VS 2005 Refreshing Data Source In A Combobox?

Mar 22, 2009

I'm currently coding an ATM system in VB, and when a user picks a card to 'log on' with, they have 3 attempts to log on before the card is confiscated.

The card numbers are in a combobox (which are retreived from an SQL database using the binding source which is linked to a data adapter), and each card has a boolean 'confiscated' field in the database.

It does actually set the card to confiscated after the 3 tries, however I'd like the form to 'refresh' so the card no longer appears in the combobox, without having to close down the form and reload it. Is there a way to do this? I've tried refreshing the combobox and data adapter (.Refresh) but this does nothing

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DB/Reporting :: Refreshing A Data Adapter / Combobox?

Mar 22, 2009

I'm currently coding an ATM system in VB, and when a user picks a card to 'log on' with, they have 3 attempts to log on before the card is confiscated. The card numbers are in a combobox (which are retreived from an SQL database using the DataAdapter), and each card has a boolean 'confiscated' field in the database.


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Change The Data Source Of A ComboBox?

May 15, 2012

I have two comboboxes. The data sorce of combobox1 is a list of string that is fixed.Combobox2's data sorce will be a list of string that depends on the selection of combobox1. This is very similar to a common case as follows: first enter your contry, then depending on your enter, the second combobox will show you the list of universities in the country.

'Change selection of first combobox
Private Sub cbxClient_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cbxClient.SelectedIndexChanged


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After Save It's Not Refreshing The Binding Source

Jun 3, 2011

I've got a somewhat sillier question this time. After I insert/update my data using SQLParameters, it wont refresh. I'm using the following code to refresh the binding source:


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Refreshing Binding Navigator / Source?

May 15, 2009

I use the Add new button (of the Binding Navigator) to clear the text boxes for a new record, but then have a Update button on the form where I do an Insert query to SQL, which works because if I refresh the table in SQL the new row is there.However when I then use the Binding Navigator 'move previous' button I get an error saying "Column 'AllowOverbook' does not allow nulls. " - now this is a column that is defined in the database to have 'Allow Nulls' = False, but I do not display this field on my form because in this case it is not required.Instead I have it included on my Insert statement and just set it to '0'
Also when you look at the table every entry in the AllowOverbook column is '0' and there are no NULLS.

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Datagridview Display Queryed Data In It Using Combobox As Source Of ID Value?

Jan 9, 2012

How to setup a datagridview to display data based on a combobox value, then query the data on that value to display the results in a datagridview. This is what i have so far but i'm sure the is a better way of doing it. the current code doesn't work. [code]...

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Get Datagrid View Combobox Items From A Data Source?

Nov 30, 2010

i have a query as i am using a data griid view which has 7 colums one off these colums is a combobox"item"

for the list of items in this combobox i want to pick from a database table

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Combobox Not Refreshing?

Mar 25, 2011

I have a combobox which is populated using a tableadapter. I set the selection to nothing on form load



How can I make the combo show the correct items ?

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Refreshing Items In A Combobox

Oct 11, 2011

I want to update the contents of a combobox in a VB program. So I change the underlying data structure (which is an ArrayList), and according to the documentation in [URL] there's a RefreshList method which should do this. But Visual Studio tells me that there's no such method, and when I type it in manually I get an error saying that RefreshList is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.


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Obtaning The Data Source Of MsSQL 2005?

Aug 8, 2011

currently developing the backup and restore procedure of my database....and im using the SQL UTILITY[URL]..but...i was thinking if is it possible to obtain the Data Source or the Server name automatically...when the form load.

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VB 2005 Express - Add New Data Source Error?

Feb 21, 2009

I am usinf VB 2005 Express and I an trying to connect to a SQL Server 2005 Express Database using the "Add New Data Source"I keep gettig the following error.Unable to open physical file "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server MSSQL.1MSSQLDataHeartland.mdf. Operating system erro 32: "32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by anither process.)"An attempt to attach an auto-named database for the file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server MSSQL.1MSSQLDataHeartland.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.

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Refreshing A Combobox After Adding Or Deleting

Mar 4, 2012

I can't figure out how to refresh the combobox on my main form after I have added or deleted an item to the table that populates the combobox. I use a separate form to add, change and delete items in the combobox table. I have tried different suggestions that I have found on the subject on the web. Nothing seams to work... Here is what I have right now that does not work.


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Refreshing Databound ComboBox Values On Form

Jun 9, 2008

I have a databound combobox that displays a list of items, and I have a windows form that opens after clicking a button that allows me to make changes to the table that the combobox gets it's values from. When I make the changes and save them (successfully) and return to the parent window, the changes aren't reflected in the combobox. If I exit the app and launch it again the changes are reflected perfectly. I've tried me.combobox.refresh() on the forms GotFocus event, but no luck.

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Create A Crystal Report In 2005 Using Data Source Wizard?

Apr 12, 2010

How to create a crystal report in vb.net 2005 using data source wizard.

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Setup A Db Data Source In A Visual Studio 2005 Deployment

Oct 21, 2009

I'm working on deploying a visual studio 2005 windows application executable with an embedded crystal report using visual basic. It seems to install everything just fine, however, the system dsn isn't being setup.

How do you configure a setup project to setup the system dsn during the installation?

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VS 2005 Custom Connection String In Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Apr 17, 2009

I am looking to make a data connection with a network server(sql server 2005). When I run the data source configuration wizard, it allows me only to pick a local database file. I want to use a connection string like this "Data Source=SQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=mydb;User Id=username;Password=password;" I know I can do that programmatically. But I would like to know whether I can do that using the data source wizard so that I will be able to use Bindingsources and tableadapters.

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Update Source Combobox To Printer Combobox Selection?

Mar 27, 2011

Is there a way to update source combobox to printer combobox selection?So going from printer1 to printer2 the source will update according to what that printer has to offer.

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VS 2005 Refreshing Form After N Seconds?

Apr 21, 2009

I have an mdi child form called "MyChild".

I need to refresh this form by calling the "MyRefresh()" method if the form has focus, and no controls have been clicked on in this form for the last 60 seconds.

Is there an efficient way of doing this ?

In the activate event of the form I could set up a timer and give it an interval of 60 seconds but what about checking for user intervention at any point in that 60 seconds ?

View 7 Replies

IDE :: Data Source Disappeared - Recreate My Data Source From The Entry That Is In App?

Feb 10, 2012

I refreshed my data sources to include additional items from the SQL Server databases and it appears that my entire data source from my VB.NET project disappeared.I am using Entity Framework. I may have clicked on something wrong, not quite sure. Unfortunately I can't recreate the Data Source without creating a new Entity and Data Model.I can delete the entry in the App.Config file and recreated it, however things aren't quite right.Is there a way that I can recreate my Data Source from the entry that is in my App.Config file...since that appears to have remained intact.BTW, I can go to my Data Model and successfully refresh from there, however my project isn't connecting to the database so I have quite a number of errors until I can get reconnected.

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Disposing Data On Form Close Or Refreshing Data Adapters

Aug 14, 2010

I am working on a huge multiform project for my company, and one of the few issues I am having is that when I am on the Main Menu Form, then go into a specific form (i.e Sales Order, etc.), do updates, changes, or just view data then close the Sales Order Form, if I happen to go back into the Sales Order Form without closing the entire project, then the Sales Order Form will display data instead of opening a blank form like when I first opened it.

Is there something that I should be adding to the Form Close Event to dump all of the data or refresh the data adapters so that if I open the form again, it will display a blank form that is ready to be used like when I first opened it?

I have tried using;

when closing these subforms, but if I open them again, the data fields (combo boxes and text boxes) will have random data in them.

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VS 2005 - Fill ComboBox With Data On Form Load?

Jul 30, 2009

When the form loads I want to fill the combobox with the data present in the database. So I did the below

Private Sub BindCombo()
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=C:UsersGautamDocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsF1pracF1pracBank_Account.mdb")
cmd = New OleDbCommand("Select * from BankAccount", con)
[Code] .....

Doing this code the data is added up in the combobox dropdown list. But when I am selecting a data from the combobox dropdown list,the all the corresponding data of the other combobox also get filled automatically. I don't want to let the other combobox filled with their data automatically....

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VS 2005 Data Deleted But Dropdownlist Of The Combobox Is Not Updated?

Sep 1, 2009

i did this code to delete data from the database and update the dropdownlist of the combobox(i.e,remove the deleted data from the dropdownlist of the combobox):

Private Sub Delete_Btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Delete_Btn.Click


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VS 2005 Checkbox In My Application - Fetch The Data From The Database And Add It To The Dropdownlist Of The Combobox

Aug 31, 2009

I have a checkbox in my application,when the checkbox is checked then i want to fetch the data from the database and add it to the dropdownlist of the combobox.Again when the checkbox is unchecked then i want to ramove all the data from the dropdownlist of the combobox.

I did this

Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=Etech.mdb")


When the checkbox is checked then the data is added from the database to the dropdownlist of the combobox but when i uncheck it then the data is not removed from the dropdownlist of the combobox. In the above code i think i need to add an else condition to remove the data from the dropdownlist of the combobox and make it empty when the checkbox is unchecked.......but i cant give the proper else condition in the above code.

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Binding Source Filter In Access Data Source?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an Access database and I want to view on a datagridview specific rows. For that I used the following :

CasesBindingSource.Filter =
"OfferDate Between #1/1/1997# And #12/31/1997#"
Cases is the table, OfferDate a field of the table wich is DateTime type.

When I use Between operator I get the following error :The expression contains unsupported operator 'Between'.

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Textbox Data Not Refreshing

Jun 12, 2011

I have two textboxes...on the textchanged event of one textbox, readonly property of other textbox gets defined...e.g. first textbox is retrieving data as add,update,delete...when the first textbox text is changed to update then & then only second textbox readonly property is set to false...Now the problem,I am facing is....whenevr first textbox text is add,delete,its working fine..& second textbox is fetching the correct data..but once first textbox data gets changed to update,second textbox data remain unchanged though its readonly property gets changed correctly..it shows the same data as it was showing the first time when first textbox was changed to update...but after that,its data is not changing.

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VS 2010 Refreshing Map Data In A 2D RPG?

Jan 8, 2012

It uses a Drawmap() sub with map data to create the map on the game load, but I can't seem to get it to refresh, and then re-draw the map based on player location. For example, if the player walks into a door, then it refreshes the map to show them in a building. Any advice on this? Code below:

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Form1


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Automatically Refreshing Data Within Win App Every 30 Minutes?

Jun 24, 2011

I would like the client app being able to refresh the data every 30 minutes.

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Refreshing A Data Grid View?

Feb 23, 2012

This looks like an easy fix but I can't figure this out. I'm trying to have button click event on a subForm (NewTournament), add a record to a database, and then to notify a data grid which lists the records from the same database automatically (the grid is listed on HomeForm).I so for am able to update the database and call upon a new window. But I can't get it to refresh that datagrid for anything. I know I'm supposed to clear the datagrid, get changes, then refill the grid. But everytime I do this, the code is NOT updating. Furthermore, I can very well see that the record is being added.

Private Sub CreateTournament_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateTournament.Click
' Check the form for errors, if none exist.


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Refreshing Data From DataTable To DataGridView?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm facing a problem with a datagridview datasorce, or refreshing it. I'll try to explain what is happening. So I have a datagridview called dgvMaterials, I'm binding datasorce to the datagridview from one table in mySQL server. Here is the code:

Dim ds As New DataSet
Private Sub frmSettings_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Refreshing Data Using AJAX In ASP Masterpage?

Jan 16, 2012

I have some processes that run as a background job, allowing a user to continue to use a page, when the jobs are finished (which can take a few minutes) i want to display a message to the user, the best place to display this would be the masterpage AFAIK (incase they move from page to page on the site) so i have defined a div in the masterpage file.

I am trying to find the best method for displaying the data, at the moment i have a method in the masterpage vb file which polls a database to see if the job(which involves complex logic and some db access) has completed, if it has, it shows a message in the div e.g. "Job 13132 has completed" - which works fine.

The problem is this is not dynamic, and i have to refresh the page to call the function that checks if the processes have finished, how can i use AJAX to deliver this content automatically every 5 seconds?

I have tried using an asp timer with a 5 second tick time but the entire page refreshes on the timer click event every 5 seconds.Protected Sub Timer1_Tick(Byval sender as Object, Byval e As EventArgs)


Is there a way to only refresh the div with the updated message, without a full refresh happening using this code? Or if this is not possible, is there any way to replicate the above function using jQuery and still be able to update the DIV text only if a job as finished?

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