VS 2010 Add More Than One Header Modifications?

Jan 13, 2012

i've been experimenting on some WebBrowser stuff on Visual Basic 2010, and after experiencing a lot of things, i still wonder how can i add multiple header modifiers, for instance i've added a mod to the Referer (yes with one r) which actually mods the site's referrer and stuff like that,

I want to know how to change other refs for the same site like user-agent and things like that. but all together for the same site,

This is the code


Dim HEADERS As String = "Referer:http://www.google.com/search?q=" + TextBox2.Text + "&oq=" + TextBox2.Text + "&aq=f" + Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars.CrLf
Dim URL As String = TextBox1.Text
WebBrowser1.Navigate(URL, "_self", Nothing, HEADERS)

How am i supposed to add the user-agent change thing, for example next to the referer or something like that. do i need to create a new dim? how is it supposed to look like?

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.net - VisualStudio Projects: Modifications Are Not Taken Into Consideration?

Jan 24, 2012

I have (between others) 2 projects in my solution: one WinForm project, that defines a Form (say, MyFormProject), and other a UserControl (MyControlProject).When I modify MyControlProject's code and launch the debug, I see that any modification is not taken into consideration. I need to clear the solution, rebuild, for make it work...

Additional info: I use in the UserControl the Dbi-Tech Components. Also, in the WinForm I use Infragistics components. Are both license files compatible, cause seems that both should user licenses.licx file?When I wrote a new method in the Control, I got a MissingMethod exception in runtime, however, the code compiled without any error.Then I removed the references, re-added them, and the exception in runtime didn't appear.

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DB/Reporting :: Reflecting Access Data Modifications On Datagridview?

Jul 23, 2008

the access data are not getting reflected on the DataGridView unless the form is reloaded again. I am acessing the MSAcess data for back end processing (SELECT,DELETE)using odbc connection and displayin on .NET form using DataGridVew

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C# - Ccess The Field Header Name Of A Databound Repeater Within The Header Template?

Sep 24, 2009

Is there a way to access the field header name of a databound repeater within the header template. So insted of this....

<table >
<th ></th>
<th >Forename</th>


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Page Header Of An Excel Spreadsheet - Using Header Text As Tab Name

Oct 21, 2009

I'm using the following code to populate a DataGridView with a worksheet. This is working fine, however, I'm unsure how I can get the Text from the page header. (not to be confused with the column header). Later in my code when I am exporting into an existing workbook with a new worksheet, I'm wanting to use the header text as the tab name. The header text being "September 2009" so that when I import/manipulate/export october, the new tab will be "October 2009" etc. [Code]

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Display The Row Header As Column Header In Datagridview?

May 3, 2012

in my application i created table called houseloading which has field called housename.which is inserted into the sqlserver database. my table will look like this

///column name house
values red

what i want now is i want to display the values red green as column header in datagridview

which will look exactly like this

red green

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Field In Database Appear To Be Datagridview Header 2010?

Apr 10, 2011

how to make database field as datagridviewheader For example,I have table called subject, and have one column named subjectName. This column will hold all the subjectName, there are more than 100 subject names. E.G

subjectName: math,physics,chemistry,history

Let say a student take those subject, then how to display in datagridview something like this. (field in the subjectName appear to be datagridview header in datagridview)

I want the output something like this

studentName |math |physics | chemistry
| history| etc... |<-datagridview header
student a |


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VS 2010 - How To Get Tooltips On Column Header In TreeView

Nov 16, 2010

I'm going through my company's program making sure that all icons have tooltips. We have a lot of grids with icons, but in case the settings for the tooltip to show up are not there, the column header should have the same tooltip as the icon. In regular grids I just click the column header, and then the properties for it show up in the bottom right corner in Visual Studio. However, we have some treeviews, and when I click on the column header of a column in the treeview, Tooltip is not among the properties I can edit. How to make a tooltip show up on such a column header?

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VS 2010 Repeating Columns At Report Header

May 16, 2011

I'm new to VS 2010 reports. I build an rdlc report based on a a table with 18 columns. From these colums, 3 of them allways have the same content so i would like to put them at the report header. When i do this i get a page for each single record, which is understandable. I worked with other tools that allow me to build report headers beased on SQL queries but it seems that VS does not allow such thing. Will be there any way to achieve what i want?

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VS 2010 : Context Menu - Change The Header/footer?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to change the default context menu with my own.That will only have a print option, I don't need any of the others.How do I go about doing that?Also, how do I change the header/footer?

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VS 2010 Find Value Of Cell In Datagridview By Column Header Name?

Aug 25, 2011

I have been using this code to find the value of the cell in a datagrid view

Dim eRow As Integer
eRow = dgv.CurrentRow.Index
MessageBox.Show(dgv.Item(0, eRow).Value)

This works fine when the columns unless the user changes the order of the column.

So what I am trying to achieve is to find the value if the cell even if the order of the columns is changed. Is there a way instead of saying column (0, eRow) I can add (ColumnHeaderName = "NameHere", eRow) or something along those lines.

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VS 2010 Sort Listview When Clicking On The Column Header?

Jan 22, 2012

I have a listview that has multiple columns. I am wanting to sort these columns when clicking on the column header.I see there is a sort function, but am not having much luck in using it.How can i sort my listview when clicking on the column header?

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VS 2010 DrawItem Event In TabControl Doesn't Cover The Entire Header?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm using a TabControl and have overridden the DrawItem event to produce my own background and foreground colors for the header text. It looks good but there's still grey color around each header. I thought maybe the Padding property could be set to (0,0) but that seemed to have no effect.

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Get Clicked Column Header Text On Column Header Click Event?

Jul 21, 2011

how do I get the Header text of the header the user clicked in the datagridview.I know I have to use the column header click event but I can't work out or find away to extract the clicked header data?

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IDE :: Increase Tabpage Header Font Size And Header Size

Dec 16, 2009

how to make bigger tabpage page headers without changing tabpage or its contents font size. i just need to change tabpage header to make it look bigger with different font.

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VS 2010 Listview Item / Header Text & Minor Text & Image

Jan 18, 2012

I need to make a listview, for each item to be like this:

- An image on the lef.t
- A header text on th etop.
- A minor text on the bottom.

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Suppress A Page Header On Page Header And First Page Of A Group?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a report where each group is about 5-7 pages long.

I need to suppress the page header on the first page of each group Also I want to Supress the header on each group change (on first age on group)

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DataGridView - How To Set Row Header Value

Apr 22, 2010

I have an application where a datagridview is used to display some data, a datatable is bounded to it, and I want to put some text in the front of some rows to indicate that they are different from others. My code checks the rows and used the following
mydatagridview.Rows.Item(iCnt).HeaderCell.Value = "A"
To set the row header values, it was fine when the data was first loaded. However, when I sort the datagridview by clicking the column header, these rowheadercell values disappear. How to keep the row header values after the sorting?

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Get A Website Header?

Dec 19, 2009

[url]...The current header is Liar Game Season 2 [Eng Subs] (Ep 1-5)

How do I get the extract the header text from a webpage to use in my program?[code]...

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Get The Value Of The Header From The DataGrid?

Jun 7, 2011

How can i get the value of the header from the DataGrid???

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How To Give A Header

Oct 15, 2009

i am new to this forum, hope u people will help me out.i need to add header to a text file which is created using my code.

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Message Box Header?

Apr 17, 2009

I'm working in Visual Basic 2008 Express. My application uses a number of Message Boxes.When each appears, it has a blue bar at the top with words in it. Each bar has the same words, something like BSDEld 14-5-08. The words have nothing to do with the application and I'd rather not see them there. Can anyone suggest how I can get rid of them, or change them to something more acceptable?

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Tab Header Flickering?

Dec 6, 2010

I am working with GDI+ to draw backgrounds for my forms. I have a main form with 4 tabs, which all flicker. There is a gradient background behind them (bitmap drawn in GDI+ at Form_Load). I have double buffering enabled in the following manner:

Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, True)

Everything on the form rarely flickers. The only times are when I am resizing, the numerous docked controls on my piece-o-junk netbook flicker momentarily, which is hardly noticeable. On a normal laptop it runs quite smoothly.The problem of which I speak is right on the headers of each tab (the white rectangle with text on it). When I move my cursor on or off of it, it will flicker. What is actually happening is that it is momentarily disappearing then re-appearing. This seems to be a control paint bug.I've tried the following override, without success.

Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property CreateParams() As System.Windows.Forms.CreateParams
Dim cp As CreateParams = MyBase.CreateParams


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Use Filename As Header?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a Form that load the contents of a txt type file into a textbox1. How can I use the filename to fill in a label?For example, when I open the file Name1.txt, the textBox2 need to display Name1 only as a type of header.

Alternatively, is there a code that make the first line of a Multiline Textbox to display a different font or size ?

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Using C++ Header File In An App?

Dec 27, 2009

What is the simplest way to use a C++ header file in a VB.NET application?I need to access an API defined via the header file for a custom VB.NET windows app.

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.net - Add Header And Footer Macro?

Oct 5, 2009

I need to make a difficult makro.When the makro has been activated (will happen via a button), it has to add a header and a footer to the document.Also page1/frontpage needs a different header and footer than all the other potential pages.So far, I have accomplished making page1/frontpage to work - somewhat.I did this by recording a makro, where I'd enable headers and footers, write the needed data and then stop recording.Afterwards I edited the coding so it would fit a little better. Mostly it was junk-code cleanup.


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.net - Is A Code Only ASP.NET Header And Footer

Jun 25, 2009

I have a global header and footer that has a Database connection and a disconnection in the header and footer and need to convert this to ASP.NET - this needs to be done before any HTML is output and after any HTML is output for the footer.I cannot seem to find any easy way to do this, like in Classic ASP - if possible post an example or link to one instead of stating a given technique.

A bit more detail is that I have an SQL Connection string then a single SQL object I want to use throughout all the pages on the website - with the connection string and declarations in the header, and the disconnection in the footer.

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Asp.net - 404 Redirect Header Showing 302

Apr 10, 2012

In my application i wrote below code for 404.

Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim exc As Exception
Dim readdInfo As New NameValueCollection


But when i try to run above program i am getting Context.CurrentHandler is null exception. If i keep Response.Redirect in place of Server.Transfer I am getting 301 header. I've used [URL] for header checking

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Asp.net - Set Column Header Text?

Nov 28, 2011

I would like to set the text of the columns. What is the correct syntax for the GridView?


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C# - Header Printing On Every Page?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a gridview that i want to print its header on every page and i want to print a page header on every page. The problem is that one or the other works for me. I can't get both to work at the same time. Below is sample code to show what i've done.

<body onload="thead('tblheader');">


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