VS 2010 - How Does The API Functions Read / Write Process Works

Jul 18, 2010

need to know exactly how does the API functions Read/Whrite Process works. I'm so confused while working. I know that I have to work using something like sectors. But I don't know how. Can someone give me an example. I dont know hoe to do it. for an example, for you to give me. Create a basic programa with a button and a textbox the button searchs what is in the textbox in a process memory. Search the title of a program for example.

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Read/Write Process Memory?

May 15, 2009

Read/Write Process Memory?

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Read/Write Process Memory Address Values?

May 30, 2010

Ive basically got 2 problems I need to solve.1) I am trying to determine if a certain process is running on the user's machine at the same time as my program.2) I am also then,if the process is running, trying to edit a specific memory addresses value. I have already found the memory addresses for the program, but how do I tell VB.Net to basically read the current value stored in that memory address, and then write a new value to that address

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Functions Nearly Identical, One Works, One Locks Up The Whole Form?

Feb 9, 2012

I've have found answers here frequently in the past just from browsing. But now I'm completely dumbfounded.

I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Express, on Win7 32bit. My application talks to an Arduino via a virtual com port provided by a cheap Bluetooth to serial adapter. I use a text based protocol that is working fairly well. BUT one method in my code, taht seems functionally equivvalent to the other methods is locking up my whole window.

It does this whether I'm debugging or running the exe.Below are the offending method, and a simmilar one defined above it that works with no problems.


If I comment out the cal to write, everything works fine. Aside from me setting some state bools and playing with button titles in the first method, I can't see the difference as to why one works fine and the other hangs.

I really hope someone has some experience in the SerialPort object and VB that can shed some light on this.I've tried everything I can think of. I thought maybe it was the inline concatenation, so I dim'd a local and assigned the string to it, and passed that to Write. But I have another method that uses inline concatenation that doesn't do this.

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Write / Edit Process Memory In (Visual Studio 2010)

Jan 7, 2012

I am trying to edit the process memory of a game (Age Of Empires II: The Conquerers). I can edit the memory manually on TSearch and it works just fine. I want to this with VB.NET but have had no luck. Note: I am not doing this to cheat, I am just using this as a learning experience for changing process memory.


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VS 2010 READ / WHRITE Process Memory

Jun 21, 2010

I need a code that search's in a process memory a custom value. And get the address of that value. Its a simple question but with a hard answer. I've searched in all over the internet, but couldnt find any.

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Read And Write To MSaccess From 2010?

Mar 24, 2011

Is there a simple sample for read and write to MSaccess from vb2010?I like to display one field of the database in a text box and write to a field in a table whatever I type in the textbox.

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VS 2010 - Can't Get XML To Read / Write / Append

Feb 12, 2011

I'm trying to use XML more often in my apps, but somhow I just can't get it. Examples on the "net" are somehow unclear to me.


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VS 2010 How To Excel Read/write

Jun 22, 2011

I have an excel database with one column and thousands of rows of "number" data. I need to import the data into my form read the first entry, run an algorithm then move the result to the second column then move to the second entry and so on. I am having issues with where to begin. I am able to convert the excel database to a text file if it makes it easier.The algorithm that needs to be ran consists of reading each character one at a time and is as follows:ENTRY example: 12358458754The characters 1,3,8,5,7,4 need to be summed then multiplied by 3. These are all the characters starting with the first one and skipping every other one. I will call them "odds" (not referring to numeric value)The characters that are skipped, I will call them "evens", need to be summed together then added to the result of "odds".

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VS 2010 Textbox Read/Write To TextFile?

May 7, 2011

The code below allows me to write a single line to a textfile. Id like to be able to open an entire textfile into a textbox, be able to edit said text and have it automatically write back to the same textfile.

Private myCoolFile As String = "C:UserskevinMy Documentspasswords.txt" '// your file.
Private myCoolFileLines() As String = Nothing '// String Array to read File Lines into.
Private sTemp As String = Nothing '// temp String to be used as needed.


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VS 2010 Access Read And Write Information From FTP Server?

Nov 7, 2009

I've been scrambling my brain to figure out how to access my FTP server thing to get a list of text files in a folder and to edit the contents of those files online.

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VS 2010 Read/Write Program Memory Addresses?

May 30, 2010

I've been scouring Google looking for a solution to my problem, but I can't seem to find anything so thought you guys might know a way of solving my problem.Im writing a little program which needs to change a few different memory address variables of a specific process.Does anyone know how first of all I can detect if the specific process is running on the user's machine, and then how I would read the value of the memory addresses, and write to them also.

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Write A Little Program That Checks For A Process - ,,Cheat Engine" Is Running The Process Is Getting Killed?

Oct 13, 2009

i am trying to write a little program that checks for a process and kills is.here is the

Dim p As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Cheat Engine")(0)

My problem is it�s woking ,yes if the programm ,,Cheat Engine" is running the process is getting killed.But if the program is not running my program crashes.

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VB 2010 : Make A VB Application That Can Read And Write At Excel Or At SQlite Db?

May 5, 2012

I am trying to make a VB application that can read and write at excel or at SQlite db.With the excel my application works fine, but when i tried to share my application 1 of my friends can open it and all the others no.So i want to try with the SQlite but i dont know what i need for to support the sqlite at my VB project.I am using VB 2010 but i can also i can use C#?

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VS 2010 Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory Error

Mar 25, 2011

I'm gettiing this error from my app: "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." But it carries on for about 5 minutes then stops. The application log shows this:


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Will VS 2010 Express Read, Write To Random Access Files

Apr 19, 2011

I have recently decided to give .net another chance, but i have a few questions about it before i get really into it. RE: Files, I use random access files to store data as opposed to databases (namely i don't see the need for a database for storing so little information(records <200 max) knowing that it is an older system and less "cool" i don't care...) Will vs2010 express read, write to random access files? Would it be done kind of like vb6 (which is my current vb version)? I will be needing to print the text of rich text boxes, is vs2010 express capable of doing this?

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Create/read/write To A Visual Studios 2010 Pro Capable/provided Db?

Mar 31, 2012

still working on my game, but a college classmate said that I need to use databases instead of text files...so I'm wanting to know, what databases does visual studios 2010 provide for you to use...what code line should I use to create/write to/read from a databasew, and how do/should I create a database table/refer to it??

I would love to provide code, but I'm both using my cell, and don't have access to my computer right now due to it not being accessale due to not having the ability to have it hooked up right now...got new floors and don't have it plugged in yet/set up again...

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VS 2010 Read / Write Excel Cell Data To Textbox & Visaversa

Jan 31, 2011

I'm converting older VBA code to VB. I'm using Visual Studio or VB 2010 but am new to this "oop" approach and not a seasoned programmer. Scenario:

1. Open new Excel worksheet (see below - will this work?)


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Run As Other User Using Process.start Works On XP, Not On 7?

Oct 6, 2010

I use following code to run process as other user [with admin privileges]


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VB - Process Hook - Programme Only Works In My Documents

Jun 6, 2010

Recently i created a programme , making it work only in a certain process.

e.g: my programme only works in My Documents. something like that ?

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.net - Out Of Process COM Server Works Fine In The Unit Test Harness But Not In The Real Service?

Jun 1, 2011

We have a WCF service hosted in IIS that currently calls a VB6 DLL to do part of its job. This works fine, but we can't deploy the service to a 64-bit target environment without configuring IIS to run it in a 32-bit worker process.I am currently investigating ways around that restriction. Porting the VB6 DLL to .NET is not possible for various reasons, so I created an ActiveX EXE wrapper around the DLL in VB6, so that the service can run in 64-bit and the VB6 parts in 32-bit.

When I tested the service I got this error:

Type: System.UnauthorizedAccessException
Message: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {9AE7303B-D159-43F6-B1A5-52D297581820} failed due to the following error: 80070005.

After some Googling I found that this is due to either:

Calling an MS Office component
DCOM permissions not being configured
NTFS file permissions not allowing read/exec access to the IIS worker process identity (ASPNET in my environment)

Of these:

Definitely not applicable Also not applicable; I am not hosting the EXE in DCOM or COM+, just a simple COM out-of-process activation
This looks likely; however, I checked the permissions, and NTFS reports that the Users group (which ASPNET is a member of) does indeed have read/exec access to the file I tried calling the EXE from a unit test fixture, which is executed in my admin-level account rather than the IIS worker process account, and it worked fine, so the error is definitely something to do with permissions. I'm not sure what to do next.

UPDATE:The IIS virtual directory is configured for Anonymous+Windows access; the WCF service uses only Anonymous authentication, the Windows authentication is for the VS debugger. Task Manager reports that the aspnet_wp.exe process is definitely running in the ASPNET account.I explicitly granted Read and Execute access to the ASPNET and IUSR_<machine> accounts on all the COM exes and dlls involved. This made no difference.

I explicitly granted Local Launch and Local Activation access to the ASPNET and IUSR_<machine> accounts on the relevant interfaces in the DCOM configuration. This made no difference either.Keep trying to get this working somehow.Go the whole hog and host the EXE in COM+.Give up. Tell users that the WCF service must be configured to run in a 32-bit app pool on 64-bit Windows.

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Unsure How To Write In Message Box Functions For A Pop Up Window?

Nov 10, 2010

I am unsure how to write in message box functions for a pop up window. I need OK and Cancel buttons to display with my message box. The Ok button needs to close the message box and the Cancel button to close the entire program. Here is what I have so far

Public Class Form1
Public scoreA, scoreB As Single
Private Sub txtboxa_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtboxa.TextChanged
scoreA = txtboxa.Text


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Where To Write The Functions Of ApplicationEvents.vb When Converting Project To C#

Feb 1, 2012

I am trying to convert a VB.NET project to C#. I am conveting all the forms and classes as required, but I don't know where I need to write the events from ApplicationEvents.vb (I believe its autoGenerated from Properties) Here is the code in my ApplicationEvent.vb file:


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Write Functions In Form And Link To Database?

Feb 14, 2011

is it possible to create a form in vb, functions able to create, update or delete records?

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Write Some Functions To Stop From Having To Use The Same Code Over And Over In Program

Feb 13, 2010

I have a program and the program works fine. The only thing is that I want to shorten it up and stop using the same code over and over. I use the same redudant code through out the code. I want to write some functions in order to stop from having to use the same code over and over in my program. I wanted to know if someone could help me with functions: Here is part of my code below.


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Write Functions In Microsoft.NET (VB) To Avoid Memory Leaks?

May 8, 2012

What is the best way to write functions in Microsoft.NET (VB) to avoid memory leaks. I have always followed this style:

Public Sub TestMemoryLeak()
Dim testCon As SqlConnection


Here the connection reference is created before the TRY clause and is initialised after the TRY clause. I believe the connection is always closed and dereferenced even if an exception is thrown. Is this good practice? I see a lot of code that creates references and dereferences in the TRY clause, but this would mean that the memory is not correctly handled if an exception is thrown. Some developers say they don't like to clean up in the finally clause.

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Java, C#, VB: Write Thread Safety Functions Without Relying On Native Implementations?

Apr 24, 2011

is it ever possible to write locking-features(for threading) with the language itself (this question is purely academic, I know no one will ever do it even if its possible (not me))?

A) In Java, is it possible to write thread safety functions with java alone, but without using any of the provided classes/language elements/syntax which offer this feature?

B) In C#, is it possible to write thread safety functions with C# alone, but without using any of the provided classes/language elements/syntax which offer this feature?

C) In Vb, is it possible to write thread safety functions with Vb alone, but without using any of the provided classes/language elements/syntax which offer this feature?

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VS 2008 : Have A Class Where The Functions Of The Same Name Are Both Instance Functions And Shared Functions?

Dec 6, 2010

What I am trying to do is have a class where the functions of the same name are both instance functions and shared functions.

Public Shared Function Get...(byval xx as xx)


Public Function Get...

The Public Function uses a Property xx created in the constructor, whereas the Shared Function has the parameters (byval xx as xx).

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Create Multiple Functions (Read More For Detail)

Sep 11, 2009

I am currently in the proccess of making a calculator, i have added all the functions i want, (+, x, / and - plus = obviously), but the problem is, i cannot do something like, "4+5x2", I can do "4+5" but i cant make 1 function mix with the others.

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VS 2010 Read File And Write To New File?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a problem and hope someone have idea to rsolve it. I have a file and inside the file the format is like that :

123.567 456.789 12.345 223 223 221 223
123.555 456.788 12.344 223 223 221 222
123.456 345.678 456.234 445 445 445 445

total line is 3456789903. I want use vb console application to read the line and every 130000 line create a new output file.

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