFile

Jun 21, 2012

I use the following coding to replace a word in my textfile, would it be possible to add any coding that will remove all blank lines from the same text file?
Dim EditMyFile As String = IO.Path.Combine("D:Test.txt")
Dim inputFile = Regex.Replace(IO.File.ReadAllText(EditMyFile), "test", "test2")
IO.File.WriteAllText(EditMyFile, inputFile)

I have tried the following but it doesnt work.
Dim EditMyFile As String = IO.Path.Combine("D:Test.txt")
Dim inputFile = Regex.Replace(IO.File.ReadAllText(EditMyFile), "test", "test2")
IO.File.WriteAllText(EditMyFile, inputFile)
Dim sText As String = File.ReadAllText("D:Test.txt")
Dim sNewLines() As String = sText.Split(New Char() {ControlChars.Lf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
File.WriteAllLines("D:Test.txt", sNewLines)

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VS 2010 Blank TextBox Copy Button?

May 7, 2011

I have a textbox and a copy button, when I publish the app and run it, it returns an error if there is nothing in the textbox. I know why its giving me the error, but is there a way to suppress the error? Make it copy nothing? I want to make my co-workers and my lifes a little easier.

Current Copy

Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
End Sub

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Reading EXCEL In 2010 Detecting Blank Cells

May 16, 2012

My Visual Basic .Net 2010 application reads data from an EXCEL spreadsheet which will be generated by my "customers". The responses to Alkis last year (23 July 2011) has been a big help and got me over a hump in my application. Now I am down to the last issue - how do I detect a blank cell? Valid data is numeric, starts at a fixed cell (A5 to be specific), and will be continuous until it ends with blank cells. While blank cells appear to print a "zero", when I try to use zero as an end criteria I get a 'System.InvalidCastException'. When I put in a specific end value (-1) in the last cell all works fine but that, of course, is an invitation to a user error.What is the difference between "Value" and "Value2" and where might I find documentation that explains the difference? [code]

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VS 2010 Extra Blank Page On Rdlc Report

Oct 21, 2011

I have an rdlc report that always produces the last page in blank. In this page, the header and the footer are printed but no data is shown (all data finishes in the previous page). I already checked and re-checked the horizontal and vertical printable areas and all the report definitions fit into these areas (if not, a blank page will be produced in between each page, I guess). If the report has one page, two pages are printed, if there are ten pages with data, eleven pages are printed

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VS 2010 How To Read A Text File That Has Blank Spaces

Dec 4, 2011

I have a notepad txt file that has two columns of data. Vb reads data having one blank space (this is in column one) but ignores any other data beyond two blank spaces. in addition to being able to read the second column, I want to store the data thats in the column 2 in a separate string.

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VS 2010 - Labels - Picture - Blank Item, Or Empty Space, A Control Has Failed To Draw Of Something

Nov 2, 2011

Everywhere in this picture you see a blank item, or empty space, a control has failed to draw of something. In this case they are all textboxes.


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VS 2010 Detect Shift + Arrow Key In Form Keydown Event In BLANK Form

Mar 27, 2011

I need to detect shift + arrow key in blank form. But it's not working. I also tried overriding IsInputKey method but it only detects single key press (like arrow key) but when multiple key are pressed it simply doesn't work.

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Add Datatables Via Openfiledialog?

Nov 11, 2011

I'm trying to the contents of a datatable to a datatable thats allready in my form using the openfiledialog.[code]...

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Get Directory Value From Openfiledialog?

Aug 17, 2009

how to get directory value from openfiledialog

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How To Print While Using Openfiledialog

May 26, 2009

I am trying to create this program to print out a certification for each employee from a list of employees... The problem is that I can't seem to get it to work correctly with using the openfiledialog form...

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Public Class MainForm


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OpenFileDialog And SaveFileDialog?

Mar 6, 2012

My users need to browse to select a file and then save it to a different location. Here's my code I've got so far - it incorporates the OpenFileDialog to open the file and the SaveFileDialog to save the file. When the code goes into the OpenFileDialog portion, it works great....the initial directory is set to "C:" This is where the user will select the file they want to save to another location.

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OpenFileDialog Hangs Used Once?

May 26, 2012

ApplicationName has stopped workingA problem caused the program to stop working correctly.Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

Here is my code:
Private Sub OpenFile()
Dim OpenFileDialog As New OpenFileDialog


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OpenFileDialog To String?

Apr 30, 2009

I am trying to open a file, and turn it into text in a rich text box. How can I do this? I have the dialog open, but I am not sure how to make the file I open to work with a rich text box.

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OpenFileDialog() To UNC Path?

Mar 13, 2009

This is my first post on dreamInCode, Is it possible to browse and select a file on a server share, but I need it to return the UNC path. e.g. if I select F:\sharename\filename.txt, it will work out the share path on the PC and show the actual Path.\\servername\sharegroupName\sharename\filename.txt

The reason for this is that some users have different share drive letters.


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Put A Filter In The OpenFileDialog?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm trying to put a filter in the OpenFileDialog that makes it only show files with the extensions .REB and .MRG.

This is what I have but it isn't working: OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "MRG and REB Files (*.MRG;*.REB)|*.MRG;*.REB"

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