VS 2010 Partial Update To Database Using Dataset?

Apr 27, 2011

I'm developing an application where depending on a textfile input i should update/insert some data into an Access database. Let;s say I'm updating the bookshelf of a book according to a textfile that goes like:

000000001 | 000000000A
and so on


does that make any sense? What I'm trying to do is basicalle: check if a book exists, if yes, then attach to Dataset, change its Bookshelf to the one in the textfile and repeat until the file is completely read. The Bookshelf can or not exists, if it doesn't then it should be inserted, is it done automatically when I update the Dataset? Finally "Batch update" the whole Dataset.

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VS 2010 - Update DataSet To Reflect Changes In Database?

Apr 4, 2012

I am currently developing an application that is linked to a MS SQL Server 2008 Database. So now I realised that I needed to make a few minor changes to the database (add new columns to some tables, change the data type of a few columsn in some tables). After making the changes, I realised that these changes have not been updated in my VB application's dataset. I then tried to "refresh" the dataset, but it still is not updating the dataset. What do I need to do to update the dataset to reflect the changes in the database?

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VS 2010 Exporting Partial Access Database

Dec 20, 2011

I have done a small app using vs 2010 with an access database. Initially what my friend asked for, was an app, running on one computer. So local access database was a good choice, i thought.

The app is used for collecting data from different enterprises, and different workers in this enterprises. My friend asks me now: �what if two people are using the app on their computers, collecting data in the same place from different workers. Can I, at the end of the day, export data from one computer to another, so that i have the full information in one computer, in one database?

My answer is that this was not the purpose of the app. Probably we should have looked, instead of a local database, for a web app using a centralized mysql database.

But since that is not the case, and the app is almost finished, my question is: can you do it? Can you partially export some records from different tables, and import them later, so you have the complete actualized database in one app?

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How To Update A Dataset To Database

Aug 17, 2009

So I'm not familiar with much vb code but I was hoping someone my spell out something pretty generic as far as updating a database. I'm pretty sure I've successfully edited rows but when i'm using my database update i get an error, probably just incorrect syntax. This is what I have so far...


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Update A Database With Changes To A DataSet?

Apr 3, 2011

I use this code and update the database with changes in my DataSet but the changes are not showing up in the database.

' Update the connection object.
myConnection.ConnectionString = FormMain.strDatabaseConnection


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Cannot Get DataSet To Update Access Database?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a form in vb8 that is set up as follows:
I have a table in my Access database calledUsers that has a name and a password (encrypted).
Using the toolbar I created aBindingSource with a name of UsersBindingSource and a dataSource ofUsers
Using the toolbar I created aDataset called with a Name and a DatasetName called Users_Dataset
Using the toolbar I created atableAdapter called UsersTableAdapter
I added two textboxes on the form and changed theirDatabindings...Text property to the corresponding field in the Database.

How to now update the database when I click Update. What the program needs to do first is encrypt the Password before saving it. I wrote the code in the TextBox2.Lostfocus event to encrypt the data a place it back into the TestBox2 field. The only samples I find on the net refer to DataGridView controls (which work) but I don't want to use them. How can I get the database to accept these changes as well as changes to radio buttons or comboboxes?

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Cannot Update Database (dataset Is Updating)

Nov 8, 2010

On a form i have several text boxes binded to a bindingsource and including a datagridviewI have populated the textboxes with database fields successfully and the datagridview displays the correct information.I have the following code to save the information to the database but i cannot get it to work. [code] I have tried many code examples here in order to save the data, none of which has worked.Can anyone please help me with this?

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DB/Reporting - Update Database From Dataset

May 23, 2009

i'm using vb 2008 express editor, and 3.5 compact sql, through my program, i make changes, like altering rows, deleting or adding new rows, to a dataset. i want, that when button 1 is pressed, all changes made to that dataset, are updated to my database. what is the line of code that does this? [Code]

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Unable To Update The Database Nor Dataset

Jun 3, 2012

I am developing an application which uses a database that holds the information about a company and it's personnel. but when I try to edit already existing data in the dataset it just won't update it. I've tried all the method the MS sites provided me, but it just won't. the code looks like this: (notice this code wasn't complete)


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Update A Database From Dataset With Tableadapter?

Dec 8, 2009

AddNodesTableRows As SampleDatabaseDataSet.NodesRow
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 10
AddNodesTableRows = SampleDatabaseDataSet.Nodes.NewNodesRow()


End Try I've get no errors or exceptions from this code but it will not put the data into the database file. It always run through the "update successfull" yet nothing is ever written out to the file.

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Update Sql Database From Dataset On Runtime?

Feb 15, 2012

I am popolating a DataGridView with a DataSet from an SQL database like in example bellow.

After I am making some changes I need to know how can I save modified data in SQL database>

Let's say that I have a form with a DGV and a button. On load I will put ten lines from a tbale from database inside the DGV. Then i will make some changes and after that when I click on the button I need to save the modified information. Everything has to be done on runtime.


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Allow Only Numeric Values In Dataset Partial Class?

Aug 5, 2009

I have a textbox which is bounded to the typed dataset. If the user in the textbox &hit keydown, it should allow only numeric values with 2 decimal points and also it should not allow more than one "."(dot). I found many but all thats are using textbox event

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Update A Database Record Using An SQLDataAdapter And Dataset?

Dec 17, 2009

I am using vb2008 express edition and SQL Server 2000What I am trying to do is programmically populate a dataset with records from a database and then bind the fields to textbox controls so that and changes will be updated in the dataset and eventually the database.I have managed to get as far as displaying the data in a form, but cannot understand how to update the database when a button is clicked.

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Update DataBase For Dataset Filled By Join Query?

Feb 26, 2012

i have a dataset that filled by this query :

SELECT Invoices.ID, Invoices.invoicenu, Invoices.pdate, InvoiceList.icaption, Invoices.icaptioncode, Invoices.ccode, Invoices.postedbill, Invoices.billnumber, SUM(InvoicesDetaile.price)
AS Tprice


a datagridview is showing dataset data and user check checkedcolumn of datagridview (postedbill filed) and after user mark a few rows , i want update (invoice table) in database .

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Update Dataset Back To Remote Database Via Web Service

Jul 14, 2011

I am connecting to a web service that returns a dataset that I use as a datasource for a windows client datagridview.

Once a user has made changes to the datagridview record(s), how do I get those changes back to the connected dataset and back to the remote database.

I wrote the sql update function in the service:

Code Snippet from web service

<WebMethod()> _
Public Sub Update_equipment_repair(ByVal repair_id As Int64, ByVal date_entered As DateTime, ByVal date_sent_in As DateTime, ByVal date_returned As DateTime, ByVal damage_description As String, ByVal vendor_id As Int64, ByVal repair_description As String)


This displays the records perfectly and I figured out how to delete and insert records via web service.

writing updates from the datagridview back to the database.

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Update Dataset Back To Remote Database Via Web Service?

Jul 14, 2011

I am writing a small windows client application that accesses data using a web service that returns datasets.When the dataset is returned, a datagridview's datasource is set to the dataset.

My question is, how do I write changes that were made in the datagridview back to the dataset and then back to the remote database.


Now the client snippet that connects to the service and lists the equipment

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C# - Update A Specific Column Of Dataset's Table Data To SQL Database

Oct 15, 2011

I have a gridview loaded with data from my database and a gridview swapping function which after exchanging data between rows with a column call "Priority", I want to save these changes back to my database. Only the "Priority" column value will be change, how do I update only that Column of my dataset table to my SQL database?


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VS 2008 : Perform Add, Edit, Delete In A Dataset That Will Update The Database As Well?

Mar 21, 2010

How to perform add, edit, delete in a dataset that will update the database as well?

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IDE :: Partial Class Code Behind A Dataset Object / Is It Running In A Separate Thread

Jan 27, 2010

I am instantiating a form object in my code behind the dataset just to access some form level variables and to occasionally set a label in the navigator bar. Recently in the b2 Team version of VS2010 there are some strange errors thrown in the immediate window and then I'm tossed out of debug mode and back into the IDE. This code has been operating for some time in this project without this behavior. A team member has just reproduced the behavior in his development machine also.The error that starts the shutdown of the debug instance is this: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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VS 2010 DataGridView - How To Add / Edit And Update DataSet

Jan 13, 2010

How can I add, edit, + update my dataset (I created in code) which is bound to my dgv through user input in the dgv?

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VS 2010 XML Or DataSet As A Database?

Dec 13, 2011

I am in a bit of a sticky situation. I am currently writing a program where users are going to have to search for a specific skill in order for a calculation to take place.I have to hard-code around 500 skills but they also have to be able to search for the skill via a text box.I am stuck on whether or not to use an XML file to hold all this data or use a DataSet.I have no experience with either, but the XML file seems more appealing because I wouldn't then have to re-release the program for an update on skills, only the XML file would need to be replaced.

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Filtering Dataset - Dataset (WW1Dataset) With One Data Table(WW1) (database Used In An Access Database)

Feb 1, 2010

I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.

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Database "update" Button To Validate The Input Before Applying It To The Dataset ?

Jan 22, 2009

Ok, so I have created an Access database, and everything is working fine (much to my amazement) except for one thing. I want the database "update" button to validate the input before applying it to the dataset, and if there is an error (empty field) I want it to pop a message and highlight the text box in question where the error occured (there are 7 textboxes).

How precisely do I go about doing that?


This is what I have so far for the update button. I attempted the "textbox1.isnullorempty"

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Update Dataset Table With Mysql Database Table?

May 22, 2011

How can I update local dataset with mysql database without making duplicates. Assuming I set some column in mysql as primary key, which has unique string.

adapter.fill will just add duplicates, but adapter.clear before that is not an option.

So I want to update if the key column is the same with mysql data and if there is option for ignore adding new row.

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VS 2010 Database Update/New Row?

Feb 10, 2011

Well I'm using VS2010 and I'm still fairly new at it, and with the databases in it. So here's what I'm trying to accomplish, and it too is also very basic I'm sure, but I haven't been able to figure out the few lines I need to accomplish it.

I have a generically database (Database1) and the generically names dataset (Database1DataSet) along with a table names Ruler_Information (tableadapter and bindings for this table). I have two text boxes named Ruler_NameTextbox and Ruler_PasswordTextBox. I want the database to accept these two textboxes as inputs for a new row. Here is my code, it obviously doesn't accomplish what I want, that's why I'm here:


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Partial Entity Class With Shared Extension Not Associated With 'other' Partial Class In Client Using RIA Services?

Apr 21, 2011

I have extended an Entity Framework 4 entity class with a calculated property in a partial class. This member is not available on the client to which the entities are exposed via WCF RIA Services.when using C# appears to be changing the extension of the partial class file from .cs to .shared.cs. I tried this with my VB.Net solution (.vb to .shared.vb) and got a long list of errors. I believe what happened is that the partial class lost its association with the entity on the client - it inherited from object rather than EntityObject.

My best guess is that this is related to the way that VB.Net handles namespaces.Each project has a 'Root Namespace' which is prepended to anything that is defined within a code file. C# has a 'Default Namespace'which is the namespace into which new types are placed by default - via a namespace statement within the file.The partial class is probably having the client namespace prepended to it which puts it into a different namespace than the entity with which it is associated on the server.Is there any means of extending an entity in such a way that those extensions are available on the client via WCF RIA Services and VB.Net?

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Update Access Database From Vb 2010?

Jul 29, 2010

update access database from vb 2010?


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VS 2010 - Cannot Update MSSQL Database

Aug 1, 2010

I am aware about the COPY ALWAYS or DO NOT COPY features for files and database files.But my problem is the following:This is the

Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
Dim mhkos As Integer = 1
Dim ypsos As Integer = 1


where the MDF file is located I am getting an error...as the MSSQL server does not allow even to copy the file to an other location.

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VS 2010 Update Access Database

Jan 9, 2011

I am trying to update my access database after changing one of the values of a dataset I loaded from it..[code]I already created a dataset called "Address" using the DataAdapter.fill method. Name and ID have values assigned to them in my program and ID corresponds to the ID# in my Access database.I receive the following error:Dynamic SQL generation is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any base table information.I am completely new to working with databases

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VS 2010 Update Database Without Overwriting On Publish?

May 17, 2012

vs 2010, vb.net My program uses clickonce to automatically check my website for an updated publish, and then download and install if a newer version exists. I have been publishing my updates with the database excluded because if I include it, it overwrites the user's existing database with a new empty database.

My issue is that the new version of my software needs to have additional columns added to the existing database so that the user can save additional information. For example, the previous database table allowed saving client first name and last name, but the new version needs to have a new column for "address".

Is there a way for me to add a permanent database table or add a column to the user's existing database table without overwriting their current data?

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