VS 2010 Checkbox(txtbox Activation) And Textbox Calculations?

Feb 21, 2011

It's being some years since i actually wrote a program in VB, last time was VB 6.So it's being a long time, and things have changed a bit.And i am still very rusty, so i need to get back into it.I got a few problems which i cant remember very well.1st question.I got several text boxes, in these text boxes there will be prices of products.The very last text box is inactive, and is supposed to show the total of all of the above.I have to declare the text boxes to contain numeric values only, so there will be no mistake when doing the calculations.But i cant remember what it was, and what the best option is to add up all the values from the text boxes.

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Compare Txtbox 1 To Txtbox 2 While Typing?

Jun 21, 2010

Working on a personal project to help with my sons spelling.Textbox 1 will hold the correctly spelled word. Textbox 2 will be typed BUT I want the background of textbox2 to change green if he is on track but turn red when he messes up on a letter. Basically I need the two boxes to be validated each time he presses a key. I can do the box to box when complete but the trick I am having is how to I have them check as he is typing?

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VS 2010 - Using CPU Hardware ID As Activation Formula

Mar 24, 2011

I am going to publish my program soon. As for the product serial activation, I have combined the user machine's CPU ID and the MAC Address to make a formula. Here is the class code to find processor ID and MAC which I have found on net and used :

Friend Function GetProcessorId() As String
Dim strProcessorId As String = String.Empty
Dim query As New SelectQuery("Win32_processor")
Dim search As New ManagementObjectSearcher(query)
Dim info As ManagementObject
[Code] .....

There a few questions I want to ask to be sure about my program activation :
- These 2 function code, Are they safe to use ? Is there any possibility that one of them or both doesn't return anything ? ( because of user permissions,os type, etc...)
- Is it possible that somehow the user machine won't have MAC Address?
- Is Proccessor ID a Unique serial for each machine in the world?

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VS 2010 Change TextBox State With CheckBox

Dec 22, 2011

Public Class Form1
Private Sub CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox2.CheckedChanged


As you can see, when I enable/disable my checkbox it enables/disables my textbox.

The thing is, I have more than one textbox, how can i add more textboxes to be enabled/disabled?

I tried using If TextBox2.Enabled = True AND TextBox1.Enabled = True Then
TextBox2.Enabled = False And TextBox1.Enabled = False. (of course fails)

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.net - Manipulating Textbox Variables In Calculations?

Jan 2, 2012

I have some code where I am trying to use variables in a tabpage. The first tabpage only has one text box for user entry (miles.text) and a button to do a calculation: traveltime = mileage/speed. The value from miles.text is stored into a variable called mileage while the speed used is stored in a variable called speed (me.speedtextbox.text).

Ordinarily, doing val(variable.text) works like a charm and it's not doing it in this case. When the user enters 100 for the mileage, it should be divided by 65 (the number in the database) and, therefore, the answer should be 1.53 hours. In my case, I'm getting "infinity" and whenever I do anything else with the variable, I get "when casting from a number, the value must be a number less than infinity." But it is! It's only 65 and I double-checked that the dataset said that too, which it does. Not sure why I am getting this error.


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Databound Textbox Formatting And Calculations

Nov 19, 2010

All - I have a form that has two databound textboxes on it. To keep it simple, they are: Quantity & Value For BOTH of these text boxes, the TEXTCHANGED action will multiply the two and present the result in a LABEL. This works 100%.


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Databound Textbox Formatting And Calculations?

Sep 2, 2009

For BOTH of these text boxes, the TEXTCHANGED action will multiply the two and present the result in a LABEL.This works 100%.NOW - If I choose to add formatting to either of these text boxes, the calculation will not work. As one might guess, QUANTIY is formatted as NUMBERIC with zero decimal places and VALUE is formatted as CURRENCY with 2 decimal places.

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Drag A .txt File Onto The Txtbox, The Content Of The Text File Is Displayed In The Textbox?

Mar 3, 2012

I have a textbox on a form that is set to allow dragdrop operations from txt files.Basically you drag a .txt file onto the txtbox, the content of the text file is displayed in the textbox.All is working fine, however after the textfile is displayed in the textbox, the text box text is for some reason is highlighted.I don't want the text to be highlighted (or selected) after it's being displayed on the textbox.Second issue, after I close the file that I dragged, for some reason even if I didn't make any changes to the file, it is acting as if the file has changed.In another words, if I open a text file using my MenuItem Open item, and if I do not change the file, If I close the file it's fine it closes.However, if I close a file that I draged into the text box and then close the file without changing anything in it, the stringcompare function is telling me that the file has changed... I can't understand why.

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VS 2010 ListView - Program Ignore The Response Of The User In Checking The Checkbox Instead It Leaves The Checkbox Uncheck

Jan 2, 2012

I have a ListView with Checkboxes in vb.net and what I want to do is when the user check the checkbox, the program ignore the response of the user in checking the checkbox, instead it leaves the checkbox uncheck.

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CheckBox Error - Whenever Textbox Says "Default" And Click On The Checkbox - Msgbox Pops Up Twice

Feb 8, 2012


Whenever the textbox says "Default" and I click on the checkbox, the msgbox pops up twice. Any way to fix this?

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VB 2010 - SQL Table Calculations?

Feb 4, 2011

I am working in Visual Basic 2010 Express and have a table with 3 columns created using a SQL dataset called 'test' if you like.The table columns are called A B and C If someone enters a value of 10 in A and 15 in B, is it possible for column C to automatically add them up and come up with 25? - if so how do I start?The above is only a simple example of the problem I have, but once on the right track I am sure I can apply the same logic to the table I actually have?

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Accumulator And Calculations Are Not Working In VB 2010?

Apr 13, 2012

OK, so my accumulator is now adding and showing properly in the form as a total. However, something is wrong in my if... then statement and it's not throwing it to the 2nd level after reaching the 125.*Edit to show updated with the Do While Loop. Now causing issues with my input error msgbox... *

do while decTotalCredits < 125
If IsNumeric(txtCredit.Text) Then
' This statement will convert the string entered to decimal and establish the


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VS 2010 - Checking Whether Two Calculations Have Same Elements

Oct 6, 2011

I seem to occasionally find myself trying to compare two List(of T) to see whether or not they contain the same elements. A quick check of the documentation shows the SequenceEquals method, but that appears to check whether the two lists have the same length, and have the same elements in the same order. I don't care about the order. I want to know whether two collections have the same elements. Doing this is not terribly difficult, and seems common enough, so I was expecting that there would be some function that handles it.

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VS 2010 - Combining Multiple Records And Doing Calculations

Jun 28, 2010

I have a database (SQL Server 2008) with multiple tables and records. 1 Table contains all kinds of invoice items, which have a unique id, Client ID and invoice number.

My goals is as following:
- I want to show the invoice items in an datagrid, all merged as 1 invoice item (showing date, total without VAT, total with VAT, VAT percentage, VAT value and if the invoice has been paid or not.)
- The datagrid should only contain the invoices for a specific client.
- Should add up totals (Amount paid, Amount not paid, Amount Overdue, Total Amount)
- Should be withing specific date range.

Everything in this table has been saved as varchar except invoice id and unique.

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VS 2010 - Need Runtime Error When Dividing By Zero In Calculations

May 12, 2011

I'm trying to make a program that uses Ohms circle to calculate varying data regarding electricity, I think that if you look at my code you'll get a good idea. The problem that I'm having is that I'm using On Error Resume Next so the program will automatically find the valid calculation to calculate the value for the variable, but what's happening is that when it divides by zero (the default value for variables with no value) it gets Infinity, which it has decided IS a value, but I don't want it to be, I need a runtime error so it will bypass that calculation and go on to the next one.

'Skip erroneous statements and continue on to next line of valid code
On Error Resume Next
'v = voltage
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 - Store Data From A RTD Server Into A Array For Calculations?

Jul 16, 2010

Does anyone know how to store data from a RTD server into a array for calculations...?

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VS 2010 : Checking For Empty Text Boxes Before Doing Calculations?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm writing a program for my class, which pretty much is an energy cost calculator. It takes 4 inputs from 4 text boxes and multiplies them, and the result is the cost. Well, now I have to come up with a way to check for empty text boxes and display a prompt to enter a number. I've tried inserting multiple codes to display a prompt and to no avail nothing has worked, I also receive the error "when casting from a number, the value must be a number less than infinity" error.

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VS 2010 - Most Efficient And Speedy Data Structure In Order To Carry Out Calculations

Mar 12, 2012

Which is the most efficient and speedy data structure in order to carry out calculations on it?. I have seen, collections, arrays, list arrays, databases and more. I would prefer to write just straight forward code that will be effective and which I can still understand. What I would like to do initially is have the ability to add new draws to the end of the file, edit the individual files and delete lines if required.

File would then be reformatted to show the corrections made. Some kind of data entry window is envisioned. As far as number crunching goes, I would like to make counts of each number in each of the columns , calculating averages, times since last drawn and so on.

Without being too long winded, I would eventually like to find triple combinations and maybe use them as predictions. So there you have it. This way I won�t have to go off on the wrong path, on a data structure that may not be able, or be too slow for the tasks at hand.

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VS 2010 Constants And Calculations - Project - Input An Employees Sales And Calculate The Gross Pay

Apr 6, 2012

This is the Project that i have to make. Create a project that will input an employees sales and calculate the gross pay, deductions, and net pay. Each employee will receive a base pay of $900 plus a sale commission of 6% of sales.

After calculating the net pay, calculate the budget amount for each category based on the percentages given in the tables below:

Your Form should use text boxes to input the employees name and the amount of the sales and also use text boxes to display the results of the calculations. Provide buttons for Calculate, Clear, and Exit. Display a message to the user for any bad input data. Now i want to know for constants its going to be : commission sale, deductions and everything in Budget? I am also guessing that for the gross pay its going to be the" Gross pay = base pay * Commission" ?

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.net - Clear() Or Txtbox.Text = "" Textbox Clear Methods

Sep 20, 2010

way to clear textboxes in VB.Net and what is the difference between the two methods? I have also seen people be critical of folk using clear objects on their forms and i can see why but in this case, i am only learning.



txtbox1.Text = ""

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.net - Checkbox From Datagridview To Textbox?

Nov 1, 2011

I have a checkbox column in the datagridview and also a column named "partqty" which displays the quantity of materails available.. I would want that when the user checks on the checkbox, the quantities of checked rows should be added and displayed in the textbox..

I tired something like this.. But it displays 0(zero) in the textbox.Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click


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Checkbox From Datagridview To Textbox?

Nov 1, 2011

I have a checkbox column in the datagridview and also a column named "partqty" which displays the quantity of materails available.. I would want that when the user checks on the checkbox, the quantities of checked rows should be added and displayed in the textbox..

I tired something like this.. But it displays 0(zero) in the textbox..

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
'For Each _rw As DataGridViewRow In dataGridView1.Rows


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FTP As Activation License?

Dec 12, 2010

Just looking at various ways to do so.I came accross an article which unfortunatly I can't find anymore. It explained it like this. (I'll try remember all of it)1) Put activation key in textbox12) Press button3) Checks with the FTP server if the title of a file (In the this case the license key) in the FTP server.4) If the file doesnt exist then a message box comes up incorrect license.4b) I the file does exist then my.settings.activate = 15) Next time its loaded up, the program checks if my.settings.activate = 15b) If not then an activation key must be put in and proccess starts again.

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.net - Getting Value From Dynamically Created Textbox And Checkbox?

Jun 20, 2011

i write the following code to create code

Dim i, x, y As Integer
x = 30
y = 25
i = 0


i want to retrive the textvalue of checkbox whose checked property is true and respective textbox at a buttonclick event. Problem is in finding the controls and their textvalue. any one can help?Thanks in Advance.dt1 is datatable .For window form application.

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Asp.net - Only Check That Checkbox Which Is Entered In Textbox?

Nov 13, 2010

How to only check that checkbox which is entered in textbox ? If i have 4 checkboxes eith text checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3 and checkbox4 and 1 textbox if i type in textbox 1,2 then only checkbox1 and checkbox2 would be checked again directly after doing that i type 3,4 in textbox then only 3,4 will be checked and 1,2 will be uncheked.. remember i wanna do this coding for unlimited no. of checkboxes .. so dnt provide coding for 4 checkboxes only.

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Retrieve Checkbox Checked Value In Textbox

Dec 11, 2010

i have retrieve checkbox checked value in textbox as 1,2,3,4,5...so on ...and inserted into database ... using vb.net [code]I want when i search for the record of 11-Dec-2010 then checkbo 1, checkbox2, checkbox3, checkbox4, checkbox5 will be unchecked and disabled for 11-Dec-2010...

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Simple Checkbox Binding Without Using A Textbox

Jun 11, 2011

I Have a question about binding (pageID + PermissionID) to a checkbox/ checkboxlist, without using a textbox or any other tool. The thing is, i'm working on something just for exploration is it possible to have multiple checkboxes all bind to a different pageID but all have same permission. (lets say the permission is view-only) So when some checks a checkbox with ID 1, ,5,9,19,56 he gets view permission to those pages. when he uncheckes then they get deleted.

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VS 2008 Make Checkbox And Textbox?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm trainig to make a program, when you check 2 different Checkbox it add on textbox. The textbox need create a other line witout delete the fist.I dont have problems when checkbox it add on textbox but i dont make me a new line it's all togheter.

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Click Once Activation Failed

Apr 16, 2012

i have installed my program on several computers and it works but for some reason on this one computer it doesn't work.i attached the error log. i can't figure out why it won't run. it installs ok.

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Forms :: Activation Of A Databinding

Sep 27, 2011

Let's say we have a controltab with two tab. The first tab contains textboxs where entry values are entered On the second tab are textboxs that display the results. I have noticed that if I fill up the entry values and create the binding between each textbox and their property and then I destroy it (without clearing the textboxs), the textboxs of the second tab will not display any result. I have this exemple here BindingAddition.rar


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