VS 2010 Components Not Appearing In Screenshot Of Form2?

Mar 27, 2012

So I need to show form2, take screenshot, hide form2. But it's kinda not really working.
Here are my codes below:


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VS 2010 Screenshot Taking?

Aug 21, 2010

i found some code to take screenshot from screen it works perfectly - changes and my vb.net - skill is pretty low ode is here:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module Module1
<DllImport("user32.dll")> _


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VS 2010 Take Screenshot Of Control?

May 24, 2012

I have a control on the form where I want a screenshot from. Let's say I have a webcontrol added and navigated to [URL]

How do I create a screenhot of only the webbrowser control? (So no region selector, what-so-ever. Nothing manually)

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Pass Data From Form2 To Form1 When Form2 Is Closing

Nov 29, 2009

Last one day I could not manage to pass data from one form2 other form.

When I am opening Form2 from Form1, I can pass data from Form1 to Form2.

When I am closing Form2, I want to pass data from Form2 to Form1 which is still open when I close form2.

I try to use shared textbox, but I understand that this is nt supported.

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Taking Screenshot From Games By Using VB 2010?

Apr 18, 2012

I made a program that take screenshots but it doesn't take screenshot from 3d games what is the code :( and here is my code


my program is bigger than this too much :D but these are the important codes :D

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VS 2010 Screenshot / Image Output?

Nov 2, 2010

i try to make a GMFcard i want VB to make a image it must be a generated oneand it must use the template from the own dir like

image.bmp is blank Card it must generate a new card from that with text on it. given by my app.

if thats not possible or to hard is it possible to create a screenshot from the current form

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VS 2010 Take Screenshot Of External Application?

Apr 8, 2011

I need to take screenshot of another (third party) application window and save it in a folder.

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VS 2010 - Screenshot Of Specific Window By Handle

Jan 30, 2011

I want to make a screenshot of a specific window of which I know the handle. I know there is a BitBlt function but I can't get that to work with the handle, I prefer it to work even if the window is not active but I'm not sure if this is possible at all.

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VS 2010 Screenshot Of Active Window Area

Jan 16, 2012

Is it possible to have VB.NET take a screenshot of a specific area in a program?

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VS 2010 Exceptions And Debug Info Not Appearing In Output Window

Oct 21, 2011

Since reinstalling VS2010, it has not been displaying proper debug info. I don't think I changed any settings but I have had a hunt through the options and can't see anything I might have messed up. I have had a quikck search and other people seem to have had the same problem but no solution. I'm running Windows 7 x64 with latest updates, if that matters.

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VS 2010 - Cannot Remove Components With Uninstall

Jul 15, 2010

I don't know what's got into them but they decided to purchase vs2010 pro licenses in my company. Anyway i gave it a quick look and since i don't need to have it installed right now (service pack 1 first, Microsoft anti-bug law) i uninstalled it. The problem i see is that it leaves leftovers everywhere.C++ redist, ado components, sql r2 components etc. These will not be deleted if i just remove vs2010 but will be installed if i install vs2010 full.Anyway i ended up removing them one by one and it took about 30-45 minutes. So has anyone have done a removal? Is this the case? I cannot remove most of the components with one big uninstall?

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VS 2010 Copy Controls And Components

Jan 9, 2012

I would like to create a new form within my project that is identical in terms of the controls and components of one of my existing forms. The difference will be in the code where I will change some constants.

Is there a way to copy the controls and components(text boxes...) so that I don't have to use the design mode to create the form again?

I've tried copying the code of the original form and pasting it into the new form, however it only pastes the code and not the actual buttons and texts boxes.

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VS 2010 How To Make Program Cuts Internet Connection Without Appearing In Taskbar

Jan 25, 2012

How to make program cuts Internet connection without appearing in the taskbar,I used the following methods, but did not succeed

1. shell("net stop dhcp") appear in taskbar
2. shell("ipconfig /release") appear in taskbar

View 21 Replies

VS 2010 Using A Drop Down Box To Hide And Show Different Components?

May 28, 2011

I've been trying to work out away off using a drop down box to hide and show different components, on top of one another, within panels using this

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
If ComboBox1.Text = "Panel 2" Then
Panel1.Visible = False


However this only works as wanted when the panels are separate from one another (one above, one below) but I want them to be on top of each other so I can switch between them. Essentially I want two forms within a form.Second question; I have an equation I wish to implement in my code (N = N0*e^-a*b) does vb have a way of calculating exponentials and logs? (Ie: log(a/b))

View 4 Replies

VS 2010 Making A Screenshot Program But Unable To Draw The Rectangle?

Nov 22, 2011

I'm currently working on a screenshot program, much like Gyazo and I've come across a problem.


Now, it draws perfectly when I drag left to down (vice versa), but when I try and drag the opposite way (this is when I get negative x and y values), it doesn't seem to draw the rectangle.I've tried fixing it but with no luck at all, it just messes it up :c

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VS 2010 - Add Controls/components (such As Performance Counters, Timers, Etc.)?

Oct 25, 2011

Which is less resource-intensive (per se):

> Add controls/components (such as Performance Counters, Timers, etc.) to a project by dragging them onto the form and using them by setting the properties and using code to program what they do.

> Add controls/components (such as Performance Counters, Timers, etc.) to a project by using Dim x As New Performance Counter or Dim y As New Timer in code without actually dragging them from the Toolbox onto the bar at the bottom (under the Form Design).Or is there another way to do this that uses less CPU/RAM/Resources/etc.?

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VS 2010 Getting The Shockwave Flash Object To Show Up In The COM Components

Mar 22, 2012

I am having trouble getting the shockwave flash object to show up in the COM components i have installed the adobe flash player and adobe shockwave flash but the shockwave flash object is still not there.

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VS 2010 Getting Form1.timer1_tick On Form2?

Oct 4, 2011

I am trying to do an if then statement on form2 that references timer1 on form1, something like...if form1.timer1_tick then the problem is that I have never worked with a second form before and I am not quite sure on how to achieve this?

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VS 2010 Can't Find The Auto-generated Initialize Components Method

Jul 14, 2011

I'm messing with a GUI however I can't seem to find the auto-generated initialize components method. There certainly is a constructor somewhere, my gui initialises and works just fine, but I can't see it...

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VS 2010 Loading Data From Form2 Into Form1

Mar 26, 2012

I'm making an autotyper/spambot, these may seem wrong to a few or most of you but it's a $50 bet to me. But anyway, I have the controls on form 1, (TextBox1 + Start + Stop (user input), ComboBox1 + Start + Stop (For pre-defined input.)) and the pre-defined text on form2. But I have a problem with the combo box reading the data on form 2.

On timer2_tick

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VS 2010 Multi_Thread - How To Open Form2 In A 2nd Thread?

Jul 15, 2011

I have a form frmInvMaint which loads about 800 000 records from my Pick database. I have a 2nd form frmLoading with a animated gif on it. The reason for this is the application takes about 30seconds to return the selection from the DB. During that time, the application seems to be hanging (not responding). I added the frmLoading to show, before the selection executes. This way the user will see a animated loading gif on his screen, assuring him that the application is working in the background. My lame attempt on multi threading failed. The gif on frmLoading hangs, infact, the entire form hangs. Will multithreading fix this if done properly?

This is the code I used:


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Install Microsoft.Data.Access.Components.2.8 In Visual Studio 2010?

Jun 12, 2012

I am using the publish wizard in VB 2010 Professional for deployment as I tried the InstallShield and the Standard Build and cannot get support. My last resort is this wizard. Please help me I am getting the following 2 warnings. I downloaded MDAC 2.8 SP1 for warning 2 and after I run the program it doesn't upgrade and appear in VB2010. How can I install it in VB2010 Pro. Also How can I get the .Net.Framework.2.0 installed.

Warning 2 The 'SAP Crystal Reports Runtime Engine for .NET Framework 4.0' item selected requires 'Microsoft.Data.Access.Components.2.8'. Select the missing prerequisite in the Prerequisites Dialog Box or create a bootstrapper
package for the missing prerequisite. SendGlobalMobileAdvertisingBlasts


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VS 2010 - Public Variables, Functions Are Not Visible In Form2

Jun 26, 2011

I've got a program that runs from one Windows form, Form1, with stuff declared all in that class: public variables, public functions, subs, etc. I decided that the form was getting cluttered, so I added one button to bring up a new form, Form2, and I put some of the buttons & check boxes for testing over there, so that Form1 can be more visually clean. Problem: when I go to put the code for the tests into the buttons on Form2, none of the public variables or subs or functions that reside in Form1 are visible in Form2. What statement/s do I need to add (and where) so that the public "stuff" that's declared in the class for Form1 is visible within Form2, please?

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Call Menu From Form2 To Form1 Like VB 6 Do "Me.PopupMenu Form2.mymenu"?

Dec 15, 2009

I have 2 forms. On form1 i have listview on form2 i have menu. I'd like to call form2 menu from Form1 ListView1_MouseUp. I tryed to use this code


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VS 2010 How To Prevent Fields Being Reset In Form1 & Form2 On Program Close

Nov 18, 2011

I am Matthew and I'm extremely new to coding and any sort of scripting language; yet I am highly interested in programming and want to learn lots about this subject. So to start myself off I am trying to create some applications which I could use in day-to-day life to just basically make life easier.So the first program I am trying to make I am already confused and not sure what the heck I have to do in order to get it functioning, I've looked on lots of videos on you tube for tutorials and they have all done a great job but some videos just don't answer my questions.When I click a button and "Form2.Show()" appears, how can I make it so that when I type text in a list box in form2, it doesn't disappear when I close it? Then once I have known done that, how can I make it so I can choose a random string of text in the list box on form2 to show up on the click of a button on form1? Then a final question is, How do I prevent fields being reset in form1 & form2 on program close? Also, is it ok for me to make a thread asking 1 simple question? or do I have to ask a handful each time to save threads or something?

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Microsoft's VB 2010 - Add Required Components And Click On Button - App Simply Disappears, Closes Goes Right Back Into A Stopped State

Dec 11, 2010

I'm using the following code

' Visual Basic
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


Its straight off the Microsoft site found here: [URL]

When I add the required components and click on the button, my app simply disappears, closes, goes right back into a stopped state. No errors, No Warnings, No issues. Nothing. Its as-if there is a stray "END" just before the IF statement. (But there isn't) Its stopping right at the IF statement. My app (THEIR CODE) just makes it disappear and "Stop". The code was working about an hour ago, but now nothing, and thats the only code on the project.

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Pass The Selected Rows Of A Datagridview Of Form2 To The Datagridview Of The Form2?

Feb 15, 2012

In my scenario when i press the "Get Book Details " of the Form1 , it will redirect to the Form2 , in the form load of Form2 a datagridview is filled with values along with the checkbox column and the desired rows of all the columns are selected and when OK button(form2) is pressed the selected rows should get populated to the datagridview of the form1.But i m not getting the selected rows to the form1t.

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Basic Screen Is Not Appearing?

Aug 16, 2010

I start by using the ActiveX controls and access data from an Excel file but all it does is show the excel file and the changes I made The Visual Basic screen does not pop up directly afterwards.The graphics work in other programs.

Dim gphFormGraphics As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load[code]....

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Button Not Appearing When App Built?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a problem where a button at the top left of a tab control will not appear in debug or compiled. There is no code telling it to hide.

Now, I can make it re-appear by moving it, then moving it back to the exact same position. If I then re-build it will be there.

It will then be there for a number of builds, at which point it might disappear again. This seems to happen for a few buttons in my project. The common factors are that they are on a tab control (standard dot net ctrl) and near the top left of a tab page.

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Error Is Appearing On Code?

Apr 14, 2011

Private Sub ExitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitButton.Click
End Sub


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