VS 2010 Adding Fields At A Later Time?

May 15, 2010

If i change any table definition after using the fields on a form VS stalls and doesnt allow to load the form

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Adding Fields To The CreateUserWizard?

Jun 15, 2005

I'm trying to add a textbox to the initial step of the CreatUserWizard.Let's say it is tbMyTextbox.Now when I add an event on created user, I want to get the value in the field.I thought I could use dim mc as textboxmc = ctype(CreateUserWizard1.Findcontrol("tbMyTextbox"),textbox)mc.text should be the text of the field.But it can't find the control... so I trieddim mystep as CreatuserWizardstepmystep = createuserwizard1.activestepmc = ctype(mystep.findcontrol("tbMyTextbox"),textbox)But it also fails.The example just uses tbMyTextbox.text which just throws a compiler error.

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.net - Custom CreateUserWizard Adding 2 Fields?

Feb 23, 2011

I am attempting to customise the CreateUserWizard by following it in my book, but when I come to reference them in code behind I get an error saying 'FieldName is not declared' for each field i'm adding, they are present in the page with the correct ID's, am I doing something wrong?

I am only trying to add a firstName and lastName field to the bottom of the CreateUserWizard and remove the need to a security question.


<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server" OnCreatedUser="CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser">


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Ms SQL: Adding Fields In Sql In Each Loop Automatically

May 8, 2012

i have an SQL statement which i need to code in vb:

table r2 (salesno
bigint, prodno1


Note that in this "2nd loop"

- the table name is now r3 from r2 in the first SQL statement

- there are now prodno1, prodno2 and prodno3 instead of just prodno1 and prodno2

- in the WHERE clause, the p.prodNo becomes p.prodNo2

and so on and so forth.. so for the 3rd loop

- there's going to be r4

- there's going to be prodno4

- in the WHERE clause i will use p.prodNo3

what should i do? is there an array or something that i can use here?

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Adding Fields In SSCE Database File?

Nov 21, 2010

I created a database in SQL server compact 3.5 I have a few fields in that.Later when I tried to delete one column and added so more, change was not saved. I did it all using server explorer of VB.Net. when I make the change, at that moment I can see the newly added columns but when I make dataset for this table

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VS 2005 Adding Fields To Ms-Access Database From .NET?

Dec 27, 2009

I am using VS 2005 and MsAccess 2003. I am already having some fields in the table, and i want to add more fields from the .NET application. Is it possible to add more fields from the application to the Ms-Access Database. Also it is possible to change the order of the fields from the application?

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Adding Time To Date Then Adding Another Time

Nov 7, 2010

been racking my brains on this one for a long time, and I've finally decided to ask the question. I had sevaral fields on a vb.net form which need to come together


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VS 2010 Treeview, Adding Child Node At Runtime To Design Time Parent Node?

Nov 26, 2011

i have a treeview which has a bunch of parent and child nodes preset at design time, there is 1 parent node tho which is called developer, that i want to add child nodes to at runtime.When the form first loads im trying to have it check a text file and for each line in the text file add the text/string from that as a child node tot he 'developer' parent node.

Dim reader As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath() & "ConfigDevs.txt")
Dim strs() As String = Split(reader, Environment.NewLine)
For Each s As String In strs


Thats what i have so far, how can i set it so 'Dim parentNode As TreeNode = ' points at the 'Developer' node?

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Time Display - Adding Hours To Convert UTC Time

Dec 20, 2010

I am trying to create what I am sure is a simple program to add hours to convert UTC time. I want to type in a UTC time and have it convert for every state in Australia. [Code] Now that works fine however when the conversion goes past "midnight" it then shows the date and time. I have tried about 50 different things but cannot get it to remove the date when the converted time passes midnight. [Code] The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 18.

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Create A Mysql Table With TIME Data Type Fields?

Oct 14, 2009

I am create a mysql table with TIME Data type fields. Like FROMTIME and TOTIME. And some insert data to that table. And that data is view through DataGridView. I can show all data in DATAGRIDVIEW. But, Have a error data, when current row click time ( Error data is : DataGridViewTextCell {ColumnIndex=0,RowIndex=0}.

How to store TIME types to Variables or Control;

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Sorting ListView - W/filename, Data, Time And Size Fields

Jun 11, 2009

I have a ListView w/filename, data, time and size fields. I've copied the code from this article [URL] to use in my solution. Problem is, when I click a column header the first time, it sorts, but when I click the same header a second time, to sort in reverse, the column stays in the same order as it was just sorted in.

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Get List Of Table Fields When Using A Class (function Or Method) In Design Time?

Aug 2, 2010

Let say I have a function inside a class which require 4 parameter (table name,field name,field value, return field) When I use this function my form, such as

myclass.Search("customers", <-- after pressing the "," a popup list will be displayed that contain all the fields in "customers" table.

View 19 Replies

Adding Decimal Time To A Time

Dec 7, 2009

still having problems with adding (decimal time) to any given time and getting the answer in 24 hours (Military time) I have a picture of what I have at the moment


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VS 2010 Adding Unique Tag After Adding Component

May 4, 2012

I'm adding labels at runtime to my form with a tag. Let's say I have 3 labels with the tags, "1", "2" and "3". I'm adding the tags by counting the labels + 1. When I remove a label with tag "2" from the form there are only 2 left. When I add a new label it will add a new tag "3", but that one already exist. So my "solution" isn't a very good one Although tag "2" is free, I want to give it "4". Any thoughts on how to code this properly?

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Adding Objects In Run Time?

Feb 7, 2011

would i do something like "dim txt_whatever as new textbox" or would i do something else?

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Adding Time To Date?

May 28, 2009

I have an SQL Server database with a table in it that has a column labeled DATE (datatype =date).The table also has a column labeled TIME (datatype Integer) that contains hours and minutes.I would like to be able to display the time in a datetimepicker also.

Would it make sense (remember I�m new to VB) to have the time as part of the date column?Doesn�t the date/datetime data type include time(7/24/1996 12:00:00 AM)?If so what is the best way to add the TIME column to the DATE column.I know I can go back to our other system (IBM iSeries) and combined the columns and transfer the data over again but that is chore (the transferring) and I want to learn how to do these kind of things without falling back on my IBM skills.It seems I should be able to add time to the DATE column of the table. None of the DATE data transferred over to this table had time with it.

Debug.WriteLine(Me.ServiceRecord.Field(Of Date)("served_date"))

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C# - Adding Controls At Run-time

Jun 9, 2009

When adding controls to a form at runtime, you can do either of the following:


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Use Bit Fields In Datagridview In VB 2010?

Apr 7, 2012

how to use bit fields (Boolean) in datagridview in visual basic 2010 how to know CheckBox checked state checked or not if CheckBox Checked State = Checked?

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File I/O And Registry :: Send Several Different Txt Fields At One Time And Each Into There Own File?

Jul 9, 2009

I have read the file I/O tutorial and I learned alot. My problem is I need to send several different txt fields at one time and each into there own file. This was simple in vb6 using something like below, I have no idea how to do this with .net. Also on start up I will need to read this information back into text fields.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Save command1 name to file
Open App.Path & "subD.cab" For Output As #1


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Refactoring A Module Into A Class: Changing Shared Fields To Instance Fields

Nov 14, 2011

I'm currently refactoring an old Visual Basic DLL (VB.Net), which stores all of its data in one module called Globaldefinitions as public fields. There are about 200 fields, referenced thousands of times all around the code:

Public Module Globaldefinitons
Public a As Short
Public zz10 As Double


I need to change the module into a class with non-shared fields. This means, each and every of these thousands of references needs to reference the instance of that class:

globalDefinitionsInstance.a = 5

How do I go about this efficiently?

Regular expressions operating on the source fall flat. Refactoring tools like Re-Sharper or CodeRush don't seem to offer this functionality. Visual Studio 2010 cannot do it automatically either.

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Adding More Than One Item Into A Database, At The Same Time?

Sep 6, 2010

I have an app that I have made. The application generates 14million combinations of numbers and inserts them into an Access Database. As you can imagine, this takes AGES (whole night) to compute. Is it possible to make the same method call twice so instead of one combination being generated and inserted, two or more are?

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Adding Trial With Time Limitation In .net?

Mar 3, 2010

how can i add a trial with random serials or single serial and once it get registered expire it after 6-12 months....and also if user change its clock time to some day back it remains expire.....

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Adding Two Time Values In Textbox?

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to write a small program so I can log times of the jobs I do throughout the day. I have figured out getting the time values and getting the time differences between travel start and travel finish. The problem is i need to add together two sets of travel times to get a total travel figure for the day. I am struggling with the adding of two time values in textboxes.

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VS 2008 - Adding New Labels In Run Time

Jul 1, 2010

How do i go about adding new labels in run time

Dim Label as new Label

something around those terms

I would like the label to be name label1 ... label 2 ... label3... So on

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Can The Initialization Order Of Class Fields In .NET Be Influenced By References To Other Fields

Jun 19, 2011

Class Foo
ReadOnly name As String
Public Sub New(name As String, dependentUpon As Foo)
Me.name = name


The output of New Bar() is:

Dependent created. Dependent upon nothing.
Independent created. Dependent upon nothing.

It seems fields are initialized in the same order as they appear in the source code, which (a) leads to an unexpected result, and (b) seems a little puzzling, given that one is normally not permitted to read from uninitialized variables in .NET, yet that seems to be working fine above.I would've expected VB.NET to be smart enough to initialize referenced fields first, and only then those that reference it; i.e. I'd have liked to see this output instead:

Independent created. Dependent upon nothing.
Dependent created. Dependent upon Independent.

how to get VB.NET to behave like that instead, without simply having to swap the declaration order of dependent and independent inside class Bar?

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Create Word Form Fields With Memo Fields From Access?

May 27, 2012

I'm trying to create a table in Word using data from a table in Access. There are four fields in the access table that I need. 3 fields are text which I can populate the Word without any issues. However the fourth field is a memo with >255 characters.I'm struggling to come up with the proper code to allow me to populate the Word field with the memo data that has more than 255 characters. The code I have so far is listed below. But when it hits the memo field, it crashes on the line I marked with **. I know it's not text, but I've tried many different field types, but nothing has worked so far.[code]...

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Validating Login Fields - Check The Username And Password Fields

Jan 14, 2012

My intent is to have the code - on a button.click event - check the Username and Password fields and return an error depending on which is wrong. Or if both are wrong, return a different error message. I've set the username as parts and the password as parts (still learning how to use external authentication). [Code]

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VS 2010 Calculated Fields In A Datagrid?

Feb 17, 2011

My program is databound to an access 2007 database. I have a datagridview showing rows as part of my screen and the other part of my screen is texboxes bound to a different table.What I currently have:

1. Date in textbox from one table

2. Age in Datagridview column from another table

I need help with having a calculated date column in the datagridview that will be the textbox date + age (in days) in the datagrid column. I would also need this column to store in my database like any other field also. So if I typed in 2/17/11 into the textbox, and I typed in 2 in the age field, the calculated field would display and store 2/19/2011 in my datagrid and database. My dataset designer won't let me add a date to a string so I'm completely lost. A query calculates it easy in access but when I load the access query in my dataset it doesn't calculate anymore.

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VS 2010 Caluclated Fields In A Datagrid?

Nov 2, 2009

VS 2010 [RESOLVED] Caluclated Fields in a Datagrid

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VS 2010 Copying Db Fields To Variables?

Apr 5, 2011

I have been using VB a fair bit in the past developing a Access Database, recently I wanted to give my front end interface a bit more power so I have started learning VS 2010.

Anyways, I am still using Access for my databases and i am having a bit of trouble working with the data in VS 2010, what i would like is the following:

A way to form a string or integer from a SQL query (from a single field or multiple on that row) assuming the query will always return one row.

Then a way to write string or integer variables back in to db fields.


Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|ItemRegisterDB.mdb")
Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand With {.Connection = cn, .CommandText = "select * from tblItemregister where ItemID = 1"}


Example = ??? 'What would i need here to copy fields from that row to string?

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