VS 2010 Refreshing Map Data In A 2D RPG?

Jan 8, 2012

It uses a Drawmap() sub with map data to create the map on the game load, but I can't seem to get it to refresh, and then re-draw the map based on player location. For example, if the player walks into a door, then it refreshes the map to show them in a building. Any advice on this? Code below:

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Form1


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Disposing Data On Form Close Or Refreshing Data Adapters

Aug 14, 2010

I am working on a huge multiform project for my company, and one of the few issues I am having is that when I am on the Main Menu Form, then go into a specific form (i.e Sales Order, etc.), do updates, changes, or just view data then close the Sales Order Form, if I happen to go back into the Sales Order Form without closing the entire project, then the Sales Order Form will display data instead of opening a blank form like when I first opened it.

Is there something that I should be adding to the Form Close Event to dump all of the data or refresh the data adapters so that if I open the form again, it will display a blank form that is ready to be used like when I first opened it?

I have tried using;

when closing these subforms, but if I open them again, the data fields (combo boxes and text boxes) will have random data in them.

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Textbox Data Not Refreshing

Jun 12, 2011

I have two textboxes...on the textchanged event of one textbox, readonly property of other textbox gets defined...e.g. first textbox is retrieving data as add,update,delete...when the first textbox text is changed to update then & then only second textbox readonly property is set to false...Now the problem,I am facing is....whenevr first textbox text is add,delete,its working fine..& second textbox is fetching the correct data..but once first textbox data gets changed to update,second textbox data remain unchanged though its readonly property gets changed correctly..it shows the same data as it was showing the first time when first textbox was changed to update...but after that,its data is not changing.

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VS 2010 Refreshing WebBrowser IP?

Oct 15, 2010

I am in need of a method to refresh a webbrowser object's IP address. Until now, I've just change the value in the Registry. However, the webbrowser only gets the IP when it is first instantiated (when it first navigates to a web page). So, it will not update every time I change the registry. I know there is a way to simply change the IP of the webbrowser itself, so that it will update the IP every time the command is run in VB6, however I have no idea how to do this in VB.NET.

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Automatically Refreshing Data Within Win App Every 30 Minutes?

Jun 24, 2011

I would like the client app being able to refresh the data every 30 minutes.

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Refreshing A Data Grid View?

Feb 23, 2012

This looks like an easy fix but I can't figure this out. I'm trying to have button click event on a subForm (NewTournament), add a record to a database, and then to notify a data grid which lists the records from the same database automatically (the grid is listed on HomeForm).I so for am able to update the database and call upon a new window. But I can't get it to refresh that datagrid for anything. I know I'm supposed to clear the datagrid, get changes, then refill the grid. But everytime I do this, the code is NOT updating. Furthermore, I can very well see that the record is being added.

Private Sub CreateTournament_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateTournament.Click
' Check the form for errors, if none exist.


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Refreshing Data From DataTable To DataGridView?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm facing a problem with a datagridview datasorce, or refreshing it. I'll try to explain what is happening. So I have a datagridview called dgvMaterials, I'm binding datasorce to the datagridview from one table in mySQL server. Here is the code:

Dim ds As New DataSet
Private Sub frmSettings_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Refreshing Data Using AJAX In ASP Masterpage?

Jan 16, 2012

I have some processes that run as a background job, allowing a user to continue to use a page, when the jobs are finished (which can take a few minutes) i want to display a message to the user, the best place to display this would be the masterpage AFAIK (incase they move from page to page on the site) so i have defined a div in the masterpage file.

I am trying to find the best method for displaying the data, at the moment i have a method in the masterpage vb file which polls a database to see if the job(which involves complex logic and some db access) has completed, if it has, it shows a message in the div e.g. "Job 13132 has completed" - which works fine.

The problem is this is not dynamic, and i have to refresh the page to call the function that checks if the processes have finished, how can i use AJAX to deliver this content automatically every 5 seconds?

I have tried using an asp timer with a 5 second tick time but the entire page refreshes on the timer click event every 5 seconds.Protected Sub Timer1_Tick(Byval sender as Object, Byval e As EventArgs)


Is there a way to only refresh the div with the updated message, without a full refresh happening using this code? Or if this is not possible, is there any way to replicate the above function using jQuery and still be able to update the DIV text only if a job as finished?

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VS 2010 Prevent Datagridview From Refreshing?

Mar 5, 2011

the Datagridview is included in first tabpage. first tabpage is the search form and the second tabpage is the record detail view. user is switching and working between those two continuously.

The problem is that everytime user selects the tabpage1 the datagridview repaints itself. there is about 6000 rows in datagridview so it takes about 2-3 sec to paint itself. I know the delay is normal and can't avoid that. but it affects the tabpage selection. tabpage1 isn't selected completely until the Datagridview1 finishes it job. in this time the tabpage1 and tabpage2 gets combined and confused.

is there a way to put datagridview processing in backgroundworker or something that doesn't affect main UI ?

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VS 2010 Refreshing Picturebox Automatically?

May 29, 2011

I'm new to VB programming and I'm trying to develop a program where you browse and select a picture, then it opens in a Picturebox. Afterwards you can choose to open that same picture in paint. My question is, after opening it in paint, making changes to it and saving the picture, how can I make it refresh automatically on the Picturebox with the new changes ? The code I'm using to open my image in paint is the following :


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VS 2010 Usercontrol Drawing Refreshing?

Jan 15, 2011

i'm an old VB6 programmer that has just starting dabbling in VB.NET 2010 and my first project is a Usercontrol Button project and i'm running into some trouble with refreshing the usercontrol on events.

For example when you mousedown on the usercontrol i want it to act as if the button is being pressed in, to do this i make the caption move 2 pixels down and to the left. And then reverse this when the usercontrol mouseup is triggered.I think my code is correct but i'm not 100% sure what i'm doing with me.refresh and the usercontrol_paint events.


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Asp.net - Refreshing DropdownList Data, After A New Item Has Been Selected

May 10, 2011

I have two dropdownlist, one is State and one is City. When a State is selected, the City dropdownlist becomes populated. At that point you can select a city, however if you select a city and go back and select a different state, the city dropdownlist is populated by the cities for both states. How do I get it clear the cities for the first state?

Here is the code behind

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub


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Data Lost When Refreshing The Server Explorer?

Mar 24, 2011

i had insert data to my database.and it run perfectly like i want.but when i refresh the server explorer all the data that i inserted using my form is lost when i debug it again.

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DB/Reporting :: Refreshing A Data Adapter / Combobox?

Mar 22, 2009

I'm currently coding an ATM system in VB, and when a user picks a card to 'log on' with, they have 3 attempts to log on before the card is confiscated. The card numbers are in a combobox (which are retreived from an SQL database using the DataAdapter), and each card has a boolean 'confiscated' field in the database.


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Refreshing Data On Window Form Without Closing?

Apr 21, 2009

have a main form that displays a users score.I hide the main form when going to a child form.When that child form is closed, it will show the main form.The problem is that the datathat has been changed when going to the child form is not displayed on the main form since it has not been closed.Is there anyway around this?

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VS 2005 Refreshing Data Source In A Combobox?

Mar 22, 2009

I'm currently coding an ATM system in VB, and when a user picks a card to 'log on' with, they have 3 attempts to log on before the card is confiscated.

The card numbers are in a combobox (which are retreived from an SQL database using the binding source which is linked to a data adapter), and each card has a boolean 'confiscated' field in the database.

It does actually set the card to confiscated after the 3 tries, however I'd like the form to 'refresh' so the card no longer appears in the combobox, without having to close down the form and reload it. Is there a way to do this? I've tried refreshing the combobox and data adapter (.Refresh) but this does nothing

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VS 2008 Refreshing The Datatable With Current Data From The DB?

May 7, 2010

I load up a datatable - bind it to a binding source and a binding navigator - and lots of textboxes on the screen bound to that as well.When I get a concurrency violation - another user has already changed my vendor, let's say - what is the best method to go about refreshing the datatable with current data from the DB?

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VS 2010 Refreshing A Datagrid When Add - Deleted Or Edit A Row Via Another Form

Apr 5, 2011

so I am a little confused. I am trying to refresh my datagrid when I have either add, deleted or edit a row via another form. I have it so my main form shows the datagridview, I have bound my controls to the database and I see all rows, no problem. I also have it setup to double click a row and it brings it up in another form to edit that record. This works. but it doesn't refresh the datagrid when saved. I am trying to follow this thread, specifically this post Refresh Datagridview - Post 2 Here is how I am loading the datagridview in main form


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VS 2010 System.Drawing.Drawing2d.Graphics Refreshing

Apr 28, 2010

So basically I created Dim gr As System.Drawing.Graphics on my picturebox and I am drawing on it.

Each time I cover my window with anything or move it away from the screen whatever was covered/invisible becomes missing.

As I understand I can do:


But I just can't figure out when should I call restore().

Tried on:


When should I restore?

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VS 2010 : Make A Little App That Displays The Battery Life Of A Notebook - Timer Not Refreshing?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm trying to make a little app that displays the battery life of a notebook, and also whether it is charging or not.I've got it displaying the battery percentage and if it is running via the cable or battery alone.My problem is that I have a timer constantly ticking to grab the latest information as to whether it is still chraging, what the battery % is like, however for some reason when it first runs it get's the info but then that's it, it won't refresh the info in real time. I'm confused because the battery can deplete but the program only displays what info it got when it was first ran but if I unplug the power cord or plug it back in it refreshes that info straight away. My code is:

Public Class Form1
Dim psBattery As PowerStatus = SystemInformation.PowerStatus
Dim perFull As Single = psBattery.BatteryLifePercent
Dim GraphicPercent As VariantType


The bit I've highlighted in red in my code won't work either, basically I've shaped the two labels to look like a crude battery shape and label2's function is to represent the nobly bit at the top of the battery and I wan't that to change to Lime when the battery is 100%.why it won't refresh the graphical output to the screen?

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"Refreshing" DataGridView Data Between Forms?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a DataGridView on FormA and a DataGridView on FormB. The DataGridView on FormA is initially populated from a file. This same file is being reused when data is saved from either form.

What works: I show FormB by clicking a button (control) located on FormA and all of the data that is in FormA's DataGridView is read into the one on FormB from the file. I can make changes to the DataGridView on FormB and save back to the file but when I close FormB, the data on FormA remains the same as originally read in.

What is needed: If I make changes on FormB, what is the best way to refresh the DataGridView on FormA when I return to it? FormB is closed at this point. I tried to include a call (as the last statement) in the button control on FormA to read the data from the file again as this works initially but nothing happens.

Note: the FormA's DataGridView is also in a Tab control if this makes any difference to try and get it to refresh.

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VS 2010 - Form.Activated - Refreshing A Form Bound To Different Tables

Feb 4, 2011

I had issues in refreshing a form that is bound to different tables in a database. Various forms allow the user to change and add and update information on the form via the database. I had created a public sub in that form that the other forms could call, after saving the data, that was supposed to refresh the data on the main form. This was not working so I researched the problem. I came across this page which pertains to Form.Activated: [url]

I placed all of the table adapter fills into this event, instead of in Form_Load, and it seems to work now, when the form first loads, and when other forms update data. My question is does anyone have experience using this and what are the consequences, if any, in using this to reload/refresh the data showing on the form?

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Combobox Not Refreshing?

Mar 25, 2011

I have a combobox which is populated using a tableadapter. I set the selection to nothing on form load



How can I make the combo show the correct items ?

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My Gridview Not Refreshing

Feb 22, 2011

I am trying to get my gridview to refresh after entering data but it only refreshes after i close and open the program.

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Refreshing A DataGridView?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a form that uses a tab control. On the main tab is a DataGridView containing Customer information. If I double-click on a row in that DGV, I go to another tab in which I can either make changes or delete the record. Whatever I do, whether it be delete it or modify it, after clicking on the appropriate command button, focus goes back to the main tab. What I wish to do is have the changes be reflected on that DGV. If the record is deleted then I want the DGV to not have that record present. This DGV is bound to a BindingSource. What control/dataset to I need to "Refresh" in order for this to happen?

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Text Box Not Refreshing

Jul 29, 2009

I have a VB (2008) program that I wrote that will not refresh the info in a textbox. I've tried to refresh, update, hide/show the data but cannot get it to work. Here is a code snippet:[code]The concept of what I'm trying to do is quite simple. the user selects one or more sites to check, the program shells out and SSH's into the device(s), grabs the output an parses the data. It then turns different boxes to different colors based on the output. The maddenign thing is it works for the first time through and sometimes the second, but never any farther.At the end it paints everything just fine and if I insert a blank msgbox within the code it refreshes fine as well.

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Automatically Refreshing A Datagrid?

Oct 30, 2010

I have a datagrid, linked to a database. The user of my program can update the database, in one place, then i want my datagrid on another form to update automatically.

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Environment Variable Not Refreshing

May 19, 2011

I've made a simple program that set environment variables like [code]...

If I close de command prompt then open it again, it's OK.

How can I refresh the environment variables in the command prompt I use my program?

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Jquery - Avoid Refreshing A Div If The Div Has Been Used?

Jul 29, 2011

i have a div inside a iframe. It will be refreshing very 10 seconds.the div place holder has 4 text boxes controls. if any of the textbox is used then i want to not to refresh the div.

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Refreshing A DataGridView After DB Has Changed?

Jun 12, 2011

I need to "refresh" a DataGridView, bound to a database table, on a form within a TabControl The DataGridView is loaded correctly on strartup... But if the data in the DataBase change, How do I refresh it to reflect new records or updates?

this is what I am doing in code, after looking for some examples on the web:

Me.MyTableAdapter.ClearBeforeFill = True


but nothing changes at all...Do I need to refresh/repaint the TabControl as well as th Form containing it? or what else??

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