VS 2010 Get The Innerhtml With Webclient?

Dec 8, 2009

i got the function, but it only can get the outer html, any method or suggestion to get the innerhtml with webclient?


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VS 2010 Get InnerHTML Of Frame?

Jul 24, 2010

I have the web code below, and im trying to get the inner HTML of the frame called pp_nav, any ideas?

<frameset noresize="noresize" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" rows="197, *">
<frame noresize="true" border="0" frameborder="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" name="pp_nav" src="http://www.mysite.com/canvas/view_navigation.html?username=crunk-atl&active_page=canvas" />


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VS 2010 ProgressBar With Webclient Downloadstring

Jan 19, 2012

How can I integrate a ProgressBar in this code? It takes normally some seconds (9-10), but my program looks like a "crash", for this reason i want use a ProgressBar


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VS 2010 - Speed: WebClient Versus Socket

Apr 25, 2012

I make a lot of programs that require an internet connection to download things from the web.At the very beginning, I used WebClient, as I didn't know Socket & how it worked.But now, I use Socket all the time, altough it's more lines of code. It seems to work faster then WebClient.I am interested if this is really true & why WebClient is slower (so is HttpWebRequest) then just a Socket.I've setup 2 threads which starts on the click of a button (WebClient thread starts first), the Socket beats the WebClient by just some milliseconds, but still.Each way has it's advantages & disadvantages, e.g.: if you use Socket, you need to write the header yourself & parse the response header.My question is, which one do you prefer & why ?Do you know why WebClient & HttpWebRequest are slower then Socket, as I assume, WebClient & HttpWebRequest both use tcp to download the things.

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VS 2010 Picture Download (Webclient) Incomplete?

Aug 9, 2011

I am trying to download a 163 KB jpg file from the web with Webclient. The dimensions of it are ~332 x 491 pixels.


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VS 2010 WebClient OpenWriteAsync Not Updating File?

Aug 8, 2011

I'm using the WebClient class' OpenWriteAsync function, and I'm having a little trouble with it. I want it to write some information to a .txt file I have uploaded on my FTP. I made it display a message after it has completed doing so, and the message does indeed pop up.However, I've checked my .txt file numerous times, and it hasn't actually been e Here's some of my

Dim otherclient As New WebClient()
AddHandler otherclient.OpenWriteCompleted, AddressOf WriteCompleted
otherclient.OpenWriteAsync(New Uri(URL))


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VS 2010 WebClient.DownloadString Took Too Time If Server Is Down?

Jul 6, 2010

working in an intranet sit .downloadString took less than one second,but some times the server is down (maitenance or so on) and the the result took maybe one minute or so.Is there any way to set an lower interval?for example, if the server doesn't respond in 9 seconds return empty string, or so on.

I've read some about async comm but not sure what is the best solution.

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VS 2010 - WebClient Async Freeze Up When Fetches Data

Dec 1, 2011

I am trying to get my program to read async so it doesn't just freeze up while it fetches the data. I have:
SR = New StreamReader(WC.OpenReadAsync(New Uri(url)))
Dim html = SR.ReadToEnd.ToString
It keeps throwing the error "does not produce an expression". I remember trying this in the past, only to have the same error.

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VS 2010 WebClient.DownloadFileAsync - 403 Access Forbidden Error

May 1, 2010

I'm trying to download a simple text file from a web server. It's easily accessible from the web browser and I can download it from the web browser. However, whenever I use a WebClient to download the file, I get a 403 Access Forbidden Error! I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I haven't come across this kind of error in programming before and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do to get around it.

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Alternative To InnerHTML/outerHtml?

Oct 24, 2011

If I wanted to make changes in page site (using with WebBrowser, and only the user will see it) I would do it:

Dim Rstring As String = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerHtml
Rstring = Replace(Rstring, "Some Text To Replace", "<B>Some Text To Replace</B>")
WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerHtml = Rstring

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[Innerhtml] Submitted A Webform?

Dec 24, 2009

I'm working on a Habbo easy-login client, but I can't hit submit for the love of god.. my code looks a bit like this:

Me.WebBrowser1.Document.All("Username").SetAttribute("value", txtUser)
Me.WebBrowser1.Document.All("Password").SetAttribute("value", txtPw)

I'm pretty certain I have the name right for login.. The User and password fill in wonderfully. (I've tried this on other web forms and I couldn't hit submit on them, either)

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VS 2010 WebClient Get Error When Converting String To System.Net.IWebProxy

Sep 21, 2011

I am getting an error with this Dim Web As New WebClient Web.Proxy = "" It says runtime errors may occur when converting string to System.Net.IWebProxy What does that mean?

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VS 2010 WebClient.UploadFileAsync : Including Both Server And Client Examples?

May 13, 2011

have any examples for UploadFileAsync? Including both server and client examples?

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VS 2010 Why Does WebClient.DownloadString Remove Part Of HTML's Source

Nov 13, 2011

When I go to webcrawler.com and search for something, then look at the source code, a chunk of HTML similar to this displays the search results:

<div id="webResults">
<div class="searchResult webResult">
<a class="resultTitle" data-icl-coi="540" data-icl-cop="results-main" href=[website] target="_blank">[title]</a>


But when I use WebClient.DownloadString to read the source code to a textbox, I only get this:

<div id="webResults">

There's nothing. All of the webresults have been removed.How come I can view the code in my internet browser but not on my application?? I even used an InStr method to confirm that the results weren't contained in the generated code.

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InnerHtml Reading Specific Words

May 30, 2010

I want to make visual basic read between <strong> and </strong> , and take out the "welcome back,".I want it to just say "itoknc". How could I do that with inner html?

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Using InnerHtml To Parse A Href Web Link?

Aug 1, 2010

The following does not work as the syntax is incorrect - the speech marks are required to specify the link, however at the same time they terminate the speech marks containing the value of RegisteredStatus.InnerHtml.

How should I be writing this?

RegisteredStatus.InnerHtml = "<p>To save favorites and create your own user profile space, please click <a href="../Register.aspx"><u>here</u>.</a></p>"

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VS 2008 - InnerHtml - Cannot Submit Form

Dec 23, 2009

I'm working on a easy-login client, but I can't hit submit for the love of god. my code looks a bit like this:

Me.WebBrowser1.Document.All("Username").SetAttribute("value", txtUser)
Me.WebBrowser1.Document.All("Password").SetAttribute("value", txtPw)

I'm pretty certain I have the name right for login. The User and password fill in wonderfully. Any suggestions? (I've tried this on other web forms and I couldn't hit submit on them, either)

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Difference Between Documentstream And Document.body.innerhtml?

Feb 14, 2012

I would like to know please what is the difference between the 2 syntaxes :

Dim page As IO.Stream = WebBrowser1.DocumentStream

Dim s As New IO.StreamReader(page)


Sometimes one of them fits what I want, and sometimes the other fits what I really want... I still don't get StreamReader and StringReader and DocumentStreem and Document.body.innerhtml ... I hope somebody could explain please... because I am confused.

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How To Get InnerHTML Of A Link / Button In WebBrowser Control

Jan 25, 2010

I Hav a WebBrowser Control In my Application , Where i hav loaded my own designed HTML Page.Now i hav several buttons in that HTML. So i want to get the Button's innerHTML When ever that Button is clicked.

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VS 2008 - Document.getElementById - Take Values & Innerhtml From Some Elements On A Webpage

Sep 8, 2009

I want to make an application that takes values & innerhtml from some elements on a webpage i made. For that i added a webbrowser to the project, and pointed it to navigate to my localhost server where i have some pages. However when i use the document.getelementbyid i don't get nothing on my richtextbox, and i don't know why, i use this function lot in javascript & i think its quite similar, so i don't know why it doesn't work , here is the code i use.


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Get InnerHTML Of "iFrames" In A Web Browser?

Nov 15, 2010

There is a situation in which I require the text from the "iFrames". I am using webbrowser control to automate but I am unable to find the particular document wherein I can locate my desired data. It is stored in "iFrames". Can anyone help me with "iFrames"?

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Get The WebClient To Use Cookies?

May 13, 2010

I would like the VB.net WebClient to remember cookies.

I have searched and tried numerous overloads classes.

I want to login to a website via POST, then POST to another page and get its contents whilst still retaining my session.

Is this possible with VB.net without using WebBrowser control ?

I tried Chilkat.HTTP and it works, but I want to use .Net libraries.

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Set Time Out For WebClient?

Mar 5, 2011

I use

wb as webclient

Say 40 seconds have passed. I want wb to just give up. How to do so?

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Webclient Not Working?

Jul 12, 2010

well its werid it worked once but then it just randomly stop i do havenamespace

Imports System.net
Imports System.IO


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Jun 20, 2012

as per usual i am a little confused. I know DownloadStringAsync runs on a threaded pool with a default min and max threads limit, but what confuses is how would i call DownloadStringAsync say for example ten times.Example.I have an array with 10 URLS. Surely i would not use a for each loop of the array index to pass the url address while each time calling DownloadStringAsync(New Uri("someArray(index)") surely we can pass say a range of items from the array and let DownloadStringAsync decide on the threaded pool how many to process each time?

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Cancelling Upload With WebClient?

Apr 4, 2012

Using the following VB.Net simple code to upload files in FTP, a call to WebClient.CancelAsync() doesn't actually cancel the upload.Does someone know why, and what can be done about this?

Private Sub UploadProgressChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventArgs)
'TO-DO: Why is pbar empty?
ProgressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage
Label1.Text = e.BytesSent & " bytes sent"
End Sub


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Differences Between HttpWebRequest And WebClient?

Jun 9, 2010

differences between HttpWebRequest and WebClient and why I should use either.

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Download Zip File From Web Using Webclient?

Nov 23, 2010

I am trying to use system.net to download a zip from a website.I am using the following code .[code].....I am doing something wrong here.The zip file is getting downloaded but the size is not correct.How to know the size of the file I download and assign to my buffer .

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DownloadFileCompleted (Webclient) Called Twice?

Sep 21, 2011

I use webclient to download a file Async. Defined in the Globals.

Public WithEvents wbclient As New WebClient

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Downloading File Using WebClient?

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to use WebClient to download a .zip file from my server. In debugging mode the code works perfectly, but when I deploy my software the file does not even begin to download.After my program checks to see if an update is available, it should download the .zip file from my web server via the following


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