Data Lost When Refreshing The Server Explorer?

Mar 24, 2011

i had insert data to my database.and it run perfectly like i want.but when i refresh the server explorer all the data that i inserted using my form is lost when i debug it again.

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Refreshing Explorer To Show All Hidden Files?

Apr 7, 2012

ok im having trouble refreshing explorer to show all hidden files i need a code that pretty much send the f5 button to the desktop to refresh it atm im useing this

Shell("taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe", vbHide)

to refresh but it doesnt always work

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VB6 EXE Registration Unexpectedly Lost On Win 2003 64 Server?

Feb 3, 2012

BackgroundServer: Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 Standard x64 (physical server).Executable â.exeâcompiled with Visual Basic 6.0 SP6.The executable is registered on the server with PI.exe /regserveremWe have no idea of what exactly it is that triggers the problem. But after a undefined time/load/operations on the server the registration of the executable is lost or When calling the executable following error message is returned: "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {E6A1ECAC-AB5F-4E31-96F5-A0A0CA5EB134} failed due to the following error: 80080005The error is easily fixed with following commands: API.exe /unregserverAPI.exe /regserver

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Data Table - Datagridview - On Running The Code A Second Time The Related Data Is Lost

Aug 6, 2011

I have two data tables. the second related to the first. Using a datagridview for the first table I am able to enter and save data ok. if I run the code twice in a row the data is still there. When I edit the data in the related table in it's own datagirdview the data is there and displays correctly, but on running the code a second time the related data is lost. In both cellendedit events I am using



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Disposing Data On Form Close Or Refreshing Data Adapters

Aug 14, 2010

I am working on a huge multiform project for my company, and one of the few issues I am having is that when I am on the Main Menu Form, then go into a specific form (i.e Sales Order, etc.), do updates, changes, or just view data then close the Sales Order Form, if I happen to go back into the Sales Order Form without closing the entire project, then the Sales Order Form will display data instead of opening a blank form like when I first opened it.

Is there something that I should be adding to the Form Close Event to dump all of the data or refresh the data adapters so that if I open the form again, it will display a blank form that is ready to be used like when I first opened it?

I have tried using;

when closing these subforms, but if I open them again, the data fields (combo boxes and text boxes) will have random data in them.

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Textbox Data Not Refreshing

Jun 12, 2011

I have two textboxes...on the textchanged event of one textbox, readonly property of other textbox gets defined...e.g. first textbox is retrieving data as add,update,delete...when the first textbox text is changed to update then & then only second textbox readonly property is set to false...Now the problem,I am facing is....whenevr first textbox text is add,delete,its working fine..& second textbox is fetching the correct data..but once first textbox data gets changed to update,second textbox data remain unchanged though its readonly property gets changed shows the same data as it was showing the first time when first textbox was changed to update...but after that,its data is not changing.

View 4 Replies

VS 2010 Refreshing Map Data In A 2D RPG?

Jan 8, 2012

It uses a Drawmap() sub with map data to create the map on the game load, but I can't seem to get it to refresh, and then re-draw the map based on player location. For example, if the player walks into a door, then it refreshes the map to show them in a building. Any advice on this? Code below:

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Form1


View 4 Replies - Retrieve Lost Data From Log File?

Jul 14, 2009

I have an file that receives data and processes it via a stored procedure. The code had the width set to 2 for the year's varchar, so it was chopped, leaving only the first two digits to get inserted into the db.Is this info possibly retrievable from a system/IIS log file or is it lost forever?

View 3 Replies

BindingSource.EndEdit Causes Data To Be Lost

Apr 19, 2010

I have data bound text boxes that loose the entered data in "BindingSource.EndEdit() code. This would seem to violate all forms of logic. I have provide my code below as well as a copy of the debug.print data.

Private Sub SaveToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripButton.Click
ErrorTrap = 0
[Code] .....

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Data Lost In Batch Importing?

May 10, 2011

I try to import the whole csv file into access table. But I got some data lost.

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Data Lost When Re-open The Application?

Apr 5, 2011

had i problem when re-open the program.

all the data that i saved into the database gone when i close and re-open my program.

is this error come from my code or my database...?

this is my work.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data.Common.DbConnection
Public Class Borang_Pendaftaran


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Update Database (SDF) Without Data Lost?

Feb 11, 2010

I have a project with a .sdf database include it. The problem is that this database have a lot of data and I have modified some tables adding new columns, etc. How can I update the application without uninstall it and lost all the old database data? Are the some way to update the .sdf database of visual studio with out lost the data.

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Automatically Refreshing Data Within Win App Every 30 Minutes?

Jun 24, 2011

I would like the client app being able to refresh the data every 30 minutes.

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Refreshing A Data Grid View?

Feb 23, 2012

This looks like an easy fix but I can't figure this out. I'm trying to have button click event on a subForm (NewTournament), add a record to a database, and then to notify a data grid which lists the records from the same database automatically (the grid is listed on HomeForm).I so for am able to update the database and call upon a new window. But I can't get it to refresh that datagrid for anything. I know I'm supposed to clear the datagrid, get changes, then refill the grid. But everytime I do this, the code is NOT updating. Furthermore, I can very well see that the record is being added.

Private Sub CreateTournament_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateTournament.Click
' Check the form for errors, if none exist.


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Refreshing Data From DataTable To DataGridView?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm facing a problem with a datagridview datasorce, or refreshing it. I'll try to explain what is happening. So I have a datagridview called dgvMaterials, I'm binding datasorce to the datagridview from one table in mySQL server. Here is the code:

Dim ds As New DataSet
Private Sub frmSettings_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


View 7 Replies

Refreshing Data Using AJAX In ASP Masterpage?

Jan 16, 2012

I have some processes that run as a background job, allowing a user to continue to use a page, when the jobs are finished (which can take a few minutes) i want to display a message to the user, the best place to display this would be the masterpage AFAIK (incase they move from page to page on the site) so i have defined a div in the masterpage file.

I am trying to find the best method for displaying the data, at the moment i have a method in the masterpage vb file which polls a database to see if the job(which involves complex logic and some db access) has completed, if it has, it shows a message in the div e.g. "Job 13132 has completed" - which works fine.

The problem is this is not dynamic, and i have to refresh the page to call the function that checks if the processes have finished, how can i use AJAX to deliver this content automatically every 5 seconds?

I have tried using an asp timer with a 5 second tick time but the entire page refreshes on the timer click event every 5 seconds.Protected Sub Timer1_Tick(Byval sender as Object, Byval e As EventArgs)


Is there a way to only refresh the div with the updated message, without a full refresh happening using this code? Or if this is not possible, is there any way to replicate the above function using jQuery and still be able to update the DIV text only if a job as finished?

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DB/Reporting :: Data Formatting Lost In Translation?

Jun 19, 2009

I have an APP that reads data from MS Access tables. It all works fine except that the numbers in Access table are formatted like 800001 so when the user puts "2" in the access table, it changes to 800002 and so on. I want to read the data AS THEY APPEAR in VB.Net but it reads them without the special format. So I get 1 or 2 etc.

I know how to format the data within VB but I don't want to hard code that as the format in MS Access might change. Is there anyway I can read the data format in MS Access ?

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TCP Clients Connect - Stream Data Is Lost

Apr 28, 2012

Connection succesfuly made (TCPClients) Writing/Reading with NetworkStream At an interval of 16 ms. Client sends 4 bytes -> Server receives 0 bytes ??? Server Sends 4 bytes -> client receives 0 bytes ???


View 11 Replies - Refreshing DropdownList Data, After A New Item Has Been Selected

May 10, 2011

I have two dropdownlist, one is State and one is City. When a State is selected, the City dropdownlist becomes populated. At that point you can select a city, however if you select a city and go back and select a different state, the city dropdownlist is populated by the cities for both states. How do I get it clear the cities for the first state?

Here is the code behind

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub


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DB/Reporting :: Refreshing A Data Adapter / Combobox?

Mar 22, 2009

I'm currently coding an ATM system in VB, and when a user picks a card to 'log on' with, they have 3 attempts to log on before the card is confiscated. The card numbers are in a combobox (which are retreived from an SQL database using the DataAdapter), and each card has a boolean 'confiscated' field in the database.


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Refreshing Data On Window Form Without Closing?

Apr 21, 2009

have a main form that displays a users score.I hide the main form when going to a child form.When that child form is closed, it will show the main form.The problem is that the datathat has been changed when going to the child form is not displayed on the main form since it has not been closed.Is there anyway around this?

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VS 2005 Refreshing Data Source In A Combobox?

Mar 22, 2009

I'm currently coding an ATM system in VB, and when a user picks a card to 'log on' with, they have 3 attempts to log on before the card is confiscated.

The card numbers are in a combobox (which are retreived from an SQL database using the binding source which is linked to a data adapter), and each card has a boolean 'confiscated' field in the database.

It does actually set the card to confiscated after the 3 tries, however I'd like the form to 'refresh' so the card no longer appears in the combobox, without having to close down the form and reload it. Is there a way to do this? I've tried refreshing the combobox and data adapter (.Refresh) but this does nothing

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VS 2008 Refreshing The Datatable With Current Data From The DB?

May 7, 2010

I load up a datatable - bind it to a binding source and a binding navigator - and lots of textboxes on the screen bound to that as well.When I get a concurrency violation - another user has already changed my vendor, let's say - what is the best method to go about refreshing the datatable with current data from the DB?

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Server Explorer Adds A Copy Of The Mdf?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a VB2008 application that uses SQL Server 2005 Exspress Edition. I was modifying my application and then decided to add a table to the mdf (named "Pipe.mdf"), which I have don many times before, but I must have messed something up when I made other changes. After I added the new table I opened the Dada Source Configuration Wizard to add the new table to the dataset and I don't see the new table to select it. However, it added a copy of "Pipe.mdf" and named it "Pipe.mdf1" to the Server Explorer.

If I delete this copy of the mdf, it appears again in the Server Explorer when I open the Data Source Configuratuion Wizard.

If I add a Table to the copy of the mdf ("Pipe.mdf1"), it shows up in Dada Source Configuration Wizard.

what to change so that the new table appears in the Data Source Configuration Wizard for the original mdf (Pipe.mdf) and not add the copy of the mdf?

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C# - Tab Data Lost On Selected Item Changed MVVM?

Mar 23, 2012

I have been trying to do this for ages and having no joy whatsoever.

I have a ribbon window of the following hierarchy:

MainContent (Tab Control)

View model base has an ObservableCollection of tabs type ViewModelBase. The Tab Control itself is binding fine to these, displaying appropriate view models. I have 2 problems however, I want a "NotepadView" (Of type viewmodelbase) to be replicated numerous times (one view many view models).

At the minute, I have 4 views (NotePadViewModelx where x is 1-4) with corresponding viewmodels, this is because each view had the same text per tab. Now I have individual views per tab.

When I type into tab 1 and switch to tab 2, I lose what I typed in tab one when I click back.

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IDE :: Add Data From DataGridView To Database When The Current Row Lost Its Focus?

Oct 3, 2009

I have a small doubt: (VB.Net 2005, MS-Access 2007)Is it possible to add the current row from DGV to DB as soon as the row lost its focus..i.e. whenever i add a new row in DataGridView it should automatically get inserted into the database without pressing any buttons... Bcoz i need to add more new rows dynamically & hence i find little difficult in clicking the ADD button again and again to insert each and every Record.

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VS 2005 : Lost All Toolstrip, Menustrip And Statusbar Data?

Sep 16, 2009

I have just been editing some of the icons on a toolstrip and now I find that I have completely lost all of the toolstrip, menustrip and statusbar data.All I have left is blank controls.

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Can't  Find Server Explorer In 2010 Express

Dec 2, 2011

Can't find Server Explorer in vb2010 express?

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VS 2010 Opening Server Explorer From Within A Program?

Jun 9, 2012

Is it possible to open up Server Explorer from within a compiled program. I would like to give certain users the ability to open up the database tables and view and possibly even amend data within them.

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Identify Connection Lost Between Socket Server And Socket Client?

May 21, 2011

I wrote a Socket Client which will send the Socket Server some data and get some response from Server. This process will be running once in every 2 seconds.

Now what I need to know is How we can identify the connection lost between Server and Client?

I need this to be implemented in the Client side. If there is no connection then Client should automatically close the connection. Once the connection with the server is available in the next attempt it should connect automatically.

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