VS 2010 SQL Azure From Winforms ?

May 22, 2011

I have WinForms application with SQLServer 2008 Express. I want to move my data from it to SQL Azure. The architect of application as Client-Server Type (using stored procedures).

I want to know that if there is any performance issue when I am using broadband internet (with speed 2Mbps download and 512kbps upload)?

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Asp.net Mvc - Get The Email And Name From Azure ACS?

Sep 25, 2011

I'm using the Azure ACS, and I've been looking for away to get the email and name from the SAML 2.0 response or something.But I dont see any options for it, I redirect the user to localhost:8000/acc/completesigninup/.There I have the XML from the FormCollection object, I see the Email and Name in the xml but I'm not sure how to get it. Is there a parser that's included in the Identity dll to get that info?

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Asp.net - Create New Container Azure

Jul 22, 2011

I am trying to migrate large data that is required for our website hosted on Azure to access. The data amounts to about 7GB. After reading few forums, I have come to know that SQL Azure BLOB Storage can do the trick for me. how we can store data in SQL Azure BLOB Storage and access it? At first I want to try to store a Test.txt file in the BLOB and access the contents of this file from our website and display it.

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Migrate ASP.Net Website To Azure

Apr 21, 2011

I have an ASP.NET in VB code base that if I open in Visual Studio as an existing website works and tests just fine. I have followed many tutorials for porting this over to Azure: -Tried create new Azure project add a webrole and drag and drop project files into the new webrole, but I get about 300 reference/missing stuff/etc errors -I have also tried creating an azure project under the website solution but the option to add the website to the webrole by clicking "web role project in solution" is disabled/grayed out I have been able to make the configuration files and compile through the command line but this does not work with visual studio so I am unable to test before deploying into staging

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C# - Creating A Chat Application With Azure

Apr 14, 2011

What I need to do is create the server side for a chat application that will run on the iPhone, Android, Blackberry and web browsers. To do this I am thinking of:


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C# - Storing Static Files To Be Shared Among Azure Roles

Sep 13, 2011

I'm trying to host some static files for access by an ASP.Net web role and a separate data worker role that are both running on the same deployment (they use a global static interface).

However, I'm unsure how exactly to 'host' them, I've tried using virtual folders via HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, but it only occasionally works in debug mode. The files also don't seem to get packaged into the deployment packages made by VS vis CSPack (though this might be a separate issue, is it possible to fix this too?)

The static files in question are actually WordNet, which I'm using through WordNet.Net, If that makes any difference. I also need the solution to work in both the cloud deployment and the emulator (if possible).

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.net - Accessing Private Keys From Certificate Deployed To Windows Azure?

Nov 17, 2011

I am trying to access the private key of a certificate I uploded to Windows azure do do decryption. I used a code similar to this post: Using DotNetOpenAuth OAuth 2 with Azure - Reading Certificate - difficulty extracting keys. Andrew Arnott provided an answer to what post referencing this link:[URL].. However I cannot access it so I am not sure what is the solution.

Essentially when try to cast the private key of a certificate as a RSACryptoProvider. I get nothing:
Dim provider As RSACryptoServiceProvider = DirectCast(certificate.PrivateKey, RSACryptoServiceProvider)

That is provider is assigned nothing. The code works perfectly outside of Azure.

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.net - Unable To Programmatically Create Client DataCache In Azure In Cloud Only?

Dec 20, 2011

I have a Azure worker role that needs to use the cache in AppFabric. When run locally (Win7x64,VS2010) pointing at the cache in the cloud, it works fine.When I deploy the same package to the cloud (again pointing at the same cache), it produces the following exception:

Message: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheClientLogManager' threw an exception.
Exception Type: TypeInitializationException
StackTrace: Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheClientLogManager.Initialize(DataCacheLogSink logSink)
at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheFactoryConfiguration.Initialize(String clientName)
at CommunicationRole.CacheUtil.GetCache()

Having looked at the code, this is happening when this line of code is hit:

Dim configuration As New DataCacheFactoryConfiguration()

Nothing runs after this line is hit. As I've said, the configs between local and cloud are the same. I use the cache with the credentials as a session state provider in a web deployment so I believe the cache and access to it are good.My build machine has the November 2011 release of the Azure SDK, and Azure AppFabric SDK 1.5 installed.

The method to get the cache is as follows:

Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure
Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime


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Passing Parameters To A .NET WS Hosted On Windows Azure From An Android Client?

Apr 11, 2012

I am struggling to send parameters to a VB.NET WS(web service) that is hosted on Windows Azure. Getting a simple hello world (no parameters) works fine, but for some reason my parameters on the web service side are null? Web service function to be called (IService1.vb):

Function GetAddition(ByVal number1 As Integer, ByVal number2 As Integer) As String

Function implementation (Service1.svc.vb):Function GetAddition(ByVal number1 As Integer, ByVal number2 As Integer) As String Implements IService1.GetAddition Return number1 + number2 End Function


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Windows Azure Storage In VB: Not Running In A Hosted Service Or The Development Fabric?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm trying to run an instance of the Azure Blob Storage in the Azure Visual Studio 2010 development environment, but keep getting the followingrror:System.InvalidOperationException: Not running in a hosted service or the Development Fabric.The stack trace is pointing to these lines:

Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure
Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics
Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient


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VS 2010 : Is Same .DLL File Can Be Used In WinForms And ASP.NET

Sep 27, 2010

I want to create a .DLL (my library file) so that it can be used as data source for reports (to use with .RDLC files).Can I use same .DLL in my ASP.Net application for reports as data source (here also .RDLC files).It will save my time and maintain report integrity between WinForms application and ASP.Net application.

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VS 2010 : Playing Flv In Winforms?

Feb 20, 2011

im trying to play a flv file in project.1.The problem im having is when i add the Macromedia flash factory object i get the error "Failed to import the active X control-ensure it properly registered" which i have registered it to many time and still get the error.

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VS 2010 Using WPF Ribbon In WinForms

Dec 8, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to use the WPF Ribbon in windows forms(they added it in .net 4). I know about the ElementHost Control which works fine for created controls, but it doesn't seem to be able to host default controls, I could create a wpf control and put the ribbon in, but that seems like a terrible hack.(And lots of work since there are lots of controls related to the ribbon)

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Populating A Dropdownlistbox In .net 2010 Winforms?

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to populate a dropdownlistbox with data returned from the database. I have a ClaimID & ClaimType. I can't seem to get the syntax correct.

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Populating A Dropdownlistbox In 2010 Winforms?

Mar 11, 2010

I am new to winforms and I am trying to populate a dropdownlistbox with data returned from the database. I have a ClaimID & ClaimType

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VS 2010 MSChart Control On Winforms?

May 3, 2010

this is my absolute first attempt at the mschart control in a winform, so any help would be appreciated - i have sales reps that issue quotes to customers and would like to plot number of quotes by month using the mschart control.I have a dataset populated with a single table with 2 columns in it - sales_rep and quote_issued_date (there's more, but i'd like to only focus on those two because they contain all the info i need)i have a windows form with an MSChart control dropped on to it. I'm trying to get this to work on a 'column' chart type.i'd like to count the number of records in the dataset per sales rep per monthi'd like to get the x axis to be months in the year (fixed, not drawn from the data) - jan thru dec.

i'd like to get the Y axis to reflect the highest count of rows per rep per month + say....10% (so the graph doesn't peak out at the top every time, it would be more for aethestics)i'd like to get the columns displayed in the graph to be each rep, each month (ie for january john has 10 quotes issued, bill has 5, tom has 31 - for feb john has 3, bill has 10, tom has 19 - etc etc etc) - because the form is just a quick visual, i'm dumping any code in the form load event and calling it good.

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VS 2010 WinForms App Connect To Dll On Webserver

Nov 13, 2011

I have a desktop WinForms app that I would like to be able to connect to my Sql Server database that I have through my GoDaddy webhost. Problem is not all ISP's forward the 1433 port (like mine) so I can't connect directly to the DB from any of my home computers without buying the expensive dedicated IP address package, which has me thinking since my website can connect directly to the DB I was wondering if it might be possible for me to make a dll that would have all of the database interaction through subs and functions and all my WinForms app would have to do is connect to that dll through http or something, anyone know if I could do something along those lines?


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Winforms - 2010 Synchronize Two Access Databases?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm writing a desktop application that uses the main access database that will be hosted on a central server, but there will be a laptop with the app on that has an offline mode so records can be created offsite. When the laptop returns I want it needs to be synced back to the main database.

Has anybody got any pointers on a way to do this, I've briefly read about JRO but is there an alternative / better method?

Originally, I was just going to write some custom code to do this, but thought I'd check to make sure there wasn't something already out there.

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Winforms - Deploying A VB 2010 Win Forms Application

Nov 16, 2010

I am deploying a VB.net 2010 winforms application, and when I install it on the client's machine, the install process also installs an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express. The application connects to a central SQL database on the server. To install, I am using the "Publish" option in VS 2010. Why does it do that? There should be no need for a local instance of SQL Express. Is there a way to avoid installing SQL 2005 Express (I know it is free, but I would rather not have it installed if possible).

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Design View Of Form In 2010 Winforms Project?

Apr 27, 2012

Is there a shortcut to get to the designview form in a winforms project in visual studio 2010.F7 will take you to code behind class form and shift + F7 will take you to design mode. Is there a shortcut to filename.designer.cs formWhere you have the control definitions, delegates (for click event etc). defined. I go to the form often if I change the name of click event etc.I have to go through solution explorer and click on the file. Is there a shortcut like F7 that opens the designer.cs file?

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Written A Winforms Application In Visual Studio 2010?

Sep 24, 2011

I have to run a thread create in the code.In the form1 i have a button that run the new separate thread for elaborate some data, so i need it for not freeze the form.I have inizialized thread:

dim th as thread = new thread (addressof elaborate)

And at the button.click event:

th.isbackground= true

Now, at the form load i have iconized my program, but when i start new thread the tray icon is duplicated from it. I want to resolve that when start new thread it's not show new notifyicon.

(i don't have found anything online, only Multiple notification icons appear when using multithreading)

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Visual Studio 2010 WinForms Application File Manipulation?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a list of .txt, .doc, .pdf on my listview. How do i code this problem;

1. When i double-click the item (sample.txt) on my listview it will open in a notepad.

2. When i double click the item (sample.docx or sample.doc) it will open the MS word and shows me the things written on the particular item.

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Winforms - Load System.Drawing V4.0.0.0 On A Windows Form In Visual Studio 2010?

Mar 4, 2012

I've decided to learn Visual Basic .Net as this is what some of my colleagues work with, and this will allow me to work with them on projects.I have purchased Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Step by Step and downloaded the sample files. When I am trying to debug the first sample application (a Windows form), it is telling me that it can't load System.Drawing V4.0.0.0. However, if I create a new Windows Form application (C# or VB.Net) this works fine.

I had a look at the References tab in the project settings and System.Windows.Forms is referenced, but the version referenced is I have removed and re-added this reference and it stays at and I still get the error.Does anybody have any ideas as to what may be going on?

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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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Get Templated Starter Database Driven Forms Generated In C# Winforms SQL Server Using Some RAD Tool Or Visual Studio 2010

Aug 11, 2011

I hope I got all that in this question title. Let me explain. We are starting on small desktop app that will snowball into a big app with many forms. The database is SQL Server. It will have classic stored procs/functions performing classic CRUD functions. Given a table or stored proc in SQL Server what is the quickest way to create a form with all the hooks to maintain a table.

For e.g. lets assume I have table like this (most code below is pseudo code)

Table Employee
Name varchar(30)
DOB Datetime
Address varchar(100)

From this as source I want to create my Target which is form with 3 labels and 3 textboxes with add delete modify buttons (or OK button to add if not exists or modify if exists)


The code generation tool or technique that will be used should generate the correct db hooks (create SQL parameters, SqlCommand, execute sql.. basic try catch etc. Is there any open source tool to do this ? Some trick or templated approach via VS 2010 ? Worst case any third party tool ?

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ASP.NET Vs Winforms App ?

May 11, 2009

I have a proto-type winform app designed by a colleague. My original plan was to create it using asp.net, but I'm not sure if I should just 're-create' it using asp.net or continue forward using the winforms. Either way, I'd use vb.net as the code-behind.

It's going to be a data collection app; originally it was going to allow the collection screens to by dynamically built, based on options selected by the end-users. However, that has changed to a one-size fits all approach.

I've never written anything using asp.net, so what I'd really like is some advice about what should I be looking for/at in this new app, in order to decide which way to finish it... asp.net OR winforms... Would there be any design/programming advantages to using asp.net over the winforms (other than the fact that my colleague already have about a dozen forms designed, but with NO code-behind)? Might there be end-user advantages to using asp.net vs winforms?

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WPF App Vs WinForms App

Aug 10, 2009

I'm currently studying for one of Microsoft's MCPD 3.5 certifications (VB 2008) and one of the things it makes use of is WPF applications. Based on what I've seen of them so far, they are basically like Windows Forms Applications. So my question about them is why was WPF created? What was Microsoft looking to accomplish with WPF since outside of the "web feel" in a windows environment, it basically looks like a WinForms application. What is the difference between the two and when sould I use one over the other?

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Access ASP.NET From Winforms?

Jul 24, 2011

Can i access ASP.NET Database From Withing Winforms Application ? If i expect it requires web server can i have any example, any online sites that can show me the pattern of simple web server?

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Animated GIF In Winforms?

May 28, 2011

Animated GIF in Winforms

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C# - Controlling Cmd.exe From Winforms

Nov 5, 2010

Question: I want to control cmd.exe from winforms. I DO NOT mean every command in a single process, with startupinfo, and then stop. I mean for example start the (My) SQL or GDB command prompt, send command, receive answer, send next command, receive next answer, stop SQL command prompt exit process. Basically I want to write a GUI on top of any console application.


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